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HashesCRC32: E211F1DF, MD5: C6CA9570640314CBFC24D7F27A43A020, SHA1: 77BB8B4DEA12654687A50672A8823CF63CAB332E, SHA256: 00ED60DB4D888CEA77F1173E5E8F4663B80B376A2DE09A111CC34C04976E15D9, ED2K: 1AE856D625A745804D9FAABA6B1E2116
Additional Info
Edited For Content archives are all MKV format and have removed all intro and exit music (except Episode 001 of each season is left unedited for fans of that music).

This donghua is pretty simple and just needed a little extra care to fix the truly INSANE subtitles.
There is hope for this one.

Spare.Me.Great.Lord - The title is simply NONSENSE,  There is no Lord nor does anyone get spared.  hahaha.  

This donghua wont blow your mind or amaze you.  On the contrary, thus is a "pleasant simple story of a teenage orphan boy and his sidekick/"sister from another mother" who fight to develop cultivation powers during a new Earth Awakening while subsisting on income from selling eggs each day. A magic necklace from his birth mother saves his life in a truck accident.  Oddly, when he wakes up he discovers that its to his benefit to irritate people rather than help them.  This makes way for some odd comedy.

There are some action scenes of fights of course but theres a LOT of actual story which was a pleasant surprise.  For chinese donghua to have more nonbattle content was a welcome surprise.  Give this one a chance.

Gone are the "5 or 7 minute donghua" instead Nice simple 20-22 min episodes.  Enjoy.

Also removed are food adverts, drink adverts, little figurines of anime characters adverts, Station Identification, Production House Logos, future episode previews and previous episode recaps.  All this digital EXCESS is REMOVED so the ACTUAL STORY can come through WITHOUT all the background noise and fast forwarding interruptions.

EFC archives are structured such that you can watch hours and hours of uninterrupted anime or donghua.  EFC always focuses on bringing the story to the front and leave all the waste out.

Heres a PERMANENT INVITE that you can use & copy and use anywhere.  this link wont expire.

Come visit us at Bullit Sect home of EFC for all things EFC in one spot.

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