[BakedFish] Osomatsu-san - 07 [720p][AAC].mp4

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Date Submitted16/11/2015 21:42
Series (!)Osomatsu-san - Episode 7 (of 25): Todomatsu and the Five Demons / Four / Going North
File Name (Size)[BakedFish] Osomatsu-san - 07 [720p][AAC].mp4 (336.5 MB)
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1 comment(s):
17/11/2015 03:31 — Bat Guano
Just how are sextuplets supposed to divide a 4-pack of Imagawayaki? Sure, you could split three in half, giving a half to each and then divide the last one into six equal portions (or give the last one to your parents or save the last one as a prize in some sort of 6-way rock-paper-scissors contest or some other competition), but that is a rational response to a simple problem that these six morons cannot apparently fathom. The division is further complicated by one being filled with a custard creme instead of sweet bean paste.

Imagawayaki is a Japanese dessert often found at Japanese festivals as well as outside of Japan. It is made of batter in a special pan (similar to a waffle iron but without the honeycomb pattern), and filled with sweet azuki bean paste, although it is becoming increasingly popular to use a wider variety of fillings such as vanilla custard, different fruit custards and preserves, curry, different meat and vegetable fillings, potato and mayonnaise. Imagawayaki are similar to Dorayaki, but the latter are two separate pancakes sandwiched around the filling after cooking, and are often served cold.

Imagawayaki began to be sold near the Kanda Imagawabashi bridge during An'ei years (1772 - 1781) in the Edo period. The name of Imagawayaki originates from this time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imagawayaki
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