[CMSSide] Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu [Hi444p 720p 5.1-FLAC][77F5D9E2].mkv

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (6.797 GB) | Website
Date Submitted07/01/2013 17:42
SeriesSuzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu - Complete Movie
CommentVisit us at http://side.colormesubbed.com/ or #ColorMeSubbed@irc.rizon.net
Article (!)The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi 720p Hi444p
File Name (Size)[CMSSide] Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu [Hi444p 720p 5.1-FLAC][77F5D9E2].mkv (6.797 GB)
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11 comment(s):
07/01/2013 19:18 — A_Registered_Trademark
"Hi444p" Not a caffeine induced typing error but an experiment in chroma subsampling (4:4:4, instead of 4:2:0) to look for new gains in color detail.  It's also Hi10p and expected to have heavier cpu usage and bigger file than regular Hi10p-720p, but less than Hi10p-1080p.

Is this the cutting edge or just some more fansub goofiness?  It'll cost you 7GB to have an opinion.
08/01/2013 11:32 *admin
Here's a few technical details for anyone interested (note, I have not watched this so this does not involve any visual judgement, which is what you should be doing if you want to answer the question of "is it better?").

Assuming the source here was a 1080p Blu-ray, then the chroma planes would've been 540p (on the BD). This video being 720p 4:4:4 means that the chroma has actually been upscaled from 540p to 720p. If it were regular 720p 4:2:0, the chroma would've been downscaled to 360p. So here we're comparing a 540p (upscaled) vs 360p chroma plane.
Note that chroma refers to colour, as opposed to luma which refers to brightness (or a black and white image). Our eyes are less sensitive to changes in chroma. In the large majority of videos you've likely seen, the chroma has been subsampled to a quarter of the luma resolution to take advantage of this and provide smaller file sizes. 4:4:4 means no chroma subsampling.

Due to this, I'm expecting most to not be able to see much improvement. But if you want to do close inspection, you may wish to focus on looking for colour bleeds or where colour differences have been blended together. Reds tend to be the most affected by chroma subsampling.
Here's an example comparison where the difference is relatively clear: http://i.imgur.com/pi0Yt.png (or open each one separately: 4:2:0, 4:4:4)
I'd think that it's unlikely that most anime will have as much benefit as that example comparison due to not having such sharp changes in colour and details (typically rare in higher resolution content), as well as the fact that sources will be in 4:2:0 (meaning that 4:4:4 is only viable when downscaling is performed, and even that is limited effect unless you downscale a lot), but YMMV.

Regardless, it's nice to see someone experiment with this.
08/01/2013 13:08 — Anonymous
Admin is right on.  In practical terms, I compared this experiment to Coalgirls and Doki's 720p versions.  Results: The small differences I saw between this experiment and those versions tended to be in wall textures and backgrounds, not in the foreground where your attention is meant to be drawn and where the action is.

Otherwise, on the positive side, the experiment ran very smooth and easy on a low end i3 with CCCP. Amazingly so. On the negative side, not much to get excited about visually and the file size was 2X Coalgirl or Doki's 720p.

Recommendations for next time:
1. A fantasy setting instead of a real-world one would be better for exploring color effects such as these.  Fantasy worlds have bright and unusual colors, high school classrooms not so much.

2. As others said, something smaller so everyone can take a look.  Maybe two versions by the same encoder holding other settings constant.
08/01/2013 07:12 — aniluv
I just hope they release something smaller for comparison sake.
08/01/2013 07:17 — John_Rhogan
I started watching the 1st season on youtube in english, then I found out about the Infinite Eight story (not to mention the animation style), and very fast lost interest. Haven't bothered finishing the 1st season since. I also started calling Haruhi "The Melancholy of K-ON!" cause of the same style from K-ON!
08/01/2013 07:47 — Anonymous
Endless Eight was the pointless episodes. Just watch the first and last one because in-between is all the same. Also it was part of Haruhi 2009, the chronological one, so it's not technically part of the "first season."

What do you expect? They're both from KyoAni, of course it has the same animation style.
08/01/2013 12:20 — Anonymous
I actually watched all of Endless Eight, and took notes.  I was determined to find the hidden meaning, purpose, or logic of repeating and repeating the same material, even if it failed completely in what it intended to do.

My first theory was a mood induction: That it was meant to convey how very terrible it could be if Haruhi messed up the universe.

My second theory came after I did a little research on the production team.  It was, "What do you do if you sign a contract for a certain number of anime episodes in a season but you decide the amount of money involved was insufficient?"
08/01/2013 09:09 — Anonymous
I started reading your comment on anitosho but lost interest after the first line, havent bothered since then ,O
08/01/2013 13:37 — Anonymous
Look at the other comments here.  If you still believe you have said something meaningful, call your local emergency medical services and describe your comment to them.  Paramedics will bring you a form titled "DNR Order" which stands for "Do Not Resuscitate".  Sign it.  It's the right thing to do for those who live or work near you, and for the world.
08/01/2013 13:53 — Anonymous
look at your own comment then the one i replied to and the smiley at the end of my comment, then think about what your comment provided idiot, btw when did i claim my comment would be meaningfull loltroll
08/01/2013 10:16 — Yogicat
Nyahaha! #FelineYogi@irc.rizon.net
I think CMS should try it out on another anime title.
Maybe one of their The World God Only Knows releases.
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