A-Ko The Versus

[series image]
In an alternate universe, A-ko and B-ko are bounty-hunter partners who hunt giant tortoises on a sand planet. When C-ko is kidnapped by a gang of space pirates, A-ko and B-ko set off to rescue her — thinking only of the reward money offered by her wealthy father. Aided by a pint-sized Galactic Police Officer named Maruten, the girls discover that C-ko's abduction is part of a much larger scheme. Gail, the charismatic leader of the space pirates, intends to use C-ko's body as a host for the spirit of Xena, a long-dead sorceress.

Source: Wikipedia
1990, OVA, 2 episode(s)
AniDB | ANN | AnimeNfo | IMDB (2) | MAL | TVDB | Wiki (en)
Alternative version: Project A-ko

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