[BakedFish] Azur Lane - 08 [720p][AAC].mp4

Source LinksAniDex | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (627.9 MB) | NZB | Website
Date Submitted28/11/2019 18:40
Series (!)Azur Lane the Animation - Episode 8 (of 12): Intersection: Hold You, Never Let Go
CommentAzur Lane
http://anidex.moe:6969/announceS: 0L: 0C: 2U: 1063d, 9hr, 31min ago
https://tracker.acgnx.se/announceScrape failedU: 192d, 20hr, 33min ago
File Name (Size)[BakedFish] Azur Lane - 08 [720p][AAC].mp4 (627.9 MB)
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8 comment(s):
28/11/2019 19:19 — Anonymous

why there exists a Deadfish ep 07, but not a Bakedfish ep 07 is a wonder to me

29/11/2019 06:18 — Yogicat
Nyahaha! #FelineYogi@irc.rizon.net
29/11/2019 11:46 — Anonymous
where is Nakedfish ep 07? thx.
29/11/2019 13:04 — Yogicat
Nyahaha! #FelineYogi@irc.rizon.net
Nyaa / TT / Anidex id please.
29/11/2019 13:33 — Anonymous

yes, they self corrected, and in record time too - good for them and THANKS!

29/11/2019 16:00 — Yogicat
Nyahaha! #FelineYogi@irc.rizon.net
It was uploaded by them to Anidex a week ago and AT's automatic system did not notice it for some reason. I had to post the torrent to TT to trigger it here.
29/11/2019 16:29 — Anonymous
admin has said that Anidex's ddos protection sometimes blocks the AT server, so it's Anidex's problem.  The solution is for any fansub that wants reliable distribution to mirror their Anidex listings to TT, or give up on Anidex and use TT and Nyaa.

AT may be the only one that scraps Anidex.  Normal users wouldn't have a problem.  That's my understanding of it all.
30/11/2019 06:00 — Anonymous
giving up on anidex would be stupid. if nyaase situation happens then it will be a huge loss and headache for everyone to migrate to new homes. post everywhere is what fansubs should do / continue doing.
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