
Source LinksNyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (2.801 GB) | Website
Date Submitted19/10/2014 15:11
Series (!)Amagami SS Plus
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13 comment(s):
19/10/2014 19:41 — John_Rhogan
Hardsubbed Intro & Outro: So stupid.
19/10/2014 22:14 — zooby
You're free to get another group's version or

19/10/2014 22:52 — John_Rhogan
I already have this. Blu-Ray version too I might add. Just had to say it about ordered chapters, and if the rest of others don't like my comments, then either report or leave me alone. This is not 4chan where someone's judged based on their comments or opinions.

Hell, I got banned from 4chan FOR speaking my mind, and I'll be damned if that happens here.
19/10/2014 23:40 — zooby
There's no reason to complain if you already have it.

You can go ahead and tell people if it's ordered chapters or hardsubbed, or whatever, but you can keep the "so stupid" part to yourself.
20/10/2014 01:51 — John_Rhogan
Since when is it wrong to express one's self about someone else's work? Did I miss the memo or are you the schoolyard bully?
20/10/2014 01:57 — rdruffy
Commenting because I like my avatar picture, meow!
Sir, just choose your words wisely. You're free to express yourself, but you're obliged to respect other people too.

Please refrain using "words" that's easily interpreted as offending words.
20/10/2014 06:56 *admin
One way to think about it is that expressing yourself goes both ways.

You may wish to express an opinion about something publicly, but that also means that others may wish to express their opinion about your opinion.
For example, if you post something along the lines of X is stupid, you may get a reply claiming that your post is stupid. You could, of course, express your disagreement to this view, and someone else could reply about disagreeing with your disagreement. This could keep going on if you and the other party so desire, though it isn't particularly productive.

If you don't want to see how others may react to your expressions, it makes sense to either ignore them or not post in a manner that will likely elicit undesirable reactions.

You've been around here for quite some time, and I personally don't mind your opinions. I don't consider it "wrong" to express yourself about someone else's work, but similarly, I don't consider it wrong to express one's self about someone else's comment.
As a suggestion for your own benefit though, you may wish to think about being less harsh in your language or just keeping it to yourself.
20/10/2014 15:29 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
Well said admin.
20/10/2014 00:19 *Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
There's no report button here but I do agree with zooby on this you can keep the "so stupid" part out there's no point in putting it in there.

And there's nothing wrong with people speaking their minds.

Also I don't like ordered chapters either but you don't see me leaving comments on series saying it's ordered chapters and it's stupid.

And ordered chapters are suppose to save you space.

I doubt the admin would ban anyone unless it's something extreme.

Also feel free to bitch at me if you want for this comment.
20/10/2014 01:51 — John_Rhogan
And I have not!! commented about OC in a long while, so leave me alone, and go back to your life.
20/10/2014 02:01 *Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
I never said you did now have I?! Am only pointing out this particular one.

And I was only making a point am not here trying to pick a fight with you John.

And gladly unlike someone people I do have a life to live.

And I don't have time to argue with childish people or get mad at people over the internet.
20/10/2014 02:10 — Anonymous
Let me distract you all with the interesting question: Why is Chihiro re-publishing their old broadcast torrents each week?

I fear this is their new sad way of holding out a begger-bowl.  It used to be that Chihiro met 300% of monthly donations on the first of every month for years.  It was legendary.  Then they lost PayPal thanks to Funi.  Now they're scraping by.  They issue broadcast torrents because they are smaller and might pass thru.

However, the Chihiro founder made some nasty unnecessary remarks about Doremi-Subs on crymore a while back, so Chihiro can go jump in a lake.

I used to dl their stuff for a kind of cultural-diversity due to their -unique- translations.  But no more.
20/10/2014 04:46 — Anonymous
1. The person currently in charge of the group re-publishes old torrents when someone asks for. No other purpose I aware of.
2. Kristen only holds the title "leader", and that's all.
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