Death Note - 37 - New World - Last Episode - Kai.ass

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Audio File: Death Note - 37 - New World {C_P}.avi
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Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:12.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Subtitle encoded by Kaitou Doraluxe\NContact:\NDiscord: KaitouDoraluxe#3761\NYoutube: Kaitou Doraluxe
Dialogue: 0,0:01:35.00,0:01:38.00,Default,,0,0,0,,How many second has a been since you wrote down the first name?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:41.00,0:01:42.20,Default,,0,0,0,,35
Dialogue: 0,0:01:42.21,0:01:44.03,Default,,0,0,0,,36
Dialogue: 0,0:01:44.03,0:01:45.06,Default,,0,0,0,,37
Dialogue: 0,0:01:45.06,0:01:46.50,Default,,0,0,0,,38
Dialogue: 0,0:01:46.55,0:01:48.06,Default,,0,0,0,,39
Dialogue: 0,0:01:48.50,0:01:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Well Near looks like I win
Dialogue: 0,0:01:51.00,0:01:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,40!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:53.00,0:01:56.00,Default,,0,0,0,,"NEW WORLD"
Dialogue: 0,0:02:16.00,0:02:17.76,Default,,0,0,0,,We are still alive
Dialogue: 0,0:02:19.00,0:02:21.76,Default,,0,0,0,,Its been over a minute and we haven't died
Dialogue: 0,0:02:24.00,0:02:27.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Didn't I already tell you all that no one is gonna die
Dialogue: 0,0:02:29.30,0:02:30.44,Default,,0,0,0,,But why?
Dialogue: 0,0:02:31.44,0:02:32.65,Default,,0,0,0,,Why won't they die?
Dialogue: 0,0:02:34.20,0:02:35.20,Default,,0,0,0,,God
Dialogue: 0,0:02:35.50,0:02:37.47,Default,,0,0,0,,I did everything you told me!
Dialogue: 0,0:02:37.55,0:02:39.50,Default,,0,0,0,,Rester! Gevanni! Take him Now!
Dialogue: 0,0:02:46.76,0:02:48.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Gevanni, the notebook please
Dialogue: 0,0:02:52.13,0:02:54.89,Default,,0,0,0,,If you didn't believe earlier than see to yourself
Dialogue: 0,0:02:57.72,0:03:02.68,Default,,0,0,0,,I can confirm that the first 4 names are definitely the real names of SPK members
Dialogue: 0,0:03:02.73,0:03:05.06,Default,,0,0,0,,The second 4 names are the names of your team
Dialogue: 0,0:03:05.07,0:03:08.40,Default,,0,0,0,,The only name hasn't been written down is \N Light Yagami
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.47,0:03:16.02,Default,,0,0,0,,If that weren't enough\NMikami also address you as god and\N said he did what you did ask him to
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.00,0:03:17.85,Default,,0,0,0,,It's settled
Dialogue: 0,0:03:21.76,0:03:24.60,Default,,0,0,0,,IT'S A TRAP\NTHIS WHOLE THING IS A SETUP
Dialogue: 0,0:03:24.60,0:03:27.16,Default,,0,0,0,,THIS IS ALL PART OF NEAR'S PLAN TO FRAME ME
Dialogue: 0,0:03:31.21,0:03:33.21,Default,,0,0,0,,THIS PROOF IS A TRAP
Dialogue: 0,0:03:38.30,0:03:42.61,Default,,0,0,0,,I believe I already told you that no one will die\NBecause I modify the notebook
Dialogue: 0,0:03:43.50,0:03:45.20,Default,,0,0,0,,No! you- ugh
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.26,0:03:47.81,Default,,0,0,0,,Argh! That can't be
Dialogue: 0,0:03:50.35,0:03:53.37,Default,,0,0,0,,This is setup\NI don't know this guy
Dialogue: 0,0:03:58.56,0:04:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Light it's too late to denied it
Dialogue: 0,0:04:00.38,0:04:01.60,Default,,0,0,0,,You know Near has won
Dialogue: 0,0:04:02.12,0:04:04.82,Default,,0,0,0,,Just a moment ago \Nyou were saying \Nit looks like I win
Dialogue: 0,0:04:05.65,0:04:07.84,Default,,0,0,0,,How much more of confession do we need?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:13.05,0:04:13.50,Default,,0,0,0,,Light
Dialogue: 0,0:04:17.48,0:04:18.14,Default,,0,0,0,,Why?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:25.73,0:04:26.79,Default,,0,0,0,,STOP IT
Dialogue: 0,0:04:37.33,0:04:38.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Light Yagami
Dialogue: 0,0:04:39.56,0:04:40.30,Default,,0,0,0,,L
Dialogue: 0,0:04:41.07,0:04:42.21,Default,,0,0,0,,Kira
Dialogue: 0,0:04:43.31,0:04:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,It's over you lost the game
Dialogue: 0,0:04:48.48,0:04:52.73,Default,,0,0,0,,Just a moment ago. You proclaim your victory expecting us all to die
Dialogue: 0,0:04:53.41,0:04:58.10,Default,,0,0,0,,And to tell the truth \NYou might actually won and I would lose
Dialogue: 0,0:04:59.25,0:05:02.01,Default,,0,0,0,,We end up doing exactly what you expect us to
Dialogue: 0,0:05:02.35,0:05:05.04,Default,,0,0,0,,and alter the fake notebook in Mikami's possession
Dialogue: 0,0:05:07.52,0:05:13.61,Default,,0,0,0,,However, when I said before that we modify the notebook\N I wasn't in fact referring the real notebook as well as the fake
Dialogue: 0,0:05:15.77,0:05:18.17,Default,,0,0,0,,We only switch part the fake notebook
Dialogue: 0,0:05:18.25,0:05:24.88,Default,,0,0,0,,But as for the real one. We replaced the entire thing \N This notebook here is actually the real one
Dialogue: 0,0:05:25.91,0:05:26.49,Default,,0,0,0,,NO
Dialogue: 0,0:05:26.75,0:05:27.82,Default,,0,0,0,,IMPOSSIBLE
Dialogue: 0,0:05:28.03,0:05:36.14,Default,,0,0,0,,We use the same kind of pen that Mikami use\NCopy this handwriting perfectly and made both the inside and the outside of fake look exactly like the original
Dialogue: 0,0:05:36.46,0:05:39.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Gevanni was able to do it in the single {\i1}Night{\i0}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:43.09,0:05:48.52,Default,,0,0,0,,Of course, since I had touched the real notebook before coming\N I been able to see {\b1}Shinigami{\b0} as well
Dialogue: 0,0:05:49.12,0:05:50.52,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh
Dialogue: 0,0:05:51.05,0:05:53.40,Default,,0,0,0,,It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Shinigami
Dialogue: 0,0:05:53.77,0:05:54.70,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm Near
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.06,0:05:57.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Nice to meet you too
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.72,0:05:58.92,Default,,0,0,0,,My name is Ryuk
Dialogue: 0,0:05:59.44,0:06:02.88,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}He can talk to Ryuk \N He can see him\N so that mean
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.14,0:06:04.88,Default,,0,0,0,,I-it must be true
Dialogue: 0,0:06:05.44,0:06:07.94,Default,,0,0,0,,Some of the edges of this notebook page is a torn
Dialogue: 0,0:06:08.21,0:06:12.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Tell me, if someone's name was written on ripped piece of paper\N Will they still die?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:12.65,0:06:14.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh yeah, of course they would
Dialogue: 0,0:06:14.61,0:06:18.08,Default,,0,0,0,,I thought so \N I bet you able to use that to your advantage
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.63,0:06:24.28,Default,,0,0,0,,I wonder how many times you deceived us with this and \NHow many people you killed?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:25.86,0:06:29.14,Default,,0,0,0,,Light Yagami\NYou are Kira
Dialogue: 0,0:06:34.74,0:06:38.82,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}This is gotta be a trick\N What could it be that Mikami is betraying somehow
Dialogue: 0,0:06:38.81,0:06:39.76,Default,,0,0,0,,Your mistaken
Dialogue: 0,0:06:40.79,0:06:42.42,Default,,0,0,0,,This was all thanks to Mello
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.56,0:06:46.65,Default,,0,0,0,,I believe if I explain this much. You begin to understand
Dialogue: 0,0:06:46.95,0:06:48.64,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}What!\NMello?{\i0}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:48.64,0:06:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Please take a look at this page of the notebook
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.84,0:06:55.60,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}Takada's name is in notebook
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.61,0:07:00.30,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}I was the one who killed her but her death was written just one minute later{\i0}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:01.52,0:07:04.36,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}Did that mean Mikami did the same thing I did!{\i0}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:04.36,0:07:07.45,Default,,0,0,0,,God \Nyou told me you couldn't move freely
Dialogue: 0,0:07:08.38,0:07:12.70,Default,,0,0,0,,I had to make sure \NTakada was taken care of \Nwasn't that my duty to you?!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:12.70,0:07:17.76,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}YOU IDIOT! I GIVE YOU STRICT ORDER \NNOT TO MAKE ANY UNNECESSARY MOVEMENT TIL TODAY{\i0}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:18.18,0:07:25.60,Default,,0,0,0,,It's all true, on the 26th right after Takada's kidnapping was on broadcasted on the news  \N Mikami went to the bank
Dialogue: 0,0:07:26.57,0:07:31.41,Default,,0,0,0,,I been trailing him, I know he went to the bank every month on the 25th
Dialogue: 0,0:07:31.88,0:07:37.14,Default,,0,0,0,,So was bizarre, for someone so Mythical to go to bank in two days
Dialogue: 0,0:07:37.45,0:07:46.03,Default,,0,0,0,,I follow Mikami to the bank as he headed for safe deposit boxes \N It was only this time that he seem concerned weather someone was following him or not
Dialogue: 0,0:07:46.96,0:07:50.90,Default,,0,0,0,,I got him to safe deposit box\N Inside was the real notebook
Dialogue: 0,0:07:51.86,0:07:55.11,Default,,0,0,0,,Sure or not, Takada's name had already been written inside it
Dialogue: 0,0:07:56.93,0:08:06.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Do you understand now? Light Yagami, You didn't realize that Mikami made a move on his own and wrote Takada's name in his notebook \N Because you had already killed her using notebook clipping yourself
Dialogue: 0,0:08:07.25,0:08:11.15,Default,,0,0,0,,This was event that maybe consider possibility of fake notebook
Dialogue: 0,0:08:11.30,0:08:14.20,Default,,0,0,0,,We were able to stop you thanks to the efforts of one person
Dialogue: 0,0:08:14.55,0:08:16.38,Default,,0,0,0,,It was Mello \NWho did it all
Dialogue: 0,0:08:18.56,0:08:22.12,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}Mello probably knew what was going to happen all along{\i1}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:23.04,0:08:26.46,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}It can be result by having name written in the notebook?{\i0}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:26.46,0:08:27.64,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}That's right{\i0}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:29.88,0:08:32.69,Default,,0,0,0,,Well than \NIf I don't do it
Dialogue: 0,0:08:34.00,0:08:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,I bet Mello knew it in his heart
Dialogue: 0,0:08:36.44,0:08:41.95,Default,,0,0,0,,That working by our-self neither will us will be able to obtain our goal and surpass on mentor L
Dialogue: 0,0:08:43.09,0:08:49.68,Default,,0,0,0,,But together...Together we can stand with L!\N Together we can surpass L!
Dialogue: 0,0:08:50.09,0:08:57.00,Default,,0,0,0,,And now acting is one, we faced the Kira who defeated L and with solid evidence Beat him in his own game
Dialogue: 0,0:08:59.09,0:09:01.80,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}Let's see Your trying talk you out of this one
Dialogue: 0,0:09:02.53,0:09:03.69,Default,,0,0,0,,If you can
Dialogue: 0,0:09:38.14,0:09:39.32,Default,,0,0,0,,That's right
Dialogue: 0,0:09:41.90,0:09:43.30,Default,,0,0,0,,I am Kira
Dialogue: 0,0:09:44.61,0:09:49.21,Default,,0,0,0,,"All humans will, without exception, eventually die."
Dialogue: 0,0:09:50.44,0:09:54.98,Default,,0,0,0,,"After they die, the place they go is {\b1}MEL{\b0} (Nothingness)
Dialogue: 0,0:09:56.12,0:09:58.77,Default,,0,0,0,,That's right\NI am Kira
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.94,0:10:03.45,Default,,0,0,0,,and what can you do?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:04.45,0:10:05.92,Default,,0,0,0,,Kill me right here?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:08.60,0:10:12.24,Default,,0,0,0,,Hear this \NI'm not only Kira
Dialogue: 0,0:10:12.85,0:10:14.78,Default,,0,0,0,,But I am also...
Dialogue: 0,0:10:15.45,0:10:17.29,Default,,0,0,0,,God of the new world
Dialogue: 0,0:10:19.30,0:10:25.22,Default,,0,0,0,,Kira has become law in the world we now live\N He's the one whose maintaining order
Dialogue: 0,0:10:25.67,0:10:27.50,Default,,0,0,0,,I have become justice
Dialogue: 0,0:10:28.13,0:10:30.40,Default,,0,0,0,,The only hope for mankind
Dialogue: 0,0:10:31.60,0:10:32.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Kill me?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:33.52,0:10:35.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Is that really right thing to do?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:38.60,0:10:45.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Since Kira's appearance 6 years ago. War has stopped and global crime rate had been reduced by over 70%
Dialogue: 0,0:10:45.60,0:10:51.95,Default,,0,0,0,,But it's not enough, this world is still rotten \Nwith too many rotten people
Dialogue: 0,0:10:54.84,0:11:06.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Somebody has to do this. And when I first got that notebook all those years ago I knew I had do it. No I was only one who could
Dialogue: 0,0:11:08.12,0:11:11.99,Default,,0,0,0,,I understood that killing people was a crime
Dialogue: 0,0:11:11.99,0:11:17.90,Default,,0,0,0,,There was no other way the world had to be fixed\N A purpose given to me!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:20.08,0:11:21.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Only I could do it
Dialogue: 0,0:11:23.40,0:11:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Who else could have done it and come this far when they kept going!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:31.08,0:11:32.20,Default,,0,0,0,,The only one...
Dialogue: 0,0:11:33.68,0:11:35.80,Default,,0,0,0,,who can create a new world...
Dialogue: 0,0:11:37.15,0:11:38.30,Default,,0,0,0,,is me
Dialogue: 0,0:11:44.78,0:11:47.90,Default,,0,0,0,,No! you're just a murderer Light Yagami
Dialogue: 0,0:11:48.30,0:11:53.20,Default,,0,0,0,,and this notebook is the deadliest weapon of mass murder in this history of mankind
Dialogue: 0,0:11:55.04,0:12:03.90,Default,,0,0,0,,You healed it to the power of {\b1}Shinigami{\b0} in a notebook and you have confused yourself with the God, in the end you're nothing more than a crazy serial killer
Dialogue: 0,0:12:04.24,0:12:05.60,Default,,0,0,0,,That's all you are
Dialogue: 0,0:12:07.08,0:12:09.55,Default,,0,0,0,,Nothing more and nothing less
Dialogue: 0,0:12:25.82,0:12:29.62,Default,,0,0,0,,Useless fools as if they could ever understand
Dialogue: 0,0:12:45.00,0:12:45.50,Default,,0,0,0,,Near
Dialogue: 0,0:12:47.20,0:12:53.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Here some fruitful thought, that notebook you have and the one Aizawa brought from Japanese Task Force Headquarters
Dialogue: 0,0:12:54.90,0:12:55.80,Default,,0,0,0,,Are they both real?
Dialogue: 0,0:12:57.10,0:12:59.25,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}What is he upto? \N Is he bluffing?{\i0}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:00.70,0:13:04.15,Default,,0,0,0,,At the moment only I know where real notebook is
Dialogue: 0,0:13:05.15,0:13:11.56,Default,,0,0,0,,If you truly wanna defeat Kira as well as test the notebook that Aizawa carrying
Dialogue: 0,0:13:13.05,0:13:17.10,Default,,0,0,0,,I guess you gonna have to write down either my name or Mikami's
Dialogue: 0,0:13:22.05,0:13:24.35,Default,,0,0,0,,It's the only way to see if real
Dialogue: 0,0:13:26.50,0:13:28.00,Default,,0,0,0,,OR FAKE
Dialogue: 0,0:13:28.77,0:13:30.40,Default,,0,0,0,,He hid piece of notebook!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:33.93,0:13:34.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Matsuda
Dialogue: 0,0:13:39.70,0:13:41.90,Default,,0,0,0,,MATSUDA YOU IDIOT!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:42.48,0:13:45.20,Default,,0,0,0,,WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU SHOOTING AT?!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:45.72,0:13:47.20,Default,,0,0,0,,DON'T SCREW WITH ME
Dialogue: 0,0:13:49.35,0:13:50.69,Default,Matsuda,0,0,0,,What was all for than?!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:51.61,0:13:54.65,Default,Matsuda,0,0,0,,What about your dad? What the hell did he die for?!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:55.08,0:14:00.03,Default,,0,0,0,,My dad? \N You mean Soichiro Yagami
Dialogue: 0,0:14:00.44,0:14:06.92,Default,,0,0,0,,That's right Matsuda, in this world all those earnest like him fight for justice they always loose
Dialogue: 0,0:14:06.92,0:14:13.02,Default,,0,0,0,,You want a world with people like that are made to be fools\N I know you understand so kill the others!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:13.50,0:14:14.80,Default,,0,0,0,,SHOOT THEM!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:16.40,0:14:18.60,Default,,0,0,0,,You let your own father to his death
Dialogue: 0,0:14:19.65,0:14:21.84,Default,,0,0,0,,And now he's gone, you call him a fool!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:27.46,0:14:28.10,Default,,0,0,0,,His blood!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:35.24,0:14:39.70,Default,,0,0,0,,I KLL HIM\NI KILL HIM, HE HAS TO DIE!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:39.07,0:14:39.65,Default,,0,0,0,,Matsuda!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:10.30,0:15:10.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Damn you
Dialogue: 0,0:15:03.40,0:15:05.90,Default,,0,0,0,,What... The hell is this?
Dialogue: 0,0:15:10.20,0:15:18.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Mikami what are you waiting for? Right down their names\NRight them down!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:19.50,0:15:21.08,Default,,0,0,0,,Kill those now!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:24.65,0:15:27.70,Default,,0,0,0,,It's finally over. Isn't near?
Dialogue: 0,0:15:28.30,0:15:29.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes
Dialogue: 0,0:15:33.10,0:15:35.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Where are you Misa?
Dialogue: 0,0:15:36.00,0:15:37.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Where's Takada?
Dialogue: 0,0:15:44.70,0:15:45.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Someone...
Dialogue: 0,0:15:49.80,0:15:51.60,Default,,0,0,0,,What will I do now?
Dialogue: 0,0:16:06.70,0:16:07.35,Default,,0,0,0,,Mikami!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:10.90,0:16:12.25,Default,,0,0,0,,Quick! Stop the bleeding!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:12.25,0:16:13.76,Default,,0,0,0,,It's already too late
Dialogue: 0,0:16:13.76,0:16:15.76,Default,,0,0,0,,He be dead in a few seconds
Dialogue: 0,0:16:31.45,0:16:32.45,Default,,0,0,0,,Wait! Light!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:34.90,0:16:36.57,Default,,0,0,0,,He's getting away! Light!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:36.57,0:16:37.21,Default,,0,0,0,,Mr. Aizawa
Dialogue: 0,0:16:38.90,0:16:41.65,Default,,0,0,0,,It's unlikely he has anymore pieces of notebook
Dialogue: 0,0:16:42.00,0:16:44.70,Default,,0,0,0,,and with those wounds he's not going to go far
Dialogue: 0,0:16:45.45,0:16:47.70,Default,,0,0,0,,He stop running soon even if we leave him alone
Dialogue: 0,0:16:49.65,0:16:52.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Near I'm not gonna follow your orders
Dialogue: 0,0:16:54.50,0:16:57.10,Default,,0,0,0,,Very well than, I leave it up to you
Dialogue: 0,0:18:36.75,0:18:39.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Well Light it looks like you lost
Dialogue: 0,0:18:40.70,0:18:43.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Remember how in the beginning we first met
Dialogue: 0,0:18:44.10,0:18:47.74,Default,,0,0,0,,I told you that I be the one writing your name in my notebook
Dialogue: 0,0:18:51.15,0:18:57.40,Default,,0,0,0,,That is the part of agreement between a {\b1}Shinigami{\b0} who brings a notebook to the human world
Dialogue: 0,0:18:58.10,0:19:00.10,Default,,0,0,0,,and the first human who picks it up
Dialogue: 0,0:19:03.90,0:19:07.40,Default,,0,0,0,,If they put you in prison who knows when you die
Dialogue: 0,0:19:08.10,0:19:10.30,Default,,0,0,0,,I don't wanna lay around waiting
Dialogue: 0,0:19:11.10,0:19:11.80,Default,,0,0,0,,So
Dialogue: 0,0:19:12.70,0:19:13.90,Default,,0,0,0,,It's all over
Dialogue: 0,0:19:16.55,0:19:18.10,Default,,0,0,0,,You die here
Dialogue: 0,0:19:26.40,0:19:28.10,Default,,0,0,0,,It was good while at lasted
Dialogue: 0,0:19:28.50,0:19:31.00,Default,,0,0,0,,We eat each other boredom for awhile
Dialogue: 0,0:19:36.16,0:19:37.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Well Light
Dialogue: 0,0:19:37.95,0:19:39.40,Default,,0,0,0,,It's been interesting
Dialogue: 0,0:20:10.80,0:20:20.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Subtitle encoded by Kaitou Doraluxe\NContact:\NDiscord: KaitouDoraluxe#3761\NYoutube: Kaitou Doraluxe
Dialogue: 0,0:20:51.00,0:20:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,MISAA NOOOOOOOOOOO
Dialogue: 0,0:20:53.00,0:20:55.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Misa died\NSuicide
Dialogue: 0,0:21:19.00,0:21:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,L?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:21.00,0:21:30.00,Default,,0,0,0,,L's SPIRIT!!!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:30.00,0:21:32.00,Default,,0,0,0,,

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