[AnimeNOW] Kiki`s Delivery Service (BD Dual-Audio 848x480 10-bit x264 AAC) [A526EA10].mkv

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (646.0 MB) | Website
Date Submitted26/12/2012 13:58
Series (!)Majo no Takkyuubin - Complete Movie
Article (!)Kiki’s Delivery Service BD Dual-Audio + Info about other releases!
File Name (Size)[AnimeNOW] Kiki`s Delivery Service (BD Dual-Audio 848x480 10-bit x264 AAC) [A526EA10].mkv (646.0 MB)
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19 comment(s):
28/02/2013 03:31 — aln
Q 28/02/2013 05:30 — Anonymous
Avoid these crap releases by animenow  ,they are cropped wrong and the image is displayed incorrectly.Stretched and with the wrong oar http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/10462 .  
28/02/2013 07:50 *alpeia2
It's not cropped wrong. One of the subs used the wrong aspect ratio or the raw was in the wrong aspect ratio. You can even see that by the image sizes. One is 848X458 and the other is 848X480. 848X480 is the common for 16:9 (480p) but for movies (using film) I think it's 1.85 (35mm) so 848X458 is the correct ratio and the animenow release isn't (sorry).

I just looked at animenow's post of this movie and see it is clearly their error when downscaling the movie, they are not looking at the original size, ie. 1920X1036 does not downscale to 1280X720 nor 848X480 and maintain it's aspect ratio.
28/02/2013 16:16 — Anonymous
It is cropped wrong whether you believe it or not,as is the 1080p and 720p versions.The res should be 1280x692[oar] for 720p[but he cropped to 1280x720] and 1920x1038[not1920x1036] for the 1080p.The subs being set wrong would just affect there display size on playback and  the actual video image is distorted/wrong,clearly a case of not knowing how to encode to the correct aspect ratios.Proper encoders use bdmv/bdiso as well and not raws like you claim he's used.
01/03/2013 17:56 *alpeia2
Sorry, but crop mean to remove (cut out) NOT scale down just for your information. Yes the correct size should be 1920X1038 BUT they had 1920X1036 for their 1080p which my guess is from the raw, cause why would anyone drop 2 pixels? Again to me it seems they just used the a default HD downscale to 720p & 480p for those formats. Which is clearly an error and a fact and that's all I was pointing out. Also I wrote the post as I was investigating it, sorry maybe I should have removed the top part since it clearly was their error, moving forward I will ensure to do that.

And if you still don't understand, then just look at your 2 images you posted and you can clearly see there is NO missing image information, just stretching which occurers when scaling out of aspect ration, not cropping.

I also pointed this out so Animenow can understand about 1.85 & 16:9 so moving forward they can be aware of this and not make the same mistake & for all the digital video geeks out there.

The BD is the raw, so I don't get what you mean. Raw = source matrial before making any changes. And encoders use whatever source they were made for, ie. whatever decoding support it has can be encoded to whatever encoding support it has. At least that`s how professional encoding software works. To me it sound like you are talking about some free/shareware encoder for at home use. God I hope they aren't using something like that...

Share the love and keep on watching!!!
Q 01/03/2013 19:09 — Encoding
He looks too be using MeGUI which is not a very good encoding application that newbies use and explains the horrid quality on display here .Most encoders use x264.exe.Raw and BD are two separate things and you seem too be getting them confused.BDMV/BDISO is the Blu-Ray source while RAW is an unsubbed release already pre-encoded from BD[blu-ray] for Blu-Ray or ts.[transport stream] for TV encodes.I would advise you to go to a site AnimeNOW uses like NYAA where the releases are posted and give him the information you have posted so he can correct the problems and not make the same mistake in future.  :)
28/02/2013 08:51 — Anonymous
"...these crap releases by animenow"  I have 180 releases by AnimeNow and haven't had a problem with any of them.  They were all free, as is this title, which will probably get fixed if there's a goof.

-To be ungracious with free stuff is stupid
-To try and ruin someone else's hobby is stupid
-To carry a grudge because somone called you names is stupid
-More anime is better than less anime
-Treating anime watchers as stupid is stupid (Oh, you just happened to download and watch a movie from a source you hate, did you?)

28/02/2013 17:37 — Zed
What are you basing this list on.The problem is that people like you jump down peoples throats for no good reason and can't stop making false accusations[and looking to argue] like  "I have 180 releases by AnimeNow and haven't had a problem with any of them" when they haven't even released that many http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrents&user=174261 [look at the part that says 67 torrents at the top].How did you manage to get more than they have released?.Do you have a time machine?.
01/03/2013 18:22 — Anonymous
Hi Zed,
Are you the absolute king of idiots?  You have to count files, you moron, not the torrent announcements.  You may not have noticed this, but a single torrent listing can contain any number of files, even a whole season of a series or more.

I hope you're just a grade school kid.

On a side note, I DO have a time machine.  I'm looking at you in the future.  You're in a nursing home, drooling and talking gibberish.  But that's next week.
01/03/2013 18:25 — Anonymous
And if you like to count torrents, don't forget TT next time.  We are AT.
01/03/2013 18:36 — Anonymous
Have you counted all of them then?.There are about 5-10 separate volumes posted on the nyaa link [and no complete series]  with 2-3 episode per volume in them and the rest are single episodes.Simple math even you can understand 10 [volumes]x3[eps/per volume] equals 30 + 67[separte torrents posted] =97[,so it equals around 100 releases or so[around half the claimed number.Use that time machine to go back and learn some math.END.
01/03/2013 19:39 — Anonymous
Who do you suppose is better at counting files on my hard drive --you or me?  I'm scrolling thru 11 screens  with 18 file names per screen and Windows reporting a summary total of 180 listings for my AnimeNow search of my drive.  It includes some 720p and 1080p resolutions, some weekly episode releases and some BD extras like commentary tracks, all of which took some effort to provide and I'm sure you would have tried to criticize if you could.

But what a waste of everyone's time.  Clearly, even by your faulty counts AnimeNow has released a bunch of stuff, which is the point.  So congratulations: Even your count just demonstrates how much free anime entertainment AnimeNow has provided for those of us who want it.  

("TT" by the way, stands for "TokyoTosho", the torrent listing site that AnimeTosho was named for.  Nyaa isn't everything anymore, if it ever was, and I still don't see it accounted for in your totals.  Like many people, I download what's available here, I don't look up the torrents to see where they were listed.)

Here's a good bottom line for you: Find a source that you like and leave AnimeNow alone if you don't like their stuff.  It's that simple, if you're actually interested in anime, which I now doubt.

01/03/2013 20:04 — lcac
It's  likely that half of them files are unsubbed commentary tracks,nice op/eds,menus,preview pictures ,etc that no normal person would keep or watch and delete after downloading  because they are a waste of space .I don't see why you are bringing it up or looking too argue .Are you AnimeNOW or one of his friends and arguing because he said your release was crap?.It  seems that way because none of the other groups releases have so many stupid comments on them when they are criticized.
10/10/2016 22:38 — alfamaster
"no normal person would keep"
  > haha... I keep them
01/03/2013 18:04 *alpeia2
There was a goof. It doesn't seem to have been fixed. And to be honest I don't think it's the frist time either, but it's understandable becuase they are learning as they go along and should only improve moving forward. I personally haven't seen anything they have done that is so bad you can't watch it. If you are just watching once and deleting or you don't care it shouldn't really matter, but if you are making library of anime and you want the best quality, then until they get better at encoding (whether it's their source matrial or encoding) I would look else where, sorry.

Actually after giving it some thought with the line "it shouldn't really matter" is being disrepectful to the creator and all the people who worked hard to create this animation. For everyone who worked on Kiki I humbly apologize and feel real bad about making such a statement. Your hard work should always be shown at its best possible quailty. ALWAYS!
01/03/2013 21:01 — Anonymous
Pixel stuff:  Aren't these kind of odd pixel issues only relevant for old anime and some movies?  As far as I can tell, this is AnimeNow's only movie or old anime title.  Everything else is recent broadcast and BDs of recent broadcasts.  Are you saying that such mistakes can occur with current premiere broadcasts and their BDs?
02/03/2013 01:50 *alpeia2
Aspect ratio for new stuff other then theatrical releases shouldn't be an issue as long as you are NOT upscaling. When you encode to do it right you must know about color space, gamma & apect ratio not to mention the stuff about audio. The rule is to never change the original quality or when using a compression be as close to orginal as possible. You never change the color, you never change the gamma & never change the aspect ratio.

If you have a low quality source, then maybe it's better to find another rather then compromise image quality, One example a 480p upscaled to 1080p does not work quality wise, but 720p upscale to 1080p will be ok. You'll loose some details but it's clear enough. Another example would be a badly recoreded source, there is nothing you can do to fix that. By the way I'm not claiming Animenow does any of this, I'm just giving examples of what could happen if someone doesn't fully understand what they are doing.

The only other thing I've seen wrong with one of Animenow's encoding was where the gamma seemed different and slight color change and a small amount of artifacting isues, BUT it wasn't their encoding that caused it it was the source matrial.
As the saying goes, garbage in, garbage out.

I mean hoestly if I was a sub group I would want to make sure everything I do is the best it can be, after all people are watching and it would be my reputation that would be on the line.

In short it`s not about odd pixel issues it`s about understanding what one is doing. I really want Animenow to succeed in what they are doing. I really commend the effort & time they spend doing this, it`s great! They just need a little time and understanding of all this tech stuff. They need to pay close attention to original size and aspect ratio. They need to make sure they are using the best possible image quality so they might want to be more picky on their source matrial. And no more drunken brawls ;) I guess the leader will only understand that one.

Share the love and keep watching!

01/03/2013 18:11 — Anonymous
AnimeNOW dev pls leave
02/03/2013 03:22 — AnimeNOW
Oh god. All this over 480p. 720p I can see but 480p? Well, this was one of the first projects I did (so I was still learning megui.) Well, with resizeing I didn't see a problem with it at first and if you watch it you'll understand that there isn't really anything wrong with it. BUT, I see why you'd go with Doki for 480p as i mean 1.77GB is really good for 480p HAHAHAHA. But seriously I'd go with doki unless you don't want a 1.77 gb file. I'd also like to point out that no one here knows me or is with me. I think I'm the only one I can think of that uses this site. All these false assumptions it's pretty funny.
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