[ARR] Seton Animal Chronicles - 01 [4A34BC3E].mkv

Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (94.17 MB) | Website
Date Submitted31/08/2011 05:13
Series (!)Seton Doubutsuki - Episode 1 (of 45)
Article (!)Seton Doubutsuki
File Name (Size)[ARR] Seton Animal Chronicles - 01 [4A34BC3E].mkv (94.17 MB)

13 comment(s):
20/09/2012 22:19 — Anonymous
please re-upload it
Q 13/01/2014 20:51 — Anonymous
I'm going to ask about Seton Animal Chronicles how can I get all epsiode that's my graysmith55@hotmail.com
13/01/2014 21:15 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
You have to donate to them in order to get rest of the episodes.

You can leave your info here http://www.arr-soarin.blogspot.com/201...ubocr.html

13/01/2014 21:32 — Anonymous
I think it would be cheaper and faster to learn japanese yourself.
13/01/2014 22:02 — Envy
Ah Mendokusai....
Ok.....reply back to that Anon not me.
01/08/2024 17:29 — Hylozoic
1$ per 1 ep - much more cheaper than learning japanese, clown.
01/08/2024 20:44 — Anonymous
Just like your uploads being trapped in the past... you do realize that you posted a reply to a comment from 2014.
Every day you Russians help keep our expectations low.
01/08/2024 21:09 — Anonymous
In Feedback Hylozoic recently wrote, "I am an elderly man." and that he had "bad nerves".  An interesting admission.  What to do with an elderly man with bad nerves?  I'd say, nothing much.
01/08/2024 21:23 — Anonymous
He also claims to be a "representative of the authorities" while committing crimes himself...
I'd love to see those "authorities" come to my country/house to arrest me for the alleged crimes of insults and slander.
02/08/2024 00:09 — Anonymous
What he has said makes me believe he doesn't have all his marbles anymore.  I don't think he's worth responding to but feel free.
02/08/2024 03:05 — Hylozoic
For insulting old colonel you will go to jail, and you will never respond to anyone, satanic criminal.
02/08/2024 03:04 — Hylozoic
Are you completely stupid? most old people have poor health and nerves, so they cannot tolerate insults, which seem to be the norm for young scumbags like you. So if you go to jail, don't be surprised.
02/08/2024 03:02 *Hylozoic
If you, dirty americans, telling russians what and where they to do, you will be nuked.
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