
Source LinksTokyoTosho | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (3.058 GB) | Website
Date Submitted16/07/2013 02:41
Series (!)Bakemonogatari
Article (!)Bakemonogatari
27.91 MB
107.1 MB
110.1 MB
112.6 MB
902.0 MB
946.1 MB
771.8 MB
153.2 MB

22 comment(s):
16/07/2013 03:01 — Gurphy_TC
Moderator    Invisible Avatar - Patent Pending
Hi admin, could we have this one also?  Many thanks.
16/07/2013 10:46 — Anonymous
yes, if it's possible could we get this?
16/07/2013 10:52 — Anonymous
well guys, the batch will be released at the end of the month so 2-3 weeks, nobody knows how many v2s this will include so maybe wait for that and request the batch, just a thought tho'
16/07/2013 11:22 *Gurphy_TC
Moderator    Invisible Avatar - Patent Pending
Batch might be too big.  Policy is for something like 2.5GB.  Most special requests are for just over the rule.  I don' recall an allowed double digit request.  The full Bake  of the 1080p would be about 15GB, I'm guessing (these 3 eps plus extras are 3GB).

V2 can be done with patches.

Also: want now --Ep 12 minimum.  Before I lose Altair in my summer sky.
16/07/2013 11:29 — Anonymous
implying coalgirls will do patches, which she won't do, but you are right it will be big, was just a suggestion :)
16/07/2013 11:29 — Anonymous
maybe this time no v2's are needed
16/07/2013 11:45 — Anonymous
This is like a v3 of sorts after all
16/07/2013 12:11 — Anonymous
i was obviously talking about v2's of individual files of the v3 batch..... :P
16/07/2013 11:43 — Anonymous
Secret about coalgirls: none of them are females.
16/07/2013 12:14 — Anonymous
male female who cares, for all i care it could be a IT, went with she because IT chose the name coalgirl =P but thanks for clarification
16/07/2013 12:05 *Gurphy_TC
Moderator    Invisible Avatar - Patent Pending
I appreciate the thought.  It would be logical.  Coalgirls* have been doing some patches lately, although sometimes without bat file, instructions, or friendly intentions.  What they won't do is call anything a "v2".  You have to check crc and dates.

*Coalgirls: Unregistered trademark of someone who gives me anime.  I don't care if s/he has bad teeth, no earlobes and thinks Camilla Dutchess of Cornwall is pretty.  Or not.

This is v5 if you include the 2 8-bit versions.

btw: "None of them are female" -sweeping generalizations are usually uninformed trolls.  
16/07/2013 14:56 — dreamer2908
Yes, there will be v2s for ALL eps as the typesetter requested.
Yes, there will be patches, again, as the typesetter requested.
No, I'm not Coalgirl nor that typesetter.
28/08/2013 16:10 — Anonymous
and you were wrong, no patches as expected :E
28/08/2013 16:23 — Anonymous
Kristen being a dumbass as always.
28/08/2013 16:34 — Anonymous
yeah :o
28/08/2013 16:44 — Anonymous
I'll also throw in classic comments about download stealers from kristen himself: http://www.crymore.net/2013/08/20/fans.../#comments
28/08/2013 16:52 — Anonymous
just WOW
16/07/2013 12:31 — Gurphy_TC
Moderator    Invisible Avatar - Patent Pending
I just refreshed the screen to look for a push and the color scheme went to Black on grey...I'll take that as a no....
16/07/2013 12:38 — admin
Just one of the many perks of being a Supreme Ruler(tm).
You should try it out some time!
16/07/2013 12:58 — Gurphy_TC
Moderator    Invisible Avatar - Patent Pending
Thanks for the torrent push and scary color scheme.

16/07/2013 13:02 — Anonymous
it is summer, traditonal it is time for scary movies in japan so it fits as summer theme very well :P
16/07/2013 14:30 — bakabeta
dont tell me you dont know that you can change it anytime you want
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