[BMT] Toradora! 1-26 + Specials + Textless OP&ED [BD-720p Hi10] [Dual Audio]

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (10.66 GB)
Date Submitted27/08/2014 06:18
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SubtitlesAll Attachments

20 comment(s):
Q 27/08/2014 07:54 — Anonymous: "Ekkun"
Plz let it through Admin-san.
Q 27/08/2014 20:55 — Anonymous
Yes please fetch links
28/08/2014 08:13 — Anonymous
Full subs, signs and songs, fewest video artifacts of 3 versions I've seen.

Thanks, MK.
28/08/2014 08:23 — Anonymous
And chapters.  Love chapter marks.
28/08/2014 09:48 *Moodkiller
Killing the Mood since...
Edit: Read below
28/08/2014 09:48 — Moodkiller
Killing the Mood since...
No worries. I couldn't stand the butchered versions that were around for this. Glad you approve!
L 07/03/2015 02:50 — Anonymous: "Darius"
Tibb, I wanted to ask you, if it's possible to get all Episodes + Specials with jheberg and as a complete 7-zip file?
It doesn't matter from which it comes, anything would be fine.

thank you
07/03/2015 04:22 — Anonymous
I want too, please
09/03/2015 20:46 — Anonymous
this is such nice Anime, I want this too
10/03/2015 20:39 — Anonymous: "little_tiger"
can we get a link for these episodes, the best would be with jheberg

thank you
Q 08/05/2017 18:05 — Anonymous
Hey, I've downloaded these 2 times to check if it was just a DL error, but episodes 1-7 give audio/video codec errorS (using potplayer). All other episodes work fine, just the 1st 7 don't seem to work? Kind of strange.
08/05/2017 18:07 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
I'm assuming you checked the CRC when you downloaded the first 7 episodes.
08/05/2017 18:15 — Anonymous
Not sure what you mean exactly, sorry. Googling CRC I know it's an error-detecting code, but I'm not exactly sure what you mean by checking it (unless you mean the error log which I posted earlier).
08/05/2017 18:47 — RamenSub
One of the way to check CRC is by using RapidCRC, download that.
Or, you can use Teracopy as well.
Basically to check whether the files you have is really the same as what others have.
For downloads through your internet browser, they can be incomplete sometimes.
Or, they got corrupted because of virus, hardware wearout or some other reasons.
08/05/2017 18:56 — Anonymous
Ok thanks, I torrented these btw.
08/05/2017 19:04 — Anonymous
I/O error would be more common in case of torrents.
08/05/2017 18:07 — Anonymous
Here is the actual error log

Async Reader::Output

Unable to get video/audio data.

Media Type 0:

+ majortype: MEDIATYPE_Stream {E436EB83-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770}
+ subtype: Unknown GUID Name {1AC0BEBD-4D2B-45AD-BCEB-F2C41C5E3788}
+ formattype: TIME_FORMAT_NONE {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
+ bFixedSizeSamples: 1
+ bTemporalCompression: 0
+ lSampleSize: 1
+ cbFormat: 0
08/05/2017 18:29 — Anonymous
crc is to check if the files were garbled during download.  If you can, you could try to download one of those files from a different download service and see if the problem persists.

Otherwise, whatever the problem, this is from 2014 and probably nothing can be done about it.  That leaves you with two options: Find another version.  The latest at AT is:

Or try another player.  VLC, for example, can often handle playback errors that other players don't.  I keep a couple of players on my system just for problems like this.

08/05/2017 19:33 — Anonymous
Just re-tried with VLC and it worked. Strange, PotPlayer is usually really solid with codecs from what I've experienced. Anyway, thanks the help.
08/05/2017 19:43 — Anonymous
VLC can play broken files and PGS subs better than any other
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