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Audio File: C:/Users/John Park/Desktop/Translation Sub stuff/Subbed Videos/Noblesse - The Beginning of Destruction OVA (Pamyeol ui Sijak) V2 Feb15.m4v
Video File: C:/Users/John Park/Desktop/Translation Sub stuff/Subbed Videos/Noblesse - The Beginning of Destruction OVA (Pamyeol ui Sijak) V2 Feb15.m4v
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Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,
Dialogue: 0,0:01:12.40,0:01:18.81,Default,,0,0,0,,불어오는 작은 바람 소리에 \N Against the sound of a small wind blowing,
Dialogue: 0,0:01:18.81,0:01:25.50,Default,,0,0,0,,흔들리는 나뭇 가지 소리에 \N Against the sound of a swaying tree branch,
Dialogue: 0,0:01:25.50,0:01:29.26,Default,,0,0,0,,내 손 안의 작은 소망 \N Tiny hope within my hand
Dialogue: 0,0:01:29.26,0:01:34.96,Default,,0,0,0,,한 줌의 모래알 처럼 흩어져 \N Spreads around like a handful of sand.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:39.18,0:01:45.71,Default,,0,0,0,,지금 내가 바라 보는 세상과 \N The world that I am observing now,
Dialogue: 0,0:01:45.71,0:01:52.42,Default,,0,0,0,,꿈 속에서 만난 또 다른 세상 \N And the world that I met in my dreams
Dialogue: 0,0:01:52.42,0:01:55.76,Default,,0,0,0,,어떤 곳이 진실인지 \N I am alone in a place,
Dialogue: 0,0:01:55.76,0:02:02.25,Default,,0,0,0,,알 수 없는 어디쯤에 나 홀로 \N Where I can't figure out which is real.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:04.53,0:02:09.13,Default,,0,0,0,,너에겐 작은 어떤 것들이 \N Those insignificant things to you
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.13,0:02:13.05,Default,,0,0,0,,내게 너무나도 큰 꿈이란 걸 \N They are such a big dream to me.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:13.05,0:02:19.61,Default,,0,0,0,,알고 있는지 너무나 내게 멀리 있는데 \N I wonder if you know? You are so far away from me.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:19.61,0:02:22.60,Default,,0,0,0,,다가가면 갈 수록 \N The things that go further away
Dialogue: 0,0:02:22.60,0:02:26.54,Default,,0,0,0,,자꾸 내게 멀어져만 가는 것들 \N When I try to get closer
Dialogue: 0,0:02:26.54,0:02:30.72,Default,,0,0,0,,잡을 수 없어 \N I can't grab hold of them.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:32.72,0:02:39.76,Default,,0,0,0,,이제는 내맘에 귀 기울여 \N Listen carefully to my heart from now on.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:39.79,0:02:51.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Believe in me, listen to my sing.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:51.72,0:02:53.72,Default,,0,0,0,,
Dialogue: 0,0:35:09.46,0:35:20.04,Default,,0,0,0,,짙은 어둠 내린 심연의 끝에 선 너 \N You, who's standing in the end of the abyss, where deep darkness has settled
Dialogue: 0,0:35:20.04,0:35:33.70,Default,,0,0,0,,창백한 날 보는 내 눈동자 \N My pupil staring at my pallid self.
Dialogue: 0,0:35:39.25,0:35:44.72,Default,,0,0,0,,어둠 속 파고든 죽음의 그림자들 \N The shadows of death that digs into the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:35:44.72,0:35:50.16,Default,,0,0,0,,눈부시게 빛나 흩어진 너의 모습 \N The way you look, as you disperse from shining brightly
Dialogue: 0,0:35:50.16,0:35:55.55,Default,,0,0,0,,깨어나 눈을 뜨면 그제야 시작 되는 \N The moment I wake is the moment it begins
Dialogue: 0,0:35:55.55,0:35:59.92,Default,,0,0,0,,아름답고 잔인한 내 꿈 \N My beautiful yet cruel dream.
Dialogue: 0,0:35:59.92,0:36:05.45,Default,,0,0,0,,기억해 눈 앞에 펼쳐진 너의 삶 \N Remember your life that's been laid before your eyes
Dialogue: 0,0:36:05.45,0:36:10.89,Default,,0,0,0,,너를 지키는 내 피로써 \N With this blood of mine that protects you
Dialogue: 0,0:36:10.89,0:36:16.66,Default,,0,0,0,,붉은 눈물 흘린다 해도 홀로 남는다 해도 \N Even if I shed red tears, even if I get left alone,
Dialogue: 0,0:36:16.66,0:36:21.58,Default,,0,0,0,,두렵지 않아 \N I am not afraid.
Dialogue: 0,0:36:21.58,0:36:27.46,Default,,0,0,0,,언젠가 끝나 버릴 슬픈 너의 삶 \N Your sad life that will end sometime
Dialogue: 0,0:36:27.46,0:36:32.72,Default,,0,0,0,,너를 지키는 내 피로써 \N With this blood of mine that protects you
Dialogue: 0,0:36:32.72,0:36:38.03,Default,,0,0,0,,나의 생명 꺼진다 해도 홀로 남는다 해도 \N Even if my life gets extinguished, even if I get left alone,
Dialogue: 0,0:36:38.03,0:36:43.39,Default,,0,0,0,,널 지킬 거야 \N I will protect you
Dialogue: 0,0:36:43.39,0:36:45.81,Default,,0,0,0,,영원히 \N Forever.
Dialogue: 0,0:36:45.81,0:36:47.81,Default,,0,0,0,,

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Current Time: 20/05/2024 20:43

