[AnimeNOW] Kotoura-san - 05 (1280x720 10-bit x264 AAC) [331FFFD6].mkv

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (333.4 MB) | Website
Date Submitted08/02/2013 22:22
SeriesKotoura-san - Episode 5 (of 12): School Paradise?
File Name (Size)[AnimeNOW] Kotoura-san - 05 (1280x720 10-bit x264 AAC) [331FFFD6].mkv (333.4 MB)
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Subtitles#3: ASS

52 comment(s):
L 09/02/2013 00:53 — Tibb
09/02/2013 02:42 — INNI
Please do not posts links for this animenow release tibb ,check the comments on nyaa, animefansftw and also on here for the abusive attitude [calling eveyone retard,dumb,idiots,etc] and bad encoding info.Not worth downloading or wasting bandwidth on,or the calories wasted  on clicking the DL links .
09/02/2013 04:00 — Anonymous
Preview pictures look fine.  What's with this weird vendetta against AnimeNow?  Not that I care.  I like more anime options, not fewer.  Take your lovers quarrel somewhere else.

You think calling people retard, dumb, idiots, etc is abusive?!  How many minutes have you been hanging around the fansub community and how thin a skin do you have?  Little baby.

So, let's review the substance of your argument:
1. "bad encoding info"   Seriously?
2. He called you names.

Try Wikipedia: "Butt-hurt"
09/02/2013 04:26 — Anonymous
aced,animenow,etc,..fuck off.You're hated and a disgusting person who acts like a piece of shit.Your releases are trash as well :D  
10/02/2013 06:59 — AnimeNOW
I don't put my self under "Anonymous" good one. Disgusting is the way to go!
09/02/2013 04:32 — Tibb
I hold no contempt towards their group.
It doesn't really matter about the sub group, truly the only thing carries importance is the anime itself and the enjoyment from watching it.
I simply wish to provide a service so that anyone and everyone can relish anime.

You should take a lesson from Kotoura-san, how she forgave and moved on after Hiyori Moritani bullied her and Yoshihisa Manabe.
09/02/2013 03:57 — Annyms
either you are that hahaha guy or comments where deleted everywhere.
10/02/2013 01:05 — Peiiq
Preview pictures look fine.  What's with this weird vendetta against AnimeNow?  Not that I care.  I like more anime options, not fewer.  Take your lovers quarrel somewhere else.
Answer :Pictures do not look fine,they look bad.http://i.imgur.com/y3wvMev.png blocky and very bad looking.If you don't care you would not have commented.
You think calling people retard, dumb, idiots, etc is abusive?!  How many minutes have you been hanging around the fansub community and how thin a skin do you have?  Little baby.Answer:Yes it is abusive,do you talk to people like that in real life?.No,you would have no job,friends,etc.Because it is not acceptable and people don't act like that.Maybe you have no morals or was taught no manners by your parents?.

So, let's review the substance of your argument:
1. "bad encoding info"   Seriously?.Answer:Yes its clear and shown in AnimeNow's Nyaa releases http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrents&user=174261 ,or the images on here if you actually watch HD content then it's clear .Along with his nasty and abusive attitude towards people who do not like his releases or disagree with him.
2. He called you names?. Answer:He is abusive to anyone/everyone who does not share his opinion,or like his badly encoded releases that are worse than the other ones.If you bothered to read the comments then it would be obvious.
10/02/2013 01:36 — hitanshu_conman
http://i.imgur.com/y3wvMev.png Yes, actually, that does look fine. Wtf are you looking at that with? An electron microscope or something?

Honestly, who gives a damn if he cares or not? Do you? Do I? Again, who gives a damn? It doesn't matter.

Abusive? That guy was taught no morals as a kid? Are you trying to insult Americans or something? If you actually read all of the replies, you'd see that many of the conversations started off polite, then the other guy doing the attacking throws some profanity into the mix. Understandably, AnimeNOW would get pissed off at some point.

If you have a problem with the "bad encoding," go buy the BDs or go find bigger files that aren't as lossy. AnimeNOW has stated before that he encodes to smaller sizes, so OBVIOUSLY it would have some quality loss. Some of us are so anal about it though. People that loyally download his releases probably aren't bothered by it.

And as I've said before, this "abusive" talk is only because some other dumbasses started cussing him out. There are some people that can only tolerate so much of that.

If you hate his releases, get them from other places. SIMPLE.
10/02/2013 02:03 — Anonymous
Wtf are you looking at that with? An electron microscope or something?No i am using a decent 1080p screen  ,i am not surprised that a guy who posts on mini-theater with bit starved content and never watches HD would not see the quality.Are you trying to insult Americans or something?I never mentioned America once.Where was that from?.MiniHD encode fans should not comment when they know nothing about HD video and post even worse quality than this crap.If you have not got the bandwidth for good HD video then get SD video intea of posting shit,SIMPLE.
10/02/2013 02:29 — hitanshu_conman
AnimeNOW can do whatever the hell he wants. If his encodes cater toward a miniHD crowd so what? It's not affecting you in any way, shape, or form. You don't like it, so you don't get it. The premise of your argument is that he should stop encoding because the encodes "suck." Not everyone has a "decent 1080p screen" so the difference is negligible to those. Additionally, some people from other countries have bandwidth caps, so a smaller size is welcome.

And do you realize how stupid this is? "If you have not got the bandwidth for good HD video then get SD video intea of posting shit,SIMPLE." I could care less about the grammar, but you are saying that if he doesn't have the bandwidth to post "good" HD video, then he should get SD?

Also, "MiniHD encode fans should not comment when they know nothing about HD video and post even worse quality than this crap." This part of your argument has absolutely nothing to do AnimeNOW. What a stupid assumption to think that someone doesn't know about HD just because they're a part of a mini anime community. I encode for MT in both 720 and 1080. To do so, I need a source for the video which I inspect before reencoding into a mini size. I typically use ANK raws for videos. I don't use this as a source because it's an extremely lossy file compared to the ANK raws. Why does it matter if some people like the miniHD that's "worse quality than this crap?" Does it affect you? I doubt it. Like I've said before, some people from other countries have slow internet and bandwidth caps, so mini is fine for them.

Your argumentative, grammatical, and citation skills have a lot to be desired.

AnimeNOW doesn't have to stop encoding just because it's not up to your standards and just because the encoding is a more lossy than others. You probably don't even download this from the guy, so it doesn't matter.

Also, since you know that I am a member there, you yourself are likely one as well. You should bring this up in the forums there. Tell all of us how crappy our mini encodes are in our forums.
10/02/2013 03:01 — Anonymous
Your argumentative, grammatical, and citation skills have a lot to be desired."and just because the encoding is a more lossy than others."Hilarious grammar & spelling skills hitanshu,almost as bad as your encoding .You should get a new monitor and spell check your stuff before crying like a girl with fractured English.
10/02/2013 03:36 — Anonymous
You are so cool for pointing out probably one of the only errors in that guy's post and calling it fractured English. Did you see? A trophy just fell from the sky and a choir of angels simultaneously began heralding your superior existence over the rest of humanity. A roaring round of applause and a cacophony of deafening cheers sounded acknowledging your unsurpassed being.

Fuckin trolls like this anon over here make me laugh, and at the same time, feel sorry for what parts of the anime community have become. All I see is that you hate animenow because his videos are at a lower quality than others. Just don't fucking get them if you think they're shitty.
10/02/2013 03:50 — Anonymous
The previous comment did exactly the same and pointed out one error,you don't have a problem with that then?.Maybe you should get a clue and judge everyone the same as well.
10/02/2013 03:44 — hitanshu_conman
Just another guy that talks big because it's the internet, I see. Seeing how you fail to address any of the points I made tells me that you are just some typical pseudo-intellectual ignoramus.

"crying like a girl"
Funny that you say this, when you complain about AnimeNOW being "abusive." Quite the double standard you've got there.

Again, I invite you to come to minitheatre to bash our encodes. If you recognize my username, chance are, that you're already a member. It won't hurt to bash the encodes there, where you have a bit less anonymity.
10/02/2013 04:51 — Noob
Exselent encodes hitsantsu,i lve you and encodes ar so small and tiny.Just like your pennis ,tanks yuu ;;
10/02/2013 05:07 — hitanshu_conman
Sadly, this is obviously the same anon from before that tried to change their spelling to make it seem like a different person. Incapable of holding a proper discussion anymore, its intelligence appears to have degraded to a point beyond saving. That's funny, yet pathetic. It seems to be too much to ask to get a life and be be able to defend your claims.

Can't even man up, come to our site and tell us how badly our encodes suck. It's okay. Have fun cowering behind your anonymity on this site.
10/02/2013 05:21 — Anonymous
I did the mock comments because you can not have an intelligent conversation, and  i was mocking you,i download HD video and yours is horrible / not worth downloading and not worth the resolution you tag it with .I won't man up and come to your site because i like proper HD video and not your garbage  .
10/02/2013 05:45 — hitanshu_conman
To stoop so low as to fabricate other users in an attempt to win an argument or convey sarcasm is pretty bad. You seem to fail to comprehend that everyone is entitled to their preferences. Okay, you think that compressed reencoded mkv files are worthless. Cool. But guess what? That doesn't mean that AnimeNOW should stop encoding. Like I've said before, NOT EVERYONE CAN DOWNLOAD LARGE FILES. So what if it's not true HD? Nothing is "true" unless you actually get the BDMVs or buy the actual blurays in actuality. "Proper HD" would actually be those. Videos that fit your preference just happen to be less lossy than the compressed ones from AnimeNOW and MT.

Your little rants here are pretty stupid. You're entitled to your own opinion, but you don't have to be such a goddamn asshole about it.

I call BS on your little statement saying "I won't man up and come to your site" There's no other way that you would know that I am a member of that site unless you were a member yourself at some point. I'm not too active in the forums there, so that means you've probably lurked there before. I think that you probably lurk there now though. Lol. How sad. How mature of you to post under my name. What are you 7 or something? Pretty obvious you can't hold a decent argument not even using basic logic.
10/02/2013 05:58 — Anonymous
You have posted your crap here many times before.That's where it was seen ,mini encodes are shit and for suckers like you.
10/02/2013 06:07 — yagami_hideto
You have a problem with minitheatre?
10/02/2013 06:11 — Anonymous
Just stfu and go on your way already. Animenow won't stop because of you bitching about them. They'll probably keep doing it while saying "u mad bro?" lol
10/02/2013 06:11 — tq
Forget it,it is getting tiresome and annoying and not worth the effort.Thanks.
10/02/2013 06:21 — Anonymous
And you will keep enjoying the crap :D .FU and go away tard.
10/02/2013 06:24 — ;.;;
Fuck off penis breath :)
10/02/2013 06:27 — hitanshu_conman
It looks like you just called yourself a "tard." LOLOL. Nice to know. Go about your merry way with your little HD elitist mindset. Feel free to come by next time and try to win a debate over this topic.
10/02/2013 06:35 — mini .....
Is mini theater good.Or just a con,i think it is just a con from a gay lord  called hitanshu-conman.
10/02/2013 06:49 — hitanshu_conman
Full apologies ,i am a poor encoder who likes to act abusive towards people who hate my encodes.Much like my boyfriend AnimeNOW,sorry guys for being so stupid and retarded-[my favorite word],i can not help it since i am American. :)
10/02/2013 06:59 — hitanshu_conman
Nice try. It appears that this little anon here is incapable of producing a single coherent thought anymore. I've lost count of how many ad hominems there would have been if we had actually continued our discussion. This anon isn't even talking about the group anymore, but seems to have some kind of vendetta against me now.

@admin, you should have some kind of policy to prevent immature little kids from posting on here.
10/02/2013 03:47 — Anonymous
This is great. I've got my popcorn.

Too bad the guy that releases for the group isn't here right now.
10/02/2013 03:55 — Anonymous
Every so often there are a few of those guys that want to bash a group for doing what they do. Really? On a DDL mirror site? What amazing, fulfilling lives these guys must lead.
10/02/2013 04:09 — Anonymous
AnimeNOW is great ,so is hitanshu and mini theater .Wonderful encoders and really nice guys who do not act rude towards anyone.Class acts and top guys with tiny encodes.No  need for bit-rate on HD video when  it looks like thees does.
10/02/2013 04:18 — Anonymous
Based on how the spaces and commas are used, this looks like the anon from above. Dude, the only reason why people are getting on your case is because you were becoming more of a dick with each of your posts. I'm not sure if you realized but your comments about a 1080 screen look down on those that don't have one or can't afford one. And you pretty much called minitheatre's stuff garbage.
10/02/2013 04:42 — Anonymous
You are very clever and know a lot about HD video,you seem like the guy who posts 1,2,3 lists all the time and are very smart .Thank you for the remarks,very good stuff :D
10/02/2013 05:33 — hitanshu_conman,
Sorry for being gay,i had just been stuffed by my boyfriend.My mini theater encodes are poop and bit starved crap but are good for mini theater and there shit standards  . hitanshu_conman XX
10/02/2013 05:48 — Anonymous
How stupid is this one anon? Fuck. Nigga went full retard pretending to be the other guy.
10/02/2013 07:00 — Anonymous
There's a lot of text here, so I'll add my bit.

Image quality:
If you do a comparison with the other releases here, you may be able to pick up a difference.
AnimeNOW (333.4 MB): http://i.imgur.com/y3wvMev.png
SleepingKitties (277.3 MB): http://i.imgur.com/s5tIxm1.png
HorribleSubs (326.7 MB): http://i.imgur.com/IF51tQr.png

Focus on the background.  Turn up screen contrast/brightness if it helps.  AnimeNOW's looks the worst out of the three.
Is this bad encoding though?  That's hard to say.  Encoding settings look reasonable, and there's no fudged up deblocking.  Dark scenes can be harder to get right so this may be a worst case scenario.  It's bad to judge from just one image, because other scenes might be better.
The filesizes, listed above, don't seem to indicate that this is a mini encode.
But more importantly is whether it matters to you.  I had difficulty seeing the difference with my screen brightness down.  You might not be sensitive to these things and simply not notice them.  Whatever it is, as long you're happy, you shouldn't need to worry.

Politeness, from what I've seen so far, I'm not sure how much exists here.

I appreciate any release group who spends the time and effort to provide us with these releases.  Regardless of the release being good or bad, I'm glad that these people give us a number to choose from.
Even if this does suck, just shut up and get something else.  Tell others about it if you want, but you don't need to persistently whine about it.

Now please continue with the grammar/insult fight.
10/02/2013 07:04 — hitanshu_conman
Isn't this one of the most interesting posts on animetosho to date? Hahahahaha. I agree with what you said though.
10/02/2013 12:48 *alpeia2
I believe the source media is different, ie the source (raw) animeNOW is using is different from the one HS is using therefore you can not compare fairly. I also would like to add that I have watched both on HD size screen 1920X1080 and AN release dosen't seem as bad to me as people are making it out to be. There is a bit of artifacts in the background when the camera is moving and there seems to be a slight gamma difference between the 2 however it is 100% watchable. My guess is that some people may have adjusted their viewing monitors (the way they like it) in a way which makes it stand out more.

If you want to do a fair test then you would also need to have a image from the raws for each group you are testing. Also you would want to choose a frame with lots of colours and details that would also have hightlights & shadows, that's how the pros do it.

As far as I can see, there is nothing wrong with their encoding.

10/02/2013 07:10 — AnimeNOW
I feel like I have to say something to all of this. Well too put it into simple TL;DR: I've acted like a "dick/cunt" to people that hate my shit for only the encode and not the script/edits done to it. It's out right stupid to judge a whole release based on the video quality alone. I've said many times that my encodes are not really the reason for the shitty quality but the RAW I use, I'd love to get my own capper but I can't, if you keep complaining about it - find a capper for me. Also it's really easy to put the name as "AnimeNOW" luckily no one did it here, but try and think before you comment to someone thinking it's me. I really have nothing else to say, the way people react and talk about AnimeNOW is so horrible JUST from the encoding and the way I act towards people who are what you call on the internet "trolling". At most I can say: I'll not be stopping what I'm doing and stop being more of a cunt than me.
10/02/2013 07:15 — hitanshu_conman
Just keep doing what you're doing. There are people out there that appreciate your efforts.
10/02/2013 18:12 — Anonymous
You know what they say "what goes around,comes around".If you had not acted so horrible towards people in the first place ,then people would not act like that towards you .Try acting more your age(more mature),and stop being abusive and calling people insulting names  every time you reply to someone and maybe they will not act like that towards you.
10/02/2013 20:00 — hitanshu_conman
Quite the double standard you've got there.

"If you had not acted so horrible towards people in the first place"
Your conversation with me was pretty bad. And AnimeNOW just said it himself "I've acted like a "dick/cunt" to people that hate my shit for only the encode and not the script/edits done to it. It's out right stupid to judge a whole release based on the video quality alone." To further simplify what he's saying, he acts like an ass WHEN SOMEONE IS AN ASS FIRST.

"Try acting more your age(more mature),and stop being abusive and calling people insulting names"

Says the kid that tried posting under my name saying
"Full apologies ,i am a poor encoder who likes to act abusive towards people who hate my encodes.Much like my boyfriend AnimeNOW,sorry guys for being so stupid and retarded-[my favorite word],i can not help it since i am American. :)"
"Sorry for being gay,i had just been stuffed by my boyfriend.My mini theater encodes are poop and bit starved crap but are good for mini theater and there shit standards  . hitanshu_conman XX"

Also posting
"And you will keep enjoying the crap :D .FU and go away tard."
"Fuck off penis breath :)"
"Is mini theater good.Or just a con,i think it is just a con from a gay lord  called hitanshu-conman."

Practice what you preach before you go and bash anything.

The only thing that you are right about is "what goes around,comes around." Lol. Someday maybe you'll understand that. :)
10/02/2013 20:50 — Anonymous
Yes you are right,i took the comments too far,i was drunk[i know it is no excuse]and did not realize how rude i was being or even what i was posting.I apologize for being so rude and nasty towards you.Please forgive me .Thanks and sorry if i hurt your feelings and annoyed you,i should not have imitated you or acted that way. :)
12/02/2013 03:09 — Roka
Not all true.Reading the previous posts on here >like this: http://www.animefansftw.com/senyuu-episode-5/ .AnimeNOW was abusive and rude towards that person and called them retard for no good reason.HD video does not compress to the sizes posted on sites like the one mentioned which you use [minitheatre] without looking very bad.A good option would be for only registered users comments to be allowed on here and require E-mail registration to combat spam .
12/02/2013 04:41 — Anonymous
AN>HS isn’t a subbing group they rip, so this would of been because of Crunchyroll.

B>i know that HS isn’t a fucking subbing group you think i’m a retard, beside senyuu 05 is perfectly fine on CR, so i said trolling cause they don’t even check what they put online while it will take only a few seconds

AN>You are a retard. HS was all done by one guy. Do you really think he has the time to download all ongoing anime + 480p, 720p and 1080p in a day? No. It wouldn’t take seconds…

B>i didn’t say to check by downloading everything but at least you could tell that something is wrong when a file that’s supposedly during 5 mins take more than 300 Mb

and fuck you for calling me a retard

At the end

AN>i’m really amused you actually wasted some time replying to all those craps i said *lol*, thanks to you i’m relieved of my boredom :D i’m not as stupid as you may think, i just felt like teasing someone and i have to say it worked really well xD, i have to admit nice reaction you do have some guts, sorry for wasting your time like that and cool down man that was just me trolling <_<. when you see someone putting up some random shits like that just ignore it, don't be so short tempered or you won't live long ^^


Did you read what I read?
1. I would get pissed off if someone starts cussing all of a sudden for no reason, even if it isn't directed at me. Swearing here was completely unwarranted. Do you see B's reply? That implies that it didn't know that HS is automated and not all checked by hand. Pretty sad there.
2. In addition to the butthurt, it proceeded to cuss out AN.
3. It was trolling to begin with.

Provide a better example of this so called abuse, please.
12/02/2013 05:36 — Anonymous
This guy made a mistake. The last "AN" should actually be a "B" because it was the other guy who admitted to trolling.

Yeah, based on that, Animenow gave the other person what he deserved for that. Trolling gets so damn annoying after a while. Itʻs nice to see them put in their place.
12/02/2013 14:36 — AnimeNOW
Good one right there, making it seem like I was "trolling" You also some to be missing out when he said "i know that HS isn't a fucking subbing group" - wouldn't you make that being aggressive towards me ? Yes, so I was aggressive back.
13/02/2013 02:31 — Anon
So your not a troll then?.This post showing your love for gay porn must be true as well then http://www.animefansftw.com/how-to-dow...this-site/ .You really have cracked me up after reading  the ridiculous posts and idiotic nonsense you posted.,
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13/02/2013 02:37 — AnimeNOW
Wait. Are you saying a joke video is being a "troll"? In NO way is that trolling and at most the video HAS helped people that don't know how to download anime. Jesus...
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