[Commie] Girls und Panzer - 12 [DF4E061A].mkv

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Date Submitted26/03/2013 09:03
SeriesGirls und Panzer - Episode 12 (of 12): The Battle We Can't Back Down From!
Article (!)Girls und Panzer 12 END
File Name (Size)[Commie] Girls und Panzer - 12 [DF4E061A].mkv (404.6 MB)
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23 comment(s):
26/03/2013 10:43 *A_Registered_Trademark
As the series draws to a close, I think one fan at Commie said it best:

"SPITZE! vielen dank zu die leute auf commie, diese letzte episode macht mir zehr froh!"

According to Google Translates, this means:

"TIP! Many thanks to the people on commie, this last episode makes me happy sumption!"

--Tip indeed Commie, tip indeed.
26/03/2013 10:54 — Anonymous
"Spitze - cusp, dig (at), nib, peak, spire, tip, pinnacle, pike, top" - EUdict

I still don't get it.
26/03/2013 11:03 — Anonymous
Spitze, a word which means has many possible translations like tip or top but in this context it simply means _AWESOME_
and it should be: Vielen Dank an die Leute von Commie, diese letzte Episode macht mich sher froh
and that still would be somewhat akward german grammer :p
26/03/2013 11:04 — Anonymous
-means and sher= sehr

stupid typos in the middle of my coffee break xD

26/03/2013 11:25 — Anonymous
This site is English for a good reason ,please refrain from using languages like German.
26/03/2013 11:32 — Anonymous
first of all you reply to the wrong person, idiot , i merely explained something... second there is no such rule in the FAQ as to what languages are prohibited , third and last you moron the fucking Title of this anime use german language as does every second anime there is. thank you.
26/03/2013 11:45 — Anonymous
You are really clever "Title of this anime use German language as does every second anime there".Of course cartoons from Japan  use German titles on a regular basis because they originate from Germany . Great English as well ,primary school must be going well for you.
26/03/2013 11:52 — Anonymous
what does originate from germany the anime or the words, be clear on what you want to say, because i cant make it out, Great English? what is that
english is a west germanic language and has the same root as german, infact it was brought to the english isles by germans where it developed over the years into modern english, japanes langugae incorporated atleast 100 german words over the past century into their language like they do with english nowadays, like arubeito comes from german word arbeit meaning work.
but i was saying that in 50% of all anime there are they use actual german words , so go and complain to the anime crators for using german words instead of going to site with dl links and complain about it.

primary school is fun, atleast mine teaches a better use of the english language than your kindergarten does, oh shoot another german word :d
26/03/2013 11:59 — Anonymous
Good tip:Do not comment on a language that you have comprehension or basic understanding of  .You can't even use basic grammar or spelling you stupid German fuck.
26/03/2013 12:07 — Anonymous: "Anonymous1"
The same could be said about you.
26/03/2013 12:14 — Anonymous
You provide no evidence or logical reasoning to back-up that assumption.
26/03/2013 12:40 — Anonymous
Good tip:Do not comment on a language that you have comprehension or basic understanding of  .

evidence en masse

26/03/2013 12:48 — Anonymous
Evidence en masse ?.
26/03/2013 12:56 — Anonymous: "Anonymous8"

Since when do you use a fullstop and a questionmark together ?
26/03/2013 13:02 — Anonymous
a question mark, noob :)
26/03/2013 12:27 — Anonymous
26/03/2013 12:37 — Anonymous
btw im not german, only because i can speak it doesn't mean a thing i also understand basic japanese french and english , maybe nothing perfect but who cares
26/03/2013 12:10 — Anonymous
langugae>language ,japanes>Japanese,crators>creators .Great use of the English language from you .Stick to German , you can't spell in English .
26/03/2013 12:32 — Anonymous
oh noes, i did 3 typos...
26/03/2013 13:03 — Anonymous
The comments in here are more entertaining than the anime. XD
26/03/2013 13:18 — Anonymous
26/03/2013 22:25 — Anonymous
I liked that ending a lot more than I thought I would. Even though I would have liked an end in its respective season, that was decent.
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