Source LinksNyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (320.7 MB) | NZB | Website
Date Submitted01/02/2025 18:43
SeriesOre dake Level Up na Ken: Arise from the Shadow - Episode 5: This Is What We're Trained to Do
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udp:// failedU: 36d, 22hr, 47min ago
udp:// failedU: 36d, 22hr, 47min ago 883L: 65C: 3409U: 36d, 22hr, 27min ago
udp:// failedU: 36d, 22hr, 47min ago
File Name (Size)[ASW] Solo Leveling - 17 [1080p HEVC][D8C8D8F9].mkv (320.7 MB)
DownloadBuzzHeavier | GoFile | KrakenFiles | MdiaLoad | MultiUp
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AudioGoFile | MdiaLoad | BuzzHeavier
SubtitlesAll Attachments | English subs [eng, ASS]

12 comment(s):
03/02/2025 13:19 — Anonymous: "Anon y mousse"
links already dead? weird ...
03/02/2025 13:25 — Anonymous
BuzzHeavier still works.
03/02/2025 15:58 — Anonymous
Less than 1 day gofile deletes files. Bad server stored the files.
03/02/2025 16:01 — Anonymous
dmca is more likely tho.
03/02/2025 16:48 — Anonymous
Yup, someone probably filed a complaint. Maybe has an axe to grind against ASW.
04/02/2025 01:00 — Anonymous
long term files at gofile is very short, only 10 days plus strict dmca.
04/02/2025 01:39 — Anonymous
Less than 1 day would indicate someone's complaint.
04/02/2025 01:49 — Anonymous
Not a complaint but a detection system. DMCA Messages API. that way it is deleted automatically.
04/02/2025 02:43 — Anonymous
But, to do that they would need the hash first or to be targeting the tag.
03/02/2025 16:06 — Anonymous
too strict
04/02/2025 05:04 — Anonymous
You must be young to think its strict. DCMA courts and Feds have killed lots of sites that dealt with any field that had to do with pirated media. Tons Cable tv and satellite hacking, pc and console hacking , music, porn, IPTV, illegal FTA streams, warez sites, news groups, torrents, and tons of free and premium file hosting sites have all gone down over the last 4 decades.
Lasting 10 days isn't bad at all. Its still working which is a plus. Once it goes down completely which it will eventually then it will suck but others will take its place. They always have.

Ive been using Realdebrid for 15 years and they are one of the biggest names currently getting hit. Cant even use Rapidgator on Realdebrid anymore.
04/02/2025 05:11 — Anonymous
I agree with what the anon above me said. Get a VPN or a seedbox and learn to torrent............
Or won't your mommy let you use her credit card?
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