Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta

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The trouble starts when a careless teenage...heaven dweller, neglects to change the tanks of the "soul laundry machine", which cleans souls that are going to hell. When the tanks explode, the heaven dwelling kid becomes possessed and turns into Janemba, a huge blob-like creature. Janemba changes the laws of the afterworld and creates much havoc, including bringing such characters back to life as Freezer and his minions and all of the other dead. Paikuhan and Goku try to free the Demon lord and distract Janemba, it becomes evident that this tubby bastard's magic is almost invincible. While Paikuhan shouts insults at the Demon lord's prison, Goku strikes back against the Jell-o menace. It looks as though Goku has won, when Janemba transforms into a smaller, deadlier fighter, whom Goku cannot defeat. When Vegeta shows up, he too realizes that he cannot beat Janemba, so Goku convinces Vegeta to fuse with him. Unfortunately, Vegeta screws up the fusion dance, which is amusing in and of itself, and they turn into Fat Gogeta for 30 minutes. During this moment of weakness, Gogeta gets the living snot beaten out of him. Meanwhile Gohan, Videl, Goten and Trunks are taking care of the masses of undead that now walk the Earth. They prove to be no match for our seasoned warriors. When the Fat Gogeta transformation wears off, Paikuhan buys Goku and Vegeta the time to fuse correctly. In this new form of Gogeta, Janemba is easily defeated and the rules of the afterworld return to normal and the generic happy ending ensues.
1995, Movie, 1 episode(s)
AniDB | ANN | AnimeNfo | IMDB | MAL | TVDB | Wiki (en)
Parent story: Dragon Ball Z

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Current Time: 06/05/2024 14:12

