Set in 2025 A.D., Transformers Victory introduces Star Saber, the mightiest Autobot warrior and the greatest swordsman in the galaxy. Following the defeat of the Decepticons on Earth in the Masterforce War, the villains have begun aggressively attacking other planets in the universe. To counter this threat, the Autobots joined with many other civilizations and lifeforms (including Humanity) to form the Galactic Peace Alliance, with Star Saber as its leader.
Seeking the energy necessary to free his massive Planet-Destroying Fortress from imprisonment in the Dark Nebula where Star Saber sealed it years ago, the Decepticons' new Emperor of Destruction, Deathsaurus (Dezarus), attacks Earth with his Dinoforce, prompting Star Saber and his team to set up residence on the planet.
Source: TFwiki
Note regarding the various episode counts about this entry: This Anime features the incredible number of 12 (!) recap episodes on 44 eps. Because of that most likely the US distributor thought he shouldn't torture it's viewers with those and only released the 32 story episodes. Hence the US edition is 32 episodes. Episode 39-44 didn't air on Japanese TV and are because of that considered special episodes. (To be precise episode 22 and 26 didn't air either, but to keep matters slightly more simple lets ignore that fact.)