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[Script Info]
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Original Script: Riten Kyo classics

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Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
Dialogue: 0,0:00:03.66,0:00:07.48,Default,,0,0,0,,My name is Ryota Kamifukuoka,\N I'm a normal high school student.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:07.82,0:00:12.18,Default,,0,0,0,,Dealing with studies or sports\N has never been a big issue for me.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:12.24,0:00:13.42,Default,,0,0,0,,Ugh!! what!??
Dialogue: 0,0:00:13.54,0:00:16.24,Default,,0,0,0,,The only problem I have is...\Nthis girl, my childhood friend...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:16.38,0:00:19.38,Default,,0,0,0,,It doesn't matter what I do, she always manages\N to take a peek at my inimate parts.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.42,0:00:21.94,Default,,0,0,0,,I told you, my mom is going to catch us!!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.94,0:00:24.46,Default,,0,0,0,,-No, no, not there!!\N-I'm home...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.50,0:00:29.42,Default,,0,0,0,,Also, my new 28 year old mom, Ms. Kyoko.\NI know she has the hots for me too.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:29.46,0:00:34.10,Default,,0,0,0,,Having these naked situations everyday\N with both of this is going to end?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.18,0:00:37.34,Default,,0,0,0,,Mind if I join you?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:40.78,0:00:42.74,Default,,0,0,0,,Mom!!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:46.26,0:00:48.52,Default,,0,0,0,,Artificial Transformation!!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:58.12,0:01:00.58,Default,,0,0,0,,-As I expected...\NIt's running away...
Dialogue: 0,0:01:00.58,0:01:03.26,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll chase them. You make sure the family is alright.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:07.62,0:01:11.54,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh, my. I was drunk and came into the wrong\N room!! Guess that's why the door was locked!!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:11.54,0:01:14.98,Default,,0,0,0,,-Sure but....\N-This is the 14th floor, though....
Dialogue: 0,0:01:28.66,0:01:35.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Your limbs are like suction cups on smooth surfaces,\Nplus you bugs like to hang out in narrow\Nspaces just like in your home ground, right?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:39.06,0:01:43.24,Default,,0,0,0,,-Akari, bro...\N-I finally found you!!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:44.00,0:01:47.50,Default,,0,0,0,,You were hiding in this planet, you pests!!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:51.34,0:01:53.22,Default,,0,0,0,,They're retreating!!?
Dialogue: 0,0:02:02.46,0:02:04.14,Default,,0,0,0,,Come!!
Dialogue: 0,0:02:27.54,0:02:30.50,Default,,0,0,0,,That's one in the bag....
Dialogue: 0,0:02:35.38,0:02:39.80,Default,,0,0,0,,The year is 2621...
Dialogue: 0,0:02:39.98,0:02:45.38,Default,,0,0,0,,In one year, 8711 people have gone missing in Tokyo.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:45.64,0:02:49.10,Default,,0,0,0,,Most of these people disappeared during the night.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:49.10,0:02:54.90,Default,,0,0,0,,These cases came to be known to the public\N as "The work of those dark crawlers".
Dialogue: 0,0:02:55.32,0:03:01.74,Default,,0,0,0,,The crawlers use narrow spots, away from bright places\N and low visibility to attack their victims.
Comment: 0,0:03:02.42,0:03:04.98,Cyan,,0,0,0,,Presented by #Terra Formars on Discord & Riten Kyo classics.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:09.54,0:03:13.92,Default,,0,0,0,,Looks like it paid off to follow the one caught on camera.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.92,0:03:15.92,Default,,0,0,0,,Great work on this one.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.92,0:03:18.30,Default,,0,0,0,,We haven't progressed at all.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.58,0:03:22.84,Default,,0,0,0,,With this method, we won't know for\Nsure how the swarm of cockroaches act...
Dialogue: 0,0:03:22.84,0:03:27.82,Default,,0,0,0,,So it's like we're using the old "Ghostbusters"\N method to solve the problem, right?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:27.86,0:03:31.78,Default,,0,0,0,,But don't worry, Mr. Hizamaru.\N From here on it's my job to find out.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:31.82,0:03:35.74,Default,,0,0,0,,We're gonna electrify this one's brain\N and extract a map....We can win this.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:35.74,0:03:40.46,Default,,0,0,0,,The roaches have evolved to a point\N where they have a proper army.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:40.46,0:03:44.20,Default,,0,0,0,,With this method, we might even\Npinpoint the ones that killed your parents.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:44.98,0:03:50.70,Default,,0,0,0,,The behavior of these Earthling Terraformars\N is very strange...They ran away, huh?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:51.62,0:03:54.82,Default,,0,0,0,,They must have been acting on specific orders.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:54.82,0:04:00.88,Default,,0,0,0,,It must forbid mere grunts from fighting\Nany humans that were too strong...but...
Dialogue: 0,0:04:01.30,0:04:04.98,Default,,0,0,0,,They've submitted to the vision of a hierarchy...
Dialogue: 0,0:04:04.98,0:04:08.46,Default,,0,0,0,,because these roaches have no independent will.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:09.86,0:04:14.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Reports say that the Terraformars have already infiltrated Earth.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:14.48,0:04:18.02,Default,,0,0,0,,But, Hizamaru, I won't force you to participate in this operation.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.02,0:04:21.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Until now, who's the one that you've been fighting for?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:22.54,0:04:26.86,Default,,0,0,0,,You've followed too many cruel orders, so from now on...
Dialogue: 0,0:04:26.90,0:04:30.24,Default,,0,0,0,,You should fight and live for your own sake.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:33.16,0:04:37.84,Default,,0,0,0,,If we analyze this thing's brain\Nwe'll learn about its superior officer.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:37.84,0:04:42.02,Default,,0,0,0,,Examine its brain!!?\NIs such a thing even possible!!?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:42.10,0:04:49.22,Default,,0,0,0,,It is. The brain oxygen content is proportional\N to neuron activity, so it'll measure bold signals via FMRI.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:50.52,0:04:52.52,Default,,0,0,0,,Mr. Hizamaru?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:53.94,0:04:55.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh, Sorry...
Dialogue: 0,0:04:56.60,0:05:00.98,Default,,0,0,0,,Sakurato, I'm so glad, the vaccine finally worked.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:01.02,0:05:02.98,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm truly happy.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:03.18,0:05:08.28,Default,,0,0,0,,It's for people like you that I'm alive, Hizamaru san. Many thanks...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:13.20,0:05:17.78,Default,,0,0,0,,So what it has imagined and felt are too\N complicated and abstract to digitize...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:17.78,0:05:21.58,Default,,0,0,0,,However, what it saw is just some images.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:21.58,0:05:25.58,Default,,0,0,0,,The record of what it saw,\N can be accessed in the same way as case data.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:29.38,0:05:31.64,Default,,0,0,0,,According to the data, what that the cockroaches saw...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:31.64,0:05:35.18,Default,,0,0,0,,Looks a lot like the Tokyo Metropolitan waterway 22-18...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:35.18,0:05:37.18,Default,,0,0,0,,So, this is it.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:39.66,0:05:54.22,Default,,0,0,0,,A message from Michelle: Food tastes good again,\N she misses him and wishes him well defending Japan.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:05.84,0:06:09.26,Default,,0,0,0,,I have to capture one of the Terraformars\Nfrom this waterway.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.26,0:06:12.68,Default,,0,0,0,,That way, we'll be able to analyze them better.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:38.70,0:06:41.46,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh, wow, Hizamaru, is that you!!?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:41.50,0:06:43.46,Default,,0,0,0,,W-What the hell!!?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.58,0:06:48.34,Default,,0,0,0,,What're you doing here? It's strange\N to see you wanderin' in this dump.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:48.34,0:06:50.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Coming here especially in those nice clothes.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:50.72,0:06:52.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Who this guy could be? Also...
Dialogue: 0,0:06:52.80,0:06:54.94,Default,,0,0,0,,There's a big pile of dead Terraformars.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:54.94,0:06:59.10,Default,,0,0,0,,You surprised? The guts and organs\Nof subterraneans fetch quite a price.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:59.10,0:07:01.94,Default,,0,0,0,,-"Subterraneans"?\NUm, but aren't they dangerous?
Dialogue: 0,0:07:01.98,0:07:07.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Yeah...the government has finally caught on...\NBut we've known about 'em for a long time.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:07.62,0:07:10.70,Default,,0,0,0,,A year ago there were about 12,000 of us "moles"...
Dialogue: 0,0:07:10.78,0:07:14.94,Default,,0,0,0,,But these things multiplied and cut us down to 25% of that.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:14.94,0:07:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,They're so fast and vicious that the\N moles were the ones being eaten.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:20.70,0:07:24.92,Default,,0,0,0,,But, fortunately, that won't be a problem anymore.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:26.14,0:07:29.14,Default,,0,0,0,,Because, I'm the one ruling this place now.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:29.18,0:07:32.68,Default,,0,0,0,,Saito? My elementary school classmate that was a troublemaker.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:32.68,0:07:34.18,Default,,0,0,0,,Just call me "Sho"...
Dialogue: 0,0:07:34.22,0:07:37.90,Default,,0,0,0,,-Now he's the leader of a group of moles...\N Saito, you're pretty tough, huh?
Dialogue: 0,0:07:37.90,0:07:41.26,Default,,0,0,0,, bet I am...
Dialogue: 0,0:07:48.98,0:07:51.28,Default,,0,0,0,,...Even if you attack me from behind, it's useless!!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:51.28,0:07:54.42,Default,,0,0,0,,This place is the most dangerous.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:54.42,0:07:57.38,Default,,0,0,0,,There are plenty of basins for flood control...
Dialogue: 0,0:07:57.38,0:08:00.50,Default,,0,0,0,,But even we don't go into such big spaces.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:00.54,0:08:06.74,Default,,0,0,0,,From here, we take the dead subterraneans to Tokyo bay\N and sell the organs to brokers disguised as fishermen.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:06.74,0:08:11.30,Default,,0,0,0,,That's how the Tokyo mole family gets by.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:11.30,0:08:14.80,Default,,0,0,0,,How about you, Hizumaru? You with the waterworks department?
Dialogue: 0,0:08:14.80,0:08:19.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Saito, I'm with Ichi security, part of the Military.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:19.72,0:08:23.48,Default,,0,0,0,,We study and fight the "subterraneans" with my unit....
Dialogue: 0,0:08:23.48,0:08:26.82,Default,,0,0,0,,Them and any other threats with Japan's forces.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:26.90,0:08:30.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't you remember two years ago\Nwhen the U-NASA was recruiting?
Dialogue: 0,0:08:30.48,0:08:34.02,Default,,0,0,0,,I kinda remember but I don't read so well...
Dialogue: 0,0:08:34.06,0:08:38.08,Default,,0,0,0,,Let me look around here.\NMy company will buy those corpses.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:38.08,0:08:42.46,Default,,0,0,0,,From now until forever?\NCan you promise something like that?
Dialogue: 0,0:08:42.50,0:08:48.42,Default,,0,0,0,,With 500 family members. I gotta be\Ndamn sure the deal wil benefit all of us.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:48.42,0:08:54.26,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't get the wrong idea. I didn't apply to\N U-NASA because I ain't interested in Mars.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:54.26,0:08:58.02,Default,,0,0,0,,But I also ain't interested in sellin'\N my soul to buy stupid toys.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:58.02,0:09:02.22,Default,,0,0,0,,At the moment, we are alright with things how they are.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:02.22,0:09:08.44,Default,,0,0,0,,If there's something we can use, we just\N go ahead and pick it up, ain't that right?
Dialogue: 0,0:09:08.62,0:09:13.28,Default,,0,0,0,,If I decide to return to the surface...\N it will be by my own strength!!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:13.36,0:09:18.46,Default,,0,0,0,,Okay, it's fine if we don't see eye to eye,\N but I won't just stop here.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:18.62,0:09:23.74,Default,,0,0,0,,Hey, of course we don't agree, here!! I'm a thug after all...
Dialogue: 0,0:09:23.82,0:09:30.22,Default,,0,0,0,,Everyone is gettin' along nice up there,\Nbut you are in the underground now.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:30.22,0:09:32.34,Default,,0,0,0,,You gotta play by our rules.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:34.14,0:09:37.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Let's see if you can stop me, then.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:51.86,0:09:57.62,Default,,0,0,0,,What's wrong, Hizamaru!!? is that\Nhow you beat subterraneans!!?
Dialogue: 0,0:09:57.62,0:10:02.50,Default,,0,0,0,,Nope, I bet you have a nice trick up\Nyour sleeve. Why don't you use it?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:02.58,0:10:06.34,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't hold back!! me and the subterraneans are true badasses!!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:06.82,0:10:09.08,Default,,0,0,0,,Transformation!!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:09.14,0:10:14.18,Default,,0,0,0,,"Because someone leaks intel to us"\N Earth's balance of power is crumbling.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:14.26,0:10:16.06,Default,,0,0,0,,The general public doesn't know it.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:16.18,0:10:20.76,Default,,0,0,0,,New tech appears first in the military\N and then among criminals.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:23.60,0:10:28.60,Default,,0,0,0,,I've got 500 people in my familiy\N to protect from you, damn surface wolves!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:28.94,0:10:30.52,Default,,0,0,0,,We will rise!!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:30.52,0:10:32.74,Default,,0,0,0,,He had a black market bugs procedure!!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:44.74,0:10:49.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Class: Insecta Orthoptera.\NSpecies: Gryllus Bimaculatus.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:49.26,0:10:53.62,Default,,0,0,0,,This field cricket's cerci are three times\N longer than the cockroach's.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:53.66,0:10:57.26,Default,,0,0,0,,They have sensory hairs one microgram\Nthick for detecting air movements.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:57.26,0:11:04.22,Default,,0,0,0,,These hairs are 100 times more sensitive than a\N photoreceptor that can react to a single visible light photon.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:04.38,0:11:08.98,Default,,0,0,0,,At normal temperatures they can sense movement\N at a molecular level and trigger a fight reflex.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:08.98,0:11:12.18,Default,,0,0,0,,Orthoptera is also known for their great leg power....
Dialogue: 0,0:11:13.06,0:11:17.18,Default,,0,0,0,,Hizamaru...You're a hell of a guy...
Dialogue: 0,0:11:17.18,0:11:19.46,Default,,0,0,0,,You look good.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:19.50,0:11:25.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Do you remember? we were the only poor ones\N who could only afford four colors of paint in class.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:25.70,0:11:31.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Saito, because you had a bad family\N situation, you could never obey adults.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:31.58,0:11:33.86,Default,,0,0,0,,You refused to follow the path I did.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:34.00,0:11:38.58,Default,,0,0,0,,You were such a kind and well behaved kid,\N I couldn't be like that.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:38.62,0:11:44.76,Default,,0,0,0,,The adults and their stupid ambitions were worthless to me.\NTheir culture and money were my enemies.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:44.86,0:11:47.30,Default,,0,0,0,,All I could do was bite back.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:47.34,0:11:50.46,Default,,0,0,0,,It was just bad luck we ended like this, sorry bud!!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:50.52,0:11:56.14,Default,,0,0,0,,Opponents who refuse to listen and opponents\Nwho are former friends are nothing new to me....
Dialogue: 0,0:11:56.44,0:11:58.44,Default,,0,0,0,,Artificial transformation!!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:07.58,0:12:09.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Clench your teeth!!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:17.80,0:12:19.50,Default,,0,0,0,,A thread cushion?
Dialogue: 0,0:12:19.54,0:12:22.26,Default,,0,0,0,,I won this one, Sho!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:24.22,0:12:27.56,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, you're the one standing up.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:39.48,0:12:42.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Sh...SHOOOOOOO!!!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:46.24,0:12:49.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, well, I won't need to work with this guy anymore...
Dialogue: 0,0:12:49.98,0:12:53.54,Default,,0,0,0,,Because finally I caught bigger prey...\NRight, second?
Dialogue: 0,0:12:55.14,0:12:57.92,Default,,0,0,0,,This chance won't happen a second time...
Dialogue: 0,0:12:58.26,0:13:01.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't worry. They'll take you alive.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:01.76,0:13:04.50,Default,,0,0,0,,You were half-right...Section manager Hyuga!!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:04.54,0:13:07.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Nice recon...Section manager Hizamaru.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:07.68,0:13:11.68,Default,,0,0,0,,Roaches and foreign agents are using Tokyo bay\Nand underground waterways as infiltration routes.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:11.68,0:13:15.14,Default,,0,0,0,,And both are more prepared than we thought!!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:15.18,0:13:18.86,Default,,0,0,0,,This is an order!! Number 7 section manager Hizamaru...
Dialogue: 0,0:13:18.90,0:13:22.58,Default,,0,0,0,,and all other patrol personnel.\NGo to strategic points and intercept....
Dialogue: 0,0:13:22.58,0:13:24.94,Default,,0,0,0,,The roaches and spies at once!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:26.06,0:13:29.94,Default,,0,0,0,,Remember these guys?\NThis is an improved version of the ability...
Dialogue: 0,0:13:29.98,0:13:34.30,Default,,0,0,0,,You encountered in my comrade, general Kai.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:34.34,0:13:37.96,Default,,0,0,0,,In expectation of this, I stationed 300\N of these zombie cockroaches army nearby.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:38.10,0:13:41.22,Default,,0,0,0,,Boss Saito is down, so I'd like to release all the cockroaches...
Dialogue: 0,0:13:41.34,0:13:47.18,Default,,0,0,0,,And finish this as soon as possible\N before the enemy Earthformers get here.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:48.10,0:13:51.38,Default,,0,0,0,,It's all clear now. There's no mistake...
Dialogue: 0,0:13:51.38,0:13:56.34,Default,,0,0,0,,There's no doubt about it!! The Terraformars\N have come to claim Japan for themselves!!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:58.90,0:14:04.32,Default,,0,0,0,,First!! Japan has the world's largest underground\N labyrinth with hardly any security cameras!!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:04.32,0:14:07.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Therefore, since the roaches can survive\N in darkness, they could avoid human eyes,
Dialogue: 0,0:14:07.78,0:14:16.46,Default,,0,0,0,,They could avoid law enforcement, military defenses and aerial\N radar to attack strategic locations without much trouble.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:16.46,0:14:20.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Second!! Japan has few armed police officers and civilians!!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:20.86,0:14:26.92,Default,,0,0,0,,Third!! Japan has the most advanced infrastructure,\N science, technnology and research facilities!!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:28.10,0:14:30.62,Default,,0,0,0,,That's what it is...
Dialogue: 0,0:14:30.62,0:14:35.34,Default,,0,0,0,,Unlike on Mars, knives are easy to get here.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:39.44,0:14:45.28,Default,,0,0,0,,Threatened they cannot sit still. They will enact their plan.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:45.28,0:14:49.46,Default,,0,0,0,,For 17 years, they've prepared and\Nnow they will attempt to seizeJapan!!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:49.46,0:14:54.62,Default,,0,0,0,,If I was a roach, the first thing I would\N do is take out communications.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:54.74,0:14:57.82,Default,,0,0,0,,The Terraformars have come to steal Tokyo.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:57.96,0:15:02.42,Default,,0,0,0,,However, they aren't a horde armed with guns and bombs.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:02.54,0:15:09.22,Default,,0,0,0,,They seek to target strategic locations, sow confusion\N and seize infrastructure to achieve this purpose!!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:09.94,0:15:12.80,Default,,0,0,0,,But, we also have a plan to counter them!!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:12.94,0:15:15.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Not only in Tokyo, but all over Japan!!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:15.38,0:15:17.22,Default,,0,0,0,,They aren't going to win!!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:17.70,0:15:19.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Everything will be decided here!!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:19.74,0:15:22.26,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm counting on all of you!!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:22.86,0:15:27.26,Default,,0,0,0,,Yo' yo' just take it easy and give up!!\N Can't let you die on me.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:27.32,0:15:29.62,Default,,0,0,0,,You're the famous "the second" after all!!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:29.70,0:15:32.10,Default,,0,0,0,,Hizamaru san, isn't your backup there yet!!?
Dialogue: 0,0:15:32.10,0:15:37.42,Default,,0,0,0,,Not yet!! Besides, my right arm's\N broken!! Even an injection won't fix it!!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:37.58,0:15:39.26,Default,,0,0,0,,What did you say!!?
Dialogue: 0,0:15:39.42,0:15:40.78,Default,,0,0,0,,You sure about this?
Dialogue: 0,0:15:40.86,0:15:45.84,Default,,0,0,0,,The roaches killes countless loved\N ones, including the one that raised me.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:46.00,0:15:48.46,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm not the type to seek revenge...
Dialogue: 0,0:15:48.58,0:15:53.54,Default,,0,0,0,,But all of those missing people were\N important to their significant ones
Dialogue: 0,0:15:54.86,0:15:57.98,Default,,0,0,0,,Just being in Tokyo made them targets.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:57.98,0:16:01.06,Default,,0,0,0,,This is my hometown, so I want to defend it!!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:01.52,0:16:06.94,Default,,0,0,0,,And even if I wasn't anyone special...\N I'd say the same thing.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:08.62,0:16:13.28,Default,,0,0,0,,And while you're alive,\N I'm gonna make you suffer more.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:13.50,0:16:15.12,Default,,0,0,0,,B-but how!!?
Dialogue: 0,0:16:15.20,0:16:16.28,Default,,0,0,0,,Sho!!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:16.28,0:16:18.42,Default,,0,0,0,,Think it over, Hizamaru san.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:20.98,0:16:23.62,Default,,0,0,0,,Why so surprised, you goddamn idiot!!?
Dialogue: 0,0:16:23.74,0:16:28.74,Default,,0,0,0,,When you shot me, you missed the part of\N my brain that gets me fired up, you asshole!!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.10,0:16:33.02,Default,,0,0,0,,You piece of shit, I refuse...I absolutely refuse...
Dialogue: 0,0:16:33.14,0:16:36.06,Default,,0,0,0,,Everyone in Ichi security feels the same....
Dialogue: 0,0:16:36.18,0:16:39.10,Default,,0,0,0,,No, everyone in Japan feels the same way!!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:39.86,0:16:42.02,Default,,0,0,0,,I refuse to die here!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:42.14,0:16:43.18,Default,,0,0,0,,That's right!!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:43.18,0:16:44.48,Default,,0,0,0,,We all share the feeling!!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:44.48,0:16:46.34,Default,,0,0,0,,Let's exterminate these pests!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:46.34,0:16:48.18,Default,,0,0,0,,THEY CAN'T HAVE TOKYO!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:48.18,0:16:49.98,Default,,0,0,0,,The fight has begun, Professor Honda.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:50.18,0:16:53.50,Default,,0,0,0,,You must all hate me. right?
Dialogue: 0,0:16:53.50,0:16:59.82,Default,,0,0,0,,One year ago, the crew of "Annex 1" returned to Earth\Nwith viral samples, just as the government had hoped...
Dialogue: 0,0:16:59.82,0:17:03.70,Default,,0,0,0,,And we expected you to pursue\N research vigorously. But this last year...
Dialogue: 0,0:17:03.70,0:17:10.14,Default,,0,0,0,,Instead of strengthening Japan's militarily or\N researching combat genes, you prioritized the vaccine.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:10.70,0:17:15.10,Default,,0,0,0,,You have saved lives but now even more may die.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:15.10,0:17:19.10,Default,,0,0,0,,That does make one pause for thought.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:19.10,0:17:26.52,Default,,0,0,0,,But whatever government big shots think, we at\N Ichi Security, not one of us is critical of your desision.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:34.06,0:17:36.98,Default,,0,0,0,,He's fired up!!? This is bullshit, he should be dead!!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:36.98,0:17:39.66,Default,,0,0,0,,Sho!! Hear me out!! let's coop...
Dialogue: 0,0:17:43.74,0:17:47.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Injecting the drug into both arms won't work now!!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:47.04,0:17:50.96,Default,,0,0,0,,But we are armed to the teeth!!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:51.58,0:17:55.06,Default,,0,0,0,,Because that's how it is on Earth!!\N The fight is over, Second.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:55.06,0:18:01.82,Default,,0,0,0,,Should we blow your limbs off or just catch you in\N a bug net? Make your choice before your backup arrives.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:02.06,0:18:03.42,Default,,0,0,0,,Backup?
Dialogue: 0,0:18:03.78,0:18:06.10,Default,,0,0,0,,It won't get here for another ten minutes.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:06.10,0:18:09.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Sho, we're in deep shit and outnumbered on top of that.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:09.90,0:18:15.66,Default,,0,0,0,,...If we had prioritized research into using the A.E.\N virus to improve success in the M.O operation...
Dialogue: 0,0:18:15.74,0:18:20.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Japan and Ichi security would have secured more\N combatants today as other nations now seek to do.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:20.90,0:18:24.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Nonetheless, we are prepared!!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:24.16,0:18:26.94,Default,,0,0,0,,We decided to protect people and we will!!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:27.26,0:18:30.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Even with our limited numbers and abilities!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:30.86,0:18:36.84,Default,,0,0,0,,We are prepared to fight alongside the researcher\N who refused to abandon the life of a 10-year-old boy!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:39.38,0:18:41.50,Default,,0,0,0,,Bastard, what are you planning now!!?
Dialogue: 0,0:18:41.50,0:18:43.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Yo' chill down and have a little trust...
Dialogue: 0,0:18:43.90,0:18:46.34,Default,,0,0,0,,in me and my comrades!!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:46.34,0:18:52.78,Default,,0,0,0,,Speaking apart from my status\N as military and security personnel...
Dialogue: 0,0:18:52.78,0:18:58.02,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm very glad that your brain is\N at Japan's service, Professor Ko Honda.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:59.36,0:19:03.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Our little tussle made us buds. right bro!!?
Dialogue: 0,0:19:05.26,0:19:07.42,Default,,0,0,0,,SHOOT!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:09.90,0:19:11.78,Default,,0,0,0,,Deviant Metamorphosis!!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:11.78,0:19:13.46,Default,,0,0,0,,Like you said...
Dialogue: 0,0:19:13.46,0:19:19.42,Default,,0,0,0,,If we spent time developing a vaccine, we\N couldn't increase the number of M.O. recipients.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:19.72,0:19:24.86,Default,,0,0,0,,But we could help current recipients\N by developing better drugs!!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:25.82,0:19:30.56,Default,,0,0,0,,It's a desperate plan and it may not even work.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:30.56,0:19:36.32,Default,,0,0,0,,It's good enough!! You said it wasn't\N worth a name but we named it!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:39.32,0:19:43.32,Cyan,,0,0,0,,{\pos(634,125)}CHIMERA BLOOD OPERATION
Dialogue: 0,0:19:39.32,0:19:43.32,Cyan,,0,0,0,,{\pos(475,370)}AKARI HIZAMARU CROSSED WITH A FIELD CRICKET!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:39.32,0:19:43.32,Default,,0,0,0,,THE CHIMERA BLOOD OPERATION!!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:43.32,0:19:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,We made a vow!! We were young so\N we easily panicked, rushed and sinned.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:48.00,0:19:51.08,Default,,0,0,0,,But when I saw Akari Hizamaru again one year ago...
Dialogue: 0,0:19:51.08,0:19:56.46,Default,,0,0,0,,I realized I had gained a new mission over the past 21 years.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:56.46,0:20:00.62,Default,,0,0,0,,That's right!! I must protect what\Nthis young man was holding so dear.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:00.62,0:20:02.06,Default,,0,0,0,,And that is....
Dialogue: 0,0:20:04.10,0:20:06.68,Default,,0,0,0,,The technology that will make...
Dialogue: 0,0:20:06.68,0:20:09.14,Default,,0,0,0,,This world a better place!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:11.18,0:20:18.06,Default,,0,0,0,,There's a bacterium named "Thermus Aquaticus"\N it is only well known in the DNA analysis field.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:18.06,0:20:21.98,Default,,0,0,0,,Technicians used the M.O. operation to retrieve\N the DNA of base organisms inscribed in flesh and bone cells.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:21.98,0:20:27.62,Default,,0,0,0,,But a small portion of that genetic information exists in\N the blood. Akari absorbed Field Cricket blood into his body...
Dialogue: 0,0:20:27.62,0:20:34.38,Default,,0,0,0,,And the metamorphosis drug C.B. stimulation\Nunit thermus aquaticus that he injected earlier...
Dialogue: 0,0:20:34.38,0:20:37.14,Default,,0,0,0,,Amplified it for Deviant Metamorphosis!!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:37.14,0:20:43.62,Default,,0,0,0,,But he had not followed procedure. He had ingested\N the drug, so, even if he was also an insect-type...
Dialogue: 0,0:20:43.62,0:20:47.54,Default,,0,0,0,,His metamorphosis would take TEN SECONDS!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:49.14,0:20:51.22,Default,,0,0,0,,And it feels like eternity....
Dialogue: 0,0:21:01.18,0:21:03.24,Default,,0,0,0,,Yo' Hiroshi...
Dialogue: 0,0:21:03.24,0:21:07.02,Default,,0,0,0,,What button makes these zombies self-destruct?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:07.02,0:21:10.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Tell me, or I'll hurt you and then push'em all!!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:10.86,0:21:14.16,Default,,0,0,0,,You can't control them without hands anyway...
Dialogue: 0,0:21:14.16,0:21:16.70,Default,,0,0,0,,So send a message to your superior!!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:16.70,0:21:20.22,Default,,0,0,0,,We won't let you or the Terraformars have Tokyo!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:20.22,0:21:22.34,Default,,0,0,0,,Ichi security and the Japan ranking will protect...
Dialogue: 0,0:21:22.34,0:21:26.98,Default,,0,0,0,,The streets, facilities, money and people\N of Tokyo, above and below ground!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:27.94,0:21:30.42,Default,,0,0,0,,Comms are already open...
Dialogue: 0,0:21:30.42,0:21:32.68,Default,,0,0,0,,Are you going to be okay after that?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:32.82,0:21:38.98,Default,,0,0,0,,I heard that even if you defeat us, the other Terraformars\N are coming through here towards the government offices.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:39.06,0:21:43.06,Default,,0,0,0,,With those wounds, can you even protect this place?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:43.18,0:21:45.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Hey, what's that sound?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:45.28,0:21:47.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Ughh, It can't be!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:47.58,0:21:55.54,Default,,0,0,0,,I get it, they're gonna save me from China and Tokyo's\N sewers from the roaches and secure samples too!!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:55.54,0:21:58.74,Default,,0,0,0,,-What was that?\N-Most impressive...
Dialogue: 0,0:21:58.74,0:22:02.10,Default,,0,0,0,,Someone activated the emergency pump....!!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:02.10,0:22:05.34,Default,,0,0,0,,To redirect a river through here!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:05.98,0:22:07.80,Default,,0,0,0,,That would be Number Seven!!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:20.98,0:22:22.70,Default,,0,0,0,,I thought I was going to bite it.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:22.70,0:22:24.86,Default,,0,0,0,,We almost literally went to sleep with the fishes...
Dialogue: 0,0:22:24.86,0:22:28.70,Default,,0,0,0,,What are you talking about? You aren't out of the wet woods yet.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:28.70,0:22:31.02,Default,,0,0,0,,Thanks for the help.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:31.02,0:22:35.42,Default,,0,0,0,,President Hyuga only called you "Number Seven"...
Dialogue: 0,0:22:35.42,0:22:36.38,Default,,0,0,0,,...So, Uhmm...
Dialogue: 0,0:22:36.38,0:22:37.74,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes, that's right.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:38.30,0:22:41.74,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm the Number Seven in the Japan ranking.\NI'm "Samurai Sword".
Dialogue: 0,0:22:43.30,0:22:44.30,Default,,0,0,0,,A weird codename?
Dialogue: 0,0:22:44.30,0:22:46.92,Default,,0,0,0,,Looks like the deviant metamorphosis worked!!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:47.42,0:22:53.34,Default,,0,0,0,,The defense of the Tokyo government offices and\N collection of roach samples is complete, Captain Hizamaru.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:53.60,0:22:55.10,Default,,0,0,0,,Hey, she called you "Captain"
Dialogue: 0,0:22:55.10,0:22:56.68,Default,,0,0,0,,What's wrong with that?
Dialogue: 0,0:22:56.68,0:22:58.78,Default,,0,0,0,,You don't really look like one...
Dialogue: 0,0:22:58.78,0:23:02.18,Default,,0,0,0,,Hahaha, you are one to talk...bastard....
Comment: 0,0:23:15.20,0:23:21.26,Cyan,,0,0,0,,{\an8}Fansubbed by Riten Kyo classics fansub\Nin behalf of #Terra formars in discord.\N\NTranslated by Nao Takahashi\N\NEdition and Timing by Ichido Reichan\N\NSponsored by an anonymous Terraformars fan
Comment: 0,0:23:22.42,0:23:25.42,Cyan,,0,0,0,,{\an8}If you want to see the 2nd Earth OAD "The life of Invoking" come to the discord channel #Terra Formars and contact Ichido Reichan, any donation to help pay for the translator will be appreciated. (softsub version will be released after 2nd OVA release)\N\N\N\N\N\N\N\N\N\N\NRiten Kyo classics fansub is hosting an event soon where 10 episodes will be released in a single day.\N More information on our facebook and discord page.
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