[Ai-kun] Ao no Hako - 09 (1080p).mkv

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (953.3 MB) | NZB
Date Submitted21/11/2024 17:53
Series (!)Ao no Hako - Episode 9 (of 25): I'll Be Rooting for You
CommentSubtitles translated using AI by one X/Twitter user as an experiment to confirm that AI is a real option for translation and can maintain context well. They need a little polish here and there, but still the viewing experience is much better than Netflix ones. These are not my subtitles, I just muxed with raw episode.
udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announceS: 40L: 34C: 183U: 68d, 17hr, 6min ago
udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969/announceScrape failedU: 42d, 16hr, 49min ago
http://tracker.anirena.com:80/announceScrape failedU: 42d, 16hr, 40min ago
udp://open.stealth.si:80/announceS: 68L: 35C: 261U: 68d, 17hr, 20min ago
udp://tracker-udp.gbitt.info:80/announceS: 22L: 0C: 1U: 39d, 11hr, 59min ago
https://tracker.anirena.com/announceScrape failedU: 23hr, 52min ago
udp://tracker-udp.anirena.com:80/announceS: 18L: 0C: 1405U: 8d, 3hr, 5min ago
File Name (Size)[Ai-kun] Ao no Hako - 09 (1080p).mkv (953.3 MB)
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AudioGoFile | MdiaLoad | BuzzHeavier
SubtitlesAll Attachments | Ai-kun [eng, ASS]

72 comment(s):
22/11/2024 11:36 — Anonymous
Where did the comments go
22/11/2024 12:05 — Anonymous
Why did my non-offensive comment about KawaSubs deleted
22/11/2024 12:06 — Anonymous
Admin lost it and is going full censorship mode now
22/11/2024 15:42 — Anonymous
More like getting rid of "bad apples" before they spoil the whole bunch. As simple as that. The fact you can make this comment is a proof that Admin still value your "free speech".
25/11/2024 12:07 — Anonymous
admin has gone woke, sad to see.
25/11/2024 12:25 — Anonymous
Not woke, just killing BS posts that really go nowhere and neither side convinces the other.
25/11/2024 16:55 — Anonymous
that's taking a side. the side of Stalinist authoritarianism. the woke mob is real and this just proves my point
25/11/2024 17:00 — Anonymous
That's it, just keep telling yourself that...
25/11/2024 17:25 — Anonymous
Relax, I can assure you that Admin doesn't hate you. What's the sudden obsession with these politic talks? This place isn't clearly for that. Go to twitter or sth.
26/11/2024 14:54 — Anonymous
The admin is no different from the terrorist govt in Cuba, or the dictatorship under Biden. This website is now controlled by the woke mob and loony leftist transgenders. Its why my comments are being censored. The admin is no longer apolitical and has abandoned their mission. They are no different from the Islamists in Africa, or the Stalinists of the past. The same repression, only now behind a screen.
26/11/2024 14:58 — Anonymous
Go out and touch some grass
26/11/2024 15:33 — Anonymous
Calling whoever you don't like, terrorist is just wrong and absurd. Even USA establishment right-wing hawks like damn Marco Rubio doesn't call Cuban government, terrorist!
26/11/2024 16:37 — Anonymous
they are not a legitmate government and should be dealt with. not too different from the Houthis, theyre just terrorists by any other name. just like the admin, this site has been taken over by more radical, populist elements from the Left.
26/11/2024 18:00 — Anonymous
"they are not a legitmate government"
Who are you to say that?! I bet you even don't know the population number of Cuba or where are Houthies or Yemen and are just throwing up what main-stream Western media has instilled in you at us.
26/11/2024 18:31 — Anonymous
Biden isn't legitmate either. He stole 2020. Western democracy has been infilitrated by radical populist communists. If only we could be like Japan, Biden tried to make amends with the moderate RINOs but all he ever did was lie and steal from us. But people are waking up.
26/11/2024 15:36 — Anonymous
Yes, It's all about you... Just remember, just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you.
26/11/2024 16:38 — Anonymous
I bet you took the vaccine
26/11/2024 23:09 *admin
A reminder that this is an anime focused website. Political discussion is considered way off topic and I will remove (or 'censor' if you prefer) further posts on such.

I'm not sure what your goal is exactly. If it's to change my opinion on matters, slandering me is probably the stupidest way to do so. If it's to vent, I've given you enough opportunity to do so. If you just wanted to stir up a fuss, I've also allowed you to do so, but there needs to be stopping point.

This place isn't a dumping ground for your frustrations, and I am 100% able to remove your posts. You also don't have to post here - I encourage you to share your thoughts on some other place on the internet that aligns more with your views.
26/11/2024 23:17 — Anonymous
Thanks for your patience, admin!
However it's not wise to advise "to share your thoughts on some other place on the internet that aligns more with your views" because that's when echo chamber effect happens.
28/11/2024 14:24 *Anonymous
[removed - political]
22/11/2024 12:13 — Anonymous
Because it's shitposting. If you want to use other subs, just use them. If you want to say something about this release, or criticize it, use arguments with examples. Simple.
22/11/2024 14:39 — Anonymous
no freespeechanymore
22/11/2024 17:06 — Anonymous
You have the right to free speech but you don't have the right to 'HAVE TO BE HEARD'.
Take it somewhere that people actually care about what is being spewed.
22/11/2024 18:15 — Anonymous
no freedom of speech here. bro. Just deleted this and make reason pointless.
22/11/2024 18:24 — Anonymous
When the speech becomes pointless and redundant there is no point to force it on others.
22/11/2024 18:39 — Anonymous
No, you just ward it off.
25/11/2024 16:10 — Anonymous
There's no such thing as "freedom of speech" (in the sense of the USA's First Amendment) on a private website - the people who run such a site are completely within their rights to prevent you from saying certain things, and it's not "censorship" so much as it's "content moderation" (which about 99% of all discussion forums do).
25/11/2024 16:18 — Anonymous
"and it's not "censorship" so much as it's "content moderation""
That's right. This method is used all the time, like calling ethnic cleansing and genocide, self-defense!
25/11/2024 16:58 — Anonymous
another commie fag trying to lecture me. I know its a private site, but Tosho serves the community. That's always been the point. now the admin is no different from the woke leftists who want to cancel movies or try and ruin anime. they are autocrats who serve their selfish desires, and not the people they supposedly represent. the admin has turned his back on people like me. why can't we use this place to discuss anything? the admin is no different from big brother or the Jewish controlled US Congress. AI was the future, always will be.
25/11/2024 17:07 — Anonymous
"why can't we use this place to discuss anything?"

Because the "discussion" wound up turning into a sheetfest that was going nowhere but repeating the same old sheet over and over.
Q 25/11/2024 19:01 — Anonymous
That's not entirely true. A private property open for general public (e.g. corridors of a shopping mall) are subject to 1st Amendment, so a preacher could stand there and exhort pass-bys to find Jesus or similar as long as he's not harrassing. Places that want to avoid that (or women or people of colour) designate themselves as private clubs with membership verification as a requirement for entry. AT is more or less a shopping mall for anime piracy, so 1st A. should apply, though trying to apply law to illegal things is a bit weird.
25/11/2024 19:19 — Anonymous
Not exactly right, mall owners can ask you to shut up or leave the premises because of the nuance factor. Malls just like any store can refuse service if it is a detriment to their business.  
26/11/2024 04:50 — Anonymous
This is a private website, which is most likely not hosted in the USA, so the 1st Amendment Rights so not apply here.
26/11/2024 14:51 — Anonymous
Tosho is based in Taiwan I would know.
22/11/2024 15:23 — Anonymous
[removed - pointless]
22/11/2024 15:23 — Anonymous
Lulz, The Pro-AI/Anti-AI posts were going nowhere. Neither side was convincing the other and was just an annoyance to the vast majority of us that come here.
You may say "What about my Free Speech rights"? You still have them, go out to the soap box in your town square and have at it.
22/11/2024 16:55 — Anonymous
Exactly, you have the right to free speech but you don't have the right to 'HAVE TO BE HEARD'.
23/11/2024 19:39 *Anonymous
[Removed - pointless]
25/11/2024 16:59 — Anonymous
oh look, another cyber-marxist terrorist who wants to remove my rights
25/11/2024 17:03 — Anonymous
Your rights are limited in a private residence. How about we come to your house and spew a bunch of nonsense that you don't care about?
26/11/2024 18:33 — Anonymous
Wow, are you threatening to dox me? Another evil commie, probably a friend of the admin no less
26/11/2024 18:51 — Anonymous
Doxing you falls under his 1st amendment rights, are you trying to take those away from him
26/11/2024 19:01 — Anonymous
This is all much less interesting than anime.
26/11/2024 22:08 — Anonymous
Anon is making a threat. Which is far different. Murder is illegal, or are you an immigrant who doesn't respect the law?
26/11/2024 22:35 — Anonymous
The anon was not making a threat, they were just proving a point.
28/11/2024 14:24 *Anonymous
[removed - personal attack]
28/11/2024 14:38 — Anonymous
Paranoia, the destroyer.
28/11/2024 15:05 *Anonymous
[removed - personal attack]
28/11/2024 17:05 *Anonymous
[removed - political]
28/11/2024 20:04 — Anonymous
Wants freedoms.
Uses oppressive language.

28/11/2024 15:25 — Anonymous
Hmm, I don't see where the anon threatened to kill you. I see you live in make believe land.
26/11/2024 16:39 — Anonymous
the truth is that the website is censoring right wingers more than leftists. tosho is run by woke transgender marxists
26/11/2024 17:03 — Anonymous
It's removing abusive comments so if you think that exclusively targets right wingers then you really need to revaluate what it means to be right wing
28/11/2024 17:05 *Anonymous
[removed - political]
23/11/2024 14:28 — TsunaSetsu
Thank for the release yet again
25/11/2024 21:17 — Anonymous
The whole AI moral panic is artifically generated and only serves the copyright lobby's interests. Because of the in-fighting, as evident here and elsewhere, fansubber groups will quit one-by-one and most pirates will start to consume AI / MTL generated subs or even dubs instead. Than, at the flick of a switch, AI-based transcription and MTL services will suddenly stop processing japanese anime audio and closed-caption text: Sorry, but the rights owner has not authorized this material for your region, blahblah... Voila, everybody gets channeled into paid CR, Nflix, etc. services, because there are no longer fansub groups around and AI/MTL refuses to work on copyrighted material it recognizes from the big data cloud. Skynet wins.
26/11/2024 14:55 — Anonymous
Skynet is on the side of liberty. Piracy has always been a right wing endeavour. We are not a number. Make sure to vote Republican.
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