ENG Subs/[Kawaiika-Raws] Kanojo, Okarishimasu 07 [BDRip 1920x1080 HEVC FLAC].eng.[ShowY].ass

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[Script Info]
; Script generated by Aegisub 8992-master-d9bd7de
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Title: Kanojo, Okarimasu - 07 :3
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PlayResY: 1080
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YCbCr Matrix: TV.709

[Aegisub Project Garbage]
Last Style Storage: Kanojo Okarishimasu
Audio File: F:/Summer 2020/Kanojo, Okarishimasu/premux_/Kanojo Okarishimasu - 07_.mkv
Video File: F:/Summer 2020/Kanojo, Okarishimasu/premux_/Kanojo Okarishimasu - 07_.mkv
Keyframes File: F:/Summer 2020/Kanojo, Okarishimasu/premux_/Kanojo Okarishimasu - 07_keyframes.txt
Video AR Mode: 4
Video AR Value: 1.777778
Video Zoom Percent: 0.250000
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Video Position: 16

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Comment: 1,0:07:12.61,0:07:15.58,Signs_,{Cell1 - text1t},0,0,0,,{\pos(745,147)}Tomorrow, gym clothes\NDon't forget
Comment: 0,0:24:01.46,0:24:05.29,Signs_,org rukan2 - 34596,0,0,0,,{=135}{\frz0.47\an7\blur1.5\bord0\shad0\fscx98.51\fscy98.51\p1\c&HB79170&\pos(134.172,-328.45)}m 430 638 l 491 654 587 696 676 732 736 760 750 785 752 820 707 840 400 720 408 675
Comment: 1,0:24:01.46,0:24:05.29,Signs_,org rukan2 - 34596,0,0,0,,{=135}{\fscx98.51\fscy98.51\frx1\c&HFBF6F5&\blur0.75\fnForoSans-Regular\frz-22.13\fs72\pos(714.755,402.045)}Ruka-Chan
Comment: 0,0:03:46.74,0:03:46.78,OP Signs_,{OP Signs Start},0,0,0,,{OP Start - First blurry JP text}
Comment: 0,0:03:46.74,0:03:46.78,OP - R1,{OP},0,0,0,,{OP Start - First blurry JP text}
Comment: 0,0:22:12.51,0:22:12.56,ED2 Signs_,,0,0,0,,{=177}
Comment: 2,0:22:56.43,0:22:57.43,Main,,0,0,0,,

Dialogue: 0,0:05:14.96,0:05:19.46,Signs_,{Episode S Title 1},0,0,0,,{\fnClear Sans\c&HF5B200&\1a&HFF&\bord2.5\3c&HFDF6FF&\fsp1\blur1.05\t(3984,4481,\3c&H766C5A&\3a&HFF&)\pos(1524.1,868.1)}Provisional GF and GF
Dialogue: 1,0:05:14.96,0:05:19.46,Signs_,{Episode S Title 1},0,0,0,,{\fad(0,516)\fnClear Sans\c&HF5B200&\1a&HFF&\bord2.5\3c&HFDF6FF&\fsp1\blur0.6\pos(1523.6,865.6)}Provisional GF and GF
Dialogue: 2,0:05:14.96,0:05:19.46,Signs_,{Episode S Title 2},0,0,0,,{\fad(0,516)\fnClear Sans\c&HEBA96B&\fsp1\blur0.7\pos(1523.6,865.6)}P{\c&H9E55FF&}r{\c&HEBA96B&}o{\c&H9E55FF&}v{\c&HEBA96B&}i{\c&H9E55FF&}s{\c&HEBA96B&}i{\c&H9E55FF&}o{\c&HEBA96B&}n{\c&H9E55FF&}a{\c&HEBA96B&}l {\c&H9E55FF&}G{\c&HEBA96B&}F {\c&H9E55FF&}a{\c&HEBA96B&}n{\c&H9E55FF&}d {\c&HEBA96B&}G{\c&H9E55FF&}F
Dialogue: 1,0:11:59.99,0:12:01.99,Signs_,{Eye catch - M},0,0,0,,{\pos(1601.714,164.04)\fnRent_a_girfriend\fs135\blur0.55\c&H9C55FE&\}R{\c&HEAA96A&}e{\c&H9C55FE&}n{\c&HEAA96A&}t{\c&H9C55FE&}-{\c&HEAA96A&}a{\c&H9C55FE&}.\N{\c&HEAA96A&}G{\c&H9C55FE&}i{\c&HEAA96A&}T{\c&H9C55FE&}l{\c&HEAA96A&}f{\c&H9C55FE&}r{\c&HEAA96A&}i{\c&H9C55FE&}e{\c&HEAA96A&}n{\c&H9C55FE&}d
Dialogue: 0,0:24:23.48,0:24:26.98,Signs_,{Next Ep Title},0,0,0,,{\fnClear Sans\b1\fs110\pos(965.143,404.857)\c&H0EC4FE&}C{\c&H574CFF&}h{\c&H0EC4FE&}r{\c&H574CFF&}i{\c&H0EC4FE&}s{\c&H574CFF&}t{\c&H0EC4FE&}m{\c&H574CFF&}a{\c&H0EC4FE&}s {\c&H574CFF&}a{\c&H0EC4FE&}n{\c&H574CFF&}d {\c&H0EC4FE&}G{\c&H574CFF&}i{\c&H0EC4FE&}r{\c&H574CFF&}l{\c&H0EC4FE&}f{\c&H574CFF&}r{\c&H0EC4FE&}i{\c&H574CFF&}e{\c&H0EC4FE&}n{\c&H574CFF&}d
Dialogue: 10,0:00:00.64,0:00:03.35,Main,R,0,0,0,,You're a rental girlfriend, aren't you?
Dialogue: 10,0:00:05.16,0:00:08.27,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,I have to shut that girl up, no matter what!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:16.74,0:00:20.87,Main,R,0,0,0,,Can I take this to mean you're \Nadmitting it, Mr. Fake Boyfriend?
Dialogue: 10,0:00:22.54,0:00:24.79,Main,R,0,0,0,,You're admitting it, yes?
Dialogue: 10,0:00:24.79,0:00:27.77,Main,K,0,0,0,,U-Uh, no, that's not it.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:27.77,0:00:28.84,Main,R,0,0,0,,Goodbye.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:28.84,0:00:29.42,Main,K,0,0,0,,Hey, wait!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:30.07,0:00:31.38,Main,R,0,0,0,,Don't follow me!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:31.84,0:00:33.00,Main Italics,???,0,0,0,,Squish!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:36.30,0:00:37.36,Main,R,0,0,0,,Perv!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:40.21,0:00:42.83,Main,R,0,0,0,,Faking a girlfriend! Stalking! \NSexual harassment!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:42.83,0:00:44.52,Main,R,0,0,0,,You're found guilty on all three charges!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:44.81,0:00:47.24,Main,R,0,0,0,,Don't expect a stay on your sentencing!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:47.24,0:00:48.98,Main,R,0,0,0,,Right face!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:49.67,0:00:52.61,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,I can't let her tell Kuri about Mizuhara!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:53.17,0:00:54.49,Main,K,0,0,0,,Wait a second!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:55.89,0:00:57.74,Main,R,0,0,0,,Stop following me.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:57.74,0:00:59.71,Main,K,0,0,0,,I just live this way.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:59.71,0:01:02.04,Main,R,0,0,0,,I don't want you following me all the way!
Dialogue: 10,0:01:02.04,0:01:03.99,Main,K,0,0,0,,Why? Because you're gonna call Kuri?
Dialogue: 10,0:01:04.75,0:01:07.75,Main,R,0,0,0,,Relax. I'm not going to tell Shun-kun.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:08.31,0:01:09.96,Main,K,0,0,0,,R-Really?
Dialogue: 10,0:01:09.96,0:01:11.63,Main,K,0,0,0,,But I can't trust that.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:11.63,0:01:15.24,Main,K,0,0,0,,You're Kuri's girlfriend, so who knows \Nhow and when you'll let it slip?
Dialogue: 10,0:01:15.24,0:01:18.09,Main,R,0,0,0,,Gosh, this is such a pain!
Dialogue: 10,0:01:18.09,0:01:19.72,Main,K,0,0,0,,Hold on!
Dialogue: 10,0:01:20.16,0:01:22.19,Main,R,0,0,0,,Look, I'm sorry, okay?
Dialogue: 10,0:01:22.19,0:01:25.36,Main,R,0,0,0,,I was told you two were a tight couple...
Dialogue: 10,0:01:25.36,0:01:28.94,Main,R,0,0,0,,But then I learned she was a rental, \Nso I just wanted to mess with you.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:29.54,0:01:31.65,Main,K,0,0,0,,How'd you find that out?
Dialogue: 10,0:01:31.65,0:01:34.67,Main,R,0,0,0,,Huh? W-Well, I can't tell you.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:34.67,0:01:36.65,Main,K,0,0,0,,P-Please!
Dialogue: 10,0:01:39.72,0:01:42.83,Main,R,0,0,0,,I bet you rented her for \Nsome shallow reason, anyway.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:42.83,0:01:45.59,Main,R,0,0,0,,So why does it matter if people find out?
Dialogue: 10,0:01:46.90,0:01:50.67,Main,K,0,0,0,,The thing is... I got dumped by my \Nfirst-ever girlfriend not long ago.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:51.28,0:01:54.13,Main,K,0,0,0,,So I got lonely and rented Mizuhara.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:54.56,0:01:58.83,Main,K,0,0,0,,But I'm such an idiot, I went \Nand introduced her to my family.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:58.83,0:02:03.03,Main,K,0,0,0,,My gran was over the moon,\Nbecause I've never been a popular guy.
Dialogue: 10,0:02:04.18,0:02:07.53,Main,K,0,0,0,,Seeing her like that, I couldn't \Nbring myself to tell her the truth.
Dialogue: 10,0:02:08.37,0:02:13.36,Main,K,0,0,0,,So just... p-promise me that \Nyou won't tell anyone!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:13.36,0:02:16.32,Main,R,0,0,0,,Why should I have to promise that?
Dialogue: 10,0:02:16.32,0:02:20.28,Main,K,0,0,0,,Please! Just say, "I, Sarashina Ruka,\Npromise not to tell anyone"!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:20.28,0:02:21.32,Main,K,0,0,0,,I beg you!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:22.04,0:02:23.47,Main,R,0,0,0,,Stop that.
Dialogue: 10,0:02:23.47,0:02:26.12,Main,K,0,0,0,,Sorry, but I have no choice.
Dialogue: 10,0:02:26.12,0:02:28.62,Main,K,0,0,0,,I'll do anything you want, so please!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:29.28,0:02:32.83,Main,R,0,0,0,,Jeez... What is your deal?!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:32.83,0:02:36.71,Main,R,0,0,0,,I was so sure that people who went for \Nrental girlfriends were shallow and superficial!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:40.05,0:02:41.09,Main,K,0,0,0,,W-Wait!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:41.36,0:02:45.47,Main,W,0,0,0,,My, hello. Nice weather today, eh?
Dialogue: 10,0:02:42.92,0:02:44.70,Main Alt,R,0,0,0,,Oh, I'm sorry!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:59.99,0:03:01.99,Main,R,0,0,0,,Wh-What do you think you're doing?!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:05.23,0:03:09.16,Main,K,0,0,0,,You know I can't just watch \Nmy bud's girlfriend get hurt!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:13.51,0:03:16.84,Main,K,0,0,0,,Please! If this gets out,\Nit'll cause issues for Mizuhara, too!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:17.12,0:03:21.55,Main,K,0,0,0,,I don't care about myself, but I \Ndon't want to see Mizuhara sad!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:21.93,0:03:23.26,Main,K,0,0,0,,She may be a rental,
Dialogue: 10,0:03:23.73,0:03:24.76,Main,K,0,0,0,,but Mizuhara is...
Dialogue: 10,0:03:24.80,0:03:26.26,Main,K,0,0,0,,{\3c&HE3E3E3&\4c&HE3E3E3&\t(0,238,\3c&H220500&\4c&H220500&)}Mizuhara is...
Dialogue: 10,0:03:26.31,0:03:27.67,Main,K,0,0,0,,{\3c&HE3E3E3&\4c&HE3E3E3&\t(0,230,\3c&H220500&\4c&H220500&)}Mizuhara is...
Dialogue: 10,0:03:28.36,0:03:30.48,Main,K,0,0,0,,the best girlfriend anyone could ask for!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:36.80,0:03:38.16,Main,R,0,0,0,,I am too...
Dialogue: 10,0:03:39.30,0:03:41.61,Main,R,0,0,0,,a rental girlfriend.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:21.96,0:05:23.02,Main,K,0,0,0,,Mizuhara.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:24.68,0:05:26.09,Main,C,0,0,0,,What?!
Dialogue: 10,0:05:26.34,0:05:28.05,Main,C,0,0,0,,A rental girlfriend?!
Dialogue: 10,0:05:28.05,0:05:29.75,Main,K,0,0,0,,Y-Yeah.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:30.37,0:05:33.32,Main,K,0,0,0,,That means she's less likely to tell Kuri.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:33.32,0:05:36.35,Main,K,0,0,0,,But it's not out of the question, \Nso we shouldn't provoke her.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:36.35,0:05:39.02,Main,C,0,0,0,,Which agency's she with? I'm gonna complain!
Dialogue: 10,0:05:39.02,0:05:42.82,Main,C,0,0,0,,There are things you just can't do, \Nand putting a fellow pro at risk is one of them!
Dialogue: 10,0:05:42.82,0:05:45.27,Main,K,0,0,0,,D-Don't yell at me over it.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:45.27,0:05:47.92,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Uh, so we're here at a restaurant together...
Dialogue: 10,0:05:47.92,0:05:49.07,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Is this allowed?
Dialogue: 10,0:05:49.07,0:05:53.00,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Isn't this just a normal date?
Dialogue: 10,0:05:53.00,0:05:54.09,Main,C,0,0,0,,There! Found her!
Dialogue: 10,0:05:54.09,0:05:55.25,Main,K,0,0,0,,You did?!
Dialogue: 10,0:05:55.58,0:05:59.08,Main,C,0,0,0,,"Sarashina Ruka, a younger-sister idol girlfriend."
Dialogue: 10,0:05:59.47,0:06:00.24,Main,,0,0,0,,Oh?
Dialogue: 10,0:06:00.24,0:06:02.94,Main,C,0,0,0,,She's with an agency that \Noperates within Tokyo, huh?
Dialogue: 10,0:06:03.67,0:06:06.08,Main,C,0,0,0,,I was curious about how she found out,
Dialogue: 10,0:06:06.08,0:06:11.37,Main,C,0,0,0,,but it makes sense if she's a rental girlfriend. \NShe's probably searched my name before.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:11.37,0:06:13.79,Main,K,0,0,0,,Huh? Are you famous or something?
Dialogue: 10,0:06:13.79,0:06:14.97,Main,C,0,0,0,,Beats me.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:16.68,0:06:20.56,Main,K,0,0,0,,Man, I don't know how to face \NKuri next time I see him.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:20.56,0:06:22.83,Main,C,0,0,0,,That's just it.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:22.83,0:06:25.83,Main,C,0,0,0,,We have to feign ignorance all the way.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:26.37,0:06:27.80,Main,K,0,0,0,,Sorry about this.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:28.98,0:06:31.85,Main,K,0,0,0,,You're having to lend me an ear, \Neven though we're not on a date or anything.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:32.31,0:06:34.16,Main,K,0,0,0,,You really are a nice girl.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:37.16,0:06:38.34,Main,C,0,0,0,,I'm leaving!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:38.90,0:06:40.92,Main,C,0,0,0,,This was an emergency!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:40.92,0:06:43.46,Main,C,0,0,0,,I would never see you\Nwithout a booking otherwise!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:43.46,0:06:45.20,Main,K,0,0,0,,R-Right.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:45.20,0:06:49.55,Main,C,0,0,0,,I really can't have my grandma\Nfinding out about this job.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:50.66,0:06:53.13,Main,C,0,0,0,,There's no guarantee that girl\Nwon't change her mind,
Dialogue: 10,0:06:53.13,0:06:56.01,Main,C,0,0,0,,so let's keep an eye on \Nthose two as much as we can.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:56.01,0:06:57.02,Main,C,0,0,0,,See you.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:57.88,0:06:59.37,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Yeah...
Dialogue: 10,0:06:59.88,0:07:02.52,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,If anything happens, I need to sort it out!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:08.21,0:07:10.38,Main,K,0,0,0,,Damn that Kuri...
Dialogue: 10,0:07:10.38,0:07:12.61,Main,K,0,0,0,,I told him to meet me here at three!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:13.14,0:07:15.58,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,I need to ask him when\Nhe's seeing Ruka-chan next.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:15.94,0:07:18.54,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,I can't worry about coming off as awkward.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:18.54,0:07:20.33,Main,G,0,0,0,,Huh? What's with that girl?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:20.33,0:07:20.94,Main,G2,0,0,0,,Who?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:20.94,0:07:23.25,Main,G2,0,0,0,,Whoa, she's a total cutie!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:24.83,0:07:27.92,Main,R,0,0,0,,Oh, found you, Kazuya-san!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:27.92,0:07:29.60,Main,G,0,0,0,,She knows {\i1}him{\i0}?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:29.60,0:07:30.62,Main,G2,0,0,0,,His sister?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:30.62,0:07:31.88,Main,G2,0,0,0,,They don't look alike.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:31.88,0:07:34.02,Main,K,0,0,0,,Wh-What are you doing here?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:34.42,0:07:36.85,Main,R,0,0,0,,Anyone can waltz into a college campus, huh?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:37.64,0:07:39.85,Main,R,0,0,0,,Maybe people think I'm a student here.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:39.85,0:07:41.32,Main,K,0,0,0,,When you're dressed like that?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:41.32,0:07:43.06,Main,R,0,0,0,,This is just a cosplay.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:43.40,0:07:45.10,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,This is bad news...
Dialogue: 10,0:07:45.10,0:07:46.77,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,What if Kuri shows up now?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:47.32,0:07:49.74,Main,R,0,0,0,,I'm here to see you, Kazuya-san.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:50.03,0:07:51.70,Main,K,0,0,0,,Huh? Me?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:52.61,0:07:53.66,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,K-Kuri!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:53.66,0:07:55.08,Main,K,0,0,0,,Come with me!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:59.11,0:08:00.20,Main,S,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:00.69,0:08:02.38,Main,S,0,0,0,,Have you guys seen Kazuya?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:02.38,0:08:05.67,Main,G,0,0,0,,Yeah. He went that way \Nwith a super cute girl.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:06.44,0:08:08.00,Main,S,0,0,0,,A girl?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:08.58,0:08:11.26,Main,K,0,0,0,,We can't do this! If you wanna talk, \Nlet's do it off campus!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:12.20,0:08:13.43,Main,R,0,0,0,,Give me a hug.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:14.89,0:08:17.39,Main,R,0,0,0,,It was at 79. Almost there.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:18.32,0:08:19.82,Main,S,0,0,0,,Kazuya?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:20.49,0:08:22.06,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Are you kidding me?!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:22.84,0:08:26.32,Main,S,0,0,0,,That's weird... I thought I heard his voice.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:26.32,0:08:28.52,Main,S,0,0,0,,Can that guy teleport or something?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:28.96,0:08:31.49,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Things are getting worse and worse...
Dialogue: 10,0:08:35.57,0:08:38.39,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,This ain't the time to be \Nmessing with your phone!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:50.98,0:08:53.42,Main,R,0,0,0,,I knew it... I was right!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:56.10,0:08:59.32,Main,K,0,0,0,,He's gone... Thank God!
Dialogue: 10,0:09:00.19,0:09:01.92,Main,K,0,0,0,,Give me a break.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:01.92,0:09:05.24,Main,K,0,0,0,,How are we supposed to explain \Nourselves if he finds us together?
Dialogue: 10,0:09:05.24,0:09:07.73,Main,R,0,0,0,,I... I'm really sorry.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:07.73,0:09:10.24,Main,K,0,0,0,,A-Anyway, you should leave for—
Dialogue: 10,0:09:10.24,0:09:11.45,Main,S,0,0,0,,What're you doing?
Dialogue: 10,0:09:11.45,0:09:13.22,Main,K,0,0,0,,K-Kuri!
Dialogue: 10,0:09:13.65,0:09:16.92,Main,S,0,0,0,,Wh-Why are the two of you together?
Dialogue: 10,0:09:16.92,0:09:18.68,Main,K,0,0,0,,Y-You've got the wrong idea!
Dialogue: 10,0:09:18.68,0:09:21.96,Main,K,0,0,0,,I-I just ran into Ruka-chan!
Dialogue: 10,0:09:21.96,0:09:23.66,Main,K,0,0,0,,She's here to see you.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:23.66,0:09:25.18,Main,K,0,0,0,,Right, Ruka-chan?
Dialogue: 10,0:09:30.34,0:09:34.30,Main,R,0,0,0,,Kuribayashi-san, thank you for \Nrenting me the other day.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:36.26,0:09:38.14,Main,K,0,0,0,,R-Ruka-chan?!
Dialogue: 10,0:09:48.94,0:09:51.27,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Cruel! She just murdered him in cold blood!
Dialogue: 10,0:09:52.64,0:09:53.23,Main,K,0,0,0,,Kuri!
Dialogue: 10,0:09:54.07,0:09:55.96,Main,K,0,0,0,,Sorry, you should leave.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:56.99,0:09:58.47,Main,K,0,0,0,,Kuri!
Dialogue: 10,0:10:02.55,0:10:05.12,Main,K,0,0,0,,Damn, I lost him.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:05.75,0:10:10.36,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Well, yeah, his friend just found \Nout his girlfriend was a rental.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:10.36,0:10:12.52,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Of course he'd want to crawl into a hole.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:16.45,0:10:18.55,Main Italics,C,0,0,0,,What? She said it?
Dialogue: 10,0:10:19.02,0:10:20.50,Main Italics,C,0,0,0,,In front of both of you?
Dialogue: 10,0:10:20.96,0:10:24.94,Main,K,0,0,0,,Yeah... Not like there was another way\Nto worm out of that situation.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:24.94,0:10:28.02,Main Italics,C,0,0,0,,But I feel so bad for Kuri-kun.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:28.02,0:10:32.94,Main,K,0,0,0,,Still, this means he won't rent her anymore,
Dialogue: 10,0:10:32.94,0:10:35.67,Main,K,0,0,0,,which reduces the chances of \Nhim finding out about us.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:37.20,0:10:38.14,Main Italics,C,0,0,0,,What is it?
Dialogue: 10,0:10:38.70,0:10:42.28,Main,K,0,0,0,,Uh, something about that girl bothers me.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:42.28,0:10:44.22,Main Italics,C,0,0,0,,And what is that?
Dialogue: 10,0:10:44.22,0:10:46.66,Main,K,0,0,0,,It was like she'd made up her mind about something.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:46.96,0:10:48.92,Main,K,0,0,0,,She had this serious look on her face.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:56.22,0:10:57.96,Main,K,0,0,0,,R-Ruka-chan?!
Dialogue: 10,0:10:59.17,0:11:01.34,Main,K,0,0,0,,Wh-Why are you here?
Dialogue: 10,0:11:01.34,0:11:05.68,Main,R,0,0,0,,When we passed by here on a date,\NKuribayashi-san told me...
Dialogue: 10,0:11:06.04,0:11:08.52,Main,R,0,0,0,,that you live here.
Dialogue: 10,0:11:09.04,0:11:11.35,Main,R,0,0,0,,That voice was Chizuru-san, wasn't it?
Dialogue: 10,0:11:12.68,0:11:15.44,Main,R,0,0,0,,Are you two neighbors?
Dialogue: 10,0:11:17.59,0:11:20.90,Main,R,0,0,0,,Why are you two so close?
Dialogue: 10,0:11:22.70,0:11:24.99,Main,R,0,0,0,,She's a rental girlfriend, isn't she?
Dialogue: 10,0:11:24.99,0:11:27.83,Main,R,0,0,0,,You pay her to go on a date, and that's that!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:28.31,0:11:30.04,Main,R,0,0,0,,That's the extent of your relationship, right?
Dialogue: 10,0:11:30.40,0:11:31.87,Main,K,0,0,0,,H-Hey, Ruka-chan!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:31.87,0:11:32.50,Main,R,0,0,0,,No!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:32.86,0:11:35.56,Main,R,0,0,0,,No! No! I hate this!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:37.63,0:11:40.81,Main,R,0,0,0,,I, Sarashina Ruka, promise here and now
Dialogue: 10,0:11:40.81,0:11:47.50,Main,R,0,0,0,,that I won't tell anyone about your fake \Nrelationship or Mizuhara Chizuru-san's job!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:49.94,0:11:53.02,Main,R,0,0,0,,But only if you go out with me, Kazuya-kun!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:00.40,0:12:01.58,Main,KC,0,0,0,,What?
Dialogue: 10,0:12:03.03,0:12:03.95,Main,K,0,0,0,,Wait, what?
Dialogue: 10,0:12:04.32,0:12:07.53,Main,K,0,0,0,,H-Hang on! How'd we get to that?
Dialogue: 10,0:12:08.10,0:12:11.75,Main,R,0,0,0,,You're the first person to cross 90.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:12.21,0:12:14.00,Main,R,0,0,0,,I like you!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:16.45,0:12:20.38,Main,R,0,0,0,,I like you, Kazuya-kun!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:20.80,0:12:24.42,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Sh-She... likes... me?
Dialogue: 10,0:12:25.79,0:12:29.43,Main,K,0,0,0,,What are you saying? You shouldn't \Nmess with grown-ups like that!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:29.43,0:12:31.74,Main,K,0,0,0,,You have no reason to fall for me!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:31.74,0:12:33.30,Main,R,0,0,0,,I'm serious.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:34.21,0:12:37.32,Main,R,0,0,0,,Between what happened on \Nthe ferry and the double date...
Dialogue: 10,0:12:37.32,0:12:41.54,Main,R,0,0,0,,It shocked me to see how much \Nyou care for Chizuru-san.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:43.43,0:12:46.88,Main,R,0,0,0,,If you care so much for a rental girlfriend,
Dialogue: 10,0:12:46.88,0:12:52.95,Main,R,0,0,0,,then you're sure to treat a \Nreal girlfriend even better!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:53.24,0:12:55.24,Main,K,0,0,0,,What are you talking about?
Dialogue: 10,0:12:55.24,0:12:57.38,Main,K,0,0,0,,Mizuhara's just a rental...
Dialogue: 10,0:12:57.38,0:12:58.81,Main,R,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 10,0:12:58.81,0:13:00.84,Main,R,0,0,0,,Then you can go out with me!
Dialogue: 10,0:13:00.84,0:13:03.79,Main,K,0,0,0,,I-I-It's not that simple.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:03.79,0:13:05.05,Main,R,0,0,0,,But it is.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:05.05,0:13:08.05,Main,R,0,0,0,,If she's just a rental girlfriend, \Nthere should be nothing in our way.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:08.05,0:13:11.13,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,There's no way that's happening!
Dialogue: 10,0:13:11.13,0:13:12.52,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Me, date her?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:13.65,0:13:14.73,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Me...
Dialogue: 10,0:13:15.14,0:13:16.19,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,date...
Dialogue: 10,0:13:16.19,0:13:17.32,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,her?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:20.35,0:13:23.64,Main,K,0,0,0,,M-Mizuhara? You sure \Nyou should be coming out?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:23.64,0:13:25.28,Main,C,0,0,0,,She already knows.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:25.28,0:13:27.44,Main,R,0,0,0,,There you are, puppet master.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:27.44,0:13:29.11,Main,C,0,0,0,,Who're you calling a mastermind?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:30.06,0:13:32.68,Main,C,0,0,0,,Do you realize what you're saying?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:32.68,0:13:38.51,Main,C,0,0,0,,Like Kazuya-san said, we've only kept up this \Nrental relationship because we had no choice.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:38.51,0:13:43.55,Main,C,0,0,0,,Even if you're serious, telling him that out \Nof the blue is only going to throw him off.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:43.93,0:13:45.55,Main,R,0,0,0,,That's not true.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:46.50,0:13:49.72,Main,R,0,0,0,,He's even grabbed my boob!
Dialogue: 10,0:13:49.72,0:13:50.65,Main,C,0,0,0,,Wha?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:51.18,0:13:53.93,Main,K,0,0,0,,Oh, uh, that wasn't what...
Dialogue: 10,0:13:53.93,0:13:54.89,Main Italics,???,0,0,0,,Squish!
Dialogue: 10,0:13:54.89,0:13:56.51,Main,C,0,0,0,,What were you thinking?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:56.51,0:13:58.40,Main,C,0,0,0,,Does any girl work for you, \Nas long as she's cute?!
Dialogue: 10,0:13:58.40,0:13:59.60,Main,K,0,0,0,,It's not what you think!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:00.07,0:14:03.53,Main,R,0,0,0,,Has he ever grabbed your boobs, Chizuru-san?
Dialogue: 10,0:14:03.53,0:14:05.32,Main,C,0,0,0,,Like hell!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:06.05,0:14:08.24,Main,R,0,0,0,,That means I've gotten further than you.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:08.24,0:14:09.51,Main,C,0,0,0,,Excuse me?!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:10.36,0:14:13.69,Main,R,0,0,0,,He embraced me without asking, \Nthen pushed me onto my back...
Dialogue: 10,0:14:13.69,0:14:16.00,Main,K,0,0,0,,That and the boob thing \Nhappened at different times!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:16.33,0:14:18.60,Main,C,0,0,0,,That doesn't make it okay.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:18.60,0:14:20.21,Main,K,0,0,0,,That's not what I meant!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:20.59,0:14:22.01,Main,K,0,0,0,,Anyway, just settle down.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:22.01,0:14:24.59,Main,K,0,0,0,,We can't do this out here. \NWhat if someone sees?
Dialogue: 10,0:14:26.40,0:14:27.80,Main,C,0,0,0,,You've got a point.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:32.08,0:14:33.10,Main,C,0,0,0,,Don't touch me!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:33.10,0:14:34.64,Main,K,0,0,0,,Look, I can explain!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:34.64,0:14:35.77,Main,R,0,0,0,,I don't believe this.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:37.31,0:14:39.63,Main,R,0,0,0,,You're even frequenting his apartment?
Dialogue: 10,0:14:39.63,0:14:40.96,Main,C,0,0,0,,Wh-What do you mean?
Dialogue: 10,0:14:40.96,0:14:45.78,Main,R,0,0,0,,If you're just a rental, wouldn't you \Nhesitate to enter a client's apartment?!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:46.47,0:14:49.35,Main,R,0,0,0,,But you just walked in, \Nwhich proves you've done it before!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:50.44,0:14:52.24,Main Italics,C,0,0,0,,Right, she did come in back then.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:52.56,0:14:55.61,Main,R,0,0,0,,So much for "just a rental"!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:55.61,0:14:59.58,Main,R,0,0,0,,You're getting down and dirty without \Ntelling your other clients or your agency!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:59.58,0:15:01.21,Main,C,0,0,0,,I would never!
Dialogue: 10,0:15:02.21,0:15:03.67,Main,R,0,0,0,,I'm sitting next to him!
Dialogue: 10,0:15:04.24,0:15:06.25,Main,R,0,0,0,,I'm not letting anyone else by his side!
Dialogue: 10,0:15:06.25,0:15:08.76,Main,C,0,0,0,,F-Feel free.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:15.93,0:15:17.04,Main,C,0,0,0,,Five minutes.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:17.04,0:15:19.89,Main,C,0,0,0,,Ruka-chan, give me five minutes \Nto speak with Kazuya-san.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:19.89,0:15:22.75,Main,R,0,0,0,,No way. Who knows what you'd \Ndo if I left you two alone?
Dialogue: 10,0:15:22.75,0:15:24.09,Main,C,0,0,0,,Nothing!
Dialogue: 10,0:15:24.09,0:15:25.37,Main,K,0,0,0,,R-Ruka-chan...
Dialogue: 10,0:15:25.37,0:15:26.11,Main,R,0,0,0,,Yes?
Dialogue: 10,0:15:26.51,0:15:28.32,Main,K,0,0,0,,Please give us some space, okay?
Dialogue: 10,0:15:30.90,0:15:33.04,Main,R,0,0,0,,I can't say no to you, Kazuya-kun.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:33.04,0:15:33.99,Main Italics,C,0,0,0,,Grr!
Dialogue: 10,0:15:38.42,0:15:40.41,Main,C,0,0,0,,Let's get this out of the way first.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:40.80,0:15:43.88,Main,C,0,0,0,,Do you like Ruka-chan?
Dialogue: 10,0:15:44.87,0:15:45.59,Main,K,0,0,0,,N...
Dialogue: 10,0:15:45.59,0:15:47.50,Main,K,0,0,0,,No, I don't!
Dialogue: 10,0:15:47.50,0:15:49.04,Main,C,0,0,0,,That's inconsistent with her testimony.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:49.04,0:15:51.30,Main,K,0,0,0,,L-Look, those were accidents!
Dialogue: 10,0:15:53.14,0:15:54.76,Main,K,0,0,0,,I just don't know.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:56.20,0:15:59.47,Main,K,0,0,0,,It's the first time anyone's \Ntold me they like me.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:59.80,0:16:03.03,Main,K,0,0,0,,Any guy would find her cute, \Nand I'm no exception.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:03.56,0:16:07.94,Main,K,0,0,0,,But considering how Kuri'd feel, \Nthere's no way I could date her.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:09.78,0:16:12.65,Main,C,0,0,0,,Got it. You shouldn't go out with her, then.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:14.84,0:16:18.04,Main,C,0,0,0,,If you let her have her way now, \Nshe'll keep blackmailing you.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:18.04,0:16:21.20,Main,C,0,0,0,,As the grown-up here, you need \Nto face her without fear.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:21.56,0:16:22.82,Main,K,0,0,0,,I didn't expect that.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:23.57,0:16:26.17,Main,K,0,0,0,,I thought you'd say I should go out with her.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:27.30,0:16:28.13,Main,C,0,0,0,,Why?
Dialogue: 10,0:16:29.16,0:16:30.38,Main,K,0,0,0,,Remember what you said?
Dialogue: 10,0:16:30.91,0:16:36.73,Main FB,C,0,0,0,,And the best way to do that would \Nbe for you to get a real girlfriend.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:38.04,0:16:39.88,Main,C,0,0,0,,Let's get one thing straight.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:39.88,0:16:41.92,Main,C,0,0,0,,Sure, that's my end goal,
Dialogue: 10,0:16:41.92,0:16:45.44,Main,C,0,0,0,,but I can obviously understand you'd be \Nagainst getting a girlfriend in this fashion.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:46.13,0:16:47.26,Main,C,0,0,0,,Besides...
Dialogue: 10,0:16:47.26,0:16:51.90,Main,C,0,0,0,,She's blackmailing you to go out with her. \NMakes me doubt if she really likes you.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:52.84,0:16:56.87,Main,C,0,0,0,,The one thing a significant other \Ncan't lack is love for their partner.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:57.67,0:17:01.61,Main,C,0,0,0,,We're not talking about a rental \Ngirlfriend here. It's not as simple.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:05.32,0:17:06.83,Main,C,0,0,0,,But what now?
Dialogue: 10,0:17:06.83,0:17:10.48,Main,C,0,0,0,,We need to do something to prevent \Nher from spilling the beans.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:10.48,0:17:11.80,Main,K,0,0,0,,I...
Dialogue: 10,0:17:12.17,0:17:14.26,Main,K,0,0,0,,I have an idea!
Dialogue: 10,0:17:15.91,0:17:18.22,Main,C,0,0,0,,You'll tell Kuri-kun the truth?
Dialogue: 10,0:17:18.52,0:17:23.45,Main,K,0,0,0,,Yeah. And now, he'll be willing to keep \Nit on the down-low as a shared secret.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:23.45,0:17:24.59,Main,C,0,0,0,,But...
Dialogue: 10,0:17:24.59,0:17:28.69,Main,K,0,0,0,,All I'll tell him is that \NMizuhara's a rental girlfriend.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:29.23,0:17:33.10,Main,K,0,0,0,,That way, it won't affect your college life.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:33.59,0:17:36.18,Main,K,0,0,0,,Nobody's realized that you go to our college.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:36.80,0:17:38.70,Main,C,0,0,0,,Yeah, but...
Dialogue: 10,0:17:40.29,0:17:41.53,Main,K,0,0,0,,I'll go see Kuri.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:41.53,0:17:42.62,Main,C,0,0,0,,Now?
Dialogue: 10,0:17:42.62,0:17:44.00,Main,K,0,0,0,,Yeah.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:44.00,0:17:46.28,Main,K,0,0,0,,Given how he must be feeling,
Dialogue: 10,0:17:46.28,0:17:48.65,Main,K,0,0,0,,he'd probably ignore my calls or texts.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:48.65,0:17:51.69,Main,K,0,0,0,,I'll talk to him in person. \NYou keep Ruka-chan occupied.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:51.69,0:17:55.01,Main,C,0,0,0,,Are you sure? He'll find out you rented a girlfriend.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:56.13,0:18:01.22,Main,K,0,0,0,,Well, I found out about him, so it's \Nnot fair that I get to keep my secret.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:01.78,0:18:04.97,Main,K,0,0,0,,We can go get a drink and shoot \Nthe shit about rental girlfriends.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:04.97,0:18:06.86,Main,K,0,0,0,,I'm sure it'll be a blast.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:11.11,0:18:13.13,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Mizuhara's right.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:13.13,0:18:16.86,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Dating her won't immediately \Nput an end to this nightmare.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:17.18,0:18:20.44,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,She put my feelings first.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:20.44,0:18:22.65,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,So I need to...
Dialogue: 10,0:18:26.35,0:18:27.54,Main,K,0,0,0,,Yes!
Dialogue: 10,0:18:28.45,0:18:30.00,Main,R,0,0,0,,What are you doing?!
Dialogue: 10,0:18:33.96,0:18:36.92,Main,K,0,0,0,,Ow! My back!
Dialogue: 10,0:18:37.43,0:18:39.05,Main,C,0,0,0,,Hey, you okay?
Dialogue: 10,0:18:39.05,0:18:40.89,Main,R,0,0,0,,Were you trying to run away?
Dialogue: 10,0:18:40.89,0:18:42.27,Main,R,0,0,0,,You meanie!
Dialogue: 10,0:18:42.27,0:18:43.35,Main,C,0,0,0,,Wait, Ruka-chan!
Dialogue: 10,0:18:45.28,0:18:46.44,Main,C,0,0,0,,Are you sure about this?
Dialogue: 10,0:18:46.44,0:18:49.74,Main,C,0,0,0,,I find it hard to believe that \Nthis will make you happy!
Dialogue: 10,0:18:50.85,0:18:53.29,Main,R,0,0,0,,You wouldn't understand, Chizuru-san.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:54.20,0:18:58.74,Main,R,0,0,0,,You have no idea just how long \NI've been looking for Kazuya-kun!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:00.31,0:19:01.20,Main,C,0,0,0,,Wait!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:02.83,0:19:03.58,Main,C,0,0,0,,God!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:06.47,0:19:08.56,Main,K,0,0,0,,Ow!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:09.01,0:19:10.54,Main,R,0,0,0,,Kazuya-kun!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:13.73,0:19:15.94,Main,R,0,0,0,,Where do you think you're going?
Dialogue: 10,0:19:16.63,0:19:18.54,Main Top,K,0,0,0,,Kuri!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:17.43,0:19:20.72,Main,R,0,0,0,,To see Kuribayashi-san? Is that it?
Dialogue: 10,0:19:20.72,0:19:22.46,Main,R,0,0,0,,You can't run away from me!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:22.46,0:19:25.39,Main,R,0,0,0,,Give up and just go out with me!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:25.85,0:19:28.97,Main,R,0,0,0,,I'll tell Kuribayashi-san everything! \NIs that what you want?!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:28.97,0:19:30.60,Main,R,0,0,0,,I mean it!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:35.06,0:19:37.53,Main,K,0,0,0,,Sorry! Please just give me a break!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:38.77,0:19:41.52,Main,K,0,0,0,,I'll apologize if I gave you the wrong idea!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:41.52,0:19:43.74,Main,K,0,0,0,,And you can hit me all you want!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:44.55,0:19:46.12,Main,C,0,0,0,,H-Hey, don't do this outside.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:46.12,0:19:48.12,Main,K,0,0,0,,Even if you really do like me,
Dialogue: 10,0:19:48.55,0:19:53.34,Main,K,0,0,0,,I can't trample on Kuri's feelings like that!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:53.80,0:19:54.96,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,Besides...
Dialogue: 10,0:19:54.96,0:19:57.42,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,I really like Mizuhara!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:57.42,0:20:00.38,Main,K,0,0,0,,So seriously, I'm sorry! \NBut I just can't do it!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:09.29,0:20:13.31,Main,R,0,0,0,,Why do you have to be against the idea that badly?
Dialogue: 10,0:20:13.98,0:20:18.91,Main,R,0,0,0,,Even I know that doing this would \Nonly get me on your bad side.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:18.91,0:20:23.45,Main,R,0,0,0,,But you two are so glued together, \NI didn't know what to do!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:24.24,0:20:29.02,Main,R,0,0,0,,If you go out with me, I won't tell \NKuribayashi-san anything, I swear!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:26.84,0:20:28.49,Main Top,G,0,0,0,,He made a girl cry.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:28.49,0:20:29.41,Main Top,G2,0,0,0,,Scumbag.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:29.41,0:20:31.68,Main,K,0,0,0,,Hey, can you stop crying for a second?
Dialogue: 10,0:20:31.68,0:20:34.68,Main,R,0,0,0,,That's why I told you I was a rental girlfriend,
Dialogue: 10,0:20:34.68,0:20:37.12,Main,R,0,0,0,,and that's why I broke it \Noff with Kuribayashi-san!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:37.63,0:20:40.96,Main,R,0,0,0,,I know that you like Chizuru-san!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:40.96,0:20:44.05,Main,R,0,0,0,,I figured I had to do this to get you to date me!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:41.39,0:20:44.05,Main Alt,K,0,0,0,,No, you have that wrong, Ruka-chan.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:45.03,0:20:47.72,Main,R,0,0,0,,I won't ask you to fall for me immediately,
Dialogue: 10,0:20:47.72,0:20:50.28,Main,R,0,0,0,,and I don't mind if you only \Nsee it as a trial at first,
Dialogue: 10,0:20:50.28,0:20:53.90,Main,R,0,0,0,,but please let me be your girlfriend!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:55.20,0:20:56.42,Main,K,0,0,0,,Ruka-chan?
Dialogue: 10,0:21:06.34,0:21:07.82,Main,K,0,0,0,,Huh? What?
Dialogue: 10,0:21:13.20,0:21:14.71,Main,C,0,0,0,,Go out with her.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:15.64,0:21:16.54,Main,K,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 10,0:21:16.54,0:21:18.57,Main,K,0,0,0,,Wh-Wh-What are you saying?
Dialogue: 10,0:21:18.57,0:21:23.56,Main,C,0,0,0,,I feel bad for you, but I don't want any \Nmore people finding out about my job.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:23.56,0:21:25.51,Main,C,0,0,0,,Kuri-kun won't find out if nobody tells him.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:26.50,0:21:28.28,Main,K,0,0,0,,B-But... wait... Mizuhara?
Dialogue: 10,0:21:28.28,0:21:30.97,Main,C,0,0,0,,It looks like she really does like you.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:30.97,0:21:34.85,Main,C,0,0,0,,Look at her crying. There's probably \Nmore to it than meets the eye.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:34.85,0:21:37.42,Main,K,0,0,0,,Wh-What happened to what \Nyou were saying earlier?
Dialogue: 10,0:21:37.42,0:21:38.80,Main,C,0,0,0,,What else are we supposed to do?
Dialogue: 10,0:21:38.80,0:21:42.14,Main,C,0,0,0,,{She's not likely to leave \Nuntil you give her the okay!}She's not likely to leave until you agree!
Dialogue: 10,0:21:42.14,0:21:44.09,Main,K,0,0,0,,W-Well, yeah...
Dialogue: 10,0:21:44.09,0:21:46.40,Main,C,0,0,0,,She even knows our college.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:46.40,0:21:48.74,Main,C,0,0,0,,{It'd be too risky to leave \Nher to her own devices.}{放っておくのは やっぱり危険よ}It'd be too risky to leave her alone.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:49.89,0:21:53.14,Main,C,0,0,0,,She even said she was \Nokay with a trial period.
Dialogue: 10,0:23:37.96,0:23:40.74,Main,K,0,0,0,,R-Ruka-chan?
Dialogue: 10,0:23:47.54,0:23:52.86,Main,K,0,0,0,,Hey... P-Please stop crying, okay?
Dialogue: 10,0:23:53.41,0:23:56.14,Main Italics,K,0,0,0,,And so I got a girlfriend.
Dialogue: 10,0:23:57.81,0:23:59.55,Main,R,0,0,0,,Hello, all of you watching {\i1}Rent-a-Girlfriend{\i0}!
Dialogue: 10,0:23:59.55,0:24:03.10,Main,R,0,0,0,,I, Sarashina Ruka, and Kazuya-kun are going out now,
Dialogue: 10,0:24:03.10,0:24:05.55,Main,R,0,0,0,,so I'm going to be borrowing \Nhim from next week on...
Dialogue: 10,0:24:05.55,0:24:06.81,Main,K,0,0,0,,The show needs to go on!
Dialogue: 10,0:24:06.81,0:24:08.56,Main,C,0,0,0,,Besides, this is only a trial period.
Dialogue: 10,0:24:08.56,0:24:10.04,Main,R,0,0,0,,What's your problem, Chizuru-san?
Dialogue: 10,0:24:10.04,0:24:13.16,Main,R,0,0,0,,Can you stay out of our lovey-dovey preview?
Dialogue: 10,0:24:13.16,0:24:14.14,Main,R,0,0,0,,Oh, I get it.
Dialogue: 10,0:24:14.14,0:24:16.54,Main,R,0,0,0,,You're upset I stole Kazuya-kun \Nfrom you, aren't you?
Dialogue: 10,0:24:15.54,0:24:17.01,Main Top,C,0,0,0,,Anything but that.
Dialogue: 10,0:24:17.01,0:24:18.54,Main,K,0,0,0,,M-Mizuhara?
Dialogue: 10,0:24:18.54,0:24:20.48,Main,R,0,0,0,,Now, on the next episode of {\i1}Rent-a-Girlfriend{\i0}!
Dialogue: 10,0:24:20.48,0:24:21.47,Main,K,0,0,0,,Christmas...
Dialogue: 10,0:24:21.47,0:24:22.44,Main,C,0,0,0,,...and Girlfriend.
Dialogue: 10,0:24:22.44,0:24:24.08,Main,R,0,0,0,,As for your Christmas present,
Dialogue: 10,0:24:24.08,0:24:26.25,Main,R,0,0,0,,would I suffice?
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.23,0:02:09.27,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=11}{\an7\pos(0,678.66)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 420.02 360.11 b 425.98 360.24 431.93 360.24 437.88 360.56 440.67 360.71 443.19 360.63 445.23 358.02 447.15 358.2 449.1 358.39 451.06 358.56 452.54 358.69 454.04 358.98 455.51 358.86 459.61 358.53 463.64 358.56 467.77 359.06 471.25 359.47 474.89 358.27 478.47 358.13 482.08 358 485.65 358.25 488.89 360.44 489.98 361.18 491.75 360.93 493.55 361.19 494.22 361.95 495.08 362.93 496.49 364.53 498.53 364.22 501.01 363.84 503.49 363.46 503.47 363.26 503.45 363.06 503.44 362.86 505.15 363.39 506.86 363.93 508.56 364.46 508.54 364.22 508.52 363.97 508.5 363.72 511.96 362.93 515.43 362.15 518.89 361.36 518.93 361.53 518.97 361.69 519 361.86 520.33 361.24 521.65 360.61 522.98 359.99 524.02 359.27 524.8 359.45 525.28 360.67 524.75 362.82 522.63 363.46 521.3 364.86 514.22 367.93 507.84 372.66 499.99 373.94 497.68 373.94 495.37 373.94 492.86 373.94 491.02 377.27 490.57 381.86 486.28 382.78 482.63 383.56 478.78 383.42 474.86 382.86 474.06 383.39 473.26 383.93 472.14 384.68 465.51 384.14 458.58 383.58 451.66 383.02 451.16 382.98 450.65 382.88 450.17 382.96 434.86 385.38 419.35 383.63 404.03 385.13 393.18 386.19 382.14 385.61 371.46 388.5 370.24 388.83 368.73 388.12 367.02 387.84 367.02 385.91 367.02 384.46 367.02 383 369.23 379.62 372.76 377.93 376.08 375.96 379.31 374.89 382.56 373.87 385.85 373 391.26 370.52 396.73 368.18 402.5 366.67 408.28 364.31 413.74 361.09 420.02 360.11{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.27,0:02:09.31,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=11}{\an7\pos(0,582.55)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 420.02 360.11 b 425.98 360.24 431.93 360.24 437.88 360.56 440.67 360.71 443.19 360.63 445.23 358.02 447.15 358.2 449.1 358.39 451.06 358.56 452.54 358.69 454.04 358.98 455.51 358.86 459.61 358.53 463.64 358.56 467.77 359.06 471.25 359.47 474.89 358.27 478.47 358.13 482.08 358 485.65 358.25 488.89 360.44 489.98 361.18 491.75 360.93 493.55 361.19 494.22 361.95 495.08 362.93 496.49 364.53 498.53 364.22 501.01 363.84 503.49 363.46 503.47 363.26 503.45 363.06 503.44 362.86 505.15 363.39 506.86 363.93 508.56 364.46 508.54 364.22 508.52 363.97 508.5 363.72 511.96 362.93 515.43 362.15 518.89 361.36 518.93 361.53 518.97 361.69 519 361.86 520.33 361.24 521.65 360.61 522.98 359.99 524.02 359.27 524.8 359.45 525.28 360.67 524.75 362.82 522.63 363.46 521.3 364.86 514.22 367.93 507.84 372.66 499.99 373.94 497.68 373.94 495.37 373.94 492.86 373.94 491.02 377.27 490.57 381.86 486.28 382.78 482.63 383.56 478.78 383.42 474.86 382.86 474.06 383.39 473.26 383.93 472.14 384.68 465.51 384.14 458.58 383.58 451.66 383.02 451.16 382.98 450.65 382.88 450.17 382.96 434.86 385.38 419.35 383.63 404.03 385.13 393.18 386.19 382.14 385.61 371.46 388.5 370.24 388.83 368.73 388.12 367.02 387.84 367.02 385.91 367.02 384.46 367.02 383 369.23 379.62 372.76 377.93 376.08 375.96 379.31 374.89 382.56 373.87 385.85 373 391.26 370.52 396.73 368.18 402.5 366.67 408.28 364.31 413.74 361.09 420.02 360.11{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.31,0:02:09.35,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=11}{\an7\pos(0,487.98)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 420.02 360.11 b 425.98 360.24 431.93 360.24 437.88 360.56 440.67 360.71 443.19 360.63 445.23 358.02 447.15 358.2 449.1 358.39 451.06 358.56 452.54 358.69 454.04 358.98 455.51 358.86 459.61 358.53 463.64 358.56 467.77 359.06 471.25 359.47 474.89 358.27 478.47 358.13 482.08 358 485.65 358.25 488.89 360.44 489.98 361.18 491.75 360.93 493.55 361.19 494.22 361.95 495.08 362.93 496.49 364.53 498.53 364.22 501.01 363.84 503.49 363.46 503.47 363.26 503.45 363.06 503.44 362.86 505.15 363.39 506.86 363.93 508.56 364.46 508.54 364.22 508.52 363.97 508.5 363.72 511.96 362.93 515.43 362.15 518.89 361.36 518.93 361.53 518.97 361.69 519 361.86 520.33 361.24 521.65 360.61 522.98 359.99 524.02 359.27 524.8 359.45 525.28 360.67 524.75 362.82 522.63 363.46 521.3 364.86 514.22 367.93 507.84 372.66 499.99 373.94 497.68 373.94 495.37 373.94 492.86 373.94 491.02 377.27 490.57 381.86 486.28 382.78 482.63 383.56 478.78 383.42 474.86 382.86 474.06 383.39 473.26 383.93 472.14 384.68 465.51 384.14 458.58 383.58 451.66 383.02 451.16 382.98 450.65 382.88 450.17 382.96 434.86 385.38 419.35 383.63 404.03 385.13 393.18 386.19 382.14 385.61 371.46 388.5 370.24 388.83 368.73 388.12 367.02 387.84 367.02 385.91 367.02 384.46 367.02 383 369.23 379.62 372.76 377.93 376.08 375.96 379.31 374.89 382.56 373.87 385.85 373 391.26 370.52 396.73 368.18 402.5 366.67 408.28 364.31 413.74 361.09 420.02 360.11{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.35,0:02:09.40,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=11}{\an7\pos(0,397.03)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 420.02 360.11 b 425.98 360.24 431.93 360.24 437.88 360.56 440.67 360.71 443.19 360.63 445.23 358.02 447.15 358.2 449.1 358.39 451.06 358.56 452.54 358.69 454.04 358.98 455.51 358.86 459.61 358.53 463.64 358.56 467.77 359.06 471.25 359.47 474.89 358.27 478.47 358.13 482.08 358 485.65 358.25 488.89 360.44 489.98 361.18 491.75 360.93 493.55 361.19 494.22 361.95 495.08 362.93 496.49 364.53 498.53 364.22 501.01 363.84 503.49 363.46 503.47 363.26 503.45 363.06 503.44 362.86 505.15 363.39 506.86 363.93 508.56 364.46 508.54 364.22 508.52 363.97 508.5 363.72 511.96 362.93 515.43 362.15 518.89 361.36 518.93 361.53 518.97 361.69 519 361.86 520.33 361.24 521.65 360.61 522.98 359.99 524.02 359.27 524.8 359.45 525.28 360.67 524.75 362.82 522.63 363.46 521.3 364.86 514.22 367.93 507.84 372.66 499.99 373.94 497.68 373.94 495.37 373.94 492.86 373.94 491.02 377.27 490.57 381.86 486.28 382.78 482.63 383.56 478.78 383.42 474.86 382.86 474.06 383.39 473.26 383.93 472.14 384.68 465.51 384.14 458.58 383.58 451.66 383.02 451.16 382.98 450.65 382.88 450.17 382.96 434.86 385.38 419.35 383.63 404.03 385.13 393.18 386.19 382.14 385.61 371.46 388.5 370.24 388.83 368.73 388.12 367.02 387.84 367.02 385.91 367.02 384.46 367.02 383 369.23 379.62 372.76 377.93 376.08 375.96 379.31 374.89 382.56 373.87 385.85 373 391.26 370.52 396.73 368.18 402.5 366.67 408.28 364.31 413.74 361.09 420.02 360.11{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.40,0:02:09.44,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=11}{\an7\pos(0,310.91)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 420.02 360.11 b 425.98 360.24 431.93 360.24 437.88 360.56 440.67 360.71 443.19 360.63 445.23 358.02 447.15 358.2 449.1 358.39 451.06 358.56 452.54 358.69 454.04 358.98 455.51 358.86 459.61 358.53 463.64 358.56 467.77 359.06 471.25 359.47 474.89 358.27 478.47 358.13 482.08 358 485.65 358.25 488.89 360.44 489.98 361.18 491.75 360.93 493.55 361.19 494.22 361.95 495.08 362.93 496.49 364.53 498.53 364.22 501.01 363.84 503.49 363.46 503.47 363.26 503.45 363.06 503.44 362.86 505.15 363.39 506.86 363.93 508.56 364.46 508.54 364.22 508.52 363.97 508.5 363.72 511.96 362.93 515.43 362.15 518.89 361.36 518.93 361.53 518.97 361.69 519 361.86 520.33 361.24 521.65 360.61 522.98 359.99 524.02 359.27 524.8 359.45 525.28 360.67 524.75 362.82 522.63 363.46 521.3 364.86 514.22 367.93 507.84 372.66 499.99 373.94 497.68 373.94 495.37 373.94 492.86 373.94 491.02 377.27 490.57 381.86 486.28 382.78 482.63 383.56 478.78 383.42 474.86 382.86 474.06 383.39 473.26 383.93 472.14 384.68 465.51 384.14 458.58 383.58 451.66 383.02 451.16 382.98 450.65 382.88 450.17 382.96 434.86 385.38 419.35 383.63 404.03 385.13 393.18 386.19 382.14 385.61 371.46 388.5 370.24 388.83 368.73 388.12 367.02 387.84 367.02 385.91 367.02 384.46 367.02 383 369.23 379.62 372.76 377.93 376.08 375.96 379.31 374.89 382.56 373.87 385.85 373 391.26 370.52 396.73 368.18 402.5 366.67 408.28 364.31 413.74 361.09 420.02 360.11{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.44,0:02:09.48,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=11}{\an7\pos(0,231.04)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 420.02 360.11 b 425.98 360.24 431.93 360.24 437.88 360.56 440.67 360.71 443.19 360.63 445.23 358.02 447.15 358.2 449.1 358.39 451.06 358.56 452.54 358.69 454.04 358.98 455.51 358.86 459.61 358.53 463.64 358.56 467.77 359.06 471.25 359.47 474.89 358.27 478.47 358.13 482.08 358 485.65 358.25 488.89 360.44 489.98 361.18 491.75 360.93 493.55 361.19 494.22 361.95 495.08 362.93 496.49 364.53 498.53 364.22 501.01 363.84 503.49 363.46 503.47 363.26 503.45 363.06 503.44 362.86 505.15 363.39 506.86 363.93 508.56 364.46 508.54 364.22 508.52 363.97 508.5 363.72 511.96 362.93 515.43 362.15 518.89 361.36 518.93 361.53 518.97 361.69 519 361.86 520.33 361.24 521.65 360.61 522.98 359.99 524.02 359.27 524.8 359.45 525.28 360.67 524.75 362.82 522.63 363.46 521.3 364.86 514.22 367.93 507.84 372.66 499.99 373.94 497.68 373.94 495.37 373.94 492.86 373.94 491.02 377.27 490.57 381.86 486.28 382.78 482.63 383.56 478.78 383.42 474.86 382.86 474.06 383.39 473.26 383.93 472.14 384.68 465.51 384.14 458.58 383.58 451.66 383.02 451.16 382.98 450.65 382.88 450.17 382.96 434.86 385.38 419.35 383.63 404.03 385.13 393.18 386.19 382.14 385.61 371.46 388.5 370.24 388.83 368.73 388.12 367.02 387.84 367.02 385.91 367.02 384.46 367.02 383 369.23 379.62 372.76 377.93 376.08 375.96 379.31 374.89 382.56 373.87 385.85 373 391.26 370.52 396.73 368.18 402.5 366.67 408.28 364.31 413.74 361.09 420.02 360.11{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.48,0:02:09.52,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=11}{\an7\pos(0,159.03)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 420.02 360.11 b 425.98 360.24 431.93 360.24 437.88 360.56 440.67 360.71 443.19 360.63 445.23 358.02 447.15 358.2 449.1 358.39 451.06 358.56 452.54 358.69 454.04 358.98 455.51 358.86 459.61 358.53 463.64 358.56 467.77 359.06 471.25 359.47 474.89 358.27 478.47 358.13 482.08 358 485.65 358.25 488.89 360.44 489.98 361.18 491.75 360.93 493.55 361.19 494.22 361.95 495.08 362.93 496.49 364.53 498.53 364.22 501.01 363.84 503.49 363.46 503.47 363.26 503.45 363.06 503.44 362.86 505.15 363.39 506.86 363.93 508.56 364.46 508.54 364.22 508.52 363.97 508.5 363.72 511.96 362.93 515.43 362.15 518.89 361.36 518.93 361.53 518.97 361.69 519 361.86 520.33 361.24 521.65 360.61 522.98 359.99 524.02 359.27 524.8 359.45 525.28 360.67 524.75 362.82 522.63 363.46 521.3 364.86 514.22 367.93 507.84 372.66 499.99 373.94 497.68 373.94 495.37 373.94 492.86 373.94 491.02 377.27 490.57 381.86 486.28 382.78 482.63 383.56 478.78 383.42 474.86 382.86 474.06 383.39 473.26 383.93 472.14 384.68 465.51 384.14 458.58 383.58 451.66 383.02 451.16 382.98 450.65 382.88 450.17 382.96 434.86 385.38 419.35 383.63 404.03 385.13 393.18 386.19 382.14 385.61 371.46 388.5 370.24 388.83 368.73 388.12 367.02 387.84 367.02 385.91 367.02 384.46 367.02 383 369.23 379.62 372.76 377.93 376.08 375.96 379.31 374.89 382.56 373.87 385.85 373 391.26 370.52 396.73 368.18 402.5 366.67 408.28 364.31 413.74 361.09 420.02 360.11{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.52,0:02:09.56,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=11}{\an7\pos(0,96.8)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 420.02 360.11 b 425.98 360.24 431.93 360.24 437.88 360.56 440.67 360.71 443.19 360.63 445.23 358.02 447.15 358.2 449.1 358.39 451.06 358.56 452.54 358.69 454.04 358.98 455.51 358.86 459.61 358.53 463.64 358.56 467.77 359.06 471.25 359.47 474.89 358.27 478.47 358.13 482.08 358 485.65 358.25 488.89 360.44 489.98 361.18 491.75 360.93 493.55 361.19 494.22 361.95 495.08 362.93 496.49 364.53 498.53 364.22 501.01 363.84 503.49 363.46 503.47 363.26 503.45 363.06 503.44 362.86 505.15 363.39 506.86 363.93 508.56 364.46 508.54 364.22 508.52 363.97 508.5 363.72 511.96 362.93 515.43 362.15 518.89 361.36 518.93 361.53 518.97 361.69 519 361.86 520.33 361.24 521.65 360.61 522.98 359.99 524.02 359.27 524.8 359.45 525.28 360.67 524.75 362.82 522.63 363.46 521.3 364.86 514.22 367.93 507.84 372.66 499.99 373.94 497.68 373.94 495.37 373.94 492.86 373.94 491.02 377.27 490.57 381.86 486.28 382.78 482.63 383.56 478.78 383.42 474.86 382.86 474.06 383.39 473.26 383.93 472.14 384.68 465.51 384.14 458.58 383.58 451.66 383.02 451.16 382.98 450.65 382.88 450.17 382.96 434.86 385.38 419.35 383.63 404.03 385.13 393.18 386.19 382.14 385.61 371.46 388.5 370.24 388.83 368.73 388.12 367.02 387.84 367.02 385.91 367.02 384.46 367.02 383 369.23 379.62 372.76 377.93 376.08 375.96 379.31 374.89 382.56 373.87 385.85 373 391.26 370.52 396.73 368.18 402.5 366.67 408.28 364.31 413.74 361.09 420.02 360.11{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.56,0:02:09.60,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=11}{\an7\pos(0,46.62)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 420.02 360.11 b 425.98 360.24 431.93 360.24 437.88 360.56 440.67 360.71 443.19 360.63 445.23 358.02 447.15 358.2 449.1 358.39 451.06 358.56 452.54 358.69 454.04 358.98 455.51 358.86 459.61 358.53 463.64 358.56 467.77 359.06 471.25 359.47 474.89 358.27 478.47 358.13 482.08 358 485.65 358.25 488.89 360.44 489.98 361.18 491.75 360.93 493.55 361.19 494.22 361.95 495.08 362.93 496.49 364.53 498.53 364.22 501.01 363.84 503.49 363.46 503.47 363.26 503.45 363.06 503.44 362.86 505.15 363.39 506.86 363.93 508.56 364.46 508.54 364.22 508.52 363.97 508.5 363.72 511.96 362.93 515.43 362.15 518.89 361.36 518.93 361.53 518.97 361.69 519 361.86 520.33 361.24 521.65 360.61 522.98 359.99 524.02 359.27 524.8 359.45 525.28 360.67 524.75 362.82 522.63 363.46 521.3 364.86 514.22 367.93 507.84 372.66 499.99 373.94 497.68 373.94 495.37 373.94 492.86 373.94 491.02 377.27 490.57 381.86 486.28 382.78 482.63 383.56 478.78 383.42 474.86 382.86 474.06 383.39 473.26 383.93 472.14 384.68 465.51 384.14 458.58 383.58 451.66 383.02 451.16 382.98 450.65 382.88 450.17 382.96 434.86 385.38 419.35 383.63 404.03 385.13 393.18 386.19 382.14 385.61 371.46 388.5 370.24 388.83 368.73 388.12 367.02 387.84 367.02 385.91 367.02 384.46 367.02 383 369.23 379.62 372.76 377.93 376.08 375.96 379.31 374.89 382.56 373.87 385.85 373 391.26 370.52 396.73 368.18 402.5 366.67 408.28 364.31 413.74 361.09 420.02 360.11{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.60,0:02:09.65,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=11}{\an7\pos(0,12.32)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 420.02 360.11 b 425.98 360.24 431.93 360.24 437.88 360.56 440.67 360.71 443.19 360.63 445.23 358.02 447.15 358.2 449.1 358.39 451.06 358.56 452.54 358.69 454.04 358.98 455.51 358.86 459.61 358.53 463.64 358.56 467.77 359.06 471.25 359.47 474.89 358.27 478.47 358.13 482.08 358 485.65 358.25 488.89 360.44 489.98 361.18 491.75 360.93 493.55 361.19 494.22 361.95 495.08 362.93 496.49 364.53 498.53 364.22 501.01 363.84 503.49 363.46 503.47 363.26 503.45 363.06 503.44 362.86 505.15 363.39 506.86 363.93 508.56 364.46 508.54 364.22 508.52 363.97 508.5 363.72 511.96 362.93 515.43 362.15 518.89 361.36 518.93 361.53 518.97 361.69 519 361.86 520.33 361.24 521.65 360.61 522.98 359.99 524.02 359.27 524.8 359.45 525.28 360.67 524.75 362.82 522.63 363.46 521.3 364.86 514.22 367.93 507.84 372.66 499.99 373.94 497.68 373.94 495.37 373.94 492.86 373.94 491.02 377.27 490.57 381.86 486.28 382.78 482.63 383.56 478.78 383.42 474.86 382.86 474.06 383.39 473.26 383.93 472.14 384.68 465.51 384.14 458.58 383.58 451.66 383.02 451.16 382.98 450.65 382.88 450.17 382.96 434.86 385.38 419.35 383.63 404.03 385.13 393.18 386.19 382.14 385.61 371.46 388.5 370.24 388.83 368.73 388.12 367.02 387.84 367.02 385.91 367.02 384.46 367.02 383 369.23 379.62 372.76 377.93 376.08 375.96 379.31 374.89 382.56 373.87 385.85 373 391.26 370.52 396.73 368.18 402.5 366.67 408.28 364.31 413.74 361.09 420.02 360.11{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.65,0:02:13.36,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=11}{\an7\pos(0,-1)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 420.02 360.11 b 425.98 360.24 431.93 360.24 437.88 360.56 440.67 360.71 443.19 360.63 445.23 358.02 447.15 358.2 449.1 358.39 451.06 358.56 452.54 358.69 454.04 358.98 455.51 358.86 459.61 358.53 463.64 358.56 467.77 359.06 471.25 359.47 474.89 358.27 478.47 358.13 482.08 358 485.65 358.25 488.89 360.44 489.98 361.18 491.75 360.93 493.55 361.19 494.22 361.95 495.08 362.93 496.49 364.53 498.53 364.22 501.01 363.84 503.49 363.46 503.47 363.26 503.45 363.06 503.44 362.86 505.15 363.39 506.86 363.93 508.56 364.46 508.54 364.22 508.52 363.97 508.5 363.72 511.96 362.93 515.43 362.15 518.89 361.36 518.93 361.53 518.97 361.69 519 361.86 520.33 361.24 521.65 360.61 522.98 359.99 524.02 359.27 524.8 359.45 525.28 360.67 524.75 362.82 522.63 363.46 521.3 364.86 514.22 367.93 507.84 372.66 499.99 373.94 497.68 373.94 495.37 373.94 492.86 373.94 491.02 377.27 490.57 381.86 486.28 382.78 482.63 383.56 478.78 383.42 474.86 382.86 474.06 383.39 473.26 383.93 472.14 384.68 465.51 384.14 458.58 383.58 451.66 383.02 451.16 382.98 450.65 382.88 450.17 382.96 434.86 385.38 419.35 383.63 404.03 385.13 393.18 386.19 382.14 385.61 371.46 388.5 370.24 388.83 368.73 388.12 367.02 387.84 367.02 385.91 367.02 384.46 367.02 383 369.23 379.62 372.76 377.93 376.08 375.96 379.31 374.89 382.56 373.87 385.85 373 391.26 370.52 396.73 368.18 402.5 366.67 408.28 364.31 413.74 361.09 420.02 360.11{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.23,0:02:09.27,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=10}{\an7\pos(0,678.66)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 534 359.01 b 537.02 356.27 537.02 356.27 543.81 355.3 546.52 356.97 547.41 359.38 546.41 362.97 553.49 364.44 561 362.8 568.05 365.8 568.05 367.9 568.05 370 568.05 372.09 562.55 375.44 547.13 376.29 541.03 373.48 540.94 372.3 540.85 371 540.74 369.56 540.33 369.93 539.94 370.2 539.65 370.55 536.57 374.18 533.11 377.44 531.12 381.98 529.56 385.53 525.58 385.03 522.21 385.97 520.64 385.11 518.93 384.17 517.02 383.12 516.49 381.5 515.94 379.82 515.29 377.86 516.25 377.37 517.07 376.95 518.72 376.1 512.92 375.62 508.49 375.26 504.06 374.89 503.99 372.42 506.28 372.38 507.67 371.49 512.07 368.66 517.38 367.62 521.61 364.45 525.36 361.77 529.21 359.31 534 359.01{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.27,0:02:09.31,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=10}{\an7\pos(0,582.55)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 534 359.01 b 537.02 356.27 537.02 356.27 543.81 355.3 546.52 356.97 547.41 359.38 546.41 362.97 553.49 364.44 561 362.8 568.05 365.8 568.05 367.9 568.05 370 568.05 372.09 562.55 375.44 547.13 376.29 541.03 373.48 540.94 372.3 540.85 371 540.74 369.56 540.33 369.93 539.94 370.2 539.65 370.55 536.57 374.18 533.11 377.44 531.12 381.98 529.56 385.53 525.58 385.03 522.21 385.97 520.64 385.11 518.93 384.17 517.02 383.12 516.49 381.5 515.94 379.82 515.29 377.86 516.25 377.37 517.07 376.95 518.72 376.1 512.92 375.62 508.49 375.26 504.06 374.89 503.99 372.42 506.28 372.38 507.67 371.49 512.07 368.66 517.38 367.62 521.61 364.45 525.36 361.77 529.21 359.31 534 359.01{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.31,0:02:09.35,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=10}{\an7\pos(0,487.98)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 534 359.01 b 537.02 356.27 537.02 356.27 543.81 355.3 546.52 356.97 547.41 359.38 546.41 362.97 553.49 364.44 561 362.8 568.05 365.8 568.05 367.9 568.05 370 568.05 372.09 562.55 375.44 547.13 376.29 541.03 373.48 540.94 372.3 540.85 371 540.74 369.56 540.33 369.93 539.94 370.2 539.65 370.55 536.57 374.18 533.11 377.44 531.12 381.98 529.56 385.53 525.58 385.03 522.21 385.97 520.64 385.11 518.93 384.17 517.02 383.12 516.49 381.5 515.94 379.82 515.29 377.86 516.25 377.37 517.07 376.95 518.72 376.1 512.92 375.62 508.49 375.26 504.06 374.89 503.99 372.42 506.28 372.38 507.67 371.49 512.07 368.66 517.38 367.62 521.61 364.45 525.36 361.77 529.21 359.31 534 359.01{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.35,0:02:09.40,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=10}{\an7\pos(0,397.03)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 534 359.01 b 537.02 356.27 537.02 356.27 543.81 355.3 546.52 356.97 547.41 359.38 546.41 362.97 553.49 364.44 561 362.8 568.05 365.8 568.05 367.9 568.05 370 568.05 372.09 562.55 375.44 547.13 376.29 541.03 373.48 540.94 372.3 540.85 371 540.74 369.56 540.33 369.93 539.94 370.2 539.65 370.55 536.57 374.18 533.11 377.44 531.12 381.98 529.56 385.53 525.58 385.03 522.21 385.97 520.64 385.11 518.93 384.17 517.02 383.12 516.49 381.5 515.94 379.82 515.29 377.86 516.25 377.37 517.07 376.95 518.72 376.1 512.92 375.62 508.49 375.26 504.06 374.89 503.99 372.42 506.28 372.38 507.67 371.49 512.07 368.66 517.38 367.62 521.61 364.45 525.36 361.77 529.21 359.31 534 359.01{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.40,0:02:09.44,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=10}{\an7\pos(0,310.91)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 534 359.01 b 537.02 356.27 537.02 356.27 543.81 355.3 546.52 356.97 547.41 359.38 546.41 362.97 553.49 364.44 561 362.8 568.05 365.8 568.05 367.9 568.05 370 568.05 372.09 562.55 375.44 547.13 376.29 541.03 373.48 540.94 372.3 540.85 371 540.74 369.56 540.33 369.93 539.94 370.2 539.65 370.55 536.57 374.18 533.11 377.44 531.12 381.98 529.56 385.53 525.58 385.03 522.21 385.97 520.64 385.11 518.93 384.17 517.02 383.12 516.49 381.5 515.94 379.82 515.29 377.86 516.25 377.37 517.07 376.95 518.72 376.1 512.92 375.62 508.49 375.26 504.06 374.89 503.99 372.42 506.28 372.38 507.67 371.49 512.07 368.66 517.38 367.62 521.61 364.45 525.36 361.77 529.21 359.31 534 359.01{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.44,0:02:09.48,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=10}{\an7\pos(0,231.04)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 534 359.01 b 537.02 356.27 537.02 356.27 543.81 355.3 546.52 356.97 547.41 359.38 546.41 362.97 553.49 364.44 561 362.8 568.05 365.8 568.05 367.9 568.05 370 568.05 372.09 562.55 375.44 547.13 376.29 541.03 373.48 540.94 372.3 540.85 371 540.74 369.56 540.33 369.93 539.94 370.2 539.65 370.55 536.57 374.18 533.11 377.44 531.12 381.98 529.56 385.53 525.58 385.03 522.21 385.97 520.64 385.11 518.93 384.17 517.02 383.12 516.49 381.5 515.94 379.82 515.29 377.86 516.25 377.37 517.07 376.95 518.72 376.1 512.92 375.62 508.49 375.26 504.06 374.89 503.99 372.42 506.28 372.38 507.67 371.49 512.07 368.66 517.38 367.62 521.61 364.45 525.36 361.77 529.21 359.31 534 359.01{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.48,0:02:09.52,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=10}{\an7\pos(0,159.03)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 534 359.01 b 537.02 356.27 537.02 356.27 543.81 355.3 546.52 356.97 547.41 359.38 546.41 362.97 553.49 364.44 561 362.8 568.05 365.8 568.05 367.9 568.05 370 568.05 372.09 562.55 375.44 547.13 376.29 541.03 373.48 540.94 372.3 540.85 371 540.74 369.56 540.33 369.93 539.94 370.2 539.65 370.55 536.57 374.18 533.11 377.44 531.12 381.98 529.56 385.53 525.58 385.03 522.21 385.97 520.64 385.11 518.93 384.17 517.02 383.12 516.49 381.5 515.94 379.82 515.29 377.86 516.25 377.37 517.07 376.95 518.72 376.1 512.92 375.62 508.49 375.26 504.06 374.89 503.99 372.42 506.28 372.38 507.67 371.49 512.07 368.66 517.38 367.62 521.61 364.45 525.36 361.77 529.21 359.31 534 359.01{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.52,0:02:09.56,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=10}{\an7\pos(0,96.8)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 534 359.01 b 537.02 356.27 537.02 356.27 543.81 355.3 546.52 356.97 547.41 359.38 546.41 362.97 553.49 364.44 561 362.8 568.05 365.8 568.05 367.9 568.05 370 568.05 372.09 562.55 375.44 547.13 376.29 541.03 373.48 540.94 372.3 540.85 371 540.74 369.56 540.33 369.93 539.94 370.2 539.65 370.55 536.57 374.18 533.11 377.44 531.12 381.98 529.56 385.53 525.58 385.03 522.21 385.97 520.64 385.11 518.93 384.17 517.02 383.12 516.49 381.5 515.94 379.82 515.29 377.86 516.25 377.37 517.07 376.95 518.72 376.1 512.92 375.62 508.49 375.26 504.06 374.89 503.99 372.42 506.28 372.38 507.67 371.49 512.07 368.66 517.38 367.62 521.61 364.45 525.36 361.77 529.21 359.31 534 359.01{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.56,0:02:09.60,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=10}{\an7\pos(0,46.62)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 534 359.01 b 537.02 356.27 537.02 356.27 543.81 355.3 546.52 356.97 547.41 359.38 546.41 362.97 553.49 364.44 561 362.8 568.05 365.8 568.05 367.9 568.05 370 568.05 372.09 562.55 375.44 547.13 376.29 541.03 373.48 540.94 372.3 540.85 371 540.74 369.56 540.33 369.93 539.94 370.2 539.65 370.55 536.57 374.18 533.11 377.44 531.12 381.98 529.56 385.53 525.58 385.03 522.21 385.97 520.64 385.11 518.93 384.17 517.02 383.12 516.49 381.5 515.94 379.82 515.29 377.86 516.25 377.37 517.07 376.95 518.72 376.1 512.92 375.62 508.49 375.26 504.06 374.89 503.99 372.42 506.28 372.38 507.67 371.49 512.07 368.66 517.38 367.62 521.61 364.45 525.36 361.77 529.21 359.31 534 359.01{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.60,0:02:09.65,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=10}{\an7\pos(0,12.32)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 534 359.01 b 537.02 356.27 537.02 356.27 543.81 355.3 546.52 356.97 547.41 359.38 546.41 362.97 553.49 364.44 561 362.8 568.05 365.8 568.05 367.9 568.05 370 568.05 372.09 562.55 375.44 547.13 376.29 541.03 373.48 540.94 372.3 540.85 371 540.74 369.56 540.33 369.93 539.94 370.2 539.65 370.55 536.57 374.18 533.11 377.44 531.12 381.98 529.56 385.53 525.58 385.03 522.21 385.97 520.64 385.11 518.93 384.17 517.02 383.12 516.49 381.5 515.94 379.82 515.29 377.86 516.25 377.37 517.07 376.95 518.72 376.1 512.92 375.62 508.49 375.26 504.06 374.89 503.99 372.42 506.28 372.38 507.67 371.49 512.07 368.66 517.38 367.62 521.61 364.45 525.36 361.77 529.21 359.31 534 359.01{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.65,0:02:13.36,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=10}{\an7\pos(0,-1)\1c&H181920&\p1}m 534 359.01 b 537.02 356.27 537.02 356.27 543.81 355.3 546.52 356.97 547.41 359.38 546.41 362.97 553.49 364.44 561 362.8 568.05 365.8 568.05 367.9 568.05 370 568.05 372.09 562.55 375.44 547.13 376.29 541.03 373.48 540.94 372.3 540.85 371 540.74 369.56 540.33 369.93 539.94 370.2 539.65 370.55 536.57 374.18 533.11 377.44 531.12 381.98 529.56 385.53 525.58 385.03 522.21 385.97 520.64 385.11 518.93 384.17 517.02 383.12 516.49 381.5 515.94 379.82 515.29 377.86 516.25 377.37 517.07 376.95 518.72 376.1 512.92 375.62 508.49 375.26 504.06 374.89 503.99 372.42 506.28 372.38 507.67 371.49 512.07 368.66 517.38 367.62 521.61 364.45 525.36 361.77 529.21 359.31 534 359.01{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.23,0:02:09.27,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=9}{\an7\pos(0,678.66)\1c&H191A21&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 364.41 375.09 364.14 370.29 366.55 365.51 367.43 363.76 367.87 361.8 368.63 359.59 370.11 359.43 371.54 359.18 372.99 359.14 376.8 359.02 380.63 359.09 384.44 358.9 387.56 358.74 390.67 357.99 393.77 358.06 398.22 358.17 402.67 358.74 407.11 359.21 408.41 359.35 409.68 359.81 410.96 360.12 412.24 362.12 410.54 362.81 409.32 363.48 407 364.75 404.7 366.09 402.12 366.81 395.34 368.49 389.29 372.19 382.52 373.9 379.93 374.48 377.56 375.69 375.05 376.51 372.04 377.62 370.01 381.3 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.27,0:02:09.31,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=9}{\an7\pos(0,582.55)\1c&H191A21&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 364.41 375.09 364.14 370.29 366.55 365.51 367.43 363.76 367.87 361.8 368.63 359.59 370.11 359.43 371.54 359.18 372.99 359.14 376.8 359.02 380.63 359.09 384.44 358.9 387.56 358.74 390.67 357.99 393.77 358.06 398.22 358.17 402.67 358.74 407.11 359.21 408.41 359.35 409.68 359.81 410.96 360.12 412.24 362.12 410.54 362.81 409.32 363.48 407 364.75 404.7 366.09 402.12 366.81 395.34 368.49 389.29 372.19 382.52 373.9 379.93 374.48 377.56 375.69 375.05 376.51 372.04 377.62 370.01 381.3 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.31,0:02:09.35,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=9}{\an7\pos(0,487.98)\1c&H191A21&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 364.41 375.09 364.14 370.29 366.55 365.51 367.43 363.76 367.87 361.8 368.63 359.59 370.11 359.43 371.54 359.18 372.99 359.14 376.8 359.02 380.63 359.09 384.44 358.9 387.56 358.74 390.67 357.99 393.77 358.06 398.22 358.17 402.67 358.74 407.11 359.21 408.41 359.35 409.68 359.81 410.96 360.12 412.24 362.12 410.54 362.81 409.32 363.48 407 364.75 404.7 366.09 402.12 366.81 395.34 368.49 389.29 372.19 382.52 373.9 379.93 374.48 377.56 375.69 375.05 376.51 372.04 377.62 370.01 381.3 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.35,0:02:09.40,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=9}{\an7\pos(0,397.03)\1c&H191A21&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 364.41 375.09 364.14 370.29 366.55 365.51 367.43 363.76 367.87 361.8 368.63 359.59 370.11 359.43 371.54 359.18 372.99 359.14 376.8 359.02 380.63 359.09 384.44 358.9 387.56 358.74 390.67 357.99 393.77 358.06 398.22 358.17 402.67 358.74 407.11 359.21 408.41 359.35 409.68 359.81 410.96 360.12 412.24 362.12 410.54 362.81 409.32 363.48 407 364.75 404.7 366.09 402.12 366.81 395.34 368.49 389.29 372.19 382.52 373.9 379.93 374.48 377.56 375.69 375.05 376.51 372.04 377.62 370.01 381.3 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.40,0:02:09.44,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=9}{\an7\pos(0,310.91)\1c&H191A21&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 364.41 375.09 364.14 370.29 366.55 365.51 367.43 363.76 367.87 361.8 368.63 359.59 370.11 359.43 371.54 359.18 372.99 359.14 376.8 359.02 380.63 359.09 384.44 358.9 387.56 358.74 390.67 357.99 393.77 358.06 398.22 358.17 402.67 358.74 407.11 359.21 408.41 359.35 409.68 359.81 410.96 360.12 412.24 362.12 410.54 362.81 409.32 363.48 407 364.75 404.7 366.09 402.12 366.81 395.34 368.49 389.29 372.19 382.52 373.9 379.93 374.48 377.56 375.69 375.05 376.51 372.04 377.62 370.01 381.3 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.44,0:02:09.48,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=9}{\an7\pos(0,231.04)\1c&H191A21&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 364.41 375.09 364.14 370.29 366.55 365.51 367.43 363.76 367.87 361.8 368.63 359.59 370.11 359.43 371.54 359.18 372.99 359.14 376.8 359.02 380.63 359.09 384.44 358.9 387.56 358.74 390.67 357.99 393.77 358.06 398.22 358.17 402.67 358.74 407.11 359.21 408.41 359.35 409.68 359.81 410.96 360.12 412.24 362.12 410.54 362.81 409.32 363.48 407 364.75 404.7 366.09 402.12 366.81 395.34 368.49 389.29 372.19 382.52 373.9 379.93 374.48 377.56 375.69 375.05 376.51 372.04 377.62 370.01 381.3 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.48,0:02:09.52,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=9}{\an7\pos(0,159.03)\1c&H191A21&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 364.41 375.09 364.14 370.29 366.55 365.51 367.43 363.76 367.87 361.8 368.63 359.59 370.11 359.43 371.54 359.18 372.99 359.14 376.8 359.02 380.63 359.09 384.44 358.9 387.56 358.74 390.67 357.99 393.77 358.06 398.22 358.17 402.67 358.74 407.11 359.21 408.41 359.35 409.68 359.81 410.96 360.12 412.24 362.12 410.54 362.81 409.32 363.48 407 364.75 404.7 366.09 402.12 366.81 395.34 368.49 389.29 372.19 382.52 373.9 379.93 374.48 377.56 375.69 375.05 376.51 372.04 377.62 370.01 381.3 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.52,0:02:09.56,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=9}{\an7\pos(0,96.8)\1c&H191A21&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 364.41 375.09 364.14 370.29 366.55 365.51 367.43 363.76 367.87 361.8 368.63 359.59 370.11 359.43 371.54 359.18 372.99 359.14 376.8 359.02 380.63 359.09 384.44 358.9 387.56 358.74 390.67 357.99 393.77 358.06 398.22 358.17 402.67 358.74 407.11 359.21 408.41 359.35 409.68 359.81 410.96 360.12 412.24 362.12 410.54 362.81 409.32 363.48 407 364.75 404.7 366.09 402.12 366.81 395.34 368.49 389.29 372.19 382.52 373.9 379.93 374.48 377.56 375.69 375.05 376.51 372.04 377.62 370.01 381.3 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.56,0:02:09.60,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=9}{\an7\pos(0,46.62)\1c&H191A21&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 364.41 375.09 364.14 370.29 366.55 365.51 367.43 363.76 367.87 361.8 368.63 359.59 370.11 359.43 371.54 359.18 372.99 359.14 376.8 359.02 380.63 359.09 384.44 358.9 387.56 358.74 390.67 357.99 393.77 358.06 398.22 358.17 402.67 358.74 407.11 359.21 408.41 359.35 409.68 359.81 410.96 360.12 412.24 362.12 410.54 362.81 409.32 363.48 407 364.75 404.7 366.09 402.12 366.81 395.34 368.49 389.29 372.19 382.52 373.9 379.93 374.48 377.56 375.69 375.05 376.51 372.04 377.62 370.01 381.3 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.60,0:02:09.65,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=9}{\an7\pos(0,12.32)\1c&H191A21&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 364.41 375.09 364.14 370.29 366.55 365.51 367.43 363.76 367.87 361.8 368.63 359.59 370.11 359.43 371.54 359.18 372.99 359.14 376.8 359.02 380.63 359.09 384.44 358.9 387.56 358.74 390.67 357.99 393.77 358.06 398.22 358.17 402.67 358.74 407.11 359.21 408.41 359.35 409.68 359.81 410.96 360.12 412.24 362.12 410.54 362.81 409.32 363.48 407 364.75 404.7 366.09 402.12 366.81 395.34 368.49 389.29 372.19 382.52 373.9 379.93 374.48 377.56 375.69 375.05 376.51 372.04 377.62 370.01 381.3 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.65,0:02:13.36,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=9}{\an7\pos(0,-1)\1c&H191A21&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 364.41 375.09 364.14 370.29 366.55 365.51 367.43 363.76 367.87 361.8 368.63 359.59 370.11 359.43 371.54 359.18 372.99 359.14 376.8 359.02 380.63 359.09 384.44 358.9 387.56 358.74 390.67 357.99 393.77 358.06 398.22 358.17 402.67 358.74 407.11 359.21 408.41 359.35 409.68 359.81 410.96 360.12 412.24 362.12 410.54 362.81 409.32 363.48 407 364.75 404.7 366.09 402.12 366.81 395.34 368.49 389.29 372.19 382.52 373.9 379.93 374.48 377.56 375.69 375.05 376.51 372.04 377.62 370.01 381.3 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.23,0:02:09.27,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=8}{\an7\pos(3,676.66)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.27,0:02:09.31,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=8}{\an7\pos(3,580.55)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.31,0:02:09.35,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=8}{\an7\pos(3,485.98)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.35,0:02:09.40,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=8}{\an7\pos(3,395.03)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.40,0:02:09.44,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=8}{\an7\pos(3,308.91)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.44,0:02:09.48,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=8}{\an7\pos(3,229.04)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.48,0:02:09.52,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=8}{\an7\pos(3,157.03)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.52,0:02:09.56,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=8}{\an7\pos(3,94.8)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.56,0:02:09.60,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=8}{\an7\pos(3,44.62)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.60,0:02:09.65,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=8}{\an7\pos(3,10.32)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.65,0:02:13.36,Signs_,{Voice Rec - M},0,0,0,,{=8}{\an7\pos(3,-3)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.23,0:02:09.27,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=7}{\an7\pos(-2,678.66)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.27,0:02:09.31,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=7}{\an7\pos(-2,582.55)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.31,0:02:09.35,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=7}{\an7\pos(-2,487.98)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.35,0:02:09.40,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=7}{\an7\pos(-2,397.03)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.40,0:02:09.44,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=7}{\an7\pos(-2,310.91)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.44,0:02:09.48,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=7}{\an7\pos(-2,231.04)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.48,0:02:09.52,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=7}{\an7\pos(-2,159.03)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.52,0:02:09.56,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=7}{\an7\pos(-2,96.8)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.56,0:02:09.60,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=7}{\an7\pos(-2,46.62)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.60,0:02:09.65,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=7}{\an7\pos(-2,12.32)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.65,0:02:13.36,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=7}{\an7\pos(-2,-1)\1c&H4B4C51&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 520.63 366.02 519.29 367.14 517.77 367.94 513.24 370.33 508.63 372.58 504.06 374.89 502.7 374.57 501.34 374.25 499.99 373.94 506.97 370.6 513.96 367.26 520.95 363.93 521.57 364.05 521.94 364.42 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.23,0:02:09.27,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=6}{\an7\pos(0,678.66)\1c&H515257&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 404.48 364.7 407.03 363.52 409.46 362.14 410.13 361.77 410.47 360.81 410.96 360.12 413.98 360.12 417 360.11 420.02 360.11 418.16 361.02 416.33 361.98 414.44 362.83 410.63 364.53 406.79 366.16 402.97 367.82 402.25 367.4 401.31 367.11 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.27,0:02:09.31,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=6}{\an7\pos(0,582.55)\1c&H515257&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 404.48 364.7 407.03 363.52 409.46 362.14 410.13 361.77 410.47 360.81 410.96 360.12 413.98 360.12 417 360.11 420.02 360.11 418.16 361.02 416.33 361.98 414.44 362.83 410.63 364.53 406.79 366.16 402.97 367.82 402.25 367.4 401.31 367.11 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.31,0:02:09.35,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=6}{\an7\pos(0,487.98)\1c&H515257&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 404.48 364.7 407.03 363.52 409.46 362.14 410.13 361.77 410.47 360.81 410.96 360.12 413.98 360.12 417 360.11 420.02 360.11 418.16 361.02 416.33 361.98 414.44 362.83 410.63 364.53 406.79 366.16 402.97 367.82 402.25 367.4 401.31 367.11 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.35,0:02:09.40,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=6}{\an7\pos(0,397.03)\1c&H515257&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 404.48 364.7 407.03 363.52 409.46 362.14 410.13 361.77 410.47 360.81 410.96 360.12 413.98 360.12 417 360.11 420.02 360.11 418.16 361.02 416.33 361.98 414.44 362.83 410.63 364.53 406.79 366.16 402.97 367.82 402.25 367.4 401.31 367.11 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.40,0:02:09.44,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=6}{\an7\pos(0,310.91)\1c&H515257&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 404.48 364.7 407.03 363.52 409.46 362.14 410.13 361.77 410.47 360.81 410.96 360.12 413.98 360.12 417 360.11 420.02 360.11 418.16 361.02 416.33 361.98 414.44 362.83 410.63 364.53 406.79 366.16 402.97 367.82 402.25 367.4 401.31 367.11 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.44,0:02:09.48,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=6}{\an7\pos(0,231.04)\1c&H515257&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 404.48 364.7 407.03 363.52 409.46 362.14 410.13 361.77 410.47 360.81 410.96 360.12 413.98 360.12 417 360.11 420.02 360.11 418.16 361.02 416.33 361.98 414.44 362.83 410.63 364.53 406.79 366.16 402.97 367.82 402.25 367.4 401.31 367.11 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.48,0:02:09.52,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=6}{\an7\pos(0,159.03)\1c&H515257&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 404.48 364.7 407.03 363.52 409.46 362.14 410.13 361.77 410.47 360.81 410.96 360.12 413.98 360.12 417 360.11 420.02 360.11 418.16 361.02 416.33 361.98 414.44 362.83 410.63 364.53 406.79 366.16 402.97 367.82 402.25 367.4 401.31 367.11 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.52,0:02:09.56,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=6}{\an7\pos(0,96.8)\1c&H515257&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 404.48 364.7 407.03 363.52 409.46 362.14 410.13 361.77 410.47 360.81 410.96 360.12 413.98 360.12 417 360.11 420.02 360.11 418.16 361.02 416.33 361.98 414.44 362.83 410.63 364.53 406.79 366.16 402.97 367.82 402.25 367.4 401.31 367.11 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.56,0:02:09.60,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=6}{\an7\pos(0,46.62)\1c&H515257&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 404.48 364.7 407.03 363.52 409.46 362.14 410.13 361.77 410.47 360.81 410.96 360.12 413.98 360.12 417 360.11 420.02 360.11 418.16 361.02 416.33 361.98 414.44 362.83 410.63 364.53 406.79 366.16 402.97 367.82 402.25 367.4 401.31 367.11 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.60,0:02:09.65,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=6}{\an7\pos(0,12.32)\1c&H515257&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 404.48 364.7 407.03 363.52 409.46 362.14 410.13 361.77 410.47 360.81 410.96 360.12 413.98 360.12 417 360.11 420.02 360.11 418.16 361.02 416.33 361.98 414.44 362.83 410.63 364.53 406.79 366.16 402.97 367.82 402.25 367.4 401.31 367.11 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.65,0:02:13.36,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=6}{\an7\pos(0,-1)\1c&H515257&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 404.48 364.7 407.03 363.52 409.46 362.14 410.13 361.77 410.47 360.81 410.96 360.12 413.98 360.12 417 360.11 420.02 360.11 418.16 361.02 416.33 361.98 414.44 362.83 410.63 364.53 406.79 366.16 402.97 367.82 402.25 367.4 401.31 367.11 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.23,0:02:09.27,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=5}{\an7\pos(0,678.66)\1c&H5C5C62&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 521.69 364.67 521.32 364.3 520.95 363.93 522.28 362.94 523.62 361.95 524.95 360.96 525.97 359.43 527.37 358.43 529.1 357.84 530.73 358.23 532.37 358.62 534 359.01 530.02 361.02 526.04 363.03 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.27,0:02:09.31,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=5}{\an7\pos(0,582.55)\1c&H5C5C62&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 521.69 364.67 521.32 364.3 520.95 363.93 522.28 362.94 523.62 361.95 524.95 360.96 525.97 359.43 527.37 358.43 529.1 357.84 530.73 358.23 532.37 358.62 534 359.01 530.02 361.02 526.04 363.03 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.31,0:02:09.35,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=5}{\an7\pos(0,487.98)\1c&H5C5C62&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 521.69 364.67 521.32 364.3 520.95 363.93 522.28 362.94 523.62 361.95 524.95 360.96 525.97 359.43 527.37 358.43 529.1 357.84 530.73 358.23 532.37 358.62 534 359.01 530.02 361.02 526.04 363.03 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.35,0:02:09.40,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=5}{\an7\pos(0,397.03)\1c&H5C5C62&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 521.69 364.67 521.32 364.3 520.95 363.93 522.28 362.94 523.62 361.95 524.95 360.96 525.97 359.43 527.37 358.43 529.1 357.84 530.73 358.23 532.37 358.62 534 359.01 530.02 361.02 526.04 363.03 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.40,0:02:09.44,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=5}{\an7\pos(0,310.91)\1c&H5C5C62&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 521.69 364.67 521.32 364.3 520.95 363.93 522.28 362.94 523.62 361.95 524.95 360.96 525.97 359.43 527.37 358.43 529.1 357.84 530.73 358.23 532.37 358.62 534 359.01 530.02 361.02 526.04 363.03 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.44,0:02:09.48,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=5}{\an7\pos(0,231.04)\1c&H5C5C62&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 521.69 364.67 521.32 364.3 520.95 363.93 522.28 362.94 523.62 361.95 524.95 360.96 525.97 359.43 527.37 358.43 529.1 357.84 530.73 358.23 532.37 358.62 534 359.01 530.02 361.02 526.04 363.03 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.48,0:02:09.52,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=5}{\an7\pos(0,159.03)\1c&H5C5C62&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 521.69 364.67 521.32 364.3 520.95 363.93 522.28 362.94 523.62 361.95 524.95 360.96 525.97 359.43 527.37 358.43 529.1 357.84 530.73 358.23 532.37 358.62 534 359.01 530.02 361.02 526.04 363.03 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.52,0:02:09.56,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=5}{\an7\pos(0,96.8)\1c&H5C5C62&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 521.69 364.67 521.32 364.3 520.95 363.93 522.28 362.94 523.62 361.95 524.95 360.96 525.97 359.43 527.37 358.43 529.1 357.84 530.73 358.23 532.37 358.62 534 359.01 530.02 361.02 526.04 363.03 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.56,0:02:09.60,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=5}{\an7\pos(0,46.62)\1c&H5C5C62&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 521.69 364.67 521.32 364.3 520.95 363.93 522.28 362.94 523.62 361.95 524.95 360.96 525.97 359.43 527.37 358.43 529.1 357.84 530.73 358.23 532.37 358.62 534 359.01 530.02 361.02 526.04 363.03 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.60,0:02:09.65,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=5}{\an7\pos(0,12.32)\1c&H5C5C62&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 521.69 364.67 521.32 364.3 520.95 363.93 522.28 362.94 523.62 361.95 524.95 360.96 525.97 359.43 527.37 358.43 529.1 357.84 530.73 358.23 532.37 358.62 534 359.01 530.02 361.02 526.04 363.03 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.65,0:02:13.36,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=5}{\an7\pos(0,-1)\1c&H5C5C62&\p1}m 522.06 365.04 b 521.69 364.67 521.32 364.3 520.95 363.93 522.28 362.94 523.62 361.95 524.95 360.96 525.97 359.43 527.37 358.43 529.1 357.84 530.73 358.23 532.37 358.62 534 359.01 530.02 361.02 526.04 363.03 522.06 365.04{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.23,0:02:09.27,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=4}{\an7\pos(0,678.66)\1c&H53545A&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 369.01 378.62 371.96 377.26 374.91 375.91 375.97 375.58 376.23 376.06 376.01 377.01 373.01 379.01 370.01 381.01 367.02 383 366.7 382 366.38 380.99 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.27,0:02:09.31,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=4}{\an7\pos(0,582.55)\1c&H53545A&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 369.01 378.62 371.96 377.26 374.91 375.91 375.97 375.58 376.23 376.06 376.01 377.01 373.01 379.01 370.01 381.01 367.02 383 366.7 382 366.38 380.99 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.31,0:02:09.35,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=4}{\an7\pos(0,487.98)\1c&H53545A&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 369.01 378.62 371.96 377.26 374.91 375.91 375.97 375.58 376.23 376.06 376.01 377.01 373.01 379.01 370.01 381.01 367.02 383 366.7 382 366.38 380.99 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.35,0:02:09.40,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=4}{\an7\pos(0,397.03)\1c&H53545A&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 369.01 378.62 371.96 377.26 374.91 375.91 375.97 375.58 376.23 376.06 376.01 377.01 373.01 379.01 370.01 381.01 367.02 383 366.7 382 366.38 380.99 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.40,0:02:09.44,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=4}{\an7\pos(0,310.91)\1c&H53545A&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 369.01 378.62 371.96 377.26 374.91 375.91 375.97 375.58 376.23 376.06 376.01 377.01 373.01 379.01 370.01 381.01 367.02 383 366.7 382 366.38 380.99 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.44,0:02:09.48,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=4}{\an7\pos(0,231.04)\1c&H53545A&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 369.01 378.62 371.96 377.26 374.91 375.91 375.97 375.58 376.23 376.06 376.01 377.01 373.01 379.01 370.01 381.01 367.02 383 366.7 382 366.38 380.99 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.48,0:02:09.52,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=4}{\an7\pos(0,159.03)\1c&H53545A&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 369.01 378.62 371.96 377.26 374.91 375.91 375.97 375.58 376.23 376.06 376.01 377.01 373.01 379.01 370.01 381.01 367.02 383 366.7 382 366.38 380.99 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.52,0:02:09.56,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=4}{\an7\pos(0,96.8)\1c&H53545A&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 369.01 378.62 371.96 377.26 374.91 375.91 375.97 375.58 376.23 376.06 376.01 377.01 373.01 379.01 370.01 381.01 367.02 383 366.7 382 366.38 380.99 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.56,0:02:09.60,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=4}{\an7\pos(0,46.62)\1c&H53545A&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 369.01 378.62 371.96 377.26 374.91 375.91 375.97 375.58 376.23 376.06 376.01 377.01 373.01 379.01 370.01 381.01 367.02 383 366.7 382 366.38 380.99 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.60,0:02:09.65,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=4}{\an7\pos(0,12.32)\1c&H53545A&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 369.01 378.62 371.96 377.26 374.91 375.91 375.97 375.58 376.23 376.06 376.01 377.01 373.01 379.01 370.01 381.01 367.02 383 366.7 382 366.38 380.99 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.65,0:02:13.36,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=4}{\an7\pos(0,-1)\1c&H53545A&\p1}m 366.06 379.98 b 369.01 378.62 371.96 377.26 374.91 375.91 375.97 375.58 376.23 376.06 376.01 377.01 373.01 379.01 370.01 381.01 367.02 383 366.7 382 366.38 380.99 366.06 379.98{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.23,0:02:09.27,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=3}{\an7\pos(0,678.66)\1c&H36363D&\p1}m 529.1 357.84 b 527.71 358.88 526.33 359.92 524.95 360.96 524.29 360.64 523.64 360.31 522.98 359.99 524.47 359.07 525.95 358.16 527.71 357.07 527.98 357.22 528.54 357.53 529.1 357.84{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.27,0:02:09.31,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=3}{\an7\pos(0,582.55)\1c&H36363D&\p1}m 529.1 357.84 b 527.71 358.88 526.33 359.92 524.95 360.96 524.29 360.64 523.64 360.31 522.98 359.99 524.47 359.07 525.95 358.16 527.71 357.07 527.98 357.22 528.54 357.53 529.1 357.84{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.31,0:02:09.35,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=3}{\an7\pos(0,487.98)\1c&H36363D&\p1}m 529.1 357.84 b 527.71 358.88 526.33 359.92 524.95 360.96 524.29 360.64 523.64 360.31 522.98 359.99 524.47 359.07 525.95 358.16 527.71 357.07 527.98 357.22 528.54 357.53 529.1 357.84{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.35,0:02:09.40,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=3}{\an7\pos(0,397.03)\1c&H36363D&\p1}m 529.1 357.84 b 527.71 358.88 526.33 359.92 524.95 360.96 524.29 360.64 523.64 360.31 522.98 359.99 524.47 359.07 525.95 358.16 527.71 357.07 527.98 357.22 528.54 357.53 529.1 357.84{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.40,0:02:09.44,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=3}{\an7\pos(0,310.91)\1c&H36363D&\p1}m 529.1 357.84 b 527.71 358.88 526.33 359.92 524.95 360.96 524.29 360.64 523.64 360.31 522.98 359.99 524.47 359.07 525.95 358.16 527.71 357.07 527.98 357.22 528.54 357.53 529.1 357.84{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.44,0:02:09.48,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=3}{\an7\pos(0,231.04)\1c&H36363D&\p1}m 529.1 357.84 b 527.71 358.88 526.33 359.92 524.95 360.96 524.29 360.64 523.64 360.31 522.98 359.99 524.47 359.07 525.95 358.16 527.71 357.07 527.98 357.22 528.54 357.53 529.1 357.84{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.48,0:02:09.52,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=3}{\an7\pos(0,159.03)\1c&H36363D&\p1}m 529.1 357.84 b 527.71 358.88 526.33 359.92 524.95 360.96 524.29 360.64 523.64 360.31 522.98 359.99 524.47 359.07 525.95 358.16 527.71 357.07 527.98 357.22 528.54 357.53 529.1 357.84{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.52,0:02:09.56,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=3}{\an7\pos(0,96.8)\1c&H36363D&\p1}m 529.1 357.84 b 527.71 358.88 526.33 359.92 524.95 360.96 524.29 360.64 523.64 360.31 522.98 359.99 524.47 359.07 525.95 358.16 527.71 357.07 527.98 357.22 528.54 357.53 529.1 357.84{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.56,0:02:09.60,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=3}{\an7\pos(0,46.62)\1c&H36363D&\p1}m 529.1 357.84 b 527.71 358.88 526.33 359.92 524.95 360.96 524.29 360.64 523.64 360.31 522.98 359.99 524.47 359.07 525.95 358.16 527.71 357.07 527.98 357.22 528.54 357.53 529.1 357.84{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.60,0:02:09.65,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=3}{\an7\pos(0,12.32)\1c&H36363D&\p1}m 529.1 357.84 b 527.71 358.88 526.33 359.92 524.95 360.96 524.29 360.64 523.64 360.31 522.98 359.99 524.47 359.07 525.95 358.16 527.71 357.07 527.98 357.22 528.54 357.53 529.1 357.84{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.65,0:02:13.36,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=3}{\an7\pos(0,-1)\1c&H36363D&\p1}m 529.1 357.84 b 527.71 358.88 526.33 359.92 524.95 360.96 524.29 360.64 523.64 360.31 522.98 359.99 524.47 359.07 525.95 358.16 527.71 357.07 527.98 357.22 528.54 357.53 529.1 357.84{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.23,0:02:09.27,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=2}{\an7\pos(0,678.66)\1c&H4F5054&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 402.31 366.58 402.64 367.2 402.97 367.82 398.68 369.35 394.4 370.88 390.12 372.43 388.75 372.93 387.41 373.5 386.05 374.03 384.52 374.36 382.74 375.68 381.99 372.99 387.85 370.72 393.69 368.44 399.57 366.22 400.3 365.94 401.17 366.04 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.27,0:02:09.31,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=2}{\an7\pos(0,582.55)\1c&H4F5054&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 402.31 366.58 402.64 367.2 402.97 367.82 398.68 369.35 394.4 370.88 390.12 372.43 388.75 372.93 387.41 373.5 386.05 374.03 384.52 374.36 382.74 375.68 381.99 372.99 387.85 370.72 393.69 368.44 399.57 366.22 400.3 365.94 401.17 366.04 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.31,0:02:09.35,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=2}{\an7\pos(0,487.98)\1c&H4F5054&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 402.31 366.58 402.64 367.2 402.97 367.82 398.68 369.35 394.4 370.88 390.12 372.43 388.75 372.93 387.41 373.5 386.05 374.03 384.52 374.36 382.74 375.68 381.99 372.99 387.85 370.72 393.69 368.44 399.57 366.22 400.3 365.94 401.17 366.04 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.35,0:02:09.40,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=2}{\an7\pos(0,397.03)\1c&H4F5054&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 402.31 366.58 402.64 367.2 402.97 367.82 398.68 369.35 394.4 370.88 390.12 372.43 388.75 372.93 387.41 373.5 386.05 374.03 384.52 374.36 382.74 375.68 381.99 372.99 387.85 370.72 393.69 368.44 399.57 366.22 400.3 365.94 401.17 366.04 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.40,0:02:09.44,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=2}{\an7\pos(0,310.91)\1c&H4F5054&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 402.31 366.58 402.64 367.2 402.97 367.82 398.68 369.35 394.4 370.88 390.12 372.43 388.75 372.93 387.41 373.5 386.05 374.03 384.52 374.36 382.74 375.68 381.99 372.99 387.85 370.72 393.69 368.44 399.57 366.22 400.3 365.94 401.17 366.04 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.44,0:02:09.48,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=2}{\an7\pos(0,231.04)\1c&H4F5054&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 402.31 366.58 402.64 367.2 402.97 367.82 398.68 369.35 394.4 370.88 390.12 372.43 388.75 372.93 387.41 373.5 386.05 374.03 384.52 374.36 382.74 375.68 381.99 372.99 387.85 370.72 393.69 368.44 399.57 366.22 400.3 365.94 401.17 366.04 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.48,0:02:09.52,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=2}{\an7\pos(0,159.03)\1c&H4F5054&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 402.31 366.58 402.64 367.2 402.97 367.82 398.68 369.35 394.4 370.88 390.12 372.43 388.75 372.93 387.41 373.5 386.05 374.03 384.52 374.36 382.74 375.68 381.99 372.99 387.85 370.72 393.69 368.44 399.57 366.22 400.3 365.94 401.17 366.04 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.52,0:02:09.56,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=2}{\an7\pos(0,96.8)\1c&H4F5054&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 402.31 366.58 402.64 367.2 402.97 367.82 398.68 369.35 394.4 370.88 390.12 372.43 388.75 372.93 387.41 373.5 386.05 374.03 384.52 374.36 382.74 375.68 381.99 372.99 387.85 370.72 393.69 368.44 399.57 366.22 400.3 365.94 401.17 366.04 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.56,0:02:09.60,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=2}{\an7\pos(0,46.62)\1c&H4F5054&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 402.31 366.58 402.64 367.2 402.97 367.82 398.68 369.35 394.4 370.88 390.12 372.43 388.75 372.93 387.41 373.5 386.05 374.03 384.52 374.36 382.74 375.68 381.99 372.99 387.85 370.72 393.69 368.44 399.57 366.22 400.3 365.94 401.17 366.04 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.60,0:02:09.65,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=2}{\an7\pos(0,12.32)\1c&H4F5054&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 402.31 366.58 402.64 367.2 402.97 367.82 398.68 369.35 394.4 370.88 390.12 372.43 388.75 372.93 387.41 373.5 386.05 374.03 384.52 374.36 382.74 375.68 381.99 372.99 387.85 370.72 393.69 368.44 399.57 366.22 400.3 365.94 401.17 366.04 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.65,0:02:13.36,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=2}{\an7\pos(0,-1)\1c&H4F5054&\p1}m 401.98 365.96 b 402.31 366.58 402.64 367.2 402.97 367.82 398.68 369.35 394.4 370.88 390.12 372.43 388.75 372.93 387.41 373.5 386.05 374.03 384.52 374.36 382.74 375.68 381.99 372.99 387.85 370.72 393.69 368.44 399.57 366.22 400.3 365.94 401.17 366.04 401.98 365.96{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.23,0:02:09.27,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=1}{\an7\pos(0,678.66)\1c&H44464C&\p1}m 381.99 372.99 b 383.35 373.34 384.7 373.68 386.05 374.03 382.7 375.03 379.35 376.02 376.01 377.01 375.64 376.64 375.27 376.28 374.91 375.91 377.27 374.93 379.63 373.96 381.99 372.99{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.27,0:02:09.31,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=1}{\an7\pos(0,582.55)\1c&H44464C&\p1}m 381.99 372.99 b 383.35 373.34 384.7 373.68 386.05 374.03 382.7 375.03 379.35 376.02 376.01 377.01 375.64 376.64 375.27 376.28 374.91 375.91 377.27 374.93 379.63 373.96 381.99 372.99{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.31,0:02:09.35,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=1}{\an7\pos(0,487.98)\1c&H44464C&\p1}m 381.99 372.99 b 383.35 373.34 384.7 373.68 386.05 374.03 382.7 375.03 379.35 376.02 376.01 377.01 375.64 376.64 375.27 376.28 374.91 375.91 377.27 374.93 379.63 373.96 381.99 372.99{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.35,0:02:09.40,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=1}{\an7\pos(0,397.03)\1c&H44464C&\p1}m 381.99 372.99 b 383.35 373.34 384.7 373.68 386.05 374.03 382.7 375.03 379.35 376.02 376.01 377.01 375.64 376.64 375.27 376.28 374.91 375.91 377.27 374.93 379.63 373.96 381.99 372.99{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.40,0:02:09.44,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=1}{\an7\pos(0,310.91)\1c&H44464C&\p1}m 381.99 372.99 b 383.35 373.34 384.7 373.68 386.05 374.03 382.7 375.03 379.35 376.02 376.01 377.01 375.64 376.64 375.27 376.28 374.91 375.91 377.27 374.93 379.63 373.96 381.99 372.99{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.44,0:02:09.48,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=1}{\an7\pos(0,231.04)\1c&H44464C&\p1}m 381.99 372.99 b 383.35 373.34 384.7 373.68 386.05 374.03 382.7 375.03 379.35 376.02 376.01 377.01 375.64 376.64 375.27 376.28 374.91 375.91 377.27 374.93 379.63 373.96 381.99 372.99{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.48,0:02:09.52,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=1}{\an7\pos(0,159.03)\1c&H44464C&\p1}m 381.99 372.99 b 383.35 373.34 384.7 373.68 386.05 374.03 382.7 375.03 379.35 376.02 376.01 377.01 375.64 376.64 375.27 376.28 374.91 375.91 377.27 374.93 379.63 373.96 381.99 372.99{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.52,0:02:09.56,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=1}{\an7\pos(0,96.8)\1c&H44464C&\p1}m 381.99 372.99 b 383.35 373.34 384.7 373.68 386.05 374.03 382.7 375.03 379.35 376.02 376.01 377.01 375.64 376.64 375.27 376.28 374.91 375.91 377.27 374.93 379.63 373.96 381.99 372.99{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.56,0:02:09.60,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=1}{\an7\pos(0,46.62)\1c&H44464C&\p1}m 381.99 372.99 b 383.35 373.34 384.7 373.68 386.05 374.03 382.7 375.03 379.35 376.02 376.01 377.01 375.64 376.64 375.27 376.28 374.91 375.91 377.27 374.93 379.63 373.96 381.99 372.99{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.60,0:02:09.65,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=1}{\an7\pos(0,12.32)\1c&H44464C&\p1}m 381.99 372.99 b 383.35 373.34 384.7 373.68 386.05 374.03 382.7 375.03 379.35 376.02 376.01 377.01 375.64 376.64 375.27 376.28 374.91 375.91 377.27 374.93 379.63 373.96 381.99 372.99{\p0}
Dialogue: 2,0:02:09.65,0:02:13.36,Signs_,{Voice Rec - ML},0,0,0,,{=1}{\an7\pos(0,-1)\1c&H44464C&\p1}m 381.99 372.99 b 383.35 373.34 384.7 373.68 386.05 374.03 382.7 375.03 379.35 376.02 376.01 377.01 375.64 376.64 375.27 376.28 374.91 375.91 377.27 374.93 379.63 373.96 381.99 372.99{\p0}
Dialogue: 1,0:02:09.23,0:02:09.27,Signs_,{Voice Rec},0,0,0,,{=0}{\an7\c&HD8D8D8&\fs28\blur0.7\fnForoSans-Light\fry0.5\frx-1.72\frz0.84\fax-0.01\pos(387.27,1036.03)\fay-0.007}Voice Recorder
Dialogue: 1,0:02:09.27,0:02:09.31,Signs_,{Voice Rec},0,0,0,,{=0}{\an7\c&HD8D8D8&\fs28\blur0.7\fnForoSans-Light\fry0.5\frx-1.72\frz0.84\fax-0.01\pos(387.27,939.92)\fay-0.007}Voice Recorder
Dialogue: 1,0:02:09.31,0:02:09.35,Signs_,{Voice Rec},0,0,0,,{=0}{\an7\c&HD8D8D8&\fs28\blur0.7\fnForoSans-Light\fry0.5\frx-1.72\frz0.84\fax-0.01\pos(387.27,845.34)\fay-0.007}Voice Recorder
Dialogue: 1,0:02:09.35,0:02:09.40,Signs_,{Voice Rec},0,0,0,,{=0}{\an7\c&HD8D8D8&\fs28\blur0.7\fnForoSans-Light\fry0.5\frx-1.72\frz0.84\fax-0.01\pos(387.27,754.39)\fay-0.007}Voice Recorder
Dialogue: 1,0:02:09.40,0:02:09.44,Signs_,{Voice Rec},0,0,0,,{=0}{\an7\c&HD8D8D8&\fs28\blur0.7\fnForoSans-Light\fry0.5\frx-1.72\frz0.84\fax-0.01\pos(387.27,668.28)\fay-0.007}Voice Recorder
Dialogue: 1,0:02:09.44,0:02:09.48,Signs_,{Voice Rec},0,0,0,,{=0}{\an7\c&HD8D8D8&\fs28\blur0.7\fnForoSans-Light\fry0.5\frx-1.72\frz0.84\fax-0.01\pos(387.27,588.4)\fay-0.007}Voice Recorder
Dialogue: 1,0:02:09.48,0:02:09.52,Signs_,{Voice Rec},0,0,0,,{=0}{\an7\c&HD8D8D8&\fs28\blur0.7\fnForoSans-Light\fry0.5\frx-1.72\frz0.84\fax-0.01\pos(387.27,516.4)\fay-0.007}Voice Recorder
Dialogue: 1,0:02:09.52,0:02:09.56,Signs_,{Voice Rec},0,0,0,,{=0}{\an7\c&HD8D8D8&\fs28\blur0.7\fnForoSans-Light\fry0.5\frx-1.72\frz0.84\fax-0.01\pos(387.27,454.16)\fay-0.007}Voice Recorder
Dialogue: 1,0:02:09.56,0:02:09.60,Signs_,{Voice Rec},0,0,0,,{=0}{\an7\c&HD8D8D8&\fs28\blur0.7\fnForoSans-Light\fry0.5\frx-1.72\frz0.84\fax-0.01\pos(387.27,403.99)\fay-0.007}Voice Recorder
Dialogue: 1,0:02:09.60,0:02:09.65,Signs_,{Voice Rec},0,0,0,,{=0}{\an7\c&HD8D8D8&\fs28\blur0.7\fnForoSans-Light\fry0.5\frx-1.72\frz0.84\fax-0.01\pos(387.27,369.68)\fay-0.007}Voice Recorder
Dialogue: 1,0:02:09.65,0:02:13.36,Signs_,{Voice Rec},0,0,0,,{=0}{\an7\c&HD8D8D8&\fs28\blur0.7\fnForoSans-Light\fry0.5\frx-1.72\frz0.84\fax-0.01\pos(387.27,356.36)\fay-0.007}Voice Recorder
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.25,0:05:55.29,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.45,197.45)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.29,0:05:55.33,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.45,200.94)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.33,0:05:55.37,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.45,204.45)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.37,0:05:55.41,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.45,207.94)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.41,0:05:55.45,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.45,211.44)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.45,0:05:55.50,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.45,214.93)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.50,0:05:55.54,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.45,218.42)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.54,0:05:55.58,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.45,221.91)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.58,0:05:55.62,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,225.41)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.62,0:05:55.66,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,228.9)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.66,0:05:55.71,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,232.4)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.71,0:05:55.75,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,235.88)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.75,0:05:55.79,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,239.38)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.79,0:05:55.83,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,242.88)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.83,0:05:55.87,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,246.38)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.87,0:05:55.91,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,249.88)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.91,0:05:55.96,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,253.38)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.96,0:05:56.00,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,256.87)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.00,0:05:56.04,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,260.36)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.04,0:05:56.08,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,263.86)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.08,0:05:56.12,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,267.35)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.12,0:05:56.16,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,270.85)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.16,0:05:56.21,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,274.35)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.21,0:05:56.25,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,277.85)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.25,0:05:56.29,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,281.34)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.29,0:05:56.33,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,284.83)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.33,0:05:56.37,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,288.33)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.37,0:05:56.41,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,291.83)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.41,0:05:56.46,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,295.32)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.46,0:05:56.50,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,298.83)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.50,0:05:56.54,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,302.32)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.54,0:05:56.58,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,305.82)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.58,0:05:56.62,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,309.31)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.62,0:05:56.66,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,312.82)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.66,0:05:56.71,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,316.3)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.71,0:05:56.75,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,319.81)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.75,0:05:56.79,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,323.31)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.79,0:05:56.83,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,326.8)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.83,0:05:56.87,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,330.3)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.87,0:05:56.91,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,333.79)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:05:56.96,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,337.28)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.96,0:05:57.00,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,340.78)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.00,0:05:57.04,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,344.27)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.04,0:05:57.08,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,347.78)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.08,0:05:57.12,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,351.29)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.12,0:05:57.16,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,354.77)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.16,0:05:57.21,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,358.27)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.21,0:05:57.25,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,361.76)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.25,0:05:57.29,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,365.26)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.29,0:05:57.33,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,368.74)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.33,0:05:57.37,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,372.23)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.37,0:05:57.42,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,375.74)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.42,0:05:57.46,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,379.23)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.46,0:05:57.50,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,382.74)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.50,0:05:57.54,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,386.23)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.54,0:05:57.58,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,389.74)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.58,0:05:57.62,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,393.23)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.62,0:05:57.67,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,396.73)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.67,0:05:57.71,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,400.22)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.71,0:05:57.75,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,403.73)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.75,0:05:57.79,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,407.21)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.79,0:05:57.83,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,410.71)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.83,0:05:57.87,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,414.2)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.87,0:05:57.92,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,417.7)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.92,0:05:57.96,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,421.2)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.96,0:05:58.00,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,424.68)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.00,0:05:58.04,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,428.18)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.04,0:05:58.08,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,431.67)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.08,0:05:58.12,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,435.17)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.12,0:05:58.17,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,438.67)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.17,0:05:58.21,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,442.15)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.21,0:05:58.25,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,445.65)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.25,0:05:58.29,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,449.14)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.29,0:05:58.33,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,452.64)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.33,0:05:58.37,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,456.14)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.37,0:05:58.42,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,459.64)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.42,0:05:58.46,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,463.13)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.46,0:05:58.50,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,466.64)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.50,0:05:58.54,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,470.13)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.54,0:05:58.58,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,473.63)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.58,0:05:58.62,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,477.12)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.62,0:05:58.67,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,480.62)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.67,0:05:58.71,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,484.13)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.71,0:05:58.75,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,487.6)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.75,0:05:58.79,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,491.1)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.79,0:05:58.83,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,494.59)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.83,0:05:58.87,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,498.09)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.87,0:05:58.92,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,501.59)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.92,0:05:58.96,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,505.09)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.96,0:05:59.00,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,508.58)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:59.00,0:05:59.04,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,512.09)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:59.04,0:05:59.08,Signs_,{Ad - Name},0,0,0,,{=28}{\fs48\fsp1\c&HFAFBF9&\blur0.72\frz342.2\fry-2.7\fay-0.01\fnFlamante Round Bold\pos(281.46,515.59)\}Sarashina \NRuka
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.25,0:05:55.29,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-318.14)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.29,0:05:55.33,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-314.64)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.33,0:05:55.37,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-311.14)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.37,0:05:55.41,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-307.65)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.41,0:05:55.45,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-304.14)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.45,0:05:55.50,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-300.66)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.50,0:05:55.54,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-297.17)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.54,0:05:55.58,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-293.67)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.58,0:05:55.62,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-290.18)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.62,0:05:55.66,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-286.69)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.66,0:05:55.71,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-283.19)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.71,0:05:55.75,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-279.7)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.75,0:05:55.79,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-276.21)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.79,0:05:55.83,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-272.71)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.83,0:05:55.87,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-269.2)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.87,0:05:55.91,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-265.71)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.91,0:05:55.96,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-262.21)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.96,0:05:56.00,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-258.72)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.00,0:05:56.04,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-255.23)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.04,0:05:56.08,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-251.73)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.08,0:05:56.12,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-248.23)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.12,0:05:56.16,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-244.73)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.16,0:05:56.21,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-241.24)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.21,0:05:56.25,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-237.74)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.25,0:05:56.29,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(0,-234.25)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.29,0:05:56.33,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-230.75)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.33,0:05:56.37,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-227.25)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.37,0:05:56.41,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-223.75)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.41,0:05:56.46,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-220.26)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.46,0:05:56.50,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-216.76)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.50,0:05:56.54,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(0,-213.27)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.54,0:05:56.58,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(0,-209.77)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.58,0:05:56.62,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-206.28)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.62,0:05:56.66,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(0,-202.77)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.66,0:05:56.71,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(-0.01,-199.28)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.71,0:05:56.75,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(0,-195.78)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.75,0:05:56.79,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(0,-192.28)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.79,0:05:56.83,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(0,-188.79)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.83,0:05:56.87,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(0,-185.29)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.87,0:05:56.91,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(0,-181.79)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:05:56.96,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(0,-178.31)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15 436.7 1900.6 436.13 1898.3 438.76 1896.27 442.15 1895.8 442.94 1894.77 443.4 1893.99 444.01 1891.33 444.78 1888.67 444.76 1886.01 444.02 1883.97 443.19 1882.15 442.06 1881.35 439.91 1878.21 431.36 1870.78 428.95 1863.02 426.99 1861.17 425.72 1858.87 427.22 1857.01 426.02{\p0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.96,0:05:57.00,Signs_,{Ad - Mask1},0,0,0,,{=116}{\an7\pos(0,-174.81)\1c&HD9FAFC&\p1}m 1857.01 426.02 b 1851.6 426.23 1846.5 425.24 1842 422 1840.68 419.49 1842.99 418.83 1844.29 417.86 1846.41 416.29 1847.42 414.62 1846.36 411.91 1845.36 409.37 1845.61 406.65 1846 404.01 1846.3 402 1846.22 400.09 1845.68 398.1 1844.06 392.11 1844.49 391.24 1849.94 388.3 1849.1 386.46 1847.41 387.2 1846.07 387.03 1841.07 386.4 1839.4 384.79 1838.85 379.76 1838.53 376.95 1838.86 374.1 1838.61 371.28 1838.3 367.9 1837.07 365.52 1833 365.92 1830.88 366.13 1828.59 365.57 1828.72 362.97 1828.83 360.66 1831.09 360.45 1832.98 360.65 1835.57 360.92 1837.05 360.19 1837.35 357.31 1837.66 354.35 1839.82 353.06 1842.6 352.98 1845.95 352.88 1846.66 351.34 1845.44 348.46 1845.18 347.85 1845.16 347.17 1845.01 346.52 1844.67 344.99 1846.16 342.85 1844.2 341.98 1841.96 341 1840.76 343.31 1839.12 344.34 1835.08 346.88 1830.47 348.33 1826.38 350.89 1824.45 352.11 1823.47 353.13 1823.24 355.37 1822.6 361.6 1822.31 361.74 1816.15 360.62 1814.84 360.37 1813.51 360.35 1812.18 360.3 1811.22 360.3 1810.28 360.23 1809.34 360.06 1806.02 359.38 1803.45 355.31 1799.41 357.9 1796.86 358.29 1794.51 357.57 1792.17 356.7 1791.59 356.36 1790.9 355.97 1790.77 355.34 1789.5 349.18 1784.5 348.62 1779.72 348.35 1774.08 348.03 1768.4 347.94 1762.77 348.45 1758.27 348.85 1756.1 347.07 1754.97 342.76 1754.12 339.49 1754.62 336.17 1753.67 332.92 1752.88 330.22 1755.42 329.61 1757.39 329.38 1760.69 329 1764.02 329.06 1767.35 329.35 1770.05 329.58 1771.59 328.65 1772.25 325.72 1773.67 319.35 1774.61 318.68 1781.24 317.98 1782.23 317.87 1783.41 318.29 1783.35 316.8 1783.29 315.37 1782.27 314.83 1780.88 315.15 1779.9 315.39 1779.11 316.04 1778.22 316.5 1775.41 317.95 1774.18 317 1774.3 313.94 1774.37 312.09 1774.16 310.27 1773.44 308.56 1772.83 307.13 1772.79 304.97 1770.37 305.41 1768.31 305.79 1766.18 305.88 1765.48 308.75 1764.49 312.81 1759.3 314.76 1755.81 312.63 1753.69 311.34 1753.94 309.7 1755.48 308.1 1756.54 307.01 1758.03 307.77 1759.27 307.39 1758.22 302.97 1758.22 302.97 1762.33 300.02 1759.57 299.17 1757.19 298.45 1755.04 296.39 1752.41 293.88 1748.39 296.31 1744.97 296.01 1744.18 295.94 1743.31 296.3 1742.59 296.66 1740.87 297.51 1738.74 294.81 1737.61 296.83 1736.6 298.65 1737.07 301.06 1737.07 303.21 1737.07 304.71 1737.27 306.2 1737.09 307.7 1736.92 309.06 1736.48 310.98 1735.27 310.97 1731.37 310.93 1727.2 313.69 1723.55 310.15 1722.97 306.49 1725.25 302.28 1721.13 299.25 1720.09 298.48 1721.23 297.13 1722.13 296.35 1723.14 295.47 1724.41 295.03 1725.56 294.38 1729.38 292.23 1729.63 290.26 1726.52 287.15 1724.79 285.42 1724.79 285.42 1727 284 1741.3 288.73 1755.71 293.15 1770.38 296.52 1776.5 297.93 1780.52 302.02 1784.9 305.67 1789.75 309.72 1795.33 312.21 1801.13 314.09 1816.56 319.08 1832.17 323.25 1848.38 325.14 1858.16 326.28 1867.14 330.22 1875.44 335.77 1880.5 339.15 1886.74 340.99 1891.3 344.88 1896.91 349.66 1902.16 347.27 1907.7 346.23 1912.55 345.31 1916.91 346.43 1921 349 1921 369 1921 389 1921 409 1918.52 410.27 1918.01 412.91 1917.02 415.09 1914.09 421.54 1909.7 427.31 1907.96 434.3 1907.57 435.86 1906.28 436.83 1905.15

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