[Kamigami] Space Battleship Yamato 2199 [BD 1920x1080 x264 FLAC MKV Sub(Chs,Cht,Jap,Eng)]

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (47.03 GB) | Website
Date Submitted19/02/2014 15:48
1.615 GB
1.460 GB
1.902 GB
1.641 GB
1.722 GB
1.956 GB
1.601 GB
1.870 GB
1.646 GB
1.564 GB
2.163 GB
2.153 GB
1.969 GB
2.132 GB
1.788 GB
1.533 GB
1.796 GB
1.873 GB
1.687 GB
2.097 GB
2.175 GB
1.516 GB
1.856 GB
1.605 GB
2.103 GB
1.605 GB
SubtitlesAll Attachments

24 comment(s):
19/02/2014 16:12 — Anonymous
fetch please...complete uchuu senkan yamato
19/02/2014 23:36 *Galaxy_Defenders
Ask Tibb to re-add it if you need ddl links.
edited by Tibb.
19/02/2014 23:49 — Tibb
It's going to be around 2days before it finishes, only downloaded 17%, I'll post again to let you know when it's done.
20/02/2014 05:08 — zooby
What is your bandwidth cap at?
20/02/2014 17:02 — Tibb
The server has unlimited bandwidth with a maximum of 150 mBits/s connection.
20/02/2014 23:27 *Tibb
If somebody wants this release off my site, let me know so I can redownload it.
20/02/2014 15:42 — Anonymous
@Tibb...these files will be available till which date? i want to download it around march 2nd week.
20/02/2014 17:01 *Tibb
Well, It's still downloading the torrent..... it has about 8h remaining before it finishes.

I created a simple script that will use the linux command "find" for the /yukinon/ddl dir (and subdirs) and find files that have a ctime greater than 90 days and delete.

basically that's saying files will remain on the server for 90 days after the file finished downloading.

I can't say that I will keep that # of days at 90, basically once I hit around 50% of storage space use, I'll drop it down to around 45 days, then once 75% of space is used, 30 days and so forth. The days will go back up once free space emerges.

Ill update the home page (http://yukinoshita.eu/) every time I make a change to my site.

extra tibbits of info (that spelling mistake is intended):

unix has 3 types of tracking time for a file ctime, mtime, and atime.

ctime and mtime are very similar, mtime (modify) will look at the modification time (last modified), while ctime (change) will do that and look at when attributes were last changed (such as permissions).

atime on the other hand is access time, the atime will update every time the file is opened or ran (such as using it with grep or sort).

So this is how many file hosters delete users files: if USERNAME/myFiles -atime +NUM then delete

21/02/2014 01:57 *Galaxy_Defenders
Just like life.

btw, for Tibb-World at the moment Firefox says:

"Problem loading page.  The connection has timed out.

The server at www.yukinoshita.eu is taking too long to respond."

You probably know the whys and wherefores.
21/02/2014 02:51 — Tibb
Yeah, I tried rebooting the server several times and put in the rescue mode, but still cannot connect to the ip...

I imagine it to be a server-side issue, I'm hoping it will come back up by tomorrow, else I'll put in a support ticket.
21/02/2014 02:52 — Galaxy_Defenders
Just like life.
21/02/2014 05:16 — zooby
Maybe they're on to you already.
21/02/2014 06:54 *admin
Try putting it into rescue mode, then ping the IP to see if it ever comes up? Your server isn't responding to ping at the moment.
21/02/2014 08:20 *alpeia2
Stupid question, did you check your intranet? Cause everything up to the DNS server seems to be fine, which to me could mean it's a network card/cable/switch/router/config (corrupt file) problem. But I could be wrong? Not enough information.

Also try to see if you can interact with the internet from that server.

PS. You are not on any blacklists that would block your site ;)
21/02/2014 09:00 *admin
Tibb wouldn't have control of those, so they wouldn't be the problem. The server itself is down (or at least the networking component) - traceroute works fine to everything else along the way.
So the recovery mode should work, because it boots a separate OS, though recovering things from there is another matter.
21/02/2014 09:14 — Anonymous
Occasional Humor:

1. Tibb, one ping if you currently do have Internet access, two pings if you do not.   ...Ah, two pings.  How unfortunate.


2.  We have kidnapped your precious Tibb.  He will be returned to you only if our demands are met.  Otherwise, we will cut off his ping and mail it to you.
1. Envy will admit she is a "dude".  Whether she is or not.
2. Fandub by Mods of Monty Python's Lumberjack song, all verses.  Timed to current Seitokai OP and EN, torrent on Nyaa in 14 hours.
3. Send us John_Rhogan's non-existent head...
21/02/2014 17:00 — ichimoku1134
Internet rule no. 16: Everyone is a "dude" unless substantial evidence is presented to prove otherwise.
21/02/2014 19:11 — Anonymous
push this one please admin....tibbs' files are down
21/02/2014 19:54 *Tibb
I'm in contact with the host and trying to fix the network error. I can't do anything on my end, I'm unable to connect regardless of the state it's in.
Can't connect via SSH or even ping the IP address.

Once the issue is fixed, you should be able to download it from my site.
EDIT: They had to give me a new server since they couldn't fix the other one, so now I don't have the release anymore.
27/06/2015 04:51 — Anonymous
All links are dead. please re-upload.
27/06/2015 05:12 — Anonymous
Which download service do you want?
28/06/2015 07:11 — Anonymous
please re-upload on  UsersFiles
L 06/07/2015 04:28 *Tibb
07/07/2015 03:02 — Anonymous
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