Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa (cached) | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (1.151 GB) | NZB | Website
Date Submitted04/01/2024 13:35
SeriesDungeon Meshi - Episode 1 (of 24): Hot Pot / Tart
udp:// 604L: 25C: 16702U: 373d, 12hr, 38min ago
udp:// 575L: 24C: 15386U: 373d, 12hr, 31min ago failedU: 372d, 23hr, 57min ago
udp:// 575L: 24C: 15408U: 373d, 12hr, 11min ago
File Name (Size) (1.151 GB)
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SubtitlesAll Attachments | eng [SRT], eng [SRT], SDH [eng, SRT], jpn [SRT], SDH [jpn, SRT], ara [SRT], cze [SRT], dan [SRT], ger [SRT], gre [SRT], Latin American [spa, SRT], European [spa, SRT], fin [SRT], fil [SRT], fre [SRT], heb [SRT], hin [SRT], hrv [SRT], hun [SRT], ind [SRT], ita [SRT], kor [SRT], may [SRT], nob [SRT], dut [SRT], pol [SRT], Brazilian [por, SRT], European [por, SRT], rum [SRT], swe [SRT], tha [SRT], tur [SRT], ukr [SRT], vie [SRT], Simplified [chi, SRT], Traditional [chi, SRT]

13 comment(s):
04/01/2024 20:13 — Anonymous
1.151GB filesize?! Ughhh...

04/01/2024 20:18 — Anonymous
yeah it's pretty bit raped... :'(
04/01/2024 21:31 — Anonymous
starved and color shifted
04/01/2024 21:43 — Anonymous
Wish there was a 720 upload with a smaller filesize. My bandwidth is limited.
05/01/2024 09:23 — Anonymous
Poverty sucks, right
05/01/2024 09:45 — Anonymous
I don't know his situation any more than you but I live in a rural town in Maryland. We have cable internet but a lot of smaller towns in the tristate area doesn't or if they do shit they have shit speeds. Not to mention they charge an arm and a leg for it. You pay more for cable tv and internet in rural areas than you do in the big cities. My family has land we go to glamp in WVa deep in the woods and cellphone internet is all we have there. Ive skied all over the north east but in WVa Snowshoe resort area you cant even use cellphones by law in a huge area because of the seti observatory space dishes.

Anyway the point is it could just be where he lives and not a money thing. A lot of rural areas only have one cable company if any and when they do it usually has caps.
05/01/2024 10:06 — Anonymous: "Animelover"
Why isn't this Dubbed?
05/01/2024 10:52 — Japanimelvr
This upload is a Netflix anime which is in English.
The story line is a little too stupid for me after watching the first episode... maybe it will get better ?
05/01/2024 12:12 — Anonymous: "Animelover"
If this is in English why doesn't the description mention it?
Normally it says Dubbed in English, French and so on.
No mention of Dubbing.
05/01/2024 19:16 — Anonymous
Read mediainfo. It has two audio tracks.
05/01/2024 13:00 — Anonymous
Keep watching, it gets way better
05/01/2024 12:56 — Anonymous
Check the other torrents retard
05/01/2024 12:17 — Anonymous: "Animelover"
So they eat monsters?
Don't large snakes contain venom?
Don't certain monsters have poisonous blood?
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