[Commie] Girls und Panzer - 02 [8D48AD22].mkv

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (248.2 MB) | Website
Date Submitted16/10/2012 03:33
SeriesGirls und Panzer - Episode 2 (of 12): Tanks, We Ride Them!
Article (!)Girls und Panzer 1v3 + 2
File Name (Size)[Commie] Girls und Panzer - 02 [8D48AD22].mkv (248.2 MB)
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5 comment(s):
16/10/2012 06:52 — Anonymous
Guess we have to wait for the [CR] subs.
This should have an option that gives an all english translation instead of a mostly english translation combined with german language phrases that most will not understand other than 'panzer'. Unfortunately the change only works for the 1st half and you effectively have no option for the second.
I know it's free subs, but when they become total assholes and decide to fill a translated version with untranslated phrases it pisses me off. It's even worse than when [gg] thought filling a sub with commercials was really cool. Most of us flushed all [gg] subs when replacements were available. That is exactly what i will do with this [commie] shit and the [horrible/crunchy] half untranslated crap subs,
16/10/2012 07:16 — Anonymous
Oops seems to be only commie doing this.
16/10/2012 10:56 — hellscyth_e
Get Hiryuu
17/10/2012 01:13 — Anonymous
Agree completely.  Check out this example:

ep2, part 2:
The Principal's car!...

Commie: "Bleibt stehen!"
Hiryuu: "Ooh, finally!"

Commie: "Und Matshch."
Hiyruu: "Squashed!"

The rule in translation is to only include common and familiar untranslated words, like onee-chan or senshi.  This is just substituting one set of unknowns (Japanese) for another set (German).  It's really too bad of Commie.

If Commie's translator on this project is German, as several have said, perhaps the problem is that a German doesn't know what non-Germans don't know about German.  That, however, doesn't explain what happened to quality control.

Unusable, unless you enjoy some Google Translates pauses with your anime.

17/10/2012 13:18 — Anonymous
there are two subs, one with german things, and the other one with english. dont fucking tell me if you cant find it
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