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HashesCRC32: BA169249, MD5: 44526326FE1689590990E37FCFB436E0, SHA1: 0807942E9423E61C010331D9F07220B360205CDD, SHA256: DC7F0068AC796F01913CFA119BBD7076AD51E4642B82203A4AA3C0480DC82B76, ED2K: 0D9CAEBFB9891F5409389E558C9B455D
Additional Info
Encoded by [ItachiUchiha]

> Slowpics comparison :

> Sources :

JPN BDRip Video (with filters), JPN Audio & EN Subs :
[sam] Chainsaw Man Season 1 (S01) v2 (BD 1080p HEVC x265 10-bit FLAC) [Dual-Audio]

ITA Subs :
Chainsaw Man [Bluray.1080p.HEVC.AAC.ITA.FLAC.JAP.Sub.Ita]


> Encoder :        SVT-AV1-PSY v2.0.0-9-gc76ddcfd        (

> Encode summary :
Episodes 1-12 :        AV1 + OPUS 128k
NCED 1,2,4,7,11,12 : same settings as episodes (AV1 + FLAC)
NCED 6,9,10 : crf35 grain40 (AV1 + FLAC)
NCED 3,5,8 : BDRemuxes by sam (AVC + FLAC)
NCOP : DBRip by sam (HEVC + FLAC)

> Settings for all episodes + NCED 1,2,4,7,11,12 :
& "C:\av1an\av1an.exe" -i ".\$file" -e svt-av1 -w 12 --resume --verbose -c mkvmerge -m lsmash -a "-c:a copy" -v "--crf 13 --preset 2 --film-grain-denoise 0 --film-grain 6 --tune 3 --aq-mode 2 --variance-octile 8 --variance-boost-strength 2 --sharpness 3 --enable-tf 0 --keyint 240 --input-depth 10 --color-primaries 1 --transfer-characteristics 1 --matrix-coefficients 1" -o ".\output\$prefix$filename.$extension" --temp "temp_$filename"

> Settings for ED 5,6,9,10 and NCED 6,9,10 :
& "C:\av1an\av1an.exe" -i ".\$file" -e svt-av1 -w 12 --resume --verbose -c mkvmerge -m lsmash -a "-c:a copy" -v "--crf 35 --preset 7 --film-grain-denoise 1 --film-grain 40 --tune 3 --aq-mode 2 --enable-tf 0 --keyint 240 --input-depth 10 --color-primaries 1 --transfer-characteristics 1 --matrix-coefficients 1" -o ".\crf35_denoise1_grain40_$filename.mkv" --temp "temp_$filename"

Notes: ED 5,6,9,10 were replaced by the corresponding NCEDs


> SSIMULACRA2 --every 2 "G:\av1an\input\chainsaw\completed-inputs\[sam] Chainsaw Man - 01v2 [BD 1080p FLAC] [3A2CEA55].mkv" "G:\av1an\input\chainsaw\output\av1_[sam] Chainsaw Man - 01v2 [BD 1080p FLAC] [3A2CEA55].mkv"  scores.json --every 2 -m v2_zig --progress

Final Scores:        
        Average: 88.61018012727331
        Standard Deviation: 2.5053642202280244
        Median: 88.99387239299942
        5th Percentile: 84.26459626257207
        95th Percentile: 92.25394318162132

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Current Time: 12/03/2025 12:31

