Source LinksAniDex | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (16.54 GB) | NZB
Date Submitted28/03/2020 21:04
Series (!)Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
Tracker(s) 2L: 1C: 547U: 925d, 15hr, 35min ago failedU: 38d, 14hr, 47min ago
1.186 GB
1.327 GB
1.133 GB
1.354 GB
1.082 GB
1.018 GB
1.732 GB
1.089 GB
1.468 GB
1.296 GB
1.423 GB
1.092 GB
1.340 GB
SubtitlesAll Attachments

11 comment(s):
28/03/2020 22:24 — Anonymous
Please fetch as part 1 from iAHD also have been. Thanks.
28/03/2020 22:57 — Anonymous
Putting out half seasons like this make both downloads useless for most people.

It would be good to discourage this practice  
28/03/2020 23:22 — Anonymous
Most people don't have problems because they torrent.
29/03/2020 08:49 — Anonymous
It's like that because FUNimation released the season in two box sets.

So your idea is to postpone releasing the first set for several months until the full season is released? lol
29/03/2020 16:31 — Anonymous
That's what most people do
29/03/2020 16:53 — Anonymous
You must live under a rock if you think most encoders wait until they have both parts to release their encodes.
Most encoders want to get it out as quick as they can.
The only ones that wait are way late for the party or re-encoders.
29/03/2020 18:32 — Anonymous
As someone said, partial seasons are ok for torrents but they are a waste of resources for limited-time dll sites like this.  AT should skip them.  Many others will release whole season torrents of various sources when available.
29/03/2020 18:50 — Anonymous
Not a waste of resources if you keep on top of things. It's easier to get AT to fetch a half season file than a twice the size full season.
30/03/2020 04:07 — Anonymous
Exactly. I've actually thought of splitting torrents up into smaller batches just to ensure it gets fetched here due to people not being able to download my releases due to AnimeTosho not fetching despite requests just because it's 0.01 GB over the limit.
There is absolutely no reason to hold off releasing something for 6+ months just so the other part of the season will be out on Blu-ray and can be released all at once, just for AnimeTosho to say the batch is too big to be fetched.
30/03/2020 04:59 — Anonymous
People who go to volumes lose their following.  That's the trade-off.  Few users want to look for monthly volumes.  Consider how many groups used to do volumes and how few do anymore.  And if a pitiful one month of live links on AT is your target instead of torrent fans, your base is going to end up very small.  

It would be better to think of providing your own Mega links with your torrents and releasing seasons, rather than worry about AT.  It's ultra easy to do.
30/03/2020 05:19 — Anonymous
I call bull, because people by far download what comes first than they do waiting for batches. Just look at any torrent. People don't want to wait 6 months for something that is available. Fansubs don't just hold on to episodes waiting for the full season, no they release weekly.
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