[Anime-Koi] Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru Futari no Elder The Animation - 01 [6A50876A].mkv

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (280.7 MB) | Website
Date Submitted03/08/2012 18:19
SeriesOtome wa Boku ni Koi Shiteru: Futari no Elder The Animation - Episode 1 (of 3): The Days and Crisis as a Maiden
CommentWe're looking for cappers for ATX station. Please contact us on the irc. You can download our releases from the bots at #Anime-Koi@irc.rizon.net
File Name (Size)[Anime-Koi] Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru Futari no Elder The Animation - 01 [6A50876A].mkv (280.7 MB)
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6 comment(s):
04/08/2012 05:38 — Anonymous
It cannot decode and cannot see.
The codec pack which I am using is this.↓↓
K-Light mega v9.1.0(www.codecguide.com/download_k-lite_codec_pack_mega.htm)
and mkvinst 101a8(www.download3k.com/Install-Lazy-Man-s-MKV.html)
Although it does not end, don't you re-encode by XviD(or DivX or WMV9 etc.)?
04/08/2012 07:37 — crazyhill
Need actived Codec from FFDSHOW Video for MPClassic
04/08/2012 08:00 — Anonymous
Xvid: Anime-Koi has not so far released any alternate formats like Xvid for any of their shows, but:
1. Another group or Horrible Subs might pick this up
2. deadfish or someone like that will probably release an mp4 version soon.

The header shows this is a very ordinary 8-bit, AAC, SSA mkv file.  Any of the mainstream video players should have no trouble playing this back without any add-on packs.  But since video players are free, how about installing a second one for troublesome cases like this?  For example: VLC or MediaPlayer-Home Cinema.  You can find informaton on these and other players at downloads.cnet.com

A last possibility is that your download was faulty.  Check for approximately correct file size and, if you know how, CRC values, or just re-download.
04/08/2012 08:37 — Anonymous
It was able to see by mpc as you told however, the memory amount of consumption of vlc is large, and in the throughput of my personal computer, Since it was very difficult for moving, it decided to use mpc, when, seeing the animation of the specification of V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC from now on.
Advice was obtained and it was saved very much.
04/08/2012 10:39 — Anonymous: "shit"
L 01/01/2022 12:01 — moszter
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