[BakedFish] One Punch Man 2nd Season - 08 [720p][AAC].mp4

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Date Submitted29/05/2019 02:17
Series (!)One Punch Man (2019) - Episode 8 (of 12): The Strong Ones Fight Back
CommentOne Punch Man 2nd Season
http://anidex.moe:6969/announceS: 0L: 0C: 3U: 668d, 11hr, 26min ago
https://tracker.acgnx.se/announceScrape failedU: 113d, 5hr, 37min ago
File Name (Size)[BakedFish] One Punch Man 2nd Season - 08 [720p][AAC].mp4 (529.3 MB)
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8 comment(s):
05/06/2019 11:57 — Anonymous: "otakusensei"

bakedfish and deadfish (same group) have been taking 2 week breaks starting at the beginning of the month anyhow, so it won't make as big of an impact to them as it does to other groups, BUT, to not be able to see ep 09 of OPM until next week at all from ANY source due to a freakin' tennis game is beyond lame, especially since Saitama was about to do his thing at the end of this episode!

05/06/2019 16:33 *Anonymous
[comment removed]
05/06/2019 23:50 — Anonymous: "otakusensei"

can only assume you're referring to the screen name? what, you'd rather I be lame like you, show no personality, and hide behind the default Anonymous thing? nope. - no need to argue or compare nerd credit (guarantee I'd win anyhow) like infantile idiots wasting time, I'll simply close by saying this crude but true quote...... "arguing on the internet is like being in the special olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded"

drops the mic, walks offstage, and the crowd cheers

06/06/2019 01:38 *Anonymous
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05/06/2019 23:55 — Anonymous: "otakusensei"

who said I gave that name to myself anyhow? - besides, I was just letting people know why no OPM this week before people started posting about it... just trying to be helpful and friendly... so only you know why there was any name hating to begin with

done with this time wasting conversation, I'm moving on, and I can only hope you're mature enough to do the same

06/06/2019 01:50 *Anonymous
[comment removed]
06/06/2019 02:24 *Anonymous
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