
Source LinksTokyoTosho | Nyaa | Torrent Download | Magnet Link (309.3 MB) | NZB | Website
Date Submitted05/03/2017 16:47
Series (!)Oshiete! Galko-chan
CommentEnjoy! | #doremi@irc.rizon.net
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File Name (Size)[Doremi].Please.Tell.Me!.Galko-chan.OAV.[1280x720].[C4F33A1F].mkv (309.3 MB)
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2 comment(s):
06/03/2017 13:56 — Anonymous: "Bat Guano"
- Is it true that girls are sensitive when the insides of their most delicate opening gets dirty? This question is not answered at all, but we see Galko going to a juvenile "Glasses Princes" magical girl anime much to the amazement of a young fan who resists growing out of fondness for such cinema. Otako reads a lot of books at the library. Philosophy, literature, history, really scholarly stuff. But also one titled "Somewhat Perverted School Jokes Volume 3". To keep the conversations obscene with her pals, it would seem. Ojou shows she continues to be a patent of schoolgirl virtue, but Galko can't help out her older sister because Galko used a laxative to cure her week-long constipation and it hasn't kicked in yet. Otako suggests exercising her abdomen with sit-ups to help cure the constipation, but Galko is so pendulous that this is difficult. Galko does a pedicure and shows Otako a picture of her painted toenails, but Otako prefers any tips Galko can give for painting the leftover bits of assembled plastic models. Galko's belly-button cleaning kit arrives, but Otako doesn't want anything to do with that, either. The school nurse discusses the joys of viewing young schoolgirls' belly-buttons to a friend over drinks. Are belly-button fetishists prevalent in Japan?
- Is it true when two people with glasses kiss, their glasses get in the way? If you tilt your head right, this does not become a problem. Galko and Otako are at a family restaurant and Galko wants to order pepperoni pizza. Otako mentions that she has heard that pepperoni is a slang term for huge nipples, but suggests Galko's tits are more like Morteau sausages that are very wide. Galko asks aren't boys way too unaware of their own nipples compared to girls and Otako says there are nipple covers made for men so they don't point out through their shirts. Ojou is away with her family during the summer (exploring the Arctic or Antarctic?) and sent postcards. The portly but fast girls futsal (arena soccer) player, Sonic Meat, proves a daunting competitor. Otako mentions that hippos are fast in real life, too.
- Is it true that the less material a piece of underwear has, the more expensive it is? Apparently, yes. Ojou has an exclusive, invitation-only piano recital and later impresses the others on how well she can eat curry udon without getting any on her ballroom gown. The three go to a photo booth to take a group picture and Otako explains how the new booths can detect if anyone is exposing too much skin for lewd photos and refuses to photograph such shameful displays. Dumping ecchi magazines in a shrine continues to be bad form but is not brutally punished by the shrine maiden, Galko's even more buxom older sister. Okako, the guitarist, goes to a shrine to look for occult locations. All the school girls meet up coincidentally and go to a karaoke singing booth. Fun times had by all!
- Is it true that you can create unforgettable memories during summer vacation? Sumi gets a phone text during dinner and his parents turn it into a real hassle. His Dad tells him to exercise outside instead of playing video games. Galko puts a BAND-AID(R) on his skinned knee. She offers him some sound advice, but Sumi is too focused on her enormous boobs to notice. He does not want to be the kind of adult to admonish kids wrongly, but is concerned that he'll soon forget this, so Galko sears this concern into his memory by giving him a strong boob-hug. And the wind-blown panty-flash didn't hurt, either.
L 19/04/2017 02:22 — RamenSub
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