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Additional Info
[Script Info]
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Dialogue: 0,0:05:46.70,0:05:51.71,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}思いやって ニコニコして
Dialogue: 0,0:05:51.71,0:05:57.17,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}たゆたって イライラおさえて
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.17,0:06:02.34,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}何だか何でも ぐるぐるぐるぐる
Dialogue: 0,0:06:02.34,0:06:06.85,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}所詮は空回りなんです
Dialogue: 0,0:06:08.51,0:06:11.73,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}空回りなんです
Dialogue: 0,0:06:12.27,0:06:22.74,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}そんでそんで 仕方ないので やれやれ
Dialogue: 0,0:06:24.95,0:06:30.08,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}おもんばかって クラクラして
Dialogue: 0,0:06:30.08,0:06:35.42,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}ふわふわっとめまいをこらえて
Dialogue: 0,0:06:35.42,0:06:40.71,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}どうにもこうにも からからがらから
Dialogue: 0,0:06:40.71,0:06:45.72,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}だから立ちつくすんです
Dialogue: 0,0:06:46.64,0:06:50.14,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}立ちつくすんです
Dialogue: 0,0:06:50.85,0:07:00.82,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}そんでそんで 仕方ないので やれやれ
Dialogue: 0,0:07:01.40,0:07:05.15,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}みんないなくなりました
Dialogue: 0,0:07:06.41,0:07:10.28,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}誰もいなくなりました
Dialogue: 0,0:07:11.41,0:07:16.08,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}おでこの中はかゆいんです
Dialogue: 0,0:07:16.54,0:07:21.80,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}かゆいからこそたそがれるんです
Dialogue: 0,0:07:23.46,0:07:34.10,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}そんでそんで 仕方ないので やれやれ
Dialogue: 0,0:07:35.43,0:07:43.78,OPJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fad(300,300)}報われなくても やれやれ
Comment: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,STAFF,,0,0,0,,------------------------------
Dialogue: 0,0:35:39.23,0:35:44.60,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}とりあえず とりあえず とりあえず
Dialogue: 0,0:35:44.86,0:35:50.13,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}とりあえず とるものも とりあえず
Dialogue: 0,0:35:50.53,0:35:55.99,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}やってみよう やってみよう やってみよう
Dialogue: 0,0:35:56.58,0:36:01.67,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}少しだけ こわいけど やってみよう
Dialogue: 0,0:36:02.16,0:36:03.34,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}やってみる?
Dialogue: 0,0:36:03.47,0:36:04.65,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}ほんとうに?
Dialogue: 0,0:36:04.65,0:36:05.83,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}本気なの?
Dialogue: 0,0:36:07.33,0:36:12.03,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}本気だよ 本当だよ 大丈夫
Dialogue: 0,0:36:12.03,0:36:15.86,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}根拠のない 大丈夫は 大丈夫じゃないよ
Dialogue: 0,0:36:17.56,0:36:22.83,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}気合いじゃない ノリでもない 大丈夫
Dialogue: 0,0:36:25.69,0:36:30.03,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}とりあえず とりあえず とりあえず
Dialogue: 0,0:36:30.29,0:36:34.78,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}やってみよう やってみよう やってみよう
Dialogue: 0,0:36:34.95,0:36:39.38,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}頼りない 力だけど 転がそう
Dialogue: 0,0:36:39.98,0:36:44.12,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}転がそう はずみ車を 転がそう
Dialogue: 0,0:36:44.35,0:36:48.94,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}転がせば 転がるはず ごろごろと
Dialogue: 0,0:36:49.22,0:36:53.51,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}どこまでも ごろごろと ごろごろと
Dialogue: 0,0:36:53.51,0:36:58.18,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}転がさなきゃ 何もない 始まらない
Dialogue: 0,0:36:58.18,0:37:02.83,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}まずはすぐ 転がそう ごろごろと
Dialogue: 0,0:37:02.83,0:37:06.39,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}ごろごろごろ ごろごろごろ ごろごろごろ
Dialogue: 0,0:37:06.39,0:37:12.21,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}どんどんと 大きくなる ごろごろごろ
Dialogue: 0,0:37:12.21,0:37:14.52,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}ごろごろごろ ごろごろごろ
Dialogue: 0,0:37:14.52,0:37:16.81,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}ごろごろごろ ごろごろごろ
Dialogue: 0,0:37:16.81,0:37:21.63,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}ごろごろごろ ごろごろごろ
Dialogue: 0,0:37:23.90,0:37:26.80,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Hey しっかりしろ 空を見ろ
Dialogue: 0,0:37:26.80,0:37:29.85,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}土踏まずを ぐりぐりして
Dialogue: 0,0:37:29.85,0:37:32.86,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}うじうじうじ めそめそめそ
Dialogue: 0,0:37:32.86,0:37:36.19,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}握りこぶしは 武器じゃない
Dialogue: 0,0:37:36.19,0:37:39.01,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}下唇 突き出すな
Dialogue: 0,0:37:39.01,0:37:42.20,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}ぶーたれるな ふにゃふにゃすんな
Dialogue: 0,0:37:42.20,0:37:46.40,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}はいはいはい どうせおいらは 負け犬にゃー
Dialogue: 0,0:37:46.40,0:37:48.00,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}とか言うな
Dialogue: 0,0:37:48.00,0:37:50.62,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}勝ち負けは 関係ない
Dialogue: 0,0:37:50.62,0:37:53.71,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}評価はえーと まぁ関係ない
Dialogue: 0,0:37:53.71,0:37:56.51,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}がたがたがた ぶるぶるすんなら
Dialogue: 0,0:37:56.51,0:37:59.97,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}手のひらぎゅっとして あっためる
Dialogue: 0,0:37:59.97,0:38:05.77,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}目の中の ハイライトを 書き足して ギラギラしてみろ
Dialogue: 0,0:38:05.77,0:38:13.37,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}思いの丈全部 ぶちまけて あにめーしょんいっちょ やってみよー
Dialogue: 0,0:38:13.53,0:38:17.24,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}つくりましょ つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:38:17.24,0:38:21.03,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}あにめを つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:38:21.03,0:38:24.73,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}つくりましょ つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:38:24.73,0:38:28.55,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}あにめ映画を つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:38:28.55,0:38:30.38,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}かわいくて かっこよくて
Dialogue: 0,0:38:30.38,0:38:32.29,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}ブサイクだけど にくめない
Dialogue: 0,0:38:32.29,0:38:36.01,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}ハラハラして とんがっちゃったりする
Dialogue: 0,0:38:36.33,0:38:41.77,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}あにめを つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:38:43.29,0:38:47.26,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}つくりましょ つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:38:47.26,0:38:51.03,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}あにめを つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:38:51.03,0:38:54.81,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}つくりましょ つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:38:54.81,0:38:58.32,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}あにめ映画を つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:38:58.57,0:39:02.32,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}ほとばしる 情熱を 冷静に 押し込めて
Dialogue: 0,0:39:02.32,0:39:06.27,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}ワクワクして 後引いちゃったりする
Dialogue: 0,0:39:06.27,0:39:10.04,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}あにめを つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:39:10.04,0:39:13.85,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}アンデス山脈 良いところ だから
Dialogue: 0,0:39:13.85,0:39:18.68,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}あにめーしょんを つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:39:22.89,0:39:24.61,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}つくりましょ つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:39:24.61,0:39:26.73,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}あにめを つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:39:26.73,0:39:28.36,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}つくりましょ つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:39:28.36,0:39:30.36,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}あにめーしょんを
Dialogue: 0,0:39:30.36,0:39:32.01,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}つくりましょ つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:39:32.01,0:39:34.34,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}あにめを つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:39:34.34,0:39:35.84,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}つくりましょ つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:39:35.84,0:39:41.08,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}あにめーしょんを つくりましょ
Dialogue: 0,0:39:41.08,0:39:48.71,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}あにめーしょんを(あにめを) つくりましょ(つくりましょ)
Dialogue: 0,0:39:48.71,0:40:00.74,JP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}あにめーしょんを(あにめを) つくりましょ つくりましょ
Dialogue: 1,0:35:39.23,0:35:44.60,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}For now, for now, for now
Dialogue: 1,0:35:44.86,0:35:50.13,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}For now, it is already an emergency
Dialogue: 1,0:35:50.53,0:35:55.99,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's try it, let's try it, let's try it
Dialogue: 1,0:35:56.58,0:36:01.67,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Although it's a bit scary, but lets try it
Dialogue: 1,0:36:02.16,0:36:03.34,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Wanna try it?
Dialogue: 1,0:36:03.47,0:36:04.65,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Really?
Dialogue: 1,0:36:04.65,0:36:05.83,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Seriously?
Dialogue: 1,0:36:07.33,0:36:12.03,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Serious, it's true, no problem
Dialogue: 1,0:36:12.03,0:36:15.86,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}There is no guarantee, no problem, is not there is no problems
Dialogue: 1,0:36:17.56,0:36:22.83,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}It's not a whim, or going along with others, no problem
Dialogue: 1,0:36:25.69,0:36:30.03,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}For now, for now, for now
Dialogue: 1,0:36:30.29,0:36:34.78,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's try it, let's try it, let's try it
Dialogue: 1,0:36:34.95,0:36:39.38,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Although there is not enough power, let's try work on it anyways
Dialogue: 1,0:36:39.98,0:36:44.12,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's try work on it and let the momentum take us rolling
Dialogue: 1,0:36:44.35,0:36:48.94,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Once the momentum starts, it will continue rolling, rolling, rolling
Dialogue: 1,0:36:49.22,0:36:53.51,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}No matter where, it will roll, roll
Dialogue: 1,0:36:53.51,0:36:58.18,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}If it doesn't roll, nothing will happen, nothing will start
Dialogue: 1,0:36:58.18,0:37:02.83,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}So let's for now get things rolling, rolling, rolling
Dialogue: 1,0:37:02.83,0:37:06.39,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Rolling, rolling, rolling
Dialogue: 1,0:37:06.39,0:37:12.21,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Slowly becoming bigger, rolling
Dialogue: 1,0:37:12.21,0:37:14.52,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Rolling, rolling, rolling
Dialogue: 1,0:37:14.52,0:37:16.81,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Rolling, rolling, rolling
Dialogue: 1,0:37:16.81,0:37:21.63,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Rolling, rolling, rolling
Dialogue: 1,0:37:23.90,0:37:26.80,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Hey, get back up and look at the sky
Dialogue: 1,0:37:26.80,0:37:29.85,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Stamp your foot on the ground, stomp, stomp
Dialogue: 1,0:37:29.85,0:37:32.86,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}clank, clank,  shrivel, shrivel
Dialogue: 1,0:37:32.86,0:37:36.19,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Fists are not your weapons
Dialogue: 1,0:37:36.19,0:37:39.01,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Don't pout
Dialogue: 1,0:37:39.01,0:37:42.20,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Don't complain, don't be soft
Dialogue: 1,0:37:42.20,0:37:46.40,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Yes, yes, yes, afterall I am just a loser
Dialogue: 1,0:37:46.40,0:37:48.00,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Don't say that
Dialogue: 1,0:37:48.00,0:37:50.62,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}This is not a matter of winning or losing
Dialogue: 1,0:37:50.62,0:37:53.71,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}And reputation, it also has nothing to do with it
Dialogue: 1,0:37:53.71,0:37:56.51,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Shivering, shivering
Dialogue: 1,0:37:56.51,0:37:59.97,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Then rub your palms together to warm up
Dialogue: 1,0:37:59.97,0:38:05.77,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Put a highlight on your eyes, and let it glitter
Dialogue: 1,0:38:05.77,0:38:13.37,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Express all your passion and make it an animation
Dialogue: 1,0:38:13.53,0:38:17.24,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make it, let's make it
Dialogue: 1,0:38:17.24,0:38:21.03,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make an animation
Dialogue: 1,0:38:21.03,0:38:24.73,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make it, let's make it
Dialogue: 1,0:38:24.73,0:38:28.55,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make an animation movie
Dialogue: 1,0:38:28.55,0:38:30.38,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Make it cute, make it cool
Dialogue: 1,0:38:30.38,0:38:32.29,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Even if it's ugly, don't hate it
Dialogue: 1,0:38:32.29,0:38:36.01,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Make it exciting, make it sad
Dialogue: 1,0:38:36.33,0:38:41.77,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make an animation
Dialogue: 1,0:38:43.29,0:38:47.26,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make it, let's make it
Dialogue: 1,0:38:47.26,0:38:51.03,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make an animation
Dialogue: 1,0:38:51.03,0:38:54.81,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make it, let's make it
Dialogue: 1,0:38:54.81,0:38:58.32,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make an animation movie
Dialogue: 1,0:38:58.57,0:39:02.32,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let the passion burn and suppress the logic
Dialogue: 1,0:39:02.32,0:39:06.27,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Make it thrilling and memorable
Dialogue: 1,0:39:06.27,0:39:10.04,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make an animation
Dialogue: 1,0:39:10.04,0:39:13.85,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}The Andes mountains is a good place
Dialogue: 1,0:39:13.85,0:39:18.68,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}So let's make an animation
Dialogue: 1,0:39:22.89,0:39:24.61,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make it, let's make it
Dialogue: 1,0:39:24.61,0:39:26.73,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make an animation
Dialogue: 1,0:39:26.73,0:39:28.36,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make it, let's make it
Dialogue: 1,0:39:28.36,0:39:30.36,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make an animation
Dialogue: 1,0:39:30.36,0:39:32.01,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make it, let's make it
Dialogue: 1,0:39:32.01,0:39:34.34,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make an animation
Dialogue: 1,0:39:34.34,0:39:35.84,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make it, let's make it
Dialogue: 1,0:39:35.84,0:39:41.08,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make an animation
Dialogue: 1,0:39:41.08,0:39:48.71,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make an animation, let's make it
Dialogue: 1,0:39:48.71,0:40:00.74,CN,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Let's make an animation, let's make it
Comment: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,STAFF,,0,0,0,,------------------------------
Dialogue: 0,1:28:04.64,1:28:06.59,JP,,0,0,0,,ずんずんなめなめ ずんずんなめなめ
Dialogue: 0,1:28:06.59,1:28:10.57,JP,,0,0,0,,ずんずんなめなめ ずんなめずんずん ずんなめずんずんずん
Dialogue: 0,1:28:10.57,1:28:14.69,JP,,0,0,0,,なめなめろう なめなめろう なめなめ なめろう
Dialogue: 0,1:28:14.69,1:28:18.66,JP,,0,0,0,,おろして さばいて たたいて ねばねば なめ!
Dialogue: 0,1:28:18.66,1:28:22.66,JP,,0,0,0,,なめんな なめろう なめたらべろりんぴょ
Dialogue: 0,1:28:22.66,1:28:26.60,JP,,0,0,0,,なめんな なめろう ちらしにするぞ なめ!
Dialogue: 0,1:28:26.60,1:28:28.58,JP,,0,0,0,,ずんずんなめなめ ずんずんなめなめ
Dialogue: 0,1:28:28.58,1:28:32.72,JP,,0,0,0,,ずんずんなめなめ ずんなめずんずん ずんなめずんずんずん なめ!
Dialogue: 1,1:28:04.64,1:28:06.59,CN,,0,0,0,,Slurp slurp lick lick, slurp slurp lick lick
Dialogue: 1,1:28:06.59,1:28:10.57,CN,,0,0,0,,Slurp slurp lick lick, slurp lick slurp slurp, slurp lick slurp slurp
Dialogue: 2,1:28:10.57,1:28:14.69,CN,,0,0,0,,Lickety-lick, Lickety-lick, lick lick, lick lick
Dialogue: 1,1:28:14.69,1:28:18.66,CN,,0,0,0,,Slice and dice and ground to jelly and lick!
Dialogue: 1,1:28:18.66,1:28:22.66,CN,,0,0,0,,Don't underestimate Lickety-lick, if you do, you will get a lickety
Dialogue: 1,1:28:22.66,1:28:26.60,CN,,0,0,0,,Don't underestimate Lickety-lick, you will be chopped and diced and licked!
Dialogue: 1,1:28:26.60,1:28:28.58,CN,,0,0,0,,Slurp slurp lick lick, slurp slurp lick lick
Dialogue: 1,1:28:28.58,1:28:32.72,CN,,0,0,0,,Slurp slurp lick lick, slurp lick slurp slurp, slurp lick slurp slurp, lick!
Comment: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,STAFF,,0,0,0,,------------------------------
Dialogue: 0,1:55:09.23,1:55:16.89,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}僕ら魔法の靴を履き潰して走り回る
Dialogue: 0,1:55:16.89,1:55:24.08,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}ふいに降りる奇跡を祈りながら働くよ
Dialogue: 0,1:55:24.08,1:55:31.50,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}まるでランプのように願い叶え
Dialogue: 0,1:55:31.50,1:55:40.01,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}おとぎ話のように一夜だけで世界変える
Dialogue: 0,1:55:40.01,1:55:43.98,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}そんな不思議手に入れよう
Dialogue: 0,1:55:43.98,1:55:46.64,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}星をあつめて
Dialogue: 0,1:55:46.64,1:55:51.55,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}散らばった光を紡ごう
Dialogue: 0,1:55:51.55,1:56:00.03,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}その一瞬できらめく形写して
Dialogue: 0,1:56:00.03,1:56:10.79,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}箱にしまった ほらそれはトワの模様
Dialogue: 0,1:56:10.79,1:56:20.82,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}たとえまた僕ら遠く離れてしまっても
Dialogue: 0,1:56:21.97,1:56:29.80,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}涙あふれそうになるそんな夜も思い出になる
Dialogue: 0,1:56:29.80,1:56:36.99,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}心に空いた穴は消えないけど歩けるさ
Dialogue: 0,1:56:36.99,1:56:44.42,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}ふいに聴こえる声は誰のメッセージ?
Dialogue: 0,1:56:44.42,1:56:52.97,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}あの日に誓い合った約束を囁くよ
Dialogue: 0,1:56:52.97,1:56:55.80,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}星を数えて
Dialogue: 0,1:56:55.80,1:57:00.54,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}新しい星座を結ぼう
Dialogue: 0,1:57:00.54,1:57:09.15,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}その一瞬で幾千のドラマ重なって
Dialogue: 0,1:57:09.15,1:57:23.83,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}結晶になる ほらそれはトワの魔法さ
Dialogue: 0,1:57:34.54,1:57:42.21,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}たとえあなたがそう大切なものを
Dialogue: 0,1:57:42.70,1:57:50.56,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}失って悲しみに打ちひしがれても
Dialogue: 0,1:57:50.56,1:57:57.73,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}たくさんの祈り届くように
Dialogue: 0,1:57:58.20,1:58:01.89,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}僕は歌っていくよ
Dialogue: 0,1:58:02.08,1:58:06.21,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}この不思議手に取って
Dialogue: 0,1:58:06.78,1:58:09.76,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}星をあつめて
Dialogue: 0,1:58:09.76,1:58:14.51,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}散らばった光を紡ごう
Dialogue: 0,1:58:14.51,1:58:22.19,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}それで永遠の一瞬の光つかもう
Dialogue: 0,1:58:22.19,1:58:28.70,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}そのきらめきはきっと救いになると
Dialogue: 0,1:58:28.70,1:58:35.04,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}信じて箱にしまった
Dialogue: 0,1:58:35.04,1:58:41.40,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}ほらそれはまばゆい奇跡
Dialogue: 0,1:58:41.40,1:58:53.00,EDJP,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\fad(300,300)}たとえまた僕ら遠く離れてしまっても
Comment: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,STAFF,,0,0,0,,------------------------------
Comment: 8,0:00:38.98,0:00:41.02,JP,,0,0,0,,こんにちは 良い子のみんな
Comment: 8,0:00:41.35,0:00:44.86,JP,,0,0,0,,僕はロロ ふかふかもっふもふの熊だよ
Comment: 8,0:00:44.86,0:00:46.03,JP,,0,0,0,,あたしはミムジー
Comment: 8,0:00:46.03,0:00:50.28,JP,,0,0,0,,こう見えて由緒正しいヴァイキングかパイレーツの末裔なんだ
Comment: 8,0:00:50.28,0:00:52.91,JP,,0,0,0,,ヴァイキングかパイレーツって全然違わない?
Comment: 8,0:00:52.91,0:00:55.49,JP,,0,0,0,,細かいことはいいから お話してよロロ
Comment: 8,0:00:55.49,0:00:57.08,JP,,0,0,0,,楽しいお話
Comment: 8,0:00:57.08,0:00:58.62,JP,,0,0,0,,いいよ ミムジー
Comment: 8,0:01:00.46,0:01:03.17,JP,,0,0,0,,むかしむかしあるところに
Comment: 8,0:01:03.17,0:01:07.92,JP,,0,0,0,,武蔵野アニメーションという アニメーションを作る村がありました
Comment: 8,0:01:09.55,0:01:13.01,JP,,0,0,0,,みんなあまりにも自由気ままに生きているので
Comment: 8,0:01:13.39,0:01:15.89,JP,,0,0,0,,いつもみんな大騒ぎなのでした
Comment: 8,0:01:16.60,0:01:17.60,JP,,0,0,0,,万策尽きた
Comment: 8,0:01:18.89,0:01:23.81,JP,,0,0,0,,しかし ある時「これではいけない」と声を上げた者がおりました
Comment: 8,0:01:24.31,0:01:27.86,JP,,0,0,0,,それは 小さな女の子 みゃーもりでした
Comment: 8,0:01:50.63,0:01:52.68,JP,,0,0,0,,みゃーもりがみんなを励ますと
Comment: 8,0:01:52.97,0:01:55.18,JP,,0,0,0,,少しアニメが出来上がりました
Comment: 8,0:01:55.51,0:01:58.43,JP,,0,0,0,,だけど 少しだけではダメなのです
Comment: 8,0:01:58.60,0:02:02.94,JP,,0,0,0,,最後まで全部出来上がらないと ご飯も食べられません
Comment: 8,0:02:03.44,0:02:06.61,JP,,0,0,0,,みゃーもりは手伝ってくれる人を探しに行きました
Comment: 8,0:02:07.31,0:02:11.32,JP,,0,0,0,,泣き虫を慰め サボりたがり捕まえたりしました
Comment: 8,0:02:12.03,0:02:15.16,JP,,0,0,0,,「シナリオが上がったよ」と脚本家が言い
Comment: 8,0:02:15.53,0:02:18.91,JP,,0,0,0,,「絵コンテが上がったよ」と監督が言いました
Comment: 8,0:02:19.37,0:02:25.00,JP,,0,0,0,,脚本と見た目はともかく絵コンテは アニメの設計図になるものです
Comment: 8,0:02:25.29,0:02:28.04,JP,,0,0,0,,「絵を描くよ」とアニメーターが言いました
Comment: 8,0:02:29.59,0:02:32.05,JP,,0,0,0,,「絵に色を付けるよ」と仕上げが
Comment: 8,0:02:32.05,0:02:34.76,JP,,0,0,0,,「CGを作るよ」と3Dが
Comment: 8,0:02:34.76,0:02:36.89,JP,,0,0,0,,「背景を描くよ」と美術が
Comment: 8,0:02:37.01,0:02:39.51,JP,,0,0,0,,「撮影するよ」と撮影が言いました
Comment: 8,0:02:39.93,0:02:42.52,JP,,0,0,0,,「声を吹き込むよ」と声優が言い
Comment: 8,0:02:42.52,0:02:46.90,JP,,0,0,0,,「音楽と効果音を付けるよ」と作曲家と効果が言いました
Comment: 8,0:02:49.82,0:02:50.73,JP,,0,0,0,,こっち
Comment: 8,0:02:51.57,0:02:57.28,JP,,0,0,0,,ところが 「変な話 ここ変じゃない」と原作側の人が言い出しました
Comment: 8,0:02:57.28,0:03:00.41,JP,,0,0,0,,変な話 認めるわけにはいかないよ
Comment: 8,0:03:00.41,0:03:02.95,JP,,0,0,0,,Youたち全部作り直しだ Yo
Comment: 8,0:03:10.00,0:03:13.17,JP,,0,0,0,,しかし みゃーもりたちは挫けませんでした
Comment: 8,0:03:14.80,0:03:17.30,JP,,0,0,0,,原作者とみっちり話し合い
Comment: 8,0:03:26.52,0:03:30.61,JP,,0,0,0,,最後の最後まで いいものを作ろうと頑張りました
Comment: 8,0:03:30.82,0:03:35.65,JP,,0,0,0,,そして やっと素敵なアニメが出来上がったのです
Comment: 8,0:03:38.91,0:03:39.78,JP,,0,0,0,,こっち
Comment: 8,0:03:55.92,0:03:58.88,JP,,0,0,0,,みんな 笑顔で乾杯をしました
Comment: 8,0:03:59.43,0:04:05.64,JP,,0,0,0,,怒りん坊怠け者も のんびり屋も泣き虫も みんなみんな笑顔でした
Comment: 8,0:04:06.27,0:04:09.40,JP,,0,0,0,,そしてそれからみんな幸せに暮らしましたとさ
Comment: 8,0:04:10.02,0:04:13.15,JP,,0,0,0,,みんなもっとお金持ちになったり 有名になったり
Comment: 8,0:04:13.15,0:04:16.24,JP,,0,0,0,,ラブラブしたり 幸せに暮らしてるんだよね
Comment: 8,0:04:16.24,0:04:17.74,JP,,0,0,0,,えーっと
Comment: 8,0:04:18.82,0:04:22.37,JP,,0,0,0,,この映画は それから四年ほど後のお話です
Comment: 8,0:04:22.37,0:04:24.91,JP,,0,0,0,,四年か みんなどうしてる?
Comment: 8,0:04:24.91,0:04:26.50,JP,,0,0,0,,教えて教えて
Comment: 8,0:04:39.51,0:04:41.09,JP,,0,0,0,,はい というわけで
Comment: 8,0:04:41.09,0:04:43.97,JP,,0,0,0,,ラジオネームアニメ伍長さんからのお便りでした
Comment: 8,0:04:44.56,0:04:47.98,JP,,0,0,0,,ま 確かにね 最近アニメの本数減ってるような減ってないような?
Comment: 8,0:04:47.98,0:04:51.02,JP,,0,0,0,,私なんか 片っ端からアニメ録画しちゃったりしてるんですけど
Comment: 8,0:04:51.02,0:04:52.65,JP,,0,0,0,,今期はまだ結構余裕ですね
Comment: 8,0:04:52.65,0:04:54.77,JP,,0,0,0,,それだけ少ないってことだよね
Comment: 8,0:04:54.77,0:04:57.78,JP,,0,0,0,,アニメバブルが弾けて スッカスカのスッカスカ
Comment: 8,0:04:57.78,0:05:01.28,JP,,0,600,0,,おまけに ブルーレイなんて売上もさっぱりらしいしね
Comment: 8,0:05:00.36,0:05:01.28,JP,,1100,0,0,,はいはい
Comment: 8,0:05:01.28,0:05:04.33,JP,,0,0,0,,そんな怖い現実なんかほっといて あれ紹介しましょ
Comment: 8,0:05:04.33,0:05:05.70,JP,,0,0,0,,あれ? あーそうだった
Comment: 8,0:05:05.70,0:05:08.95,JP,,0,0,0,,我々アニラジぽくぽくレボリューションがお薦めするのは
Comment: 8,0:05:08.95,0:05:11.29,JP,,0,0,0,,ジャンジャンジャン マジカルおいしさ
Comment: 8,0:05:11.58,0:05:13.75,JP,,0,0,0,,そんなマジカルおいしさのですね中の人お呼び…
Comment: 8,0:05:13.75,0:05:14.71,JP,,0,0,0,,イェイ!
Comment: 8,0:05:14.71,0:05:17.42,JP,,0,0,0,,したかったんですが 断られてしまいまして
Comment: 8,0:05:17.42,0:05:19.84,JP,,0,0,0,,てのは嘘で ほんとはね この番組予算がないので
Comment: 8,0:05:19.84,0:05:21.72,JP,,0,0,0,,ゲスト呼べなかっただろ これマジじゃから
Comment: 8,0:05:21.72,0:05:22.97,JP,,0,0,0,,世知辛いですね
Comment: 8,0:05:22.97,0:05:25.85,JP,,0,0,0,,でもね マジカルおいしさを推してるのは嘘じゃないからね
Comment: 8,0:05:25.85,0:05:30.18,JP,,0,0,0,,ではまず一曲目 若干普通なのにちょっと懐かしい曲を聞いてください
Comment: 8,0:05:30.18,0:05:35.52,JP,,0,0,0,,「限界集落過疎娘」オープニング曲 「仕方ないのでやれやれ」
Comment: 8,0:08:06.59,0:08:07.68,JP,,0,0,0,,宮森さん?
Comment: 8,0:08:11.30,0:08:13.72,JP,,0,0,0,,三女ツーの放送 始まりますよ
Comment: 8,0:08:13.72,0:08:15.18,JP,,0,0,0,,見なくていいんですか
Comment: 8,0:08:17.14,0:08:18.60,JP,,0,0,0,,今日うちの回だ
Comment: 8,0:08:18.60,0:08:20.06,JP,,0,0,0,,楽しみですね
Comment: 8,0:08:22.69,0:08:25.11,JP,,0,0,0,,先に行ってて 後から行きます
Comment: 8,0:08:25.28,0:08:26.07,JP,,0,0,0,,はい
Comment: 8,0:08:45.46,0:08:46.96,JP,,0,0,0,,あー 宮森さん
Comment: 8,0:08:46.96,0:08:49.93,JP,,0,0,0,,カレーあるよカレー 鑑賞用スペシャルカレー
Comment: 8,0:08:49.93,0:08:51.01,JP,,0,0,0,,みゃーもりこっち
Comment: 8,0:08:51.01,0:08:51.93,JP,,0,0,0,,もう始まるよ
Comment: 8,0:08:51.93,0:08:53.47,JP,,0,0,0,,待ってたよ宮森さん
Comment: 8,0:08:53.47,0:08:55.06,JP,,0,0,0,,みゃーもり この働き者
Comment: 8,0:08:55.06,0:08:56.85,JP,,0,0,0,,上がったのか すごいな宮森
Comment: 8,0:08:56.85,0:08:57.56,JP,,0,0,0,,お疲れ
Comment: 8,0:08:57.56,0:08:59.19,JP,,0,0,0,,宮森さん 早かったわね
Comment: 8,0:08:59.19,0:09:01.19,JP,,0,0,0,,放送楽しみだな宮森
Comment: 8,0:09:01.19,0:09:02.77,JP,,0,0,0,,妙に緊張するなあ
Comment: 8,0:09:02.77,0:09:05.36,JP,,0,0,0,,きっといいできになってるわよ 宮森さん
Comment: 8,0:09:05.36,0:09:07.86,JP,,0,0,0,,宮森には随分助けられたからなあ
Comment: 8,0:09:07.86,0:09:08.32,JP,,0,0,0,,みや
Comment: 8,0:09:08.32,0:09:09.86,JP,,0,0,0,,葵ちゃん 座れる?
Comment: 8,0:09:33.51,0:09:34.26,JP,,0,0,0,,スクランブル
Comment: 8,0:09:36.85,0:09:37.97,JP,,0,0,0,,いや~
Comment: 8,0:09:42.48,0:09:44.44,JP,,0,0,0,,やだ~
Comment: 8,0:09:45.98,0:09:47.57,JP,,0,0,0,,うそ~
Comment: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,STAFF,,0,0,0,,-----------------------------
Dialogue: 9,0:00:38.98,0:00:41.02,CH,,0,0,0,,Good day, all you good kids out there
Dialogue: 9,0:00:41.35,0:00:44.86,CH,,0,0,0,,I am Roro, the furry cuddly bear
Dialogue: 9,0:00:44.86,0:00:46.03,CH,,0,0,0,,I am Mimuji
Dialogue: 9,0:00:46.03,0:00:50.28,CH,,0,0,0,,Although I look like this, I am actually a pure bred descendant of a viking or a pirate
Dialogue: 9,0:00:50.28,0:00:52.91,CH,,0,0,0,,I am sure there is no difference between a viking and a pirate?
Dialogue: 9,0:00:52.91,0:00:55.49,CH,,0,0,0,,Stop fretting over the small details and continue with the story Roro
Dialogue: 9,0:00:55.49,0:00:57.08,CH,,0,0,0,,That exciting story
Dialogue: 9,0:00:57.08,0:00:58.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Alright Mimuji
Dialogue: 9,0:01:00.46,0:01:03.17,CH,,0,0,0,,Once upon a time at a certain place
Dialogue: 9,0:01:03.17,0:01:07.92,CH,,0,0,0,,There was a village that specialised in producing animations called Musashi Animation
Dialogue: 9,0:01:09.55,0:01:13.01,CH,,0,0,0,,Everyone was living freely to their utmost
Dialogue: 9,0:01:13.39,0:01:15.89,CH,,0,0,0,,And always causing havoc in the village
Dialogue: 9,0:01:16.60,0:01:17.60,CH,,0,0,0,,All is lost
Dialogue: 9,0:01:18.89,0:01:23.81,CH,,0,0,0,,But one day, someone raised their concern and said "This cannot continue"
Dialogue: 9,0:01:24.31,0:01:27.86,CH,,0,0,0,,That someone was a little girl called Nyaamori
Dialogue: 9,0:01:50.63,0:01:52.68,CH,,0,0,0,,Nyaamori will run around cheering on everyone
Dialogue: 9,0:01:52.97,0:01:55.18,CH,,0,0,0,,And the progress of the animation will move forward a bit
Dialogue: 9,0:01:55.51,0:01:58.43,CH,,0,0,0,,But a bit is not enough
Dialogue: 9,0:01:58.60,0:02:02.94,CH,,0,0,0,,If it is not complete, there will not even be food to eat
Dialogue: 9,0:02:03.44,0:02:06.61,CH,,0,0,0,,So Nyaamori went in search of people that could assist
Dialogue: 9,0:02:07.31,0:02:11.32,CH,,0,0,0,,She would console crybabies and catch slackers that are slacking off
Dialogue: 9,0:02:12.03,0:02:15.16,CH,,0,0,0,,The scriptwriters would say "The script is done"
Dialogue: 9,0:02:15.53,0:02:18.91,CH,,0,0,0,,The director would say "The storyboard is ready"
Dialogue: 9,0:02:19.37,0:02:25.00,CH,,0,0,0,,The script and the questionable storyboard make up the blueprint of the animation
Dialogue: 9,0:02:25.29,0:02:28.04,CH,,0,0,0,,The animator would then say "I will do the drawing"
Dialogue: 9,0:02:29.59,0:02:32.05,CH,,0,0,0,,The colourist would then say "I will add colour to it"
Dialogue: 9,0:02:32.05,0:02:34.76,CH,,0,0,0,,The 3D animator would then say "I will make the CG"
Dialogue: 9,0:02:34.76,0:02:36.89,CH,,0,0,0,,The artist would then say "Leave the background to me"
Dialogue: 9,0:02:37.01,0:02:39.51,CH,,0,0,0,,The cameraman would then say "I will do the recording"
Dialogue: 9,0:02:39.93,0:02:42.52,CH,,0,0,0,,The voice actor would then say "I will do the dubbing"
Dialogue: 9,0:02:42.52,0:02:46.90,CH,,0,0,0,,The composer and sound engineer would then say "I will compose the music and sound effects"
Dialogue: 9,0:02:49.82,0:02:50.73,CH,,0,0,0,,Here
Dialogue: 9,0:02:51.57,0:02:57.28,CH,,0,0,0,,Out of nowhere appears the original createor and sould say "Honestly speaking, this part is a bit weird"
Dialogue: 9,0:02:57.28,0:03:00.41,CH,,0,0,0,,Honestly, I cannot accept this yo
Dialogue: 9,0:03:00.41,0:03:02.95,CH,,0,0,0,,You guys must redo the whole thing yo
Dialogue: 9,0:03:10.00,0:03:13.17,CH,,0,0,0,,But Nyaamori did not become depressed because of that
Dialogue: 9,0:03:14.80,0:03:17.30,CH,,0,0,0,,After abundant negotiaions with the original creator
Dialogue: 9,0:03:26.52,0:03:30.61,CH,,0,0,0,,Towards the end, by putting their all into producing something great
Dialogue: 9,0:03:30.82,0:03:35.65,CH,,0,0,0,,They finally produced an awesome anime
Dialogue: 9,0:03:38.91,0:03:39.78,CH,,0,0,0,,Here
Dialogue: 9,0:03:55.92,0:03:58.88,CH,,0,0,0,,Everyone cheered with a smile on their faces
Dialogue: 9,0:03:59.43,0:04:05.64,CH,,0,0,0,,The angry, the lazy, the neutral and the crybabies were all happy
Dialogue: 9,0:04:06.27,0:04:09.40,CH,,0,0,0,,Then everyone lived happily ever after
Dialogue: 9,0:04:10.02,0:04:13.15,CH,,0,0,0,,Everyone became rich, became famous,
Dialogue: 9,0:04:13.15,0:04:16.24,CH,,0,0,0,,Their lives became full of romance and fotune
Dialogue: 9,0:04:16.24,0:04:17.74,CH,,0,0,0,,Umm...
Dialogue: 9,0:04:18.82,0:04:22.37,CH,,0,0,0,,This movie is a continuation of 4 years later after what happened
Dialogue: 9,0:04:22.37,0:04:24.91,CH,,0,0,0,,4 years, what happened to everyone?
Dialogue: 9,0:04:24.91,0:04:26.50,CH,,0,0,0,,Quickly tell me
Dialogue: 9,0:04:39.51,0:04:41.09,CH,,0,0,0,,So that is all
Dialogue: 9,0:04:41.09,0:04:43.97,CH,,0,0,0,,That was the message from the radio alias "Anime Gojo"
Dialogue: 9,0:04:44.56,0:04:47.98,CH,,0,0,0,,Hmm, indeed, recently there does seem to be a decrease in the number of new channels
Dialogue: 9,0:04:47.98,0:04:51.02,CH,,0,0,0,,For me, I usually record every anime
Dialogue: 9,0:04:51.02,0:04:52.65,CH,,0,0,0,,But this season, I feel that I have not been that busy
Dialogue: 9,0:04:52.65,0:04:54.77,CH,,0,0,0,,That just says that there has not been a lot of new shows
Dialogue: 9,0:04:54.77,0:04:57.78,CH,,0,0,0,,The animation bubble has bursted
Dialogue: 9,0:04:57.78,0:05:01.28,CH,,0,600,0,,On top of that, the sale of BDs are also down
Dialogue: 9,0:05:00.36,0:05:01.28,CH,,1100,0,0,,Okay, okay
Dialogue: 9,0:05:01.28,0:05:04.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Stop bringing up these scary things, introduce that instead
Dialogue: 9,0:05:04.33,0:05:05.70,CH,,0,0,0,,That? Oh, okay
Dialogue: 9,0:05:05.70,0:05:08.95,CH,,0,0,0,,Here is the recommendation today from our anime broadcasting station Pokupoku Revolution
Dialogue: 9,0:05:08.95,0:05:11.29,CH,,0,0,0,,Chang, chang, change "Magical Oyster"
Dialogue: 9,0:05:11.58,0:05:13.75,CH,,0,0,0,,So in Magical Oyster, there is this per...
Dialogue: 9,0:05:13.75,0:05:14.71,CH,,0,0,0,,Yay!
Dialogue: 9,0:05:14.71,0:05:17.42,CH,,0,0,0,,I wanted to invite here but I was rejected
Dialogue: 9,0:05:17.42,0:05:19.84,CH,,0,0,0,,Jokes, actually this channel does not have the budget
Dialogue: 9,0:05:19.84,0:05:21.72,CH,,0,0,0,,So we could not invite any guests, that's the truth
Dialogue: 9,0:05:21.72,0:05:22.97,CH,,0,0,0,,Harsh life
Dialogue: 9,0:05:22.97,0:05:25.85,CH,,0,0,0,,But our recommendation for Magical Oyster is real
Dialogue: 9,0:05:25.85,0:05:30.18,CH,,0,0,0,,So let's move on to the first song, a song that is bit normal but also nostalgic
Dialogue: 9,0:05:30.18,0:05:35.52,CH,,0,0,0,,Please enjoy the OP of "Border Town Woman", "Well, it can't be helped"
Dialogue: 9,0:08:06.59,0:08:07.68,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Miyamori?
Dialogue: 9,0:08:11.30,0:08:13.72,CH,,0,0,0,,The broadcast for "Third Girls 2" is beginning
Dialogue: 9,0:08:13.72,0:08:15.18,CH,,0,0,0,,Are you alright not watching it?
Dialogue: 9,0:08:17.14,0:08:18.60,CH,,0,0,0,,Today is the episode that we did
Dialogue: 9,0:08:18.60,0:08:20.06,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm looking forward to it
Dialogue: 9,0:08:22.69,0:08:25.11,CH,,0,0,0,,You can go on first, I will go later
Dialogue: 9,0:08:25.28,0:08:26.07,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay
Dialogue: 9,0:08:45.46,0:08:46.96,CH,,0,0,0,,Ah, Ms. Miyamori
Dialogue: 9,0:08:46.96,0:08:49.93,CH,,0,0,0,,There is curry here, special curry specifically made for the broadcast
Dialogue: 9,0:08:49.93,0:08:51.01,CH,,0,0,0,,Nyaamori, here
Dialogue: 9,0:08:51.01,0:08:51.93,CH,,0,0,0,,It's about to start
Dialogue: 9,0:08:51.93,0:08:53.47,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Miyamori, we are all waiting on you now
Dialogue: 9,0:08:53.47,0:08:55.06,CH,,0,0,0,,Nyaamori, you workaholic
Dialogue: 9,0:08:55.06,0:08:56.85,CH,,0,0,0,,Are you finished? That's awesome
Dialogue: 9,0:08:56.85,0:08:57.56,CH,,0,0,0,,Good work
Dialogue: 9,0:08:57.56,0:08:59.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Miyamori, you sure came in early
Dialogue: 9,0:08:59.19,0:09:01.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Sure am excited for the broadcase, isn't that right, Miyamori
Dialogue: 9,0:09:01.19,0:09:02.77,CH,,0,0,0,,I feel a bit nervous
Dialogue: 9,0:09:02.77,0:09:05.36,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms Miyamori, the quality is definitely high
Dialogue: 9,0:09:05.36,0:09:07.86,CH,,0,0,0,,Miyamori sure helped me a lot
Dialogue: 9,0:09:07.86,0:09:08.32,CH,,0,0,0,,Miya
Dialogue: 9,0:09:08.32,0:09:09.86,CH,,0,0,0,,Aoi, you wanna sit?
Dialogue: 9,0:09:33.51,0:09:34.26,CH,,0,0,0,,Scramble
Dialogue: 9,0:09:36.85,0:09:37.97,CH,,0,0,0,,No~
Dialogue: 9,0:09:42.48,0:09:44.44,CH,,0,0,0,,No way~
Dialogue: 9,0:09:45.98,0:09:47.57,CH,,0,0,0,,You're joking~
Dialogue: 9,0:09:48.14,0:09:51.25,CH,,0,0,0,,I focused to much on the realism of the mecha
Dialogue: 9,0:09:51.25,0:09:53.96,CH,,0,0,0,,With this kind of genre, no matter how much detail you put into the action
Dialogue: 9,0:09:53.96,0:09:55.77,CH,,0,0,0,,With respect to "Third Girls 2", there is not much meaning
Dialogue: 9,0:09:56.05,0:09:56.95,CH,,0,0,0,,This kind of genre?
Dialogue: 9,0:09:56.95,0:10:00.17,CH,,0,0,0,,But the part that was modified by the director sure bothers me
Dialogue: 9,0:10:00.38,0:10:02.58,CH,,0,0,0,,But it was so out there that it was a bit interesting
Dialogue: 9,0:10:02.58,0:10:05.02,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Satou, you sure are brutal towards me
Dialogue: 9,0:10:05.02,0:10:07.02,CH,,0,0,0,,If only Musashino could have been the primary contractor
Dialogue: 9,0:10:09.37,0:10:10.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Speaking of which, what happened with Producer Nabe
Dialogue: 9,0:10:10.93,0:10:12.31,CH,,0,0,0,,You need to call him Prez Nabe now
Dialogue: 9,0:10:12.31,0:10:13.34,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, yes
Dialogue: 9,0:10:13.34,0:10:17.51,CH,,0,0,0,,So where art Musashino Animation President, Watanabe Shun
Dialogue: 9,0:10:18.12,0:10:19.58,CH,,0,0,0,,"Third Girls 2" is being broadcasted
Dialogue: 9,0:10:19.58,0:10:21.27,CH,,0,0,0,,Season 2 after after 4 years
Dialogue: 9,0:10:21.61,0:10:23.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Gou, I'm amazed this project went through
Dialogue: 9,0:10:23.70,0:10:26.01,CH,,0,0,0,,No, it is indeed our company that is making it
Dialogue: 9,0:10:26.01,0:10:28.36,CH,,0,0,0,,But I have nothing to do with it, no touch in it at all
Dialogue: 9,0:10:28.76,0:10:29.75,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that so?
Dialogue: 9,0:10:29.75,0:10:31.24,CH,,0,0,0,,Was "Third Girls" always like this?
Dialogue: 9,0:10:31.50,0:10:33.75,CH,,0,0,0,,While we're at it, it also has nothing to do with me
Dialogue: 9,0:10:33.75,0:10:34.23,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that so?
Dialogue: 9,0:10:34.46,0:10:37.77,CH,,0,0,0,,I guess with the way Musashino is now, we can't be a primary contractor
Dialogue: 9,0:10:37.77,0:10:39.57,CH,,0,0,0,,Madoka, I can't believe you are still willing to accept this kind of job
Dialogue: 9,0:10:39.57,0:10:41.25,CH,,0,0,0,,I mean, I meant it in a praiseworthy way
Dialogue: 9,0:10:41.47,0:10:44.15,CH,,0,0,0,,Normally, when a product is contracted to another company,
Dialogue: 9,0:10:44.15,0:10:45.34,CH,,0,0,0,,You wouldn't want to accept any job regarding said product
Dialogue: 9,0:10:45.34,0:10:47.96,CH,,0,0,0,,Even I can have emotions towards a product
Dialogue: 9,0:10:48.01,0:10:50.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Next episode on "Third Aerial Girls Squad Medusa"
Dialogue: 9,0:10:50.82,0:10:52.63,CH,,0,0,0,,"Canned Mackerel and the sad waltz"
Dialogue: 9,0:10:52.63,0:10:55.69,CH,,0,0,0,,Opening the lock to your hear
Dialogue: 9,0:10:55.69,0:10:56.83,CH,,0,0,0,,What does the web...
Dialogue: 9,0:10:57.15,0:10:58.15,CH,,0,0,0,,Forget it
Dialogue: 9,0:10:58.15,0:11:00.50,CH,,0,0,0,,That sounds like something director Kinoshita would say
Dialogue: 9,0:11:00.50,0:11:01.78,CH,,0,0,0,,Have you seen him recently?
Dialogue: 9,0:11:01.99,0:11:03.00,CH,,0,0,0,,Not at all
Dialogue: 9,0:11:03.00,0:11:04.21,CH,,0,0,0,,Seiichi Kinoshita
Dialogue: 9,0:11:04.21,0:11:07.84,CH,,0,0,0,,Rumors about him messing up on Studio Nero's storyboard has been spreading virally
Dialogue: 9,0:11:08.07,0:11:09.96,CH,,0,0,0,,I heard that what needed to be completed was completed
Dialogue: 9,0:11:10.13,0:11:12.10,CH,,0,0,0,,Though it seems to have dragged on for a long time
Dialogue: 9,0:11:12.93,0:11:14.17,CH,,0,0,0,,Well, excuse me
Dialogue: 9,0:11:14.17,0:11:16.48,CH,,0,0,0,,I heard this from Ms. Ando
Dialogue: 9,0:11:16.65,0:11:18.20,CH,,0,0,0,,She was at Drop Fit Studio
Dialogue: 9,0:11:18.50,0:11:19.48,CH,,0,0,0,,Where Ochiai is
Dialogue: 9,0:11:19.48,0:11:22.08,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, Director Kinoshita aside
Dialogue: 9,0:11:22.08,0:11:23.86,CH,,0,0,0,,Isn't Mr. Yamada more impressive?
Dialogue: 9,0:11:24.09,0:11:26.66,CH,,0,0,0,,His debut work as a director "TWO PIECE" is a huge success
Dialogue: 9,0:11:26.66,0:11:30.87,CH,,0,0,0,,His 2 movies, "At the centre of this world", "My Name" are also a huge hit
Dialogue: 9,0:11:30.87,0:11:33.03,CH,,0,0,0,,I saaw his interview on the newspaper last time
Dialogue: 9,0:11:33.03,0:11:34.46,CH,,0,0,0,,His appearance was weird
Dialogue: 9,0:11:34.46,0:11:35.45,CH,,0,0,0,,Weird?
Dialogue: 9,0:11:35.73,0:11:39.81,CH,,0,0,0,,I still wanted to express "The hope at the end of despair",
Dialogue: 9,0:11:39.81,0:11:43.43,CH,,0,0,0,,Those kinds of emotions, to the audiences, that is why I made this animation
Dialogue: 9,0:11:44.30,0:11:46.68,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Yamada sure has become a smooth-talker
Dialogue: 9,0:11:46.68,0:11:48.50,CH,,0,0,0,,His probably promoting Silver Week's new show
Dialogue: 9,0:11:48.50,0:11:50.83,CH,,0,0,0,,"Bride and Raven"
Dialogue: 9,0:11:50.98,0:11:53.49,CH,,0,0,0,,The presale tickets are sell well
Dialogue: 9,0:11:53.91,0:11:55.61,CH,,0,0,0,,Takahashi, are you Mr. Yamada's fan?
Dialogue: 9,0:11:55.61,0:11:57.86,CH,,0,0,0,,No, this is just out of basic courtesy
Dialogue: 9,0:11:57.86,0:11:59.23,CH,,0,0,0,,That was a quick denial
Dialogue: 9,0:11:59.50,0:12:00.93,CH,,0,0,0,,No, it's not like that
Dialogue: 9,0:12:00.93,0:12:02.28,CH,,0,0,0,,I am just a normal fan of his
Dialogue: 9,0:12:02.28,0:12:05.06,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't know why, but you reminded me of Takanashi
Dialogue: 9,0:12:05.06,0:12:06.54,CH,,0,0,0,,Although you guys are not the same type of person
Dialogue: 9,0:12:06.74,0:12:08.16,CH,,0,0,0,,Is he an someone from Musashino?
Dialogue: 9,0:12:08.16,0:12:09.69,CH,,0,0,0,,Previously, he was our stager,
Dialogue: 9,0:12:09.69,0:12:12.34,CH,,0,0,0,,He left after he became part of production
Dialogue: 9,0:12:12.61,0:12:14.50,CH,,0,0,0,,Although he is still a troublemaker as he always was
Dialogue: 9,0:12:14.50,0:12:16.22,CH,,0,0,0,,After all the efforts to get a job
Dialogue: 9,0:12:16.22,0:12:18.47,CH,,0,0,0,,He had a huge argument with director Michigai
Dialogue: 9,0:12:18.47,0:12:21.48,CH,,0,0,0,,You say argument, are sure it is not him just being an ass?
Dialogue: 9,0:12:21.48,0:12:24.09,CH,,0,0,0,,That guy is such a narcissist
Dialogue: 9,0:12:24.09,0:12:25.88,CH,,0,0,0,,He is just like that time when he was stager
Dialogue: 9,0:12:25.88,0:12:28.87,CH,,0,0,0,,Well, Endo could learn from him and toughen up
Dialogue: 9,0:12:30.28,0:12:32.56,CH,,0,0,0,,Speaking of Endo from Musashino, it's obviously referring to Ryosuke Endo
Dialogue: 9,0:12:32.56,0:12:34.21,CH,,0,0,0,,His action and effect skills are recognised throughout
Dialogue: 9,0:12:34.21,0:12:37.49,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Miyamori, I will be at Yumeino Company for this period
Dialogue: 9,0:12:37.49,0:12:38.72,CH,,0,0,0,,Call me when you need anything
Dialogue: 9,0:12:38.87,0:12:39.43,CH,,0,0,0,,Will do
Dialogue: 9,0:12:39.64,0:12:41.27,CH,,0,0,0,,Self-drwan, qing lao tou
Dialogue: 9,0:12:41.47,0:12:45.20,CH,,0,0,0,,No way, it is my 3rd time in my entire life that I've seen qung lao tou
Dialogue: 9,0:12:45.20,0:12:47.47,CH,,0,0,0,,Be careful, it's a bad omen
Dialogue: 9,0:12:47.58,0:12:50.41,CH,,0,0,0,,No problem, I am already having a really bad time at my current job
Dialogue: 9,0:12:51.53,0:12:54.40,CH,,0,0,0,,If that is what you are saying, then what about me?
Dialogue: 9,0:12:54.40,0:12:56.73,CH,,0,0,0,,My mahjong and my job are completely failing me
Dialogue: 9,0:12:56.73,0:12:58.25,CH,,0,0,0,,Surely it's not that bad?
Dialogue: 9,0:12:58.25,0:12:59.76,CH,,0,0,0,,No, it is
Dialogue: 9,0:13:02.56,0:13:03.58,CH,,0,0,0,,Excuse me for a bit
Dialogue: 9,0:13:03.58,0:13:04.94,CH,,0,0,0,,Well, aren't you busy
Dialogue: 9,0:13:11.75,0:13:13.54,CH,,0,0,0,,What are you saying?
Dialogue: 9,0:13:13.54,0:13:16.25,CH,,0,0,0,,Didn't we already agree, no
Dialogue: 9,0:13:16.25,0:13:19.94,CH,,0,0,0,,It is my 3rd time in my entire life that I've hear Kou scream with anger
Dialogue: 9,0:13:20.07,0:13:21.04,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that angry?
Dialogue: 9,0:13:21.23,0:13:23.46,CH,,0,0,0,,It's him being angry, very angry
Dialogue: 9,0:13:23.46,0:13:24.10,CH,,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 9,0:13:25.57,0:13:27.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Today's "Third Girls 2" was great
Dialogue: 9,0:13:29.26,0:13:31.87,CH,,1200,0,0,,I think that it's too obvious on its target towards guys
Dialogue: 9,0:13:30.31,0:13:31.64,CH,,0,1000,0,,I'm ba...
Dialogue: 9,0:13:33.20,0:13:35.42,CH,,0,0,0,,Also, you can make it tomorrow right?
Dialogue: 9,0:13:36.65,0:13:37.31,CH,,0,0,0,,I should be able to
Dialogue: 9,0:13:37.70,0:13:39.22,CH,,0,0,0,,What time was it again?
Dialogue: 9,0:13:39.42,0:13:40.12,CH,,0,0,0,,It was...
Dialogue: 9,0:13:40.12,0:13:40.72,CH,,0,0,0,,7
Dialogue: 9,0:13:40.95,0:13:41.85,CH,,0,0,0,,7 'o clock
Dialogue: 9,0:13:42.18,0:13:43.85,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, it should be no problem
Dialogue: 9,0:13:43.85,0:13:44.80,CH,,0,0,0,,Great
Dialogue: 9,0:13:45.35,0:13:47.23,CH,,0,0,0,,Me, I also have no problems
Dialogue: 9,0:13:47.23,0:13:49.06,CH,,0,0,0,,It's been a while, I will definitely be there
Dialogue: 9,0:13:50.83,0:13:52.10,CH,,0,0,0,,But I can't drink overnight
Dialogue: 9,0:13:52.10,0:13:53.50,CH,,0,0,0,,Not because of work
Dialogue: 9,0:13:53.50,0:13:55.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Recently, just touching bit a alcohol makes me sleepy
Dialogue: 9,0:13:56.40,0:13:57.45,CH,,0,0,0,,Then see you tomorrow
Dialogue: 9,0:13:59.09,0:14:01.29,CH,,0,0,0,,Ema, because you forgot to eat luch
Dialogue: 9,0:14:01.53,0:14:02.21,CH,,0,0,0,,Lunch...
Dialogue: 9,0:14:03.04,0:14:04.51,CH,,0,0,0,,Oh no, I forgot
Dialogue: 9,0:14:04.71,0:14:06.48,CH,,0,0,0,,You can't forget it
Dialogue: 9,0:14:06.48,0:14:07.40,CH,,0,0,0,,Compared to work..
Dialogue: 9,0:14:07.40,0:14:09.84,CH,,0,0,0,,But if I don't finish the layout checking
Dialogue: 9,0:14:09.84,0:14:11.88,CH,,0,0,0,,Then others won't be able to start with the keyframes
Dialogue: 9,0:14:11.88,0:14:14.84,CH,,0,0,0,,Ema, you're not doing any keyframe checks
Dialogue: 9,0:14:15.04,0:14:16.83,CH,,0,0,0,,There is just no time to plan...
Dialogue: 9,0:14:16.98,0:14:17.88,CH,,0,0,0,,To pick up any...
Dialogue: 9,0:14:17.88,0:14:19.97,CH,,0,0,0,,Although I want to be a keyframe animator
Dialogue: 9,0:14:19.97,0:14:22.23,CH,,0,0,0,,But with the current time schedule, there is nothing that can be done
Dialogue: 9,0:14:23.21,0:14:24.69,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Kunogi, thanks
Dialogue: 9,0:14:25.59,0:14:26.57,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm starting
Dialogue: 9,0:14:31.50,0:14:34.57,CH,,0,0,0,,It's great staying with you
Dialogue: 9,0:14:35.43,0:14:38.34,CH,,0,0,0,,An apartment with the toilet and bathroom separated is like a dream
Dialogue: 9,0:14:38.34,0:14:39.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Even the food...
Dialogue: 9,0:14:39.12,0:14:42.31,CH,,1000,0,0,,No, I can't even clean properly
Dialogue: 9,0:14:41.38,0:14:44.08,CH,,0,800,0,,Is that so? I think it's very clean
Dialogue: 9,0:14:46.29,0:14:48.20,CH,,0,0,0,,How fast is this?
Dialogue: 9,0:14:48.20,0:14:49.36,CH,,0,0,0,,Around 100km/h
Dialogue: 9,0:14:49.36,0:14:50.01,CH,,0,0,0,,And the radius?
Dialogue: 9,0:14:50.01,0:14:51.75,CH,,0,0,0,,I guess it's a but sharp
Dialogue: 9,0:14:51.75,0:14:54.47,CH,,0,0,0,,Turning at a sharp turn at 100km/h
Dialogue: 9,0:14:54.99,0:14:57.53,CH,,0,0,0,,Is the suspension a sliding pillar or a double wishbone
Dialogue: 9,0:14:57.53,0:14:58.47,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't know...
Dialogue: 9,0:14:58.47,0:15:02.75,CH,,0,0,0,,I you considered the quality of the tyre and the suspension type when designing
Dialogue: 9,0:15:02.75,0:15:06.01,CH,,0,0,0,,Then you won't ever get this kind of smooth movement
Dialogue: 9,0:15:06.54,0:15:08.87,CH,,0,0,0,,I understand what you're say Ms Toudou
Dialogue: 9,0:15:08.87,0:15:11.51,CH,,0,0,0,,But if you are going into so much details with a mob car, then we won't make it in time
Dialogue: 9,0:15:11.51,0:15:13.74,CH,,0,0,0,,Of course we need to make it in time
Dialogue: 9,0:15:13.74,0:15:14.59,CH,,800,0,0,,But before that...
Dialogue: 9,0:15:14.00,0:15:16.20,CH,,0,800,0,,My philosophy is completion first and foremost
Dialogue: 9,0:15:16.20,0:15:18.44,CH,,0,0,0,,And also, even if you want realism
Dialogue: 9,0:15:18.44,0:15:20.69,CH,,0,0,0,,There are people that will just say it's not as real as recording it with a real car
Dialogue: 9,0:15:20.69,0:15:22.63,CH,,0,0,0,,I think we need to differentiate these kinds of situations
Dialogue: 9,0:15:22.63,0:15:23.71,CH,,0,0,0,,Indeed we need to
Dialogue: 9,0:15:23.71,0:15:27.45,CH,,0,0,0,,If you purposefully left it out vs not know it, there is a difference
Dialogue: 9,0:15:28.69,0:15:30.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Then I will change it, is that fine?
Dialogue: 9,0:15:32.21,0:15:34.08,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Okudo, how are you doing?
Dialogue: 9,0:15:34.30,0:15:36.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry, it is not ready to be seen yet
Dialogue: 9,0:15:37.44,0:15:38.91,CH,,0,0,0,,Can you let me see it?
Dialogue: 9,0:15:41.74,0:15:42.84,CH,,0,0,0,,That is...
Dialogue: 9,0:15:42.97,0:15:44.01,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry
Dialogue: 9,0:15:44.01,0:15:45.87,CH,,0,0,0,,That's why I said it is not ready yet
Dialogue: 9,0:15:45.87,0:15:48.80,CH,,0,0,0,,Let me put it this way, how long till it will be complete?
Dialogue: 9,0:15:49.45,0:15:52.07,CH,,0,0,0,,I know you are very detailed in your work
Dialogue: 9,0:15:52.07,0:15:53.68,CH,,0,0,0,,But if you don't know when you will be complete...
Dialogue: 9,0:15:53.68,0:15:55.54,CH,,0,0,0,,When do you think it will be complete?
Dialogue: 9,0:15:56.20,0:15:58.28,CH,,0,0,0,,No matter what I do, you are always unsatisfied
Dialogue: 9,0:15:58.47,0:16:01.86,CH,,0,0,0,,I also don't know when I will be complete
Dialogue: 9,0:16:01.86,0:16:06.69,CH,,0,0,0,,Then how about this, when you think you are 60 percent done, then let me have a look
Dialogue: 9,0:16:06.96,0:16:09.87,CH,,0,0,0,,Polishing of the details and dues dates will be discussed then
Dialogue: 9,0:16:10.41,0:16:12.40,CH,,0,0,0,,Imai, this dialogue here
Dialogue: 9,0:16:12.40,0:16:15.80,CH,,0,0,0,,From "We should have been comrades in search of the utopia Paradia"
Dialogue: 9,0:16:15.80,0:16:17.97,CH,,0,0,0,,To "You still don't like pork chop rice"
Dialogue: 9,0:16:17.97,0:16:19.65,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't you think the emotions are all over the place
Dialogue: 9,0:16:20.05,0:16:21.00,CH,,0,0,0,,After making the resolution
Dialogue: 9,0:16:21.00,0:16:24.26,CH,,0,0,0,,Then proceeding to reminiscence about the past can be a bit confusing
Dialogue: 9,0:16:24.26,0:16:27.80,CH,,0,0,0,,That... But I think that I should follow the original work
Dialogue: 9,0:16:28.10,0:16:28.95,CH,,0,0,0,,Indeed
Dialogue: 9,0:16:28.95,0:16:32.14,CH,,0,0,0,,No, if just following the original will cause confusion in the audience, then that is also not good
Dialogue: 9,0:16:32.14,0:16:33.26,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, exactly
Dialogue: 9,0:16:33.47,0:16:35.29,CH,,0,0,0,,Do you not have your own opinion?
Dialogue: 9,0:16:35.96,0:16:37.41,CH,,0,0,0,,I thought that just writing along with the orginal work will be fine
Dialogue: 9,0:16:37.41,0:16:38.10,CH,,0,0,0,,And?
Dialogue: 9,0:16:52.39,0:16:54.34,CH,,0,0,0,,It's bitter, very bitter
Dialogue: 9,0:16:54.34,0:16:55.21,CH,,0,0,0,,Why? Why?
Dialogue: 9,0:16:55.21,0:16:56.80,CH,,0,0,0,,Everyone put in so much effort
Dialogue: 9,0:16:56.80,0:16:58.47,CH,,0,0,0,,Everyone was so happy
Dialogue: 9,0:16:58.47,0:17:00.25,CH,,0,0,0,,This world is just like that
Dialogue: 9,0:17:00.52,0:17:02.41,CH,,0,0,0,,Not everything always goes the way you want it
Dialogue: 9,0:17:02.41,0:17:04.54,CH,,0,0,0,,Wait, Roro, what happened to you?
Dialogue: 9,0:17:04.54,0:17:07.26,CH,,0,0,0,,You are a super teddy bear stuffed with love and dreams
Dialogue: 9,0:17:07.26,0:17:11.18,CH,,0,0,0,,That crescent moon on your chest represents the hope that it will one day become a full moon right?
Dialogue: 9,0:17:11.51,0:17:14.23,CH,,0,0,0,,Well, this is definitely a printing error
Dialogue: 9,0:17:23.68,0:17:25.26,CH,,0,0,0,,Aoi, it's mom
Dialogue: 9,0:17:25.26,0:17:26.17,CH,,0,0,0,,Where are you now?
Dialogue: 9,0:17:26.39,0:17:26.91,CH,,0,0,0,,Home
Dialogue: 9,0:17:26.91,0:17:28.05,CH,,0,0,0,,That's quick
Dialogue: 9,0:17:28.05,0:17:29.34,CH,,0,0,0,,Sometimes
Dialogue: 9,0:17:29.34,0:17:30.74,CH,,0,0,0,,Is there anything?
Dialogue: 9,0:17:31.67,0:17:33.65,CH,,0,0,0,,Big sis, why are you there?
Dialogue: 9,0:17:33.65,0:17:34.39,CH,,0,0,0,,Divorce
Dialogue: 9,0:17:35.04,0:17:35.81,CH,,0,0,0,,Just joking
Dialogue: 9,0:17:36.54,0:17:38.42,CH,,0,0,0,,Are you coming back for golden week?
Dialogue: 9,0:17:38.74,0:17:41.89,CH,,0,0,0,,If you are coming back, the I will arrange for Haru's birthday to happen then as well
Dialogue: 9,0:17:42.08,0:17:44.48,CH,,0,0,0,,Big sis, are you sure it is fine for her to be staying up this late?
Dialogue: 9,0:17:44.48,0:17:46.48,CH,,0,0,0,,She just woke up now
Dialogue: 9,0:17:46.67,0:17:49.34,CH,,0,0,0,,I am not even sure of my own plans so just decide without me
Dialogue: 9,0:17:49.51,0:17:50.57,CH,,0,0,0,,Oh, is that so?
Dialogue: 9,0:17:50.57,0:17:53.72,CH,,0,0,0,,It must be nice to be doing what you like and getting paid for it?
Dialogue: 9,0:17:53.72,0:17:55.68,CH,,0,0,0,,And being so busy
Dialogue: 9,0:17:55.68,0:17:56.97,CH,,0,0,0,,I envy you
Dialogue: 9,0:18:01.25,0:18:02.27,CH,,0,0,0,,She said she was just heading out
Dialogue: 9,0:18:02.57,0:18:04.65,CH,,0,0,0,,Still so busy?
Dialogue: 9,0:18:04.87,0:18:07.08,CH,,0,0,0,,Zuka, do you want some beer?
Dialogue: 9,0:18:07.47,0:18:08.39,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, thanks
Dialogue: 9,0:18:08.39,0:18:10.95,CH,,0,0,0,,You are off work, so just sit down
Dialogue: 9,0:18:10.95,0:18:13.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Exactly, you are our respectful customer
Dialogue: 9,0:18:14.69,0:18:15.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Thanks
Dialogue: 9,0:18:23.08,0:18:23.63,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay
Dialogue: 9,0:18:24.51,0:18:25.59,CH,,0,0,0,,Kept you all waiting
Dialogue: 9,0:18:25.59,0:18:26.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry I am so late
Dialogue: 9,0:18:26.93,0:18:29.19,CH_UP,,0,0,0,,Come over here Aoi, we're all waiting for you
Dialogue: 9,0:18:27.20,0:18:28.04,CH,,800,0,0,,It's been a while
Dialogue: 9,0:18:28.03,0:18:28.97,CH,,0,0,0,,You came just on time
Dialogue: 9,0:18:28.97,0:18:30.13,CH,,0,0,0,,You finished everything at work?
Dialogue: 9,0:18:30.13,0:18:30.91,CH,,0,0,0,,I guess
Dialogue: 9,0:18:30.91,0:18:31.67,CH,,0,0,0,,Then
Dialogue: 9,0:18:31.67,0:18:32.98,CH,,0,0,0,,Cheers
Dialogue: 9,0:18:39.67,0:18:41.72,CH,,0,0,0,,I so looked forward to today
Dialogue: 9,0:18:41.72,0:18:43.47,CH,,0,0,0,,I have so much to say
Dialogue: 9,0:18:43.47,0:18:44.74,CH,,0,0,0,,Me too, me too
Dialogue: 9,0:18:44.74,0:18:46.23,CH,,0,0,0,,Everyone, speak your hearts out
Dialogue: 9,0:18:46.59,0:18:50.68,CH,,0,0,0,,I think that it is just wrong to not do your best when you should be
Dialogue: 9,0:18:51.20,0:18:54.39,CH,,0,0,0,,But I feel that there are also people who think that there is no need to put in so much effort
Dialogue: 9,0:18:54.39,0:18:56.41,CH,,0,0,0,,But they should still put in their best
Dialogue: 9,0:18:56.41,0:18:58.09,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, I want to do my best
Dialogue: 9,0:18:58.09,0:19:00.36,CH,,0,0,0,,I cannot deceive myself and do things half-heartedly
Dialogue: 9,0:19:00.36,0:19:02.48,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't even know if suddenly, I just won't have a job anymore
Dialogue: 9,0:19:03.13,0:19:04.89,CH,,0,0,0,,Midori, aren't you having a great success at your job?
Dialogue: 9,0:19:04.89,0:19:07.62,CH,,0,0,0,,You're an up-and-coming star story writer
Dialogue: 9,0:19:07.62,0:19:10.57,CH,,0,0,0,,Where do you see that? I am not a story writer yet and definitely no an upcoming star
Dialogue: 9,0:19:10.57,0:19:13.57,CH,,0,0,0,,It's all because master is offloading some of his work to me else I won't even have a job
Dialogue: 9,0:19:13.57,0:19:16.41,CH,,0,0,0,,But it's only been 2 years since your debut and you have managed to get you own story to write
Dialogue: 9,0:19:16.41,0:19:18.60,CH,,0,0,0,,You wrote the script for chaper 12 all by yourself
Dialogue: 9,0:19:18.60,0:19:20.19,CH,,0,0,0,,"Peterburg and the 3 sisters", right?
Dialogue: 9,0:19:20.19,0:19:21.75,CH,,0,0,0,,It was very Midori like
Dialogue: 9,0:19:21.75,0:19:23.76,CH,,0,0,0,,The coordination between the drama and the characters
Dialogue: 9,0:19:23.76,0:19:24.64,CH,,0,0,0,,And also the annihilation at the end
Dialogue: 9,0:19:24.64,0:19:26.52,CH,,0,0,0,,Although some say that it was a violent death
Dialogue: 9,0:19:26.65,0:19:28.86,CH,,0,0,0,,As they say "A bad reputation is better than no reputation"
Dialogue: 9,0:19:29.04,0:19:29.72,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't mind it
Dialogue: 9,0:19:29.72,0:19:30.66,CH,,0,0,0,,Exactly
Dialogue: 9,0:19:30.66,0:19:32.53,CH,,0,0,0,,But if I carry on having a bad reputation
Dialogue: 9,0:19:32.53,0:19:35.63,CH,,0,0,0,,I worry that my opportunities will decrease and at the end I will end up with nothing
Dialogue: 9,0:19:40.38,0:19:42.39,CH,,0,0,0,,Zuka's programme is starting
Dialogue: 9,0:19:42.39,0:19:43.01,CH,,0,0,0,,Why?
Dialogue: 9,0:19:43.01,0:19:44.27,CH,,0,0,0,,We installed a cable TV
Dialogue: 9,0:19:44.47,0:19:48.79,CH,,0,0,0,,A custormer told us that Shizuka is on Ueura television
Dialogue: 9,0:19:48.79,0:19:50.21,CH,,0,0,0,,We watch it every week
Dialogue: 9,0:19:50.21,0:19:51.28,CH,,0,0,0,,New animation programmes!
Dialogue: 9,0:19:51.51,0:19:53.90,CH,,0,0,0,,A surprise report from Afreco Studio
Dialogue: 9,0:19:54.25,0:19:58.17,CH,,0,0,0,,Today, we are at Afreco Studio that made popular show with both a harsh world view and funny gags
Dialogue: 9,0:19:58.17,0:20:01.54,CH,,0,600,0,,"The guillotine president Peperomoko"
Dialogue: 9,0:20:01.88,0:20:05.19,CH,,0,600,0,,It is quite difficult even for some adults to sync thier voices with a picture
Dialogue: 9,0:20:05.19,0:20:06.61,CH,,0,600,0,,How did Mone find it?
Dialogue: 9,0:20:07.00,0:20:09.48,CH,,0,600,0,,This is my job, so there is no problem
Dialogue: 9,0:20:10.86,0:20:13.08,CH,,0,600,0,,Ms. Sakaki, are you a voice actress?
Dialogue: 9,0:20:13.81,0:20:15.20,CH,,0,600,0,,Yes, currently speaking
Dialogue: 9,0:20:18.08,0:20:20.24,CH,,0,0,0,,Mone sure was small and cute
Dialogue: 9,0:20:20.24,0:20:21.88,CH,,0,0,0,,Her instincts are precise and she has guts
Dialogue: 9,0:20:21.88,0:20:24.71,CH,,0,0,0,,Her mom told her to change her introverted side
Dialogue: 9,0:20:24.71,0:20:27.95,CH,,0,0,0,,And her first recording had around 50 odd retakes
Dialogue: 9,0:20:27.95,0:20:29.05,CH,,0,0,0,,That's impressive
Dialogue: 9,0:20:29.05,0:20:31.05,CH,,0,0,0,,I'd run away if it was me
Dialogue: 9,0:20:32.82,0:20:33.77,CH,,0,0,0,,We all...
Dialogue: 9,0:20:34.62,0:20:36.06,CH,,0,0,0,,Pursued our dreams
Dialogue: 9,0:20:36.37,0:20:38.01,CH,,0,0,0,,Made our dreams our jobs
Dialogue: 9,0:20:38.93,0:20:42.36,CH,,0,0,0,,But how close have we progressed towards "The Seven Lucky Gods"
Dialogue: 9,0:21:16.45,0:21:19.25,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry, I couldn't help with the Musashino job
Dialogue: 9,0:21:19.25,0:21:22.54,CH,,0,0,0,,Not at all, besides there is currently no work at Musashino
Dialogue: 9,0:21:23.07,0:21:25.58,CH,,0,0,0,,I think that it is the correct decision for Ema to leave Musashino
Dialogue: 9,0:21:26.30,0:21:28.02,CH,,0,0,0,,But if there is anything next time
Dialogue: 9,0:21:28.02,0:21:29.52,CH,,0,0,0,,I will definitely get you to come help
Dialogue: 9,0:21:29.52,0:21:30.95,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, I will
Dialogue: 9,0:21:31.38,0:21:34.32,CH,,0,0,0,,I would also like Ms. Ogasawara and Ms. Iguchi to come help
Dialogue: 9,0:21:34.49,0:21:36.19,CH,,0,0,0,,And of course, Ms. Kunogi also
Dialogue: 9,0:21:40.19,0:21:41.95,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry, I need to go pick up a call
Dialogue: 9,0:21:41.95,0:21:42.67,CH,,0,0,0,,See you next time
Dialogue: 9,0:21:46.77,0:21:47.54,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, I am Miyamori
Dialogue: 9,0:21:47.54,0:21:49.30,CH,,0,0,0,,It got through
Dialogue: 9,0:21:49.96,0:21:52.31,CH,,0,0,0,,I can't get ahold of Nabe
Dialogue: 9,0:21:52.70,0:21:54.41,CH,,0,0,0,,He said he had business outside today
Dialogue: 9,0:21:54.41,0:21:56.41,CH,,0,0,0,,At a time like this?
Dialogue: 9,0:21:56.41,0:21:58.00,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't want to live anymore
Dialogue: 9,0:21:58.00,0:21:59.30,CH,,0,0,0,,I want to die
Dialogue: 9,0:22:00.01,0:22:02.91,CH_UP,,0,0,0,,Else, I will first go and kill that bastard before I kill myself
Dialogue: 9,0:22:00.99,0:22:02.04,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Katsuragi
Dialogue: 9,0:22:02.96,0:22:04.97,CH,,0,0,0,,Please don't be rash
Dialogue: 9,0:22:05.30,0:22:06.84,CH,,0,0,0,,I am not talking about Nabe
Dialogue: 9,0:22:07.42,0:22:11.34,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Miyamori, what do think I should do?
Dialogue: 9,0:22:11.82,0:22:15.05,CH,,0,0,0,,Well, first stay alive?
Dialogue: 9,0:22:16.03,0:22:16.83,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay
Dialogue: 9,0:22:17.42,0:22:18.35,CH,,0,0,0,,I will do my best
Dialogue: 9,0:22:23.68,0:22:24.78,CH,,0,0,0,,Is there anything else?
Dialogue: 9,0:22:26.67,0:22:28.89,CH,,0,0,0,,If there is nothing, then let's conclude the meeting this morning
Dialogue: 9,0:22:30.47,0:22:31.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Nyaamori, do you have time now?
Dialogue: 9,0:22:31.79,0:22:32.36,CH,,0,0,0,,I have
Dialogue: 9,0:22:32.83,0:22:34.47,CH,,0,0,0,,I am going out for a bit, accompany me
Dialogue: 9,0:22:37.35,0:22:39.86,CH,,0,0,0,,There is no one using the meeting room at this time
Dialogue: 9,0:22:40.10,0:22:42.42,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't like being in the company
Dialogue: 9,0:22:45.41,0:22:47.35,CH,,0,0,0,,Is it related to Mr. Katsuragi?
Dialogue: 9,0:22:48.75,0:22:50.79,CH,,0,0,0,,There is nothing that I can hide from our ace
Dialogue: 9,0:22:50.79,0:22:52.38,CH,,0,0,0,,Please don't say it like that
Dialogue: 9,0:22:55.65,0:22:56.52,CH,,0,0,0,,Welcome...
Dialogue: 9,0:22:57.58,0:22:58.55,CH,,0,0,0,,So it's you guys
Dialogue: 9,0:22:58.55,0:22:59.53,CH,,0,0,0,,2 coffees
Dialogue: 9,0:22:59.87,0:23:02.23,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Watanabe, this is a bakery
Dialogue: 9,0:23:02.39,0:23:03.87,CH,,0,0,0,,Please order some cake
Dialogue: 9,0:23:03.87,0:23:05.14,CH,,0,0,0,,Is there any recommendations?
Dialogue: 9,0:23:05.14,0:23:06.80,CH,,0,0,0,,There is a lot
Dialogue: 9,0:23:06.80,0:23:10.01,CH,,0,0,0,,But according to the current season, it will be strawberry soufflé and cherry blossom swiss roll
Dialogue: 9,0:23:10.01,0:23:12.09,CH,,0,0,0,,And there is also the new macha mille-feuille
Dialogue: 9,0:23:12.09,0:23:14.31,CH,,0,0,0,,I also recommend my pride and joy, the Greece yoghurt mousse
Dialogue: 9,0:23:14.31,0:23:14.90,CH,,0,0,0,,Then I want this
Dialogue: 9,0:23:15.18,0:23:17.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Honda, isn't there a bit too much new products
Dialogue: 9,0:23:17.33,0:23:18.43,CH,,0,0,0,,It makes me happy
Dialogue: 9,0:23:18.83,0:23:21.02,CH,,0,0,0,,So happy that you I no time to slim down
Dialogue: 9,0:23:21.41,0:23:24.24,CH,,0,0,0,,I wish that there is 48 hours in a day
Dialogue: 9,0:23:24.24,0:23:26.13,CH,,0,0,0,,Then I can make even more cake
Dialogue: 9,0:23:26.13,0:23:28.02,CH,,0,0,0,,It's awesome doing something you enjoy...
Dialogue: 9,0:23:29.12,0:23:30.75,CH,,0,0,0,,Please enjoy
Dialogue: 9,0:23:31.43,0:23:35.08,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Watanabe, is this good news? Or bad news?
Dialogue: 9,0:23:35.70,0:23:36.98,CH,,0,0,0,,It depends on how you think of it
Dialogue: 9,0:23:40.94,0:23:42.39,CH,,0,0,0,,What do you think of the current Musashino?
Dialogue: 9,0:23:42.77,0:23:44.37,CH,,0,0,0,,From an animation company's perspective
Dialogue: 9,0:23:44.78,0:23:47.42,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't think that there is anything that could have been done for Musashino's current state
Dialogue: 9,0:23:47.42,0:23:50.81,CH,,0,0,0,,After the "Time Mus Incident", the company could not get any new jobs, without jobs, the staff left
Dialogue: 9,0:23:50.81,0:23:54.71,CH,,0,0,0,,It's also more difficult to find a job after the production staff resigned, it's a viscious cycle
Dialogue: 9,0:23:54.71,0:23:56.55,CH,,0,0,0,,The "Time Mus Incident"
Dialogue: 9,0:23:57.14,0:23:57.80,CH,,0,0,0,,What about you?
Dialogue: 9,0:23:58.62,0:23:59.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Not going well
Dialogue: 9,0:23:59.98,0:24:00.94,CH,,0,0,0,,Not that
Dialogue: 9,0:24:01.26,0:24:02.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Have you considered giving up?
Dialogue: 9,0:24:03.08,0:24:04.69,CH,,0,0,0,,Give up? My job?
Dialogue: 9,0:24:04.86,0:24:05.42,CH,,0,0,0,,Or the company?
Dialogue: 9,0:24:06.10,0:24:07.23,CH,,0,0,0,,Either
Dialogue: 9,0:24:07.73,0:24:10.80,CH,,0,0,0,,No, if I had to say, the company probably
Dialogue: 9,0:24:10.80,0:24:13.00,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Watanabe, are you going to dissolve Musashino?
Dialogue: 9,0:24:13.00,0:24:13.59,CH,,0,0,0,,What?
Dialogue: 9,0:24:13.59,0:24:15.63,CH,,0,0,0,,Did you guys just say galette, quiche and brioche
Dialogue: 9,0:24:15.63,0:24:16.45,CH,,0,0,0,,No we didn't
Dialogue: 9,0:24:17.14,0:24:19.59,CH,,0,0,0,,It feels like you guys have a "All is lost" expression written on your faces
Dialogue: 9,0:24:19.59,0:24:20.32,CH,,0,0,0,,No we don't
Dialogue: 9,0:24:21.03,0:24:21.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that so?
Dialogue: 9,0:24:22.46,0:24:23.45,CH,,0,0,0,,This mousse
Dialogue: 9,0:24:23.45,0:24:26.38,CH,,0,0,0,,I added a bit of lychee liqueur for a bit more taste, how is it?
Dialogue: 9,0:24:26.38,0:24:27.72,CH,,0,0,0,,I haven't eaten it yet
Dialogue: 9,0:24:27.72,0:24:30.98,CH,,0,0,0,,Really? Then eat it quickly
Dialogue: 9,0:24:31.77,0:24:34.90,CH,,0,0,0,,What is it? Please come out with it, Mr. Watanabe
Dialogue: 9,0:24:36.22,0:24:41.49,CH,,0,0,0,,For instance, if by chance Musashino had an opportunity to make an animation movie
Dialogue: 9,0:24:41.91,0:24:42.43,CH,,0,0,0,,What will you do?
Dialogue: 9,0:24:43.86,0:24:44.67,CH,,0,0,0,,Animation movie?
Dialogue: 9,0:24:45.08,0:24:47.16,CH,,0,0,0,,Is the movie you are talking about the one that is screened in a movie theatre
Dialogue: 9,0:24:47.16,0:24:48.98,CH,,0,0,0,,What else can it be?
Dialogue: 9,0:24:49.18,0:24:49.96,CH,,0,0,0,,As a subcontractor?
Dialogue: 9,0:24:51.17,0:24:52.05,CH,,0,0,0,,Or a primary contractor?
Dialogue: 9,0:24:52.70,0:24:55.48,CH,,0,0,0,,As a primary contractor making an animation movie
Dialogue: 9,0:24:59.58,0:25:01.94,CH,,0,0,0,,All is, all is
Dialogue: 9,0:25:02.14,0:25:03.91,CH,,0,0,0,,All, all, all, all is
Dialogue: 9,0:25:04.13,0:25:05.61,CH,,0,0,0,,All, all, all, all, all...
Dialogue: 9,0:25:10.67,0:25:12.15,CH,,0,0,0,,I will come again this Friday
Dialogue: 9,0:25:12.72,0:25:14.16,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, thanks for your work
Dialogue: 9,0:25:15.34,0:25:17.30,CH,,0,0,0,,For instance, making this
Dialogue: 9,0:25:28.03,0:25:28.92,CH,,0,600,0,,When is the scree...
Dialogue: 9,0:25:28.05,0:25:29.02,CH,,600,0,0,,That's how it is
Dialogue: 9,0:25:30.82,0:25:33.84,CH,,0,0,0,,It is currently 2019 towards the end of April
Dialogue: 9,0:25:34.08,0:25:34.76,CH,,0,0,0,,I know
Dialogue: 9,0:25:34.76,0:25:36.44,CH,,0,0,0,,There is only 10 months left
Dialogue: 9,0:25:36.77,0:25:37.40,CH,,0,0,0,,I know
Dialogue: 9,0:25:37.64,0:25:39.51,CH,,0,0,0,,A movie and not to mention it's original
Dialogue: 9,0:25:39.51,0:25:41.41,CH,,0,0,0,,The least you need is 2 years
Dialogue: 9,0:25:42.66,0:25:44.10,CH,,0,0,0,,Do you want to see the previous PV?
Dialogue: 9,0:25:44.74,0:25:45.53,CH,,0,0,0,,Previous?
Dialogue: 9,0:26:25.41,0:26:27.43,CH,,0,0,0,,Hey, Miyamori
Dialogue: 9,0:26:28.81,0:26:29.58,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Takanashi?
Dialogue: 9,0:26:29.58,0:26:30.34,CH,,0,0,0,,Why are you...
Dialogue: 9,0:26:30.34,0:26:31.23,CH,,0,0,0,,Do you have time now?
Dialogue: 9,0:26:31.23,0:26:32.24,CH,,0,0,0,,No
Dialogue: 9,0:26:32.24,0:26:33.62,CH,,800,0,0,,I am going to The Born for collection
Dialogue: 9,0:26:33.62,0:26:35.00,CH,,800,0,0,,And then need to go to where Marukawa president is...
Dialogue: 9,0:26:33.62,0:26:35.68,CH,,0,800,0,,So we are heading in the same direction
Dialogue: 9,0:26:35.68,0:26:37.25,CH,,0,0,0,,Take me to Atax then
Dialogue: 9,0:26:37.45,0:26:38.36,CH,,0,0,0,,Why?
Dialogue: 9,0:26:38.36,0:26:39.39,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, okay
Dialogue: 9,0:26:39.95,0:26:42.47,CH,,0,0,0,,I am gonna tell Ms. Okitsu
Dialogue: 9,0:26:42.89,0:26:44.09,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm not scared
Dialogue: 9,0:26:44.09,0:26:45.77,CH,,0,0,0,,And Ms. Yano
Dialogue: 9,0:26:46.49,0:26:48.37,CH,,0,0,0,,She is currently in her hometown and won't be able to make it
Dialogue: 9,0:26:48.37,0:26:49.56,CH,,0,0,0,,Start driving
Dialogue: 9,0:26:52.66,0:26:56.39,CH,,0,0,0,,So nostalgic, this is something I broke
Dialogue: 9,0:26:57.84,0:26:59.35,CH,,0,0,0,,Miyamori, what are you currently doing?
Dialogue: 9,0:26:59.35,0:27:01.48,CH,,0,0,0,,What else can I be doing, I am making animations
Dialogue: 9,0:27:01.69,0:27:02.83,CH,,0,0,0,,I would like to ask you, what are you doing
Dialogue: 9,0:27:03.48,0:27:05.31,CH,,0,0,0,,Of course I am making animations passionately
Dialogue: 9,0:27:05.31,0:27:07.37,CH,,0,0,0,,"White evit angel - The gospel and Nihono"
Dialogue: 9,0:27:07.37,0:27:11.05,CH,,0,0,0,,So you say, but I heard that you got in trouble with  Michigai director recently
Dialogue: 9,0:27:11.05,0:27:12.65,CH,,0,0,0,,That is not trouble
Dialogue: 9,0:27:12.65,0:27:15.49,CH,,0,0,0,,It's a conflict between geniuses, a clash between power and talent
Dialogue: 9,0:27:15.67,0:27:17.36,CH,,0,0,0,,Also, we reached an understanding towards the end
Dialogue: 9,0:27:17.93,0:27:18.47,CH,,0,0,0,,Stop
Dialogue: 9,0:27:19.02,0:27:20.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Stop at the bus stop there
Dialogue: 9,0:27:22.99,0:27:24.97,CH,,0,0,0,,Dai, get on
Dialogue: 9,0:27:24.97,0:27:27.07,CH,,0,0,0,,Miyamori says she will give us a ride
Dialogue: 9,0:27:27.07,0:27:27.77,CH,,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 9,0:27:28.51,0:27:30.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Then excuse me
Dialogue: 9,0:27:30.75,0:27:33.09,CH,,0,0,0,,Busy with a job at Atax?
Dialogue: 9,0:27:33.25,0:27:34.42,CH,,0,0,0,,No, nothing
Dialogue: 9,0:27:34.42,0:27:36.01,CH,,0,0,0,,More precisely, only going there now
Dialogue: 9,0:27:36.01,0:27:37.85,CH,,0,0,0,,Didn't you already receive a job?
Dialogue: 9,0:27:37.85,0:27:41.42,CH,,0,0,0,,No, only bringing a proposal to someone I know there
Dialogue: 9,0:27:41.42,0:27:42.90,CH,,0,0,0,,Not the makers?
Dialogue: 9,0:27:43.31,0:27:45.47,CH,,0,0,0,,With no-names like us
Dialogue: 9,0:27:45.47,0:27:48.28,CH,,0,0,0,,As if we will pass through if we go there all of a sudden
Dialogue: 9,0:27:48.64,0:27:50.87,CH,,0,0,0,,It is more efficient to go through the working offices
Dialogue: 9,0:27:50.87,0:27:56.07,CH,,0,0,0,,At the end, those big companies can only take on projects that are conservative
Dialogue: 9,0:27:56.07,0:27:59.63,CH,,0,0,0,,But our project is a bit too ahead of itself
Dialogue: 9,0:27:59.63,0:28:02.18,CH,,0,0,0,,No company wants to make a loss
Dialogue: 9,0:28:02.18,0:28:06.75,CH,,0,0,0,,On top of that, recently some products that you thought was going to make it, has no traction at all
Dialogue: 9,0:28:06.95,0:28:08.13,CH,,0,0,0,,There are some
Dialogue: 9,0:28:08.13,0:28:11.53,CH,,0,0,0,,Our target is to make something satisfying the expectations but at the same time exceeding them
Dialogue: 9,0:28:11.53,0:28:12.66,CH,,0,0,0,,What kind of project is that?
Dialogue: 9,0:28:12.66,0:28:13.92,CH,,0,0,0,,You wanna know? Don't copy it
Dialogue: 9,0:28:13.92,0:28:15.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Why would I copy it?
Dialogue: 9,0:28:15.19,0:28:18.31,CH,,0,0,0,,Which one should I choose? I recommend this sci-fi group drama project
Dialogue: 9,0:28:18.31,0:28:19.66,CH,,0,0,0,,I have brought over 5 copies of it today
Dialogue: 9,0:28:19.93,0:28:20.81,CH,,0,0,0,,5 copies?
Dialogue: 9,0:28:20.81,0:28:23.70,CH,,0,0,0,,"The space station in a completely locked state"
Dialogue: 9,0:28:23.87,0:28:25.68,CH,,0,0,0,,Where there is a sudden murder
Dialogue: 9,0:28:25.68,0:28:27.25,CH,,0,0,0,,A surreal dying message
Dialogue: 9,0:28:27.25,0:28:29.24,CH,,0,0,0,,Filled with drama and mystery
Dialogue: 9,0:28:29.24,0:28:29.76,CH,,0,0,0,,How is it?
Dialogue: 9,0:28:30.13,0:28:32.40,CH,,0,0,0,,Are these projects all serious?
Dialogue: 9,0:28:32.40,0:28:33.56,CH,,0,0,0,,You are so rude
Dialogue: 9,0:28:33.56,0:28:35.54,CH,,0,0,0,,Well, they a declined a lot
Dialogue: 9,0:28:35.54,0:28:37.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Or more like, all of them are declined
Dialogue: 9,0:28:37.33,0:28:40.07,CH,,0,0,0,,It is only because the times are behind us
Dialogue: 9,0:28:40.07,0:28:42.80,CH,,0,0,0,,I have seen tons of people saying that only to end up with nothing
Dialogue: 9,0:28:42.80,0:28:44.69,CH,,0,0,0,,Today I have confidence
Dialogue: 9,0:28:44.69,0:28:46.92,CH,,0,0,0,,The horoscope this morning said that blood type A was at the top
Dialogue: 9,0:28:46.92,0:28:48.82,CH,,0,0,0,,But Dai's blood type B was at the bottom
Dialogue: 9,0:28:48.82,0:28:50.42,CH,,0,0,0,,Then it's zero with both of us combined
Dialogue: 9,0:28:50.61,0:28:52.46,CH,,0,0,0,,Here is just fine, we will get off here
Dialogue: 9,0:28:52.74,0:28:53.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Thanks Miyamori
Dialogue: 9,0:28:53.89,0:28:57.56,CH,,0,0,0,,You should be proud that you gave Taro Takanashi a ride today
Dialogue: 9,0:28:57.56,0:28:58.45,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, okay
Dialogue: 9,0:28:58.45,0:29:00.64,CH,,0,0,0,,But, on the other hand, if you become a big-shot
Dialogue: 9,0:29:00.64,0:29:04.03,CH,,0,0,0,,Just having you be my taxi is something worth bragging about
Dialogue: 9,0:29:04.03,0:29:05.75,CH,,0,0,0,,What you just said is more likely
Dialogue: 9,0:29:05.75,0:29:07.71,CH,,0,0,0,,What rubbish are you saying?
Dialogue: 9,0:29:07.88,0:29:08.84,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm leaving
Dialogue: 9,0:29:10.06,0:29:10.85,CH,,0,0,0,,You were a great help
Dialogue: 9,0:29:11.13,0:29:11.74,CH,,0,0,0,,Thanks
Dialogue: 9,0:29:12.03,0:29:12.75,CH,,0,0,0,,No problem
Dialogue: 9,0:29:12.99,0:29:14.00,CH,,0,0,0,,Musashino…
Dialogue: 9,0:29:14.89,0:29:17.48,CH,,0,0,0,,I wish all the luck comes your way
Dialogue: 9,0:29:18.09,0:29:18.94,CH,,0,0,0,,Thanks
Dialogue: 9,0:29:18.94,0:29:20.98,CH,,0,0,0,,It you have time, why don't you try making a project
Dialogue: 9,0:29:20.98,0:29:23.74,CH,,0,0,0,,"The Seven Lucky Gods", is that what it was called? Isn't making that your dream?
Dialogue: 9,0:29:24.76,0:29:26.31,CH,,0,0,0,,Midori Imai's interview
Dialogue: 9,0:29:26.31,0:29:28.26,CH,,0,0,0,,That one in "Peterburg", I read it
Dialogue: 9,0:29:28.26,0:29:30.57,CH,,0,0,0,,That is something from back then, when I was in high school
Dialogue: 9,0:29:30.57,0:29:33.75,CH,,0,0,0,,Although there is a lot of troublesome, frustrating things
Dialogue: 9,0:29:33.75,0:29:37.43,CH,,0,0,0,,But if there is something you want to do, then you should try to struggle towards it
Dialogue: 9,0:29:37.95,0:29:40.13,CH,,0,0,0,,If you don't, then nothing will start
Dialogue: 9,0:29:40.13,0:29:43.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Nothing will change, that is what I think
Dialogue: 9,0:29:54.32,0:29:57.40,CH,,0,0,0,,From this instance, cancel all productions
Dialogue: 9,0:30:07.17,0:30:08.08,CH,,0,0,0,,Hi
Dialogue: 9,0:30:09.57,0:30:11.32,CH,,0,0,0,,Morning Ms. Miyamori
Dialogue: 9,0:30:14.06,0:30:15.18,CH,,0,0,0,,Do you want to eat anything?
Dialogue: 9,0:30:19.80,0:30:20.97,CH,,0,0,0,,Please get me curry
Dialogue: 9,0:30:23.81,0:30:25.02,CH,,0,0,0,,Here you go
Dialogue: 9,0:30:25.90,0:30:26.74,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm starting
Dialogue: 9,0:30:55.04,0:30:57.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Is today's curry a bit too chilly?
Dialogue: 9,0:30:59.94,0:31:02.29,CH,,0,0,0,,Nope, tastes the same
Dialogue: 9,0:31:02.60,0:31:05.75,CH,,0,0,0,,It's the prez curry that you have always been making us
Dialogue: 9,0:31:05.75,0:31:07.11,CH,,0,0,0,,Do you want another bowl?
Dialogue: 9,0:31:08.07,0:31:08.60,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes
Dialogue: 9,0:31:09.27,0:31:12.76,CH,,0,0,0,,I am concerned if I can still produce the same taste as I did before
Dialogue: 9,0:31:13.56,0:31:17.49,CH,,0,0,0,,Because there was a period where I just could not get the motivation to make curry
Dialogue: 9,0:31:19.87,0:31:23.18,CH,,0,0,0,,When you say stop, you actually mean delay right?
Dialogue: 9,0:31:23.35,0:31:26.20,CH,,0,0,0,,No, stop everything, we cannot continue doing it
Dialogue: 9,0:31:26.56,0:31:28.19,CH,,0,0,0,,The broadcast is also cancelled
Dialogue: 9,0:31:28.38,0:31:29.26,CH,,0,0,0,,Why?
Dialogue: 9,0:31:29.26,0:31:32.51,CH,,0,0,0,,It seems like Trap Inc. did not give us the go ahead with the project
Dialogue: 9,0:31:32.86,0:31:34.65,CH,,0,0,0,,Even though they just had a change of president last month
Dialogue: 9,0:31:34.65,0:31:37.20,CH,,0,0,0,,And frantically had a project meeting with us
Dialogue: 9,0:31:37.20,0:31:39.47,CH,,0,0,0,,But at the end, they still could not provide the funds to sponsor this project
Dialogue: 9,0:31:39.66,0:31:42.99,CH,,0,0,0,,The plan to air Musashino's orginal animation at the start of January
Dialogue: 9,0:31:42.99,0:31:47.02,CH,,0,0,0,,"Time Hippopotamus" will be cancelled
Dialogue: 9,0:31:47.24,0:31:49.62,CH,,0,0,0,,But the drawing are already on episode 8
Dialogue: 9,0:31:49.62,0:31:52.50,CH,,0,0,0,,Stop everything, please immediately relay this to the rest of the production staff
Dialogue: 9,0:31:52.50,0:31:56.14,CH,,0,0,0,,Then what will happen to episode 6 part C's, I poured all our efforts into it
Dialogue: 9,0:31:56.14,0:31:57.89,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry, you can use it next time
Dialogue: 9,0:31:57.89,0:32:01.02,CH,,0,0,0,,Even if Trap is unavailable, can we not look for other companies?
Dialogue: 9,0:32:01.02,0:32:03.81,CH,,0,0,0,,The characters orginally came from Trap
Dialogue: 9,0:32:03.81,0:32:06.69,CH,,0,0,0,,It would be difficult to reason with in both a good conscience and in terms of lawfulness
Dialogue: 9,0:32:07.25,0:32:10.36,CH,,0,0,0,,To avoid this point and look for another company
Dialogue: 9,0:32:11.34,0:32:14.50,CH,,0,0,0,,I will put together a list of people and salaries that need to be paid
Dialogue: 9,0:32:16.53,0:32:17.34,CH,,0,0,0,,Shit
Dialogue: 9,0:32:21.31,0:32:22.10,CH,,0,0,0,,Director
Dialogue: 9,0:32:27.27,0:32:28.92,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm fine
Dialogue: 9,0:32:28.92,0:32:30.83,CH,,0,0,0,,There is nothing that can be done but stop the production
Dialogue: 9,0:32:31.73,0:32:35.53,CH,,0,0,0,,But everyone put in so much effort
Dialogue: 9,0:32:36.12,0:32:39.95,CH,,0,0,0,,Eveyone, from directing, to arts, to animations, to colouring and to recording
Dialogue: 9,0:32:40.64,0:32:42.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Everyone together made something so good
Dialogue: 9,0:32:43.39,0:32:45.96,CH,,0,0,0,,Something extraordinary
Dialogue: 9,0:32:47.28,0:32:49.84,CH,,0,0,0,,Tritan, Tategami, Isui
Dialogue: 9,0:32:50.10,0:32:52.45,CH,,0,0,0,,What are they going to do after this?
Dialogue: 9,0:32:53.18,0:32:57.60,CH,,0,0,0,,Just when we met up with Claudio, and things were just about to start...
Dialogue: 9,0:33:05.55,0:33:06.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry
Dialogue: 9,0:33:06.90,0:33:09.40,CH,,0,0,0,,It's all makers we have had a lot of cooperations with
Dialogue: 9,0:33:09.40,0:33:11.01,CH,,0,0,0,,"TWO PIECE" was a huge success as well
Dialogue: 9,0:33:11.01,0:33:13.03,CH,,0,0,0,,Maybe things just became overconfident
Dialogue: 9,0:33:14.23,0:33:17.12,CH,,0,0,0,,That was Musashino's best schedule in history ever
Dialogue: 9,0:33:17.61,0:33:20.35,CH,,0,0,0,,To have already made 2 episodes 3 months before screening
Dialogue: 9,0:33:21.47,0:33:23.50,CH,,0,0,0,,Although it was all a waste at the end
Dialogue: 9,0:33:23.67,0:33:25.11,CH,,0,0,0,,The contract was not signed
Dialogue: 9,0:33:25.11,0:33:28.15,CH,,0,0,0,,And we started on the production when the production expenses was not even received
Dialogue: 9,0:33:28.48,0:33:29.82,CH,,0,0,0,,It's my fault
Dialogue: 9,0:33:30.00,0:33:33.00,CH,,0,0,0,,No, the one working the hardest was you president
Dialogue: 9,0:33:33.26,0:33:35.58,CH,,0,0,0,,It was all because of you that we did not go bankrupt
Dialogue: 9,0:33:35.58,0:33:38.26,CH,,0,0,0,,But we are back at rock bottom again
Dialogue: 9,0:33:38.71,0:33:40.63,CH,,0,0,0,,Although we are currently just barely keeping afloat
Dialogue: 9,0:33:40.63,0:33:41.84,CH,,0,0,0,,But we can definitely launch off
Dialogue: 9,0:33:42.20,0:33:43.25,CH,,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 9,0:33:43.25,0:33:44.41,CH,,0,0,0,,Musashino will make a comeback
Dialogue: 9,0:33:45.54,0:33:46.42,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that so?
Dialogue: 9,0:33:47.74,0:33:51.01,CH,,0,0,0,,If the president could come back then that will be even better
Dialogue: 9,0:33:51.25,0:33:52.71,CH,,0,0,0,,That won't do
Dialogue: 9,0:33:54.15,0:33:56.60,CH,,0,0,0,,My decision to leave the company
Dialogue: 9,0:33:56.60,0:33:58.56,CH,,0,0,0,,That was the condition
Dialogue: 9,0:33:58.81,0:34:01.62,CH,,0,0,0,,This allowed the company to survive, and allowed me to have a peace of mind
Dialogue: 9,0:34:02.36,0:34:07.06,CH,,0,0,0,,Also, you will be using new methods to produce new animations from now on
Dialogue: 9,0:34:07.06,0:34:08.82,CH,,0,0,0,,That is necessary
Dialogue: 9,0:34:09.34,0:34:10.67,CH,,0,0,0,,New animation...
Dialogue: 9,0:34:11.01,0:34:14.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Why did you decide to make animations
Dialogue: 9,0:34:15.67,0:34:16.85,CH,,0,0,0,,That is because...
Dialogue: 9,0:34:17.45,0:34:20.95,CH,,0,0,0,,I like animations and the people involved in animations
Dialogue: 9,0:34:22.48,0:34:23.30,CH,,0,0,0,,And
Dialogue: 9,0:34:26.08,0:34:29.38,CH,,0,0,0,,To make animations because you like it, that is something important
Dialogue: 9,0:34:29.67,0:34:31.55,CH,,0,0,0,,But having the passion is not everything
Dialogue: 9,0:34:31.85,0:34:34.12,CH,,0,0,0,,What kind of animation do you want to make?
Dialogue: 9,0:34:34.12,0:34:36.07,CH,,0,0,0,,What do you want to do by making it?
Dialogue: 9,0:34:36.39,0:34:39.71,CH,,0,0,0,,If you do not consider these, you will undoubtedly fail one day
Dialogue: 9,0:34:41.42,0:34:46.39,CH,,0,0,0,,I hope, Ms. Miyamori, that you guys can be confident and responsible on making animations
Dialogue: 9,0:34:46.75,0:34:49.56,CH,,0,0,0,,Make something full of passion, love and amibition
Dialogue: 9,0:34:49.56,0:34:54.06,CH,,0,0,0,,Make yourself grow during the process and make the audience enjoy the animation
Dialogue: 9,0:34:54.45,0:34:58.33,CH,,0,0,0,,I hope that the current you can set foot on the unknown future
Dialogue: 9,0:34:58.33,0:35:03.59,CH,,0,0,0,,And let your efforts become a benchmark for the next generation
Dialogue: 9,0:35:03.75,0:35:06.58,CH,,0,0,0,,I look forward to such a product
Dialogue: 9,0:35:07.67,0:35:08.65,CH,,0,0,0,,Benchmark
Dialogue: 9,0:35:09.51,0:35:10.45,CH,,0,0,0,,Exactly
Dialogue: 9,0:35:10.73,0:35:14.08,CH,,0,0,0,,It is not the time to be idle and reminiscence of the past
Dialogue: 9,0:35:14.85,0:35:17.93,CH,,0,0,0,,You guys must move forward continuously
Dialogue: 9,0:40:05.28,0:40:08.57,CH,,0,0,0,,Nabe, Ms. Miyamori, thanks for coming
Dialogue: 9,0:40:08.57,0:40:10.82,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm glad that you guys came
Dialogue: 9,0:40:10.82,0:40:12.61,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry about last time Ms. Miyamori
Dialogue: 9,0:40:12.61,0:40:13.98,CH,,0,0,0,,No need, there is no problem
Dialogue: 9,0:40:13.98,0:40:17.04,CH,,0,0,0,,Also sorry in advance for what is to come
Dialogue: 9,0:40:17.49,0:40:18.41,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm having blend coffee
Dialogue: 9,0:40:18.85,0:40:20.32,CH,,0,0,0,,I also want some blend coffee
Dialogue: 9,0:40:20.32,0:40:21.24,CH,,0,0,0,,Excuse me
Dialogue: 9,0:40:21.24,0:40:22.99,CH,,0,0,0,,Please, I would like to place an order
Dialogue: 9,0:40:22.99,0:40:25.93,CH,,0,0,0,,The sandwich and cheesecake here is delicious
Dialogue: 9,0:40:25.93,0:40:27.62,CH,,0,0,0,,I will definitely be having some, do you also want?
Dialogue: 9,0:40:27.62,0:40:28.83,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm fine
Dialogue: 9,0:40:28.83,0:40:31.11,CH,,0,0,0,,Such a shame, it's so delicious
Dialogue: 9,0:40:41.37,0:40:42.15,CH,,0,0,0,,Where's the continuation?
Dialogue: 9,0:40:42.41,0:40:43.45,CH,,0,0,0,,This is all there is
Dialogue: 9,0:40:47.22,0:40:49.39,CH,,0,0,0,,You tricked me
Dialogue: 9,0:40:49.93,0:40:51.99,CH,,0,0,0,,Wait a minute, Mr. Katsuragi
Dialogue: 9,0:40:51.99,0:40:53.43,CH,,0,0,0,,What trick? There is no such thing
Dialogue: 9,0:40:53.43,0:40:57.09,CH,,0,0,0,,It's you guys that said you guys were busy doing it, but in reality there is nothing
Dialogue: 9,0:40:57.09,0:40:57.88,CH,,0,0,0,,Call the director over
Dialogue: 9,0:40:57.88,0:41:00.89,CH,,0,0,0,,It's the director that said "No need for a screenwriter just start directly from the storyboard"
Dialogue: 9,0:41:01.02,0:41:02.39,CH,,0,0,0,,How did it come to this?
Dialogue: 9,0:41:02.39,0:41:04.45,CH,,0,0,0,,Because he is also busy
Dialogue: 9,0:41:04.45,0:41:07.11,CH,,0,0,0,,And it is impossible for him to pour all his time in here
Dialogue: 9,0:41:07.11,0:41:11.02,CH,,0,0,0,,That's why I said, if time is a problem then discuss it with me
Dialogue: 9,0:41:11.02,0:41:12.66,CH,,0,0,0,,But all you guys do is say "It's fine we will complete it"
Dialogue: 9,0:41:12.66,0:41:14.79,CH,,0,0,0,,Please also understand how we feel
Dialogue: 9,0:41:14.79,0:41:17.13,CH,,0,0,0,,If we said "We can't complete it", then that will bother you guys
Dialogue: 9,0:41:17.13,0:41:18.31,CH,,0,0,0,,I am being considerate here
Dialogue: 9,0:41:18.31,0:41:20.05,CH,,0,0,0,,Who needs that kind of consideration
Dialogue: 9,0:41:20.05,0:41:21.66,CH,,0,800,0,,I want the storyboard
Dialogue: 9,0:41:20.92,0:41:23.47,CH,,800,0,0,,Okay, okay, we also wanted to finish it
Dialogue: 9,0:41:23.47,0:41:26.52,CH,,0,0,0,,I've given you guys 2 years, what do you mean "You also wanted to finish it"?
Dialogue: 9,0:41:26.52,0:41:28.84,CH,,0,0,0,,Now that it's come to this, there is something I also want to say
Dialogue: 9,0:41:28.84,0:41:31.54,CH,,0,0,0,,Your company's previous producer, Mr. Mikebuchi
Dialogue: 9,0:41:31.54,0:41:34.05,CH,,0,0,0,,Isn't his budget estimations way under budgeted
Dialogue: 9,0:41:34.05,0:41:36.76,CH,,0,0,0,,SIVA cannot be produced with that kind of budget
Dialogue: 9,0:41:37.28,0:41:41.23,CH,,0,0,0,,Now... Now that it's come to this...
Dialogue: 9,0:41:41.23,0:41:43.11,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, yes, yes, I know, I know
Dialogue: 9,0:41:43.11,0:41:45.79,CH,,0,0,0,,I will be right there, okay, okay
Dialogue: 9,0:41:46.23,0:41:48.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry Mr. Katsuragi
Dialogue: 9,0:41:48.19,0:41:50.54,CH,,0,0,0,,Let's wrap things up here, I have another appointment later
Dialogue: 9,0:41:51.90,0:41:52.97,CH,,0,0,0,,Made me wait for 2 years
Dialogue: 9,0:41:52.97,0:41:55.99,CH,,0,0,0,,Was the agreement not to be completed 1 year before the screening
Dialogue: 9,0:41:55.99,0:41:58.07,CH,,0,0,0,,Please wait 1 more month
Dialogue: 9,0:41:58.07,0:42:01.30,CH,,0,0,0,,After waiting so long, a month or 2 makes no difference
Dialogue: 9,0:42:01.30,0:42:03.05,CH,,0,0,0,,There is a difference
Dialogue: 9,0:42:03.05,0:42:07.43,CH,,0,0,0,,But, depending on the revised budget, there may just be a plan
Dialogue: 9,0:42:07.43,0:42:09.91,CH,,0,0,0,,Please assist me with regards to that
Dialogue: 9,0:42:09.91,0:42:13.96,CH,,0,0,0,,I now understand what it feels like to seethe in anger
Dialogue: 9,0:42:14.64,0:42:16.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Thank you for that time
Dialogue: 9,0:42:16.19,0:42:19.26,CH,,0,0,0,,If Ms. Miyamori did not encourage me, I have no idea what would have happened
Dialogue: 9,0:42:19.26,0:42:20.54,CH,,0,0,0,,Did I encourage you?
Dialogue: 9,0:42:21.21,0:42:22.64,CH,,0,0,0,,To have Nabe with me
Dialogue: 9,0:42:22.64,0:42:26.01,CH,,0,0,0,,No, it's great to have Ms. Miyamori around
Dialogue: 9,0:42:26.53,0:42:28.74,CH,,0,0,0,,I have completely taken over the project from GPU
Dialogue: 9,0:42:28.74,0:42:31.28,CH,,0,0,0,,I know it will be tiring, but please work hard on the animation movie
Dialogue: 9,0:42:31.48,0:42:32.00,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay
Dialogue: 9,0:42:32.00,0:42:34.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Make the president of GPU cry
Dialogue: 9,0:42:34.70,0:42:36.79,CH,,0,0,0,,Make somethng that will awe the world
Dialogue: 9,0:42:36.79,0:42:37.09,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay
Dialogue: 9,0:42:37.09,0:42:39.34,CH,,0,0,0,,And make them regret...
Dialogue: 9,0:42:40.88,0:42:41.36,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay
Dialogue: 9,0:42:42.66,0:42:44.00,CH,,0,0,0,,Did you hear, Nabe
Dialogue: 9,0:42:44.00,0:42:45.79,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Miyamori said okay
Dialogue: 9,0:42:45.79,0:42:46.87,CH,,0,0,0,,She said it
Dialogue: 9,0:42:47.04,0:42:48.58,CH,,0,0,0,,Oh, now I feel relieved
Dialogue: 9,0:42:48.58,0:42:49.77,CH,,0,0,0,,I can die anytime
Dialogue: 9,0:42:50.55,0:42:51.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Thanks
Dialogue: 9,0:42:55.13,0:42:56.37,CH,,0,0,0,,She is Miyai
Dialogue: 9,0:42:56.59,0:43:00.11,CH,,0,0,0,,Regarding this project, she will be taking over her predecessor, Mikebuchi
Dialogue: 9,0:43:00.35,0:43:03.30,CH,,0,0,0,,I am Miyai, pleased to meet you
Dialogue: 9,0:43:03.65,0:43:04.83,CH,,0,0,0,,Is she in charge of cleaning up the mess?
Dialogue: 9,0:43:05.00,0:43:08.06,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, because Mikebuchi has resigned
Dialogue: 9,0:43:08.82,0:43:11.95,CH,,0,0,0,,Then leave the rest of the boring negotiations to us old people
Dialogue: 9,0:43:12.69,0:43:15.40,CH,,0,0,0,,The young ones don't need to be part of it today
Dialogue: 9,0:43:16.26,0:43:18.78,CH,,0,0,0,,I have some things I want to confirm with you
Dialogue: 9,0:43:18.78,0:43:19.25,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm listening
Dialogue: 9,0:43:19.47,0:43:21.20,CH,,0,0,0,,Will we become a prime contractor?
Dialogue: 9,0:43:21.20,0:43:21.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes
Dialogue: 9,0:43:21.95,0:43:25.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Does everyone in the production committee know this?
Dialogue: 9,0:43:25.82,0:43:26.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes
Dialogue: 9,0:43:26.69,0:43:27.87,CH,,0,0,0,,Is it completely original?
Dialogue: 9,0:43:27.87,0:43:28.37,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes
Dialogue: 9,0:43:28.74,0:43:29.49,CH,,0,0,0,,And the title?
Dialogue: 9,0:43:29.49,0:43:31.61,CH,,0,0,0,,"Aerial Assault Landing Ship SIVA"
Dialogue: 9,0:43:31.79,0:43:32.59,CH,,0,0,0,,Can't we change it?
Dialogue: 9,0:43:32.59,0:43:34.40,CH,,0,0,0,,It's already been made public
Dialogue: 9,0:43:34.61,0:43:35.36,CH,,0,0,0,,And the length of the film?
Dialogue: 9,0:43:35.36,0:43:36.61,CH,,0,0,0,,Around 90 minutes
Dialogue: 9,0:43:36.74,0:43:37.69,CH,,0,0,0,,When will the screening happen?
Dialogue: 9,0:43:37.69,0:43:39.31,CH,,0,0,0,,February 2020
Dialogue: 9,0:43:39.46,0:43:40.27,CH,,0,0,0,,What about the staff?
Dialogue: 9,0:43:40.27,0:43:41.94,CH,,0,0,0,,That I leave to Musashino to take care of
Dialogue: 9,0:43:42.16,0:43:43.00,CH,,0,0,0,,Understood
Dialogue: 9,0:43:43.21,0:43:44.60,CH,,0,0,0,,Then today...
Dialogue: 9,0:43:44.90,0:43:45.77,CH,,0,0,0,,Today...
Dialogue: 9,0:43:46.64,0:43:48.52,CH,,0,0,0,,Want do join me for some food?
Dialogue: 9,0:43:48.66,0:43:49.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Only for a bit
Dialogue: 9,0:43:50.61,0:43:52.10,CH,,0,0,0,,Damn it
Dialogue: 9,0:43:53.57,0:43:57.50,CH,,0,0,0,,Why did he abandon his own project and run to another company?
Dialogue: 9,0:43:57.50,0:43:58.17,CH,,0,0,0,,Die
Dialogue: 9,0:43:58.33,0:44:00.63,CH,,0,0,0,,Company relationships sure are complicated
Dialogue: 9,0:44:00.73,0:44:03.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Exactly what I wanted to say
Dialogue: 9,0:44:03.19,0:44:05.22,CH,,0,0,0,,To be frank, it is very casual and very shit
Dialogue: 9,0:44:08.07,0:44:09.55,CH,,0,0,0,,I know, I know Ms. Miyai
Dialogue: 9,0:44:09.55,0:44:12.04,CH,,0,0,0,,This feels like fighting a losing battle, who likes to do it, dumbass
Dialogue: 9,0:44:12.04,0:44:13.11,CH,,0,0,0,,Idiot prick
Dialogue: 9,0:44:13.11,0:44:15.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Defeat, annihilation, comeback
Dialogue: 9,0:44:15.82,0:44:17.42,CH,,0,0,0,,Exactly, let's make a comeback
Dialogue: 9,0:44:17.77,0:44:19.60,CH,,0,0,0,,At the 9th inning with 2 out and 10 point difference
Dialogue: 9,0:44:19.85,0:44:22.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Then with a 2 minute extension in the latter half with 3 points behind
Dialogue: 9,0:44:22.93,0:44:24.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Then attaining victory at the end
Dialogue: 9,0:44:24.62,0:44:25.77,CH,,0,0,0,,Victory
Dialogue: 9,0:44:26.01,0:44:27.63,CH_UP,,0,0,0,,Let them see
Dialogue: 9,0:44:27.63,0:44:28.51,CH_UP,,0,0,0,,Let them witness
Dialogue: 9,0:44:37.38,0:44:38.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Morning
Dialogue: 9,0:44:38.77,0:44:40.02,CH,,0,0,0,,Morning
Dialogue: 9,0:44:41.39,0:44:44.03,CH,,0,0,0,,There is an important announcement today
Dialogue: 9,0:44:44.38,0:44:49.06,CH,,0,0,0,,This time Musashino Animation will make an animation movie
Dialogue: 9,0:44:51.55,0:44:53.84,CH,,0,0,0,,"Aerial Assault Landing Ship"?
Dialogue: 9,0:44:54.00,0:44:55.55,CH,,0,0,0,,Where is the script and storyboard?
Dialogue: 9,0:44:55.55,0:44:56.36,CH,,0,0,0,,Starting it now
Dialogue: 9,0:44:56.72,0:44:57.72,CH,,0,0,0,,I thought so
Dialogue: 9,0:44:57.95,0:44:59.35,CH,,0,0,0,,Is it sci-fi?
Dialogue: 9,0:44:59.35,0:45:01.32,CH,,0,0,0,,No need for the question, it is indeed sci-fi
Dialogue: 9,0:45:01.70,0:45:03.68,CH,,0,0,0,,From where should we start?
Dialogue: 9,0:45:03.83,0:45:06.00,CH,,0,0,0,,Now that you mention it, only the title is definite
Dialogue: 9,0:45:06.26,0:45:07.87,CH,,0,0,0,,Firstly, it's the content
Dialogue: 9,0:45:07.87,0:45:11.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Thinking normally, it should be action
Dialogue: 9,0:45:11.12,0:45:13.34,CH,,0,0,0,,Emotional? Comedy? Philosophical?
Dialogue: 9,0:45:13.46,0:45:16.03,CH,,0,0,0,,No matter what, there is no escaping sci-fi
Dialogue: 9,0:45:16.12,0:45:20.63,CH,,0,0,0,,In the title "Aerial Assault Landing Ship", does the aerial mean in space?
Dialogue: 9,0:45:20.77,0:45:22.11,CH,,0,0,0,,Or does it just mean floating about
Dialogue: 9,0:45:22.11,0:45:23.56,CH,,0,0,0,,And also, what is SIVA?
Dialogue: 9,0:45:23.69,0:45:24.71,CH,,0,0,0,,The name of the ship?
Dialogue: 9,0:45:24.71,0:45:25.99,CH,,0,0,0,,No, the name of the operation?
Dialogue: 9,0:45:25.99,0:45:27.64,CH,,0,0,0,,Maybe it's an acronym of something
Dialogue: 9,0:45:27.64,0:45:30.24,CH,,0,0,0,,It could even be some God's name? Or some subconscious entity?
Dialogue: 9,0:45:30.24,0:45:32.71,CH,,0,0,0,,But, the most important thing currently
Dialogue: 9,0:45:32.71,0:45:34.46,CH,,0,0,0,,Should be the time available and the main themes
Dialogue: 9,0:45:34.59,0:45:35.38,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes
Dialogue: 9,0:45:35.70,0:45:37.48,CH,,0,0,0,,That's got me thinking
Dialogue: 9,0:45:39.23,0:45:43.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Can we use the ideas for "Time Hippopotamus" here?
Dialogue: 9,0:45:44.57,0:45:45.41,CH,,0,0,0,,Time Mus?
Dialogue: 9,0:45:45.68,0:45:47.70,CH,,0,0,0,,That's a story about drifting in space-time
Dialogue: 9,0:45:47.70,0:45:49.93,CH,,0,0,0,,The MC is someone from the near future
Dialogue: 9,0:45:50.18,0:45:53.22,CH,,0,0,0,,Of course, I am not saying to make the same thing again
Dialogue: 9,0:45:53.63,0:45:57.28,CH,,0,0,0,,But that is something we did not complete
Dialogue: 9,0:45:57.28,0:45:58.98,CH,,0,0,0,,I get the feeling that we can do it now
Dialogue: 9,0:45:59.57,0:46:01.14,CH,,0,0,0,,I want to give it a try
Dialogue: 9,0:46:01.66,0:46:03.64,CH,,0,0,0,,Then that means the director will be...
Dialogue: 9,0:46:04.27,0:46:05.77,CH,,0,0,0,,Though there is not much time left
Dialogue: 9,0:46:06.02,0:46:09.80,CH,,0,0,0,,But I think that this is a chance for Mr. Kinoshita Musashino to take revenge for last time
Dialogue: 9,0:46:10.09,0:46:13.94,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't think it is a good idea to be working with such a negative reason
Dialogue: 9,0:46:14.23,0:46:15.36,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry
Dialogue: 9,0:46:15.69,0:46:18.97,CH,,0,0,0,,Please do produce something that will be passed down generations from now
Dialogue: 9,0:46:19.15,0:46:19.99,CH,,0,0,0,,Go do it with passion
Dialogue: 9,0:46:21.02,0:46:23.40,CH,,0,0,0,,No matter what you do on a job
Dialogue: 9,0:46:23.40,0:46:26.42,CH,,0,0,0,,The harder you work, the more empty you become
Dialogue: 9,0:46:27.46,0:46:29.86,CH,,0,0,0,,If you are going to become empty. there is no meaning in doing anything
Dialogue: 9,0:46:30.23,0:46:33.22,CH,,0,0,0,,If there is no meaning, then rather not do it
Dialogue: 9,0:46:33.46,0:46:35.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Are you fine with your life?
Dialogue: 9,0:46:35.90,0:46:37.50,CH,,0,0,0,,Who knows?
Dialogue: 9,0:46:38.03,0:46:40.66,CH,,0,0,0,,I do not care anymore
Dialogue: 9,0:46:40.66,0:46:41.61,CH,,0,0,0,,How can you say that?
Dialogue: 9,0:46:41.61,0:46:44.02,CH,,0,0,0,,My life has always been like this
Dialogue: 9,0:46:45.18,0:46:48.23,CH,,0,0,0,,If it feels like it starts getting better, then the harder it will fail
Dialogue: 9,0:46:48.56,0:46:50.79,CH,,0,0,0,,No matter how much work is done, it is all pointless
Dialogue: 9,0:46:50.79,0:46:52.13,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't give up
Dialogue: 9,0:46:52.13,0:46:53.97,CH,,0,0,0,,I can't not give up
Dialogue: 9,0:46:54.08,0:46:56.05,CH,,0,0,0,,I did get carried away the first time
Dialogue: 9,0:46:56.43,0:46:59.48,CH,,0,0,0,,But the second time, I did not do anything wrong
Dialogue: 9,0:46:59.62,0:47:01.40,CH,,0,0,0,,That's why, give it another try
Dialogue: 9,0:47:01.40,0:47:01.92,CH,,0,0,0,,No
Dialogue: 9,0:47:02.06,0:47:03.69,CH,,0,0,0,,I feel like I will still fail
Dialogue: 9,0:47:03.69,0:47:04.40,CH,,0,0,0,,You won't
Dialogue: 9,0:47:04.58,0:47:06.36,CH,,0,0,0,,Be anxious, be nervous, tackle it with a mindset that you will get your revenge
Dialogue: 9,0:47:06.36,0:47:08.88,CH,,0,0,0,,Work that is produced in a rush will always fails
Dialogue: 9,0:47:09.06,0:47:11.12,CH,,0,0,0,,If it fails this time then it is over
Dialogue: 9,0:47:11.12,0:47:13.04,CH,,0,0,0,,It won't fail, do you best
Dialogue: 9,0:47:13.04,0:47:13.92,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't like the title
Dialogue: 9,0:47:13.92,0:47:14.51,CH,,0,0,0,,Change...
Dialogue: 9,0:47:14.97,0:47:16.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Changing it is impossible
Dialogue: 9,0:47:16.62,0:47:17.69,CH,,0,0,0,,Why is that?
Dialogue: 9,0:47:17.97,0:47:19.31,CH,,0,0,0,,Because of a Shiba Inu
Dialogue: 9,0:47:19.57,0:47:22.05,CH,,0,0,0,,I am very fond of it, but my wife took it away
Dialogue: 9,0:47:22.33,0:47:24.83,CH,,0,0,0,,I even gave it the name "Seira" for "Seiichi Sakura"
Dialogue: 9,0:47:25.49,0:47:26.71,CH,,0,0,0,,"Seira"!
Dialogue: 9,0:47:26.71,0:47:28.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Seira is definitely happy right now
Dialogue: 9,0:47:28.70,0:47:30.04,CH,,0,0,0,,Of course I know that
Dialogue: 9,0:47:30.04,0:47:32.54,CH,,0,0,0,,I understand, but it is meaningless if you can't see it again
Dialogue: 9,0:47:32.54,0:47:35.04,CH,,0,0,0,,What I don't like, I just don't like
Dialogue: 9,0:47:36.06,0:47:37.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Please wait
Dialogue: 9,0:47:37.12,0:47:37.76,CH,,0,0,0,,Not waiting
Dialogue: 9,0:47:41.75,0:47:42.56,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry...
Dialogue: 9,0:47:43.37,0:47:44.43,CH,,0,0,0,,Honda?
Dialogue: 9,0:47:44.71,0:47:45.43,CH,,0,0,0,,Director?
Dialogue: 9,0:47:45.96,0:47:48.29,CH,,0,0,0,,It's something only Mr. Kinoshita can do it
Dialogue: 9,0:47:48.45,0:47:50.40,CH,,0,0,0,,Did you tell everyone the same thing
Dialogue: 9,0:47:50.40,0:47:51.00,CH,,0,0,0,,I did
Dialogue: 9,0:47:51.00,0:47:51.54,CH,,0,0,0,,See?
Dialogue: 9,0:47:51.54,0:47:52.09,CH,,0,0,0,,But
Dialogue: 9,0:47:52.44,0:47:55.15,CH,,0,0,0,,With regards to the incident this time, I only said it to you
Dialogue: 9,0:47:56.45,0:47:57.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Montblanc
Dialogue: 9,0:47:59.13,0:48:01.90,CH,,0,0,0,,Mont Blanc is the name of the tallest mountain in Europe
Dialogue: 9,0:48:02.06,0:48:03.39,CH,,0,0,0,,If you do not have the courage to take on the challenge
Dialogue: 9,0:48:03.39,0:48:07.77,CH,,0,0,0,,You have no right to enjoy this cake that is only bestowed upon the honourable
Dialogue: 9,0:48:08.31,0:48:10.45,CH,,0,0,0,,What is it about your loose stomach?
Dialogue: 9,0:48:10.71,0:48:12.11,CH,,0,0,0,,Aren't you the same...
Dialogue: 9,0:48:12.11,0:48:13.67,CH,,0,0,0,,I am a nimble fatty
Dialogue: 9,0:48:13.67,0:48:15.30,CH,,0,0,0,,And I can make cakes
Dialogue: 9,0:48:15.30,0:48:16.88,CH,,0,0,0,,What about you?
Dialogue: 9,0:48:16.88,0:48:17.37,CH,,0,0,0,,I am...
Dialogue: 9,0:48:17.37,0:48:18.75,CH,,0,0,0,,You are just a fatty
Dialogue: 9,0:48:18.89,0:48:19.73,CH,,0,0,0,,I am...
Dialogue: 9,0:48:19.73,0:48:20.69,CH,,0,0,0,,A fatty director
Dialogue: 9,0:48:20.69,0:48:21.74,CH,,0,0,0,,Did you say I am fat?
Dialogue: 9,0:48:21.74,0:48:23.90,CH,,0,0,0,,Director, let's climb this mountain
Dialogue: 9,0:48:24.15,0:48:26.60,CH,,0,0,0,,It is not the time to be standing still, reflecting on the past
Dialogue: 9,0:48:26.60,0:48:27.86,CH,,0,0,0,,You must move forward
Dialogue: 9,0:48:28.44,0:48:30.53,CH,,0,0,0,,Well, that is what the previous prez said
Dialogue: 9,0:48:30.85,0:48:31.98,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Marukawa?
Dialogue: 9,0:48:32.41,0:48:32.96,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes
Dialogue: 9,0:48:36.07,0:48:37.58,CH,,0,0,0,,I understand
Dialogue: 9,0:48:38.14,0:48:38.81,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay
Dialogue: 9,0:48:44.21,0:48:47.55,CH,,0,0,0,,I did not accept this because of the montblanc
Dialogue: 9,0:48:47.55,0:48:48.41,CH,,0,0,0,,I know
Dialogue: 9,0:48:48.41,0:48:51.24,CH,,0,0,0,,If Mr. Maitake agrees, then I will do it
Dialogue: 9,0:48:51.24,0:48:53.04,CH,,0,0,0,,But he definitely won't agree
Dialogue: 9,0:48:53.04,0:48:53.83,CH,,0,0,0,,That's fine
Dialogue: 9,0:48:55.17,0:48:56.02,CH,,0,0,0,,Why?
Dialogue: 9,0:48:56.02,0:48:57.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Why why?
Dialogue: 9,0:48:57.12,0:49:00.48,CH,,0,0,0,,Because I can see the once dead "Time Mus" come back to life
Dialogue: 9,0:49:00.66,0:49:02.43,CH,,0,0,0,,I have no reason to refuse
Dialogue: 9,0:49:03.14,0:49:04.20,CH,,0,0,0,,Director, it's your turn
Dialogue: 9,0:49:06.24,0:49:08.11,CH,,0,0,0,,Do we still have the docuements?
Dialogue: 9,0:49:11.49,0:49:14.54,CH,,0,0,0,,I brought over all the documents up until the 2nd draft of chapter 11
Dialogue: 9,0:49:15.04,0:49:16.35,CH,,0,0,0,,Including all images
Dialogue: 9,0:49:16.81,0:49:18.24,CH,,0,0,0,,Thanks, it will be useful
Dialogue: 9,0:49:21.22,0:49:24.04,CH,,0,0,0,,Oh yeah, this is where it ends
Dialogue: 9,0:49:24.21,0:49:28.39,CH,,0,0,0,,At the right end, Isui get injured and loses conscience
Dialogue: 9,0:49:28.39,0:49:31.70,CH,,0,0,0,,With 2 chapters remaining, how did I plan to end it?
Dialogue: 9,0:49:42.36,0:49:44.37,CH,,0,0,0,,I will read it over again
Dialogue: 9,0:49:44.37,0:49:46.80,CH,,0,0,0,,How do I make use of...
Dialogue: 9,0:49:49.70,0:49:50.64,CH,,0,0,0,,I will think about it when I work on it later
Dialogue: 9,0:50:01.48,0:50:02.46,CH,,0,0,0,,Director
Dialogue: 9,0:50:03.28,0:50:04.42,CH,,0,0,0,,Could it be that?
Dialogue: 9,0:50:04.58,0:50:04.97,CH,,0,0,0,,SIVA...
Dialogue: 9,0:50:04.97,0:50:06.78,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm ashamed to say, I'm back
Dialogue: 9,0:50:07.07,0:50:08.64,CH,,0,0,0,,Let me assist as well
Dialogue: 9,0:50:08.76,0:50:09.39,CH,,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 9,0:50:10.29,0:50:14.27,CH,,0,0,0,,Although it's a shame that the Musashino trio could not all come back
Dialogue: 9,0:50:14.99,0:50:16.34,CH,,0,0,0,,You talking about Yamada?
Dialogue: 9,0:50:16.34,0:50:17.94,CH,,0,0,0,,He finally became a master baker
Dialogue: 9,0:50:17.94,0:50:20.06,CH,,0,0,0,,It's indeed hard for him to come back
Dialogue: 9,0:50:20.49,0:50:23.68,CH,,0,0,0,,Madoka, you will also one day leave your nest and fly away from me
Dialogue: 9,0:50:23.68,0:50:25.00,CH,,0,0,0,,Congratulations you bastard
Dialogue: 9,0:50:25.00,0:50:27.24,CH,,0,0,0,,Where am I going to flap my wings to?
Dialogue: 9,0:50:27.24,0:50:29.37,CH,,0,0,0,,But I will do my best
Dialogue: 9,0:50:29.56,0:50:32.30,CH,,0,0,0,,Director, regarding the character and mechanical designs
Dialogue: 9,0:50:32.47,0:50:35.63,CH,,0,0,0,,I am hoping you can immediately appoint someone so that I can finalise the schedule
Dialogue: 9,0:50:35.63,0:50:39.02,CH,,0,0,0,,Indeed, everyone will be comrades in arms
Dialogue: 9,0:50:40.09,0:50:44.58,CH,,0,0,0,,From me personally, I would like Mr. Endou to handle the mechanicals
Dialogue: 9,0:50:44.88,0:50:48.10,CH,,0,0,0,,The designs with "Time Mus" was handled by Mr. Endo and Ms. Iguchi afterall
Dialogue: 9,0:50:48.10,0:50:50.21,CH,,0,0,0,,Can you get a hold of Endo?
Dialogue: 9,0:50:50.42,0:50:51.01,CH,,0,0,0,,No
Dialogue: 9,0:50:51.17,0:50:52.31,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that so?
Dialogue: 9,0:50:52.31,0:50:55.58,CH,,0,0,0,,He did put a lot of effort into "Time Mus" afterall
Dialogue: 9,0:50:57.27,0:51:00.08,CH,,0,0,0,,I also haven't been in contact with him
Dialogue: 9,0:51:00.25,0:51:01.24,CH,,0,0,0,,I see
Dialogue: 9,0:51:01.24,0:51:04.85,CH,,0,0,0,,I heard that he messes up wherever he goes and he gets into arguments with others
Dialogue: 9,0:51:05.17,0:51:07.64,CH,,0,0,0,,He probably hasn't been doing any jobs recently
Dialogue: 9,0:51:07.80,0:51:10.86,CH,,0,0,0,,Musashino also tried contacting hima a couple of times
Dialogue: 9,0:51:11.02,0:51:13.19,CH,,0,0,0,,I do think  that "Time Mus" was a shame
Dialogue: 9,0:51:13.46,0:51:16.40,CH,,0,0,0,,But it's no reason for you to give up on yourself
Dialogue: 9,0:51:17.43,0:51:21.38,CH,,0,0,0,,I feel like men are generally weak in these areas
Dialogue: 9,0:51:21.95,0:51:24.23,CH,,0,0,0,,For this case, is Ms. Iguchi available?
Dialogue: 9,0:51:24.38,0:51:25.09,CH,,0,0,0,,I can
Dialogue: 9,0:51:25.09,0:51:25.60,CH,,0,0,0,,Thanks...
Dialogue: 9,0:51:25.60,0:51:27.28,CH,,0,0,0,,Although I'd like to promise that I can do it
Dialogue: 9,0:51:27.49,0:51:30.27,CH,,0,0,0,,But the periods clash with my other jobs
Dialogue: 9,0:51:31.21,0:51:34.17,CH,,0,0,0,,I can handle the character designs but I won't be able to do the animation supervision
Dialogue: 9,0:51:34.55,0:51:35.90,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that still okay?
Dialogue: 9,0:51:36.99,0:51:38.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, it's fine
Dialogue: 9,0:51:38.64,0:51:39.83,CH,,0,0,0,,Then I will do it
Dialogue: 9,0:51:40.01,0:51:41.09,CH,,0,0,0,,Thank you
Dialogue: 9,0:51:44.11,0:51:45.71,CH,,0,0,0,,Though it is a bit early
Dialogue: 9,0:51:50.49,0:51:52.50,CH,,0,0,0,,No, it's not like that
Dialogue: 9,0:51:52.91,0:51:54.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Indeed
Dialogue: 9,0:51:55.05,0:51:58.45,CH,,0,0,0,,I understand that you are here to invite me to be the chief animation director for the new animation
Dialogue: 9,0:51:58.82,0:52:03.03,CH,,0,0,0,,But I am currently only accepting keyframe jobs
Dialogue: 9,0:52:03.35,0:52:04.18,CH,,0,0,0,,Why?
Dialogue: 9,0:52:04.68,0:52:08.63,CH,,0,0,0,,The ideal animator profession that I have in mind, is someone that makes drawings move
Dialogue: 9,0:52:09.20,0:52:11.55,CH,,0,0,0,,If I do not imporve my ability to make drawings move now
Dialogue: 9,0:52:11.87,0:52:15.47,CH,,0,0,0,,I understand myself enough to know that 10 to 20 years in the future, I will regret it
Dialogue: 9,0:52:15.75,0:52:17.21,CH,,0,0,0,,So I want to focus now
Dialogue: 9,0:52:17.49,0:52:19.09,CH,,0,0,0,,20 years later...
Dialogue: 9,0:52:19.87,0:52:22.30,CH,,0,0,0,,As opposed to... it is weird saying this
Dialogue: 9,0:52:22.68,0:52:24.72,CH,,0,0,0,,Am I allowed to join as a key animator?
Dialogue: 9,0:52:25.12,0:52:28.05,CH,,0,0,0,,I would definitely want to accept a job from Musashino after so long
Dialogue: 9,0:52:29.38,0:52:30.58,CH,,0,0,0,,Thank you
Dialogue: 9,0:52:31.15,0:52:33.90,CH,,0,0,0,,Can the section before the OP be temprorary set as is?
Dialogue: 9,0:52:34.35,0:52:36.86,CH,,0,0,0,,Then, let's move on to the storyboard
Dialogue: 9,0:52:37.31,0:52:38.35,CH,,0,0,0,,I will do my best
Dialogue: 9,0:52:38.35,0:52:39.67,CH,,0,0,0,,It may be a bit late to say this
Dialogue: 9,0:52:39.67,0:52:41.88,CH,,0,0,0,,Can you help me gather information related to nattos
Dialogue: 9,0:52:41.88,0:52:43.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Things like the origin and the distribution of it around the world
Dialogue: 9,0:52:43.62,0:52:45.67,CH,,0,0,0,,Understood, I will hand it over tomorrow morning
Dialogue: 9,0:52:45.94,0:52:47.29,CH,,0,0,0,,I want to confirm with the director
Dialogue: 9,0:52:47.49,0:52:49.64,CH,,0,0,0,,The scene out at sea battling with the giant octopus
Dialogue: 9,0:52:49.64,0:52:52.53,CH,,0,0,0,,There is no doubt about the landing ship, but is the octopus also done using CG?
Dialogue: 9,0:52:52.53,0:52:54.00,CH,,0,0,0,,What to do?
Dialogue: 9,0:52:54.00,0:52:55.08,CH,,0,0,0,,Is it possible with CG?
Dialogue: 9,0:52:55.08,0:52:56.52,CH,,0,0,0,,Is it possible to change it to something else?
Dialogue: 9,0:52:56.52,0:52:58.02,CH,,0,0,0,,A giant lobster or a killer whale
Dialogue: 9,0:52:58.02,0:53:00.30,CH,,0,0,0,,Lobsters are tasty
Dialogue: 9,0:53:00.30,0:53:03.47,CH,,0,0,0,,Won't it be difficult to do an object that has a mixture of hard and soft parts
Dialogue: 9,0:53:03.47,0:53:06.80,CH,,0,0,0,,Indeed, when the octopus destroys the landing ship and the interiors are seen
Dialogue: 9,0:53:06.80,0:53:10.48,CH,,0,0,0,,And the scene where all kinds of shards scatter from the explosion, these will definitely consume some time
Dialogue: 9,0:53:10.63,0:53:12.47,CH,,0,0,0,,Then continue with the octopus
Dialogue: 9,0:53:12.47,0:53:14.27,CH,,0,0,0,,Understood, I need to go gather some materials
Dialogue: 9,0:53:14.27,0:53:15.63,CH,,0,0,0,,I will gather related images
Dialogue: 9,0:53:15.83,0:53:17.16,CH,,0,0,0,,What else is there?
Dialogue: 9,0:53:18.52,0:53:22.31,CH,,0,0,0,,Then lets end the meeting today
Dialogue: 9,0:53:22.45,0:53:24.63,CH,,0,0,0,,Thank you everyone for being here today
Dialogue: 9,0:53:24.63,0:53:26.43,CH,,0,0,0,,Please have me in your care again
Dialogue: 9,0:53:26.53,0:53:27.86,CH,,0,0,0,,It's a pleasure to have you
Dialogue: 9,0:53:27.86,0:53:31.51,CH,,0,0,0,,Also, the storyboard and the directing cannot be done by the director alone
Dialogue: 9,0:53:31.51,0:53:32.99,CH,,0,0,0,,I am considering letting around 3 people to work on it together
Dialogue: 9,0:53:33.32,0:53:35.20,CH,,0,0,0,,Director, is that fine?
Dialogue: 9,0:53:35.42,0:53:36.96,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry that I am too slow
Dialogue: 9,0:53:37.18,0:53:39.43,CH,,0,0,0,,But except for Mr. Madoka, there is currently no other candidates
Dialogue: 9,0:53:39.43,0:53:42.03,CH,,0,0,0,,What about the animation director? I hope that there is 3 of them
Dialogue: 9,0:53:42.03,0:53:44.50,CH,,0,0,0,,I am currently considering to choose Ms. Segawa and...
Dialogue: 9,0:53:45.00,0:53:45.69,CH,,0,0,0,,What about Endo?
Dialogue: 9,0:53:46.23,0:53:46.77,CH,,0,0,0,,Not yet
Dialogue: 9,0:53:48.94,0:53:51.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Can I get Ms. Yasuhara to be the animation director?
Dialogue: 9,0:53:52.43,0:53:55.40,CH,,0,0,0,,She has definitely been building up experience in this area
Dialogue: 9,0:53:55.40,0:53:57.71,CH,,0,0,0,,And she has worked togther with Ms. Iguchi and the director for a while now
Dialogue: 9,0:53:57.71,0:53:59.19,CH,,0,0,0,,I think it's a good fit and also...
Dialogue: 9,0:53:59.55,0:54:00.34,CH,,0,0,0,,It's good
Dialogue: 9,0:54:00.63,0:54:01.57,CH,,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 9,0:54:02.65,0:54:05.80,CH,,0,0,0,,At the beginning of next week, I will be ready with the environment setting
Dialogue: 9,0:54:06.05,0:54:08.74,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry for making you wait
Dialogue: 9,0:54:08.87,0:54:12.24,CH,,0,0,0,,No problem, I am also busy moving things over from Grape
Dialogue: 9,0:54:12.24,0:54:12.83,CH,,0,0,0,,So I am not in a hurry
Dialogue: 9,0:54:13.02,0:54:15.10,CH,,0,0,0,,The animator director, is it already decided to be Ms. Segawa?
Dialogue: 9,0:54:15.10,0:54:17.53,CH,,0,0,0,,There is just some tuning that still needs to be done with the schedule
Dialogue: 9,0:54:18.85,0:54:19.58,CH,,0,0,0,,Understood
Dialogue: 9,0:54:19.96,0:54:21.48,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, thanks for your efforts
Dialogue: 9,0:54:34.07,0:54:35.38,CH,,0,0,0,,Thank you for your patronage
Dialogue: 9,0:54:35.83,0:54:36.84,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry for the wait
Dialogue: 9,0:54:37.10,0:54:37.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Welcome
Dialogue: 9,0:54:41.75,0:54:43.55,CH,,0,0,0,,Isn't this a common occurrence
Dialogue: 9,0:54:44.04,0:54:47.99,CH,,0,0,0,,What you want to do, what you can do, and what is being given to you to do is all different
Dialogue: 9,0:54:48.17,0:54:49.26,CH,,0,0,0,,Indeed
Dialogue: 9,0:54:49.26,0:54:50.35,CH,,0,0,0,,So what are you trying to say?
Dialogue: 9,0:54:50.73,0:54:52.81,CH,,0,0,0,,I am glad that I could find a job
Dialogue: 9,0:54:53.04,0:54:57.78,CH,,0,0,0,,I also feel that if I work hard now, people will notice my efforts
Dialogue: 9,0:54:58.08,0:55:00.75,CH,,0,0,0,,But on the other hand, I am worried if this will continue
Dialogue: 9,0:55:00.75,0:55:02.82,CH,,0,0,0,,That I am just following the flow, it worries me
Dialogue: 9,0:55:05.00,0:55:08.39,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Sakaki, my husband is really too much
Dialogue: 9,0:55:08.39,0:55:11.14,CH,,0,0,0,,That child is just crying over there and he refuses to even offer to pick him up
Dialogue: 9,0:55:11.31,0:55:13.87,CH,,0,0,0,,I am already having a headache
Dialogue: 9,0:55:13.87,0:55:16.13,CH,,0,0,0,,If the kid is crying, "Does he need a change of diapers or does he need milk?"
Dialogue: 9,0:55:16.13,0:55:18.19,CH,,0,0,0,,These are the things you would generally consider
Dialogue: 9,0:55:18.19,0:55:20.78,CH,,0,0,0,,I am already upset that I do not even want to speak to him for the rest of the day
Dialogue: 9,0:55:20.78,0:55:23.31,CH,,0,0,0,,Then when he opens his mouth, the only thing he says is "Where is lunch?"
Dialogue: 9,0:55:24.37,0:55:25.98,CH,,0,0,0,,Then ask him for assistance
Dialogue: 9,0:55:26.27,0:55:29.33,CH,,0,0,0,,"I will feed him, you pick him up"
Dialogue: 9,0:55:29.61,0:55:33.20,CH,,0,0,0,,Or say something like, "I have a headache now, can you take care of the child?"
Dialogue: 9,0:55:33.20,0:55:35.98,CH,,0,0,0,,But it will be depressing if he refuses
Dialogue: 9,0:55:35.98,0:55:38.16,CH,,0,0,0,,At least you spoke up
Dialogue: 9,0:55:38.16,0:55:39.64,CH,,0,0,0,,First you must express what you think
Dialogue: 9,0:55:42.57,0:55:43.46,CH,,0,0,0,,I guess you are right
Dialogue: 9,0:55:44.05,0:55:47.22,CH,,0,0,0,,An agency and its voice actresses are like a married couple
Dialogue: 9,0:55:47.41,0:55:49.99,CH,,0,0,0,,You must treat each other like a dense husband
Dialogue: 9,0:55:50.60,0:55:51.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes
Dialogue: 9,0:55:51.53,0:55:53.35,CH,,0,0,0,,But the difference from being a married couple
Dialogue: 9,0:55:53.35,0:55:56.91,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that, Shizuka, you must hold yourself responsible to the decisions you make
Dialogue: 9,0:55:57.08,0:55:58.63,CH,,0,0,0,,No matter if the result is a success or not
Dialogue: 9,0:55:59.48,0:56:02.59,CH,,0,0,0,,If you have the confidence and resolution, then go and do it
Dialogue: 9,0:56:03.43,0:56:05.35,CH,,0,0,0,,Confidence and resolution
Dialogue: 9,0:56:35.77,0:56:40.13,CH,,0,0,0,,You are still like always when you the move "Spin of earth", you will pause for a second
Dialogue: 9,0:56:40.43,0:56:44.02,CH,,0,0,0,,The same to you Segawa, you used used to release combos with no gaps in between
Dialogue: 9,0:56:45.60,0:56:47.08,CH,,0,0,0,,Why aren't you picking up your phone?
Dialogue: 9,0:56:47.08,0:56:48.40,CH,,0,0,0,,Because I don't want to
Dialogue: 9,0:56:48.40,0:56:49.85,CH,,0,0,0,,Why not?
Dialogue: 9,0:56:49.85,0:56:51.30,CH,,0,0,0,,There is no reason
Dialogue: 9,0:56:51.40,0:56:53.27,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't want to pick up so I didn't
Dialogue: 9,0:56:53.27,0:56:53.99,CH,,0,0,0,,You are running away from the situation
Dialogue: 9,0:56:53.99,0:56:54.67,CH,,0,0,0,,No, I'm not
Dialogue: 9,0:56:54.67,0:56:55.92,CH,,0,0,0,,You are
Dialogue: 9,0:56:56.22,0:56:57.78,CH,,0,0,0,,Then what about you?
Dialogue: 9,0:56:57.78,0:56:58.42,CH,,0,0,0,,No specific reason
Dialogue: 9,0:56:58.42,0:56:59.81,CH,,0,0,0,,You're being a bother to me
Dialogue: 9,0:56:59.81,0:57:03.42,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't think I need your permission to be here
Dialogue: 9,0:57:03.42,0:57:05.65,CH,,0,0,0,,So there is also no need for a reason for me being here
Dialogue: 9,0:57:05.65,0:57:08.79,CH,,0,0,0,,You are just the same as you always have been, just suddenly becoming so difficult
Dialogue: 9,0:57:08.79,0:57:10.89,CH,,0,0,0,,Please don't be so aggressive when speaking
Dialogue: 9,0:57:10.89,0:57:12.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Then don't worry people around you
Dialogue: 9,0:57:12.82,0:57:14.97,CH,,0,0,0,,Please don't speak in such a condescending manner, it's annoying
Dialogue: 9,0:57:14.97,0:57:18.52,CH,,0,0,0,,Then don't cause problems for people around you and do your job
Dialogue: 9,0:57:18.52,0:57:20.68,CH,,0,0,0,,Letting Mayumi do all the working, even though you still have a loan to pay off
Dialogue: 9,0:57:20.68,0:57:22.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't you feel ashamed
Dialogue: 9,0:57:23.22,0:57:25.54,CH,,0,0,0,,My family affairs are of no concern to you
Dialogue: 9,0:57:26.03,0:57:28.60,CH,,0,0,0,,I still have a lot of things I have yet to say
Dialogue: 9,0:57:28.60,0:57:30.82,CH,,0,0,0,,My lifestyle is of my concern and are of no concern to you
Dialogue: 9,0:57:30.82,0:57:31.68,CH,,0,0,0,,You call that a lifestyle?
Dialogue: 9,0:57:31.68,0:57:33.42,CH,,0,0,0,,Are you sure you have a life?
Dialogue: 9,0:57:33.42,0:57:36.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Always living in your past regrets, as if you can create anything with that
Dialogue: 9,0:57:36.70,0:57:38.42,CH,,0,0,0,,Are you not just letting yourself rot over time?
Dialogue: 9,0:57:38.42,0:57:39.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Are you fine with this?
Dialogue: 9,0:57:39.93,0:57:42.27,CH,,0,0,0,,Enough, you are annoying Ms. Segawa
Dialogue: 9,0:57:42.78,0:57:44.36,CH,,0,0,0,,If you are so discontent after a single refusal
Dialogue: 9,0:57:44.36,0:57:47.43,CH,,0,0,0,,Why not use that discontent to motivate you on your next job
Dialogue: 9,0:57:47.56,0:57:48.68,CH,,0,0,0,,A dumbass like you
Dialogue: 9,0:57:48.68,0:57:52.03,CH,,0,0,0,,Should just continue being dicontent in their little corner with no one to blame and continue feeling depressed
Dialogue: 9,0:57:52.47,0:57:52.98,CH,,0,0,0,,Dumbass
Dialogue: 9,0:57:56.17,0:57:58.37,CH,,0,0,0,,What happened? Did failed?
Dialogue: 9,0:57:58.37,0:58:01.21,CH,,0,0,0,,I think I hurted Endo's feeling
Dialogue: 9,0:58:02.33,0:58:03.98,CH,,0,0,0,,Just seeing this whole situation makes me anxious
Dialogue: 9,0:58:04.28,0:58:08.01,CH,,0,0,0,,That's why when Shimoyanagi asked me, I thought that I should do something
Dialogue: 9,0:58:08.50,0:58:10.81,CH,,0,0,0,,Ultimately, all I did was act like someone all high-and-mighty
Dialogue: 9,0:58:11.32,0:58:14.47,CH,,0,0,0,,I think Mr. Endo is also regretting it now
Dialogue: 9,0:58:14.95,0:58:18.31,CH,,0,0,0,,I am always so harsh when it comes to the truth
Dialogue: 9,0:58:18.57,0:58:20.27,CH,,0,0,0,,Even though peope have told me about it before
Dialogue: 9,0:58:20.61,0:58:21.59,CH,,0,0,0,,There is no such thing...
Dialogue: 9,0:58:25.24,0:58:29.17,CH,,0,0,0,,For an animal like a octopus, if there is even the slightest bit of gap, it can escape
Dialogue: 9,0:58:29.17,0:58:30.36,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't you think it's amazing
Dialogue: 9,0:58:30.60,0:58:31.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't care
Dialogue: 9,0:58:32.02,0:58:35.84,CH,,0,0,0,,I am the type that won't act unless I fully understand it
Dialogue: 9,0:58:36.05,0:58:37.13,CH,,0,0,0,,Are you really talking about work?
Dialogue: 9,0:58:37.41,0:58:39.34,CH,,0,0,0,,A while back, I just finished making a huge centipede
Dialogue: 9,0:58:39.34,0:58:40.54,CH,,0,0,0,,It was challenging
Dialogue: 9,0:58:40.69,0:58:41.39,CH,,0,0,0,,Isn't that normal?
Dialogue: 9,0:58:42.08,0:58:43.52,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that normal?
Dialogue: 9,0:58:44.55,0:58:48.36,CH,,0,0,0,,Speaking of which, in "Exodus" when the 3 girls fell into the snake den
Dialogue: 9,0:58:48.36,0:58:49.50,CH,,0,0,0,,It was great
Dialogue: 9,0:58:49.61,0:58:50.85,CH,,0,0,0,,Snakes everywhere
Dialogue: 9,0:58:51.22,0:58:54.23,CH,,0,0,0,,There is also "Time Mus", the part where they rushed down from the collapsed Buddha statue
Dialogue: 9,0:58:54.65,0:58:56.00,CH,,0,0,0,,That keyframe was also exceptional
Dialogue: 9,0:58:56.53,0:58:59.01,CH,,0,0,0,,I really want to see the finished product
Dialogue: 9,0:58:59.01,0:59:02.34,CH,,0,0,0,,As if, Mr. Kitano could have done it better
Dialogue: 9,0:59:02.54,0:59:03.95,CH,,0,0,0,,"SIVA" is very interesting
Dialogue: 9,0:59:04.44,0:59:05.72,CH,,0,0,0,,It will definitely be interesting
Dialogue: 9,0:59:07.30,0:59:08.82,CH,,0,0,0,,I think you are just the fit
Dialogue: 9,0:59:09.22,0:59:10.77,CH,,0,0,0,,What are you trying to say?
Dialogue: 9,0:59:10.96,0:59:13.03,CH,,0,0,0,,I want to say that if will be great if you could do it
Dialogue: 9,0:59:13.56,0:59:15.56,CH,,0,0,0,,The one that I wanted to do was "Time Mus"
Dialogue: 9,0:59:15.78,0:59:18.37,CH,,0,0,0,,Not this movie where the title seems so random
Dialogue: 9,0:59:18.55,0:59:20.24,CH,,0,0,0,,You are not the type to have a title affect your job right?
Dialogue: 9,0:59:20.35,0:59:23.53,CH,,0,0,0,,Your motivation is surely something more of an instinct
Dialogue: 9,0:59:23.53,0:59:26.85,CH,,0,0,0,,Did you call me over just to lecture me?
Dialogue: 9,0:59:27.18,0:59:28.93,CH,,0,0,0,,No, I am here as a proxy
Dialogue: 9,0:59:30.08,0:59:32.48,CH,,0,0,0,,The director and Ms. Miyamori thinks that the design for "SIVA"
Dialogue: 9,0:59:32.67,0:59:34.79,CH,,0,0,0,,No matter what, they want you to do it
Dialogue: 9,0:59:35.09,0:59:38.33,CH,,0,0,0,,They're hoping that it will be a ship with an outer appearance that will match its strength
Dialogue: 9,0:59:38.33,0:59:39.30,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't want to do it
Dialogue: 9,0:59:39.30,0:59:41.88,CH,,0,0,0,,I read the plot, it was so out there that it was interesting
Dialogue: 9,0:59:42.21,0:59:45.85,CH,,0,0,0,,I think this is a job that you should accept
Dialogue: 9,0:59:45.85,0:59:47.05,CH,,0,0,0,,You sure know how to say it
Dialogue: 9,0:59:49.18,0:59:52.34,CH,,0,0,0,,If you can draw "SIVA" then I will be responsible for making it move
Dialogue: 9,0:59:52.84,0:59:53.58,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't you want to have a look
Dialogue: 9,0:59:54.97,0:59:57.88,CH,,0,0,0,,I think Ms. Segawa wanted to say something similar
Dialogue: 9,0:59:59.23,1:00:02.15,CH,,0,0,0,,If you had to do it, how would you design "SIVA", I want to hear your opinion
Dialogue: 9,1:00:05.74,1:00:07.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Then I will be going first
Dialogue: 9,1:00:07.58,1:00:08.59,CH,,0,0,0,,Good work Ms. Endo
Dialogue: 9,1:00:11.56,1:00:12.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Mayumi
Dialogue: 9,1:00:13.39,1:00:14.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Endo
Dialogue: 9,1:00:14.88,1:00:17.11,CH,,0,0,0,,How rare, what brought you here
Dialogue: 9,1:00:17.46,1:00:18.37,CH,,0,0,0,,Am I not welcome?
Dialogue: 9,1:00:18.37,1:00:20.01,CH,,0,0,0,,No, I am glad
Dialogue: 9,1:00:24.11,1:00:26.42,CH,,0,0,0,,I heard Mitani from the meat department that
Dialogue: 9,1:00:26.58,1:00:29.76,CH,,0,0,0,,Livers need to first be deep fried to taste good
Dialogue: 9,1:00:30.10,1:00:31.18,CH,,0,0,0,,Next time I will try it for you
Dialogue: 9,1:00:31.51,1:00:33.76,CH,,0,0,0,,No need, it's fine if I don't get a taste of it
Dialogue: 9,1:00:33.76,1:00:38.34,CH,,0,0,0,,That won't do, changing Endo's pickiness when it comes to food is my duty
Dialogue: 9,1:00:38.34,1:00:39.60,CH,,0,0,0,,Saying it's your duty is a bit...
Dialogue: 9,1:00:40.60,1:00:43.37,CH,,0,0,0,,Endo, did something good happen today?
Dialogue: 9,1:00:44.07,1:00:46.60,CH,,0,0,0,,It feels like it has been such a while since I last heard you sound so cheerful
Dialogue: 9,1:00:48.50,1:00:51.95,CH,,0,0,0,,Here, something special for you because today has been a great day
Dialogue: 9,1:00:52.25,1:00:53.85,CH,,0,0,0,,Although it's bad manners
Dialogue: 9,1:00:54.36,1:00:56.13,CH,,0,0,0,,Nothing good has happened today, okay?
Dialogue: 9,1:00:56.44,1:00:59.13,CH,,0,0,0,,Work is tough and your husband is also not going to work
Dialogue: 9,1:00:59.13,1:01:01.90,CH,,0,0,0,,Just being with Endo makes me happy
Dialogue: 9,1:01:02.19,1:01:03.72,CH,,0,0,0,,So if this is a plus or a minus
Dialogue: 9,1:01:03.72,1:01:05.09,CH,,0,0,0,,Then it's definitely a plus
Dialogue: 9,1:01:06.81,1:01:09.03,CH,,0,0,0,,I know how amazing you are, Endo
Dialogue: 9,1:01:11.13,1:01:14.09,CH,,0,0,0,,I hope one day I can see a sensational animation
Dialogue: 9,1:01:24.81,1:01:26.29,CH,,0,0,0,,Another good thing happened
Dialogue: 9,1:01:32.10,1:01:32.75,CH,,0,0,0,,It's delicious
Dialogue: 9,1:01:37.45,1:01:42.00,CH,,0,0,0,,From today forward, Mr. Endo will be joining us in this production as an action supervisor
Dialogue: 9,1:01:42.83,1:01:44.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Ryosuke Endo
Dialogue: 9,1:01:44.19,1:01:44.93,CH,,0,0,0,,And
Dialogue: 9,1:01:45.37,1:01:48.71,CH,,0,0,0,,I am Tsubaki Ando from Drop Fit Studio
Dialogue: 9,1:01:48.71,1:01:50.28,CH,,0,0,0,,Pleased to make your acquaintance
Dialogue: 9,1:01:50.90,1:01:52.77,CH,,0,0,0,,You're joking right? How did this happen?
Dialogue: 9,1:01:52.77,1:01:54.96,CH,,0,0,0,,It's the Ando coming home to help
Dialogue: 9,1:01:55.35,1:01:57.11,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, pleased to have you today
Dialogue: 9,1:01:57.11,1:02:01.58,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Watanabe, aren't you going to be like the previous Marukawa prez and close off with something at the end
Dialogue: 9,1:02:01.58,1:02:04.20,CH,,0,0,0,,The president is the president, I am fine with me being like this
Dialogue: 9,1:02:04.20,1:02:05.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Since it is aerial assault landing ship
Dialogue: 9,1:02:05.70,1:02:06.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Let's add in a "Yosoro" to it
Dialogue: 9,1:02:06.92,1:02:08.19,CH,,0,0,0,,As I said you don't...
Dialogue: 9,1:02:08.19,1:02:10.87,CH,,0,0,0,,Musashino, full speed ahead, Yosoro!
Dialogue: 9,1:02:10.87,1:02:12.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Yosoro!
Dialogue: 9,1:02:12.50,1:02:13.45,CH,,0,0,0,,Roger
Dialogue: 9,1:02:13.45,1:02:16.46,CH,,0,0,0,,Anyways, the designs for the main characters and mechanics are complete now
Dialogue: 9,1:02:16.46,1:02:17.90,CH,,0,0,0,,Can you take a look at it?
Dialogue: 9,1:02:17.90,1:02:19.71,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm not sure when it is convenient for you?
Dialogue: 9,1:02:19.90,1:02:21.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Although it relies on when the storyboard will be complete,
Dialogue: 9,1:02:21.44,1:02:23.73,CH,,0,0,0,,But let's push to start the drawing section during August
Dialogue: 9,1:02:23.73,1:02:26.61,CH,,0,0,0,,I will contact you again when the storyboard is done
Dialogue: 9,1:02:26.61,1:02:28.65,CH,,0,0,0,,What gives? He's finally calling me
Dialogue: 9,1:02:28.65,1:02:30.11,CH,,0,0,0,,I've waited for a long time
Dialogue: 9,1:02:30.11,1:02:31.73,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Ando, no need to feel bad
Dialogue: 9,1:02:32.36,1:02:34.76,CH,,0,0,0,,I will definitely be on time this time
Dialogue: 9,1:02:35.74,1:02:36.44,CH,,0,0,0,,You mean now?
Dialogue: 9,1:02:37.14,1:02:38.34,CH,,0,0,0,,I am concentrating on work now
Dialogue: 9,1:02:39.96,1:02:41.34,CH,,0,0,0,,Maybe it's because the windows are wide open
Dialogue: 9,1:02:42.57,1:02:46.59,CH,,0,0,0,,I respectfully accept to join the production as the keyframe director
Dialogue: 9,1:02:46.72,1:02:50.74,CH,,0,0,0,,I offer you my sincerest gratitude for accepting this role during your utmost busy schedule
Dialogue: 9,1:02:52.86,1:02:54.02,CH,,0,0,0,,Great
Dialogue: 9,1:02:54.22,1:02:56.80,CH,,0,0,0,,How much frames and pages are likely required?
Dialogue: 9,1:02:57.43,1:02:59.95,CH,,0,0,0,,If this can be decided then I can know how much the workload is
Dialogue: 9,1:02:59.95,1:03:04.14,CH,,0,0,0,,According to the current progress, when will the busiest period be?
Dialogue: 9,1:03:04.34,1:03:08.13,CH,,0,0,0,,At that time, about how many pages will I be required to oversee
Dialogue: 9,1:03:08.13,1:03:09.02,CH,,0,0,0,,That is...
Dialogue: 9,1:03:09.02,1:03:11.95,CH,,0,0,0,,These kind I things, Aoi will surely be able to skillfully arrange it
Dialogue: 9,1:03:13.69,1:03:16.49,CH,,0,0,0,,You better not bring it over today and say that you want it by the end of the day
Dialogue: 9,1:03:16.81,1:03:19.33,CH,,0,0,0,,And you also can't bypass the animation director and give the approval to go ahead
Dialogue: 9,1:03:19.47,1:03:20.81,CH,,0,0,0,,You must properly communicate everything
Dialogue: 9,1:03:21.98,1:03:22.60,CH,,0,0,0,,I will do my best
Dialogue: 9,1:03:23.09,1:03:25.08,CH,,0,0,0,,Is Hedwick something like this?
Dialogue: 9,1:03:25.08,1:03:25.75,CH,,800,0,0,,Not bad
Dialogue: 9,1:03:25.24,1:03:26.92,CH,,0,800,0,,It's great
Dialogue: 9,1:03:26.92,1:03:29.50,CH,,0,0,0,,I got the approval of Mr. Stager
Dialogue: 9,1:03:29.79,1:03:31.17,CH,,0,0,0,,Director, what do you think?
Dialogue: 9,1:03:31.17,1:03:34.15,CH,,0,0,0,,I wanted to say it already, but it's good
Dialogue: 9,1:03:34.68,1:03:36.58,CH,,0,0,0,,Then let's draw the supporting characters next
Dialogue: 9,1:03:36.58,1:03:38.67,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Endo's landing ship is also done
Dialogue: 9,1:03:39.90,1:03:42.63,CH,,0,0,0,,I asked the photographer to help clean up the hook lines
Dialogue: 9,1:03:42.63,1:03:44.75,CH,,0,0,0,,I hope it can bring out a hand-drawn feeling
Dialogue: 9,1:03:44.75,1:03:45.59,CH,,0,0,0,,It looks good
Dialogue: 9,1:03:45.59,1:03:47.63,CH,,0,0,0,,There will be some colour correction done when it is aired on the television
Dialogue: 9,1:03:47.63,1:03:50.08,CH,,0,0,0,,But the movies are where skills matter most
Dialogue: 9,1:03:50.61,1:03:52.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Nebula clouds
Dialogue: 9,1:03:53.36,1:03:56.66,CH,,0,0,0,,A need to express a distant star that is beyond the reach of man
Dialogue: 9,1:03:57.38,1:03:59.36,CH,,0,0,0,,Solitude, hope
Dialogue: 9,1:03:59.82,1:04:01.07,CH,,0,0,0,,Doesn't it look a bit unclear?
Dialogue: 9,1:04:01.31,1:04:03.41,CH,,0,0,0,,Won't it be better to make the colours on the characters brighter
Dialogue: 9,1:04:03.41,1:04:05.41,CH,,0,0,0,,But if it's any brighter
Dialogue: 9,1:04:05.41,1:04:07.85,CH,,0,0,0,,I feel like it will not blend nicely with Mr. Atsumi's background
Dialogue: 9,1:04:07.85,1:04:10.66,CH,,0,0,0,,And regarding the ship's runway effects
Dialogue: 9,1:04:10.66,1:04:13.49,CH,,0,0,0,,Oh that, is a runway required in space?
Dialogue: 9,1:04:13.67,1:04:15.57,CH,,0,0,0,,The director insisted on it
Dialogue: 9,1:04:15.90,1:04:16.63,CH,,0,0,0,,OK
Dialogue: 9,1:04:16.80,1:04:18.37,CH,,0,0,0,,Generally speaking
Dialogue: 9,1:04:18.37,1:04:21.54,CH,,0,0,0,,It is standard to wait for the storyboard to be complete before sending it out
Dialogue: 9,1:04:21.54,1:04:24.98,CH,,0,0,0,,Well, for the film score that is ideal, but in reality that is never what happens
Dialogue: 9,1:04:24.98,1:04:25.84,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry
Dialogue: 9,1:04:26.01,1:04:29.64,CH,,0,0,0,,Here at M15 "The daily lives of the enemy"
Dialogue: 9,1:04:29.64,1:04:33.40,CH,,0,0,0,,What do you think the enemies' daily life is like?
Dialogue: 9,1:04:33.40,1:04:35.95,CH,,0,0,0,,On the surface it will look nerve-wrecking
Dialogue: 9,1:04:35.95,1:04:38.80,CH,,0,0,0,,But in reality, it will be a bit loose and careless
Dialogue: 9,1:04:38.80,1:04:39.86,CH,,0,0,0,,Overall, it is...
Dialogue: 9,1:04:44.11,1:04:46.50,CH,,0,0,0,,So simply put, it will be a kind of chipped digital sound
Dialogue: 9,1:04:46.50,1:04:48.15,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, just that kind of digital music
Dialogue: 9,1:04:48.23,1:04:50.31,CH,,0,0,0,,So like this?
Dialogue: 9,1:04:52.95,1:04:55.01,CH,,0,0,0,,Can you give it a bit more "oomf"
Dialogue: 9,1:04:55.01,1:04:55.90,CH,,0,0,0,,"Oomf"?
Dialogue: 9,1:04:57.89,1:04:58.91,CH,,0,0,0,,Simply speaking, something like...
Dialogue: 9,1:04:58.91,1:05:00.97,CH,,0,0,0,,How do I say it?
Dialogue: 9,1:05:01.44,1:05:03.18,CH,,0,0,0,,Like a small European theatre?
Dialogue: 9,1:05:03.33,1:05:05.30,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, like a European
Dialogue: 9,1:05:05.57,1:05:06.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Do you understand?
Dialogue: 9,1:05:07.87,1:05:09.20,CH,,0,0,0,,Like this?
Dialogue: 9,1:05:12.89,1:05:14.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, exactly this
Dialogue: 9,1:05:14.33,1:05:15.18,CH,,0,0,0,,Not bad
Dialogue: 9,1:05:15.18,1:05:16.03,CH,,0,0,0,,European?
Dialogue: 9,1:05:16.24,1:05:17.74,CH,,0,0,0,,Girls don't need to know
Dialogue: 9,1:05:18.72,1:05:20.58,CH,,0,0,0,,Musashino is making an animation movie
Dialogue: 9,1:05:20.72,1:05:23.00,CH,,0,0,0,,It's called something landing ship SIVA
Dialogue: 9,1:05:23.00,1:05:23.67,CH,,0,0,0,,SIVA?
Dialogue: 9,1:05:23.80,1:05:27.29,CH,,0,0,0,,Did GPU not also make a product with a similar title?
Dialogue: 9,1:05:27.64,1:05:30.02,CH,,0,0,0,,Voice actors and performers are all entertainers
Dialogue: 9,1:05:30.13,1:05:32.90,CH,,0,0,0,,But they all still have their differences that set them apart
Dialogue: 9,1:05:33.42,1:05:38.30,CH,,0,0,0,,I hope that Shizuka can be a talent that breaks that boundary
Dialogue: 9,1:05:38.30,1:05:41.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Ummm... I would like to tryout an audition for an animation
Dialogue: 9,1:05:42.41,1:05:44.14,CH,,0,0,0,,It's good of you to have this kind of passion
Dialogue: 9,1:05:44.55,1:05:46.51,CH,,0,0,0,,I know that you are thinking of me
Dialogue: 9,1:05:46.68,1:05:48.83,CH,,0,0,0,,But if I do not attempt to challenge myself now,
Dialogue: 9,1:05:48.83,1:05:50.78,CH,,0,0,0,,I feel like I will regret it in the future
Dialogue: 9,1:05:51.13,1:05:53.46,CH,,0,0,0,,I welcome any projects that have you making a name for yourself in the public domain
Dialogue: 9,1:05:53.81,1:05:55.68,CH,,0,0,0,,But no one can tell what will happen when it comes to being a voice actress
Dialogue: 9,1:05:56.25,1:05:58.39,CH,,0,0,0,,There is not guarantee that you can get a positive outcome in that area
Dialogue: 9,1:05:58.56,1:05:59.35,CH,,0,0,0,,I know
Dialogue: 9,1:05:59.91,1:06:01.28,CH,,0,0,0,,But I still want to give it a try
Dialogue: 9,1:06:02.30,1:06:03.94,CH,,0,0,0,,"The forbidden natto"
Dialogue: 9,1:06:04.33,1:06:06.81,CH,,0,0,0,,Can I just think of this as a normal natto?
Dialogue: 9,1:06:06.95,1:06:10.18,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, physically, it is just a small normal natto
Dialogue: 9,1:06:10.18,1:06:13.59,CH,,0,0,0,,But we are hoping it can a a energetic and powerful feel to it
Dialogue: 9,1:06:13.96,1:06:14.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay
Dialogue: 9,1:06:15.18,1:06:18.36,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Ogasawara's natto seems like it will come out great
Dialogue: 9,1:06:18.36,1:06:19.64,CH,,0,0,0,,I can't wait
Dialogue: 9,1:06:19.83,1:06:22.77,CH,,0,0,0,,Please don't hesitate to make any animation corrections
Dialogue: 9,1:06:23.09,1:06:23.79,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Yasuhara
Dialogue: 9,1:06:24.35,1:06:27.21,CH,,0,0,0,,I should be the one thanking you for all your efforts
Dialogue: 9,1:06:27.54,1:06:29.25,CH,,0,0,0,,Is it Musashino's animation movie?
Dialogue: 9,1:06:29.32,1:06:32.94,CH,,0,0,0,,I would like Ms. Toudou to be the chief animator, is that alright?
Dialogue: 9,1:06:32.94,1:06:33.50,CH,,800,0,0,,I will do it
Dialogue: 9,1:06:34.84,1:06:36.23,CH,,900,0,0,,Then what about "Rally"?
Dialogue: 9,1:06:36.23,1:06:37.54,CH,,0,0,0,,I will also do my best on "Rally"
Dialogue: 9,1:06:37.54,1:06:39.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Capacity wise, it seems impossible
Dialogue: 9,1:06:39.19,1:06:41.32,CH,,0,0,0,,But I don't want to give up halfway
Dialogue: 9,1:06:42.07,1:06:43.05,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay
Dialogue: 9,1:06:44.44,1:06:47.76,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't want to repeat my mistakes again
Dialogue: 9,1:06:48.25,1:06:49.22,CH,,0,0,0,,I know
Dialogue: 9,1:06:49.69,1:06:51.36,CH,,0,0,0,,The second meeting room just became available
Dialogue: 9,1:06:51.67,1:06:54.43,CH,,0,0,0,,Can I use the meeting room at 4 in the evening?
Dialogue: 9,1:06:54.43,1:06:55.40,CH,,0,0,0,,Let me confirm
Dialogue: 9,1:06:55.58,1:06:57.06,CH,,0,0,0,,It sure is busy
Dialogue: 9,1:06:57.66,1:06:58.77,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Sugie
Dialogue: 9,1:06:58.96,1:07:00.01,CH,,0,0,0,,It hasn't changed
Dialogue: 9,1:07:00.12,1:07:00.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Nothing like that
Dialogue: 9,1:07:01.21,1:07:01.85,CH,,0,0,0,,Your beard...
Dialogue: 9,1:07:03.11,1:07:03.99,CH,,0,0,0,,Does it look strange?
Dialogue: 9,1:07:04.35,1:07:04.79,CH,,0,0,0,,No
Dialogue: 9,1:07:05.32,1:07:06.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Since I started working from home
Dialogue: 9,1:07:06.92,1:07:10.17,CH,,0,0,0,,I have become too relaxed with my appearance, even my wife has complained about it
Dialogue: 9,1:07:10.17,1:07:12.52,CH,,0,0,0,,How so? It suits you
Dialogue: 9,1:07:12.76,1:07:14.47,CH,,0,0,0,,Are you here for Mr. Watanabe?
Dialogue: 9,1:07:14.47,1:07:16.59,CH,,0,0,0,,No, I just have a favor to ask of
Dialogue: 9,1:07:16.96,1:07:20.78,CH,,0,0,0,,In October, I will be at the city centre for a class on animation for children
Dialogue: 9,1:07:20.94,1:07:23.84,CH,,0,0,0,,I am not an old man just stuck at home but a a drawing old man
Dialogue: 9,1:07:24.16,1:07:26.00,CH,,0,0,0,,Is Mr. Sugie the teacher?
Dialogue: 9,1:07:26.12,1:07:27.04,CH,,0,0,0,,Someone requested this of me
Dialogue: 9,1:07:27.52,1:07:29.43,CH,,0,0,0,,It's just drawing with children
Dialogue: 9,1:07:29.43,1:07:31.76,CH,,0,0,0,,Then making the drawing move, like playing with them
Dialogue: 9,1:07:31.92,1:07:35.04,CH,,0,0,0,,I am currently looking for some assistance
Dialogue: 9,1:07:35.22,1:07:37.61,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, I will help you ask around
Dialogue: 9,1:07:38.02,1:07:40.57,CH,,0,0,0,,And I also have a favour to ask of you
Dialogue: 9,1:07:41.67,1:07:44.21,CH,,0,0,0,,Can you please draw this pegasus flying scene
Dialogue: 9,1:07:44.82,1:07:46.80,CH,,0,0,0,,Can I just draw the horse's movements?
Dialogue: 9,1:07:46.80,1:07:47.46,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes
Dialogue: 9,1:07:47.71,1:07:52.08,CH,,0,0,0,,「TWO PIECE」里 Mr. Sugie, you also drew the parade of the dancing man-eating bear in "TWO PIECE" right?
Dialogue: 9,1:07:52.21,1:07:53.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Please draw something like that with a similar feel
Dialogue: 9,1:07:53.77,1:07:56.80,CH,,0,0,0,,So not exactly flying in the sky, but galloping in sky right?
Dialogue: 9,1:07:56.92,1:07:58.81,CH,,0,0,0,,Here are the settings and video materials
Dialogue: 9,1:07:59.00,1:08:01.36,CH,,0,0,0,,I am currently in half-retirement mode
Dialogue: 9,1:08:01.36,1:08:02.87,CH,,0,0,0,,No need to be so modest
Dialogue: 9,1:08:03.73,1:08:05.91,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Miyamori, you have become dependable
Dialogue: 9,1:08:06.78,1:08:07.71,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry
Dialogue: 9,1:08:07.71,1:08:09.22,CH,,0,0,0,,And you are more energetic now
Dialogue: 9,1:08:09.85,1:08:11.81,CH,,0,0,0,,Then I leave that to you
Dialogue: 9,1:08:11.99,1:08:13.20,CH,,0,0,0,,A favour for a favour
Dialogue: 9,1:08:13.74,1:08:16.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Director, regarding the enemy, Captain Kouyou
Dialogue: 9,1:08:16.19,1:08:19.98,CH,,0,0,0,,What else is needed besides the setting that he is a mini model car collector?
Dialogue: 9,1:08:19.98,1:08:22.57,CH,,0,0,0,,Regarding that, there is a meeting to discuss about the script later
Dialogue: 9,1:08:22.57,1:08:23.91,CH,,0,0,0,,Everything will be clear by that time
Dialogue: 9,1:08:24.17,1:08:25.53,CH,,0,0,0,,Director, sorry to bother you
Dialogue: 9,1:08:25.76,1:08:27.80,CH,,0,0,0,,The meeting today regarding the script has been cancelled
Dialogue: 9,1:08:27.80,1:08:30.08,CH,,0,0,0,,It also didn't happen last week
Dialogue: 9,1:08:30.08,1:08:31.35,CH,,0,0,0,,What did Mr. Maitake say?
Dialogue: 9,1:08:31.50,1:08:33.59,CH,,0,0,0,,He says he is still hesitating with where the plot shoud go
Dialogue: 9,1:08:35.48,1:08:39.01,CH,,0,0,0,,I would still prefer the meeting to happen today, but I guess a little later should be alright
Dialogue: 9,1:08:39.20,1:08:41.03,CH,,0,0,0,,The I will go confirm with the others
Dialogue: 9,1:08:41.21,1:08:44.34,CH,,0,0,0,,We might have a breakthrough if everyone pitches some ideas
Dialogue: 9,1:08:44.58,1:08:46.60,CH,,0,0,0,,I can also be part of it?
Dialogue: 9,1:08:46.60,1:08:47.27,CH,,0,0,0,,Of course
Dialogue: 9,1:08:47.82,1:08:52.55,CH,,0,0,0,,The plot writes "Successfully escaping the enemies' pursuit"
Dialogue: 9,1:08:52.80,1:08:55.52,CH,,0,0,0,,Theorectically, it is the best possible outcome
Dialogue: 9,1:08:55.73,1:08:59.76,CH,,0,0,0,,It's within reason and does not feel too dull, how is that a problem?
Dialogue: 9,1:08:59.76,1:09:01.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry, it's hard for me to explain this clearly
Dialogue: 9,1:09:01.93,1:09:04.26,CH,,0,0,0,,But it just feels like somehting is unrealistic
Dialogue: 9,1:09:04.26,1:09:07.46,CH,,0,0,0,,I know in sci-fi, there is always things that are unrealistic
Dialogue: 9,1:09:07.75,1:09:11.69,CH,,0,0,0,,But I feel like I am missing the balance between the two
Dialogue: 9,1:09:11.97,1:09:14.05,CH,,0,0,0,,And currently the most problematic is
Dialogue: 9,1:09:14.05,1:09:16.28,CH,,0,0,0,,Arte, is she really necessary?
Dialogue: 9,1:09:16.67,1:09:19.71,CH,,0,0,0,,But Arte supposedly has a backstory with and Hedwick
Dialogue: 9,1:09:19.71,1:09:21.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Isn't there a lot of different settings for them?
Dialogue: 9,1:09:21.44,1:09:23.94,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't you think that there is a bit too much settings for them
Dialogue: 9,1:09:23.94,1:09:25.43,CH,,0,0,0,,The setting itself is alright
Dialogue: 9,1:09:25.43,1:09:28.24,CH,,0,0,0,,But it feels a bit forceful to include it in a drama
Dialogue: 9,1:09:28.81,1:09:31.36,CH,,0,0,0,,I feel that Ms. Iguchi's character is drawn very well
Dialogue: 9,1:09:31.36,1:09:34.02,CH,,0,0,0,,I feel like wanted to draw more of it
Dialogue: 9,1:09:34.02,1:09:36.04,CH,,0,0,0,,I understand what you are saying
Dialogue: 9,1:09:36.04,1:09:39.99,CH,,0,0,0,,Ultimately, Mr. Maitake should write according to what you want
Dialogue: 9,1:09:39.99,1:09:41.55,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, everything according to you
Dialogue: 9,1:09:41.55,1:09:43.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Exactly, feel free to express yourself however you want
Dialogue: 9,1:09:44.28,1:09:47.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry, I am glad to have a meeting with you guys
Dialogue: 9,1:09:47.63,1:09:49.36,CH,,0,0,0,,But it just caused more confusion
Dialogue: 9,1:09:51.93,1:09:54.75,CH,,0,0,0,,Did I offend Mr. Maitake?
Dialogue: 9,1:09:54.75,1:09:55.76,CH,,0,0,0,,Is he perhaps angry?
Dialogue: 9,1:09:55.76,1:09:57.74,CH_UP,,0,0,0,,Surely not
Dialogue: 9,1:09:57.74,1:09:59.78,CH_UP,,0,0,0,,It is Mr. Maitake afterall
Dialogue: 9,1:10:00.83,1:10:03.05,CH,,0,0,0,,Now let's discuss the hot topic for next month
Dialogue: 9,1:10:03.36,1:10:07.95,CH,,0,0,0,,At lats it's being announced, that director, Masashi Yamada's new film "Bride and Raven"
Dialogue: 9,1:10:11.43,1:10:14.72,CH,,0,0,0,,Dumbass, at least come after you can fly
Dialogue: 9,1:10:14.94,1:10:18.18,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, don't cry when I manage to fly
Dialogue: 9,1:10:19.42,1:10:22.22,CH,,0,0,0,,Stupid, dumbass, come and catch me
Dialogue: 9,1:10:22.36,1:10:26.16,CH,,0,0,0,,Today we invited director Yamada over for an interview
Dialogue: 9,1:10:26.37,1:10:30.53,CH,,0,0,0,,Hi, I am everyone's Masashi Yamada
Dialogue: 9,1:10:33.02,1:10:35.02,CH,,0,0,0,,Doesn't this look alright?
Dialogue: 9,1:10:35.24,1:10:37.14,CH,,0,0,0,,Can you not be a bit more gentle?
Dialogue: 9,1:10:37.14,1:10:38.83,CH,,0,0,0,,Or, to be more precise, can you not make the line look like it's hand-drawn
Dialogue: 9,1:10:38.98,1:10:40.83,CH,,0,0,0,,How about I make the main line a bit thicker?
Dialogue: 9,1:10:40.83,1:10:45.57,CH,,0,0,0,,No, the nuance between the mechanics Endo drew and Ms. Toudou's CG feels a bit off
Dialogue: 9,1:10:45.85,1:10:50.09,CH,,0,0,0,,Can you bring out a bit more of Endo mechanic's taste or should I say appeal
Dialogue: 9,1:10:50.09,1:10:52.35,CH,,0,0,0,,No, no, that is only a habit of mine
Dialogue: 9,1:10:52.35,1:10:52.99,CH,,0,0,0,,Let me try it
Dialogue: 9,1:10:53.78,1:10:54.73,CH,,0,0,0,,I want to try it a bit
Dialogue: 9,1:10:55.04,1:10:58.23,CH,,0,0,0,,Recently, there are always people complaining about the CG having too much of a "CG feel" to it
Dialogue: 9,1:10:58.23,1:11:00.45,CH,,0,0,0,,I want to attempt to make it more closer to a hand-drawn style
Dialogue: 9,1:11:01.18,1:11:03.31,CH,,0,0,0,,These are some condolences sent by Mr. Honda
Dialogue: 9,1:11:03.31,1:11:04.47,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm digging in
Dialogue: 9,1:11:04.47,1:11:07.76,CH,,0,0,0,,I suddeny became addictive to sweet food after I quit smoking
Dialogue: 9,1:11:07.91,1:11:09.80,CH,,0,0,0,,That is a course to becoming Mr. Honda
Dialogue: 9,1:11:10.65,1:11:13.15,CH,,0,0,0,,There is still a "Master" between me and Mr. Honda
Dialogue: 9,1:11:13.15,1:11:13.91,CH,,0,0,0,,Master?
Dialogue: 9,1:11:14.27,1:11:16.26,CH,,0,0,0,,The Masashi Yamada director from "Bra'ven"
Dialogue: 9,1:11:17.11,1:11:20.67,CH,,0,0,0,,Big news! Master director Yamada is involved in some pink scandal
Dialogue: 9,1:11:22.43,1:11:26.48,CH,,0,0,0,,This is fake, as if Mr. Yamada will do anything weird
Dialogue: 9,1:11:26.48,1:11:28.57,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't they all say that people change
Dialogue: 9,1:11:28.57,1:11:30.43,CH,,0,0,0,,Maybe he got over his head
Dialogue: 9,1:11:30.43,1:11:31.77,CH,,0,0,0,,I would know
Dialogue: 9,1:11:31.99,1:11:35.81,CH,,0,0,0,,Tonight's live stream, the director has given in a sick note
Dialogue: 9,1:11:35.81,1:11:40.28,CH,,0,0,0,,If it's being cancelled, is it possible to get him to help with SIVA?
Dialogue: 9,1:11:40.69,1:11:41.50,CH,,0,0,0,,That is you concern?
Dialogue: 9,1:11:42.51,1:11:43.66,CH,,0,0,0,,I can't get a hold of him
Dialogue: 9,1:11:44.28,1:11:47.25,CH,,0,0,0,,I have already handed over the audition manuscript
Dialogue: 9,1:11:47.25,1:11:49.73,CH,,0,0,0,,First let's have director Kinoshita give an explanation on...
Dialogue: 9,1:11:49.73,1:11:50.80,CH,,0,0,0,,Let's just leave it at that
Dialogue: 9,1:11:50.80,1:11:53.42,CH,,0,0,0,,It will become a scandal if we are too close with the voice actress
Dialogue: 9,1:11:54.70,1:11:56.67,CH,,800,0,0,,If we are just replying to a question...
Dialogue: 9,1:11:56.67,1:11:57.96,CH,,800,0,0,,No, I am not listening. Danger!
Dialogue: 9,1:11:57.96,1:12:00.74,CH,,800,0,0,,I am not not meeting anyonw unless it's my mom, my ex or Seira
Dialogue: 9,1:12:01.23,1:12:02.23,CH,,0,0,0,,So troublesome
Dialogue: 9,1:12:09.55,1:12:12.13,CH,,0,0,0,,Morning Mr. Maitake
Dialogue: 9,1:12:13.36,1:12:16.32,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Maitake, come sit here next to me
Dialogue: 9,1:12:19.99,1:12:21.54,CH,,0,0,0,,You coward
Dialogue: 9,1:12:21.67,1:12:22.70,CH,,0,0,0,,There are no miracles in this world
Dialogue: 9,1:12:22.70,1:12:24.96,CH,,0,0,0,,You can only rely on yourself to seize the opportunity
Dialogue: 9,1:12:25.18,1:12:26.46,CH,,0,0,0,,You coward
Dialogue: 9,1:12:26.46,1:12:27.70,CH,,0,0,0,,There are no miracles in this world
Dialogue: 9,1:12:27.70,1:12:29.66,CH,,0,0,0,,You can only rely on yourself to seize the opportunity
Dialogue: 9,1:12:29.66,1:12:31.04,CH,,0,0,0,,You coward
Dialogue: 9,1:12:31.04,1:12:32.33,CH,,0,0,0,,There are no miracles in this world
Dialogue: 9,1:12:32.33,1:12:34.54,CH,,0,0,0,,You can only rely on yourself to seize the opportunity
Dialogue: 9,1:12:35.37,1:12:39.97,CH,,0,0,0,,Hmmm... I thought it would have a more colder image to it
Dialogue: 9,1:12:39.97,1:12:45.09,CH,,0,0,0,,Madoka says that Arte should be a bit more crude
Dialogue: 9,1:12:45.09,1:12:47.83,CH,,0,0,0,,Afterall, she was a cafetaria auntie at first
Dialogue: 9,1:12:47.83,1:12:50.59,CH,,0,0,0,,It's just... I think that fundamentally
Dialogue: 9,1:12:50.59,1:12:55.25,CH,,0,0,0,,She is a character that is both reckless and weak at the same time
Dialogue: 9,1:12:57.02,1:12:59.10,CH,,0,0,0,,Let's say that this is realism
Dialogue: 9,1:12:59.10,1:13:01.19,CH,,0,0,0,,And this an an abstraction of it, it's a bit more simpler to understand right?
Dialogue: 9,1:13:02.70,1:13:04.51,CH,,0,0,0,,If I had to choose
Dialogue: 9,1:13:04.51,1:13:06.83,CH,,0,0,0,,Instead of Mr. Yamada's realism directing
Dialogue: 9,1:13:06.83,1:13:10.13,CH,,0,0,0,,I'd much prefer and am more used to those more exaggerated and simpler shows
Dialogue: 9,1:13:10.61,1:13:13.14,CH,,0,0,0,,Because I believe that everything is pointless if the audiences do not understand it
Dialogue: 9,1:13:14.74,1:13:18.37,CH,,0,0,0,,The drawing is very well done, but it only looks good as an image
Dialogue: 9,1:13:19.40,1:13:21.53,CH,,0,0,0,,Everyday is just natto
Dialogue: 9,1:13:21.67,1:13:24.54,CH,,0,0,0,,Natto, natto, natto, it's annoying
Dialogue: 9,1:13:24.54,1:13:25.63,CH,,0,0,0,,I can't stand it anymore
Dialogue: 9,1:13:26.40,1:13:27.77,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, good work
Dialogue: 9,1:13:28.67,1:13:29.90,CH,,0,0,0,,Thanks
Dialogue: 9,1:13:30.47,1:13:31.46,CH,,0,0,0,,It's Lucy
Dialogue: 9,1:13:31.67,1:13:32.94,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, it's Lucy
Dialogue: 9,1:13:33.49,1:13:35.39,CH,,0,0,0,,Can we let her try out for Arte?
Dialogue: 9,1:13:36.41,1:13:38.05,CH,,0,0,0,,Their characters are completely different
Dialogue: 9,1:13:38.05,1:13:39.64,CH,,0,0,0,,I just want to have a listen
Dialogue: 9,1:13:39.89,1:13:40.84,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Sakaki
Dialogue: 9,1:13:40.84,1:13:42.61,CH,,0,0,0,,Do you have the script for Arte?
Dialogue: 9,1:13:42.79,1:13:43.59,CH,,0,0,0,,Arte?
Dialogue: 9,1:13:43.59,1:13:45.89,CH,,0,0,0,,I guess not, give her a copy
Dialogue: 9,1:13:46.13,1:13:46.86,CH,,0,0,0,,Roger
Dialogue: 9,1:13:47.88,1:13:51.75,CH,,0,0,0,,There are no miracles in this world, you can only rely on yourself to seize the opportunity
Dialogue: 9,1:13:52.18,1:13:55.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Something I keep thinking about, why is it that where we go is already set in stone?
Dialogue: 9,1:13:56.41,1:13:58.52,CH,,0,0,0,,Why is there a limit to anything we do?
Dialogue: 9,1:13:58.64,1:13:59.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, thanks
Dialogue: 9,1:14:00.42,1:14:01.63,CH,,0,0,0,,Thanks
Dialogue: 9,1:14:03.92,1:14:04.86,CH,,0,0,0,,Can I first take my leave?
Dialogue: 9,1:14:05.95,1:14:07.61,CH,,0,0,0,,Why? What's wrong
Dialogue: 9,1:14:07.61,1:14:09.08,CH,,0,0,0,,That... I want to go back to work
Dialogue: 9,1:14:09.08,1:14:10.99,CH,,0,0,0,,Then I will contact you next time
Dialogue: 9,1:14:11.14,1:14:13.79,CH,,0,0,0,,Can I still get someone to assist on the script?
Dialogue: 9,1:14:13.79,1:14:15.55,CH,,0,0,0,,I know it's strange coming from me
Dialogue: 9,1:14:15.55,1:14:17.65,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't tell me you plan to rewrite the whole climax
Dialogue: 9,1:14:17.65,1:14:18.91,CH,,0,0,0,,No, no, the opposite in fact
Dialogue: 9,1:14:19.29,1:14:22.19,CH,,0,0,0,,I will definitely complete it, but I need some inspiration
Dialogue: 9,1:14:26.14,1:14:27.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Where do you think is lacking?
Dialogue: 9,1:14:28.46,1:14:29.95,CH,,0,0,0,,Can I speak the truth?
Dialogue: 9,1:14:30.19,1:14:32.30,CH,,0,0,0,,I want your honest opinion
Dialogue: 9,1:14:32.46,1:14:35.07,CH,,0,0,0,,I think the FMC feels too much of a plot device
Dialogue: 9,1:14:36.06,1:14:39.65,CH,,0,0,0,,I think it was at the eating scene that Arte started to change
Dialogue: 9,1:14:39.76,1:14:42.44,CH,,0,0,0,,But to purposefully delay that to a later point made it confusing
Dialogue: 9,1:14:42.64,1:14:45.31,CH,,0,0,0,,But pointing it straight out also just seems boring
Dialogue: 9,1:14:45.70,1:14:46.63,CH,,0,0,0,,You're right
Dialogue: 9,1:14:46.63,1:14:48.72,CH,,0,0,0,,For the characters and also the story
Dialogue: 9,1:14:50.48,1:14:53.46,CH,,0,0,0,,I guess during normal circumstances I can still do it, but the moment it becomes critical...
Dialogue: 9,1:14:53.46,1:14:57.00,CH,,0,0,0,,That's why I am consulting you, Teach Imai
Dialogue: 9,1:14:57.00,1:14:58.68,CH,,0,0,0,,No, I am talking about the pitching style
Dialogue: 9,1:14:59.32,1:15:01.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Previously, I wrote "Quick motion story"
Dialogue: 9,1:15:02.19,1:15:05.02,CH,,0,0,0,,I somehow managed to throw a curve and a fork...
Dialogue: 9,1:15:07.34,1:15:09.74,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry, it's still a bit too hard
Dialogue: 9,1:15:09.95,1:15:12.50,CH,,0,0,0,,It's fine, catch
Dialogue: 9,1:15:13.01,1:15:15.96,CH,,0,0,0,,Master, what do you think is important when pitching?
Dialogue: 9,1:15:16.65,1:15:19.37,CH,,0,0,0,,Is it the speed? The type? Or the control?
Dialogue: 9,1:15:19.55,1:15:20.95,CH,,0,0,0,,No matter what kind of pitch
Dialogue: 9,1:15:20.95,1:15:22.87,CH,,0,0,0,,If it can't reach then there is no point
Dialogue: 9,1:15:23.14,1:15:25.29,CH,,0,0,0,,Then let's continue
Dialogue: 9,1:15:25.54,1:15:27.20,CH,,0,0,0,,Where is the fault in my ball
Dialogue: 9,1:15:27.42,1:15:29.41,CH,,0,0,0,,And how will pitcher Imai pitch?
Dialogue: 9,1:15:30.03,1:15:31.12,CH,,0,0,0,,I wonder
Dialogue: 9,1:15:32.14,1:15:33.30,CH,,0,0,0,,If it was me...
Dialogue: 9,1:15:40.50,1:15:41.38,CH,,0,0,0,,From my perspective
Dialogue: 9,1:15:41.64,1:15:45.45,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Ogasawara's layout, after being corrected by Ms. Yasuhara
Dialogue: 9,1:15:45.45,1:15:46.85,CH,,0,0,0,,Although the drawing looks much better
Dialogue: 9,1:15:46.85,1:15:49.01,CH,,0,0,0,,But it feels like the actions were destroyed
Dialogue: 9,1:15:49.49,1:15:52.10,CH,,0,0,0,,I believe it matches the character description
Dialogue: 9,1:15:52.38,1:15:54.39,CH,,0,0,0,,Of course that is important
Dialogue: 9,1:15:54.59,1:15:56.53,CH,,0,0,0,,But if it's only that then it is no good
Dialogue: 9,1:15:57.25,1:15:59.00,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm still no good afertall
Dialogue: 9,1:16:05.43,1:16:08.04,CH,,0,0,0,,The correction cannot be used, I also can't draw more to cover it up
Dialogue: 9,1:16:08.04,1:16:09.90,CH,,0,0,0,,And I also cannot jsut use one side
Dialogue: 9,1:16:10.83,1:16:12.97,CH,,0,0,0,,If I can't take care of it, I will just be sidelined
Dialogue: 9,1:16:16.57,1:16:19.23,CH,,0,0,0,,Morning, I am here to collect the script
Dialogue: 9,1:16:19.23,1:16:20.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Morning
Dialogue: 9,1:16:20.82,1:16:21.96,CH,,0,0,0,,Good work
Dialogue: 9,1:16:23.27,1:16:27.81,CH,,0,0,0,,Excuse me, how was the results for the audition I had with SIVA
Dialogue: 9,1:16:27.81,1:16:29.81,CH,,0,0,0,,Nothing, I have still not received any contact
Dialogue: 9,1:16:30.05,1:16:31.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that so?
Dialogue: 9,1:16:32.84,1:16:34.81,CH,,0,0,0,,I will update you immediately when I know something
Dialogue: 9,1:16:34.81,1:16:37.21,CH,,0,0,0,,Afterall, it's a job that you wanted to do
Dialogue: 9,1:16:37.57,1:16:40.79,CH,,0,0,0,,Because nothing will start unless you try
Dialogue: 9,1:16:41.60,1:16:44.61,CH,,0,0,0,,But for someone like me to actively go request for a job
Dialogue: 9,1:16:44.61,1:16:47.53,CH,,0,0,0,,Won't I be told that I do not know my place?
Dialogue: 9,1:16:47.53,1:16:51.16,CH,,0,0,0,,If I give a bad impression, I will also cause trouble for my agency
Dialogue: 9,1:16:51.16,1:16:55.41,CH,,0,0,0,,But I believe there is no contradiction between that and speaking up your thoughts
Dialogue: 9,1:16:55.59,1:16:57.04,CH,,0,0,0,,Is it fine if I speak up?
Dialogue: 9,1:16:57.32,1:16:59.47,CH,,0,0,0,,You just need more confidence and resolve
Dialogue: 9,1:17:02.60,1:17:05.66,CH,,0,0,0,,Then the scipt is finalised, thank you very much
Dialogue: 9,1:17:06.02,1:17:07.22,CH,,0,0,0,,Thank you very much
Dialogue: 9,1:17:07.22,1:17:08.46,CH,,0,0,0,,Good work
Dialogue: 9,1:17:08.46,1:17:11.94,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry about dragging it for so long
Dialogue: 9,1:17:12.10,1:17:14.34,CH,,0,0,0,,So the ending ends in failure and not victory
Dialogue: 9,1:17:14.34,1:17:17.16,CH,,0,0,0,,Although that is the case, it feels rather pleasant
Dialogue: 9,1:17:17.16,1:17:18.63,CH,,0,0,0,,I think the closure was handled very well
Dialogue: 9,1:17:18.63,1:17:21.90,CH,,0,0,0,,And it was great that Hedwick's wish was rewarded
Dialogue: 9,1:17:21.90,1:17:23.82,CH,,0,0,0,,That was an idea from Ms. Imai
Dialogue: 9,1:17:24.48,1:17:26.00,CH,,0,0,0,,Idea? You flatter me
Dialogue: 9,1:17:26.00,1:17:28.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Thank you, If Imai did not join
Dialogue: 9,1:17:28.62,1:17:30.36,CH,,0,0,0,,I think I still wont't have a clue
Dialogue: 9,1:17:30.36,1:17:31.88,CH,,0,0,0,,Master, please don't be like this
Dialogue: 9,1:17:31.88,1:17:34.72,CH,,0,0,0,,I am not your master, I am you opponent
Dialogue: 9,1:17:43.76,1:17:44.96,CH,,0,0,0,,Do you need anything from us?
Dialogue: 9,1:17:46.52,1:17:47.53,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Yamada
Dialogue: 9,1:17:48.16,1:17:49.77,CH,,0,0,0,,I see someone trying to come clean
Dialogue: 9,1:17:49.77,1:17:51.39,CH,,0,0,0,,No, it's not like that
Dialogue: 9,1:17:51.39,1:17:53.07,CH,,0,0,0,,Listen to me, please listen to my explantation
Dialogue: 9,1:17:53.07,1:17:55.09,CH,,0,0,0,,But not like it affects us
Dialogue: 9,1:17:55.09,1:17:57.84,CH,,0,0,0,,You're still a baby chick when people fawn all over you
Dialogue: 9,1:17:57.84,1:17:59.66,CH,,0,0,0,,Only when things hit the fan do you see a person's true skills
Dialogue: 9,1:17:59.66,1:18:00.95,CH,,0,0,0,,What skills?
Dialogue: 9,1:18:00.95,1:18:02.24,CH,,0,0,0,,The directing career
Dialogue: 9,1:18:02.43,1:18:04.85,CH,,0,0,0,,It's only your second time, don't worry too much about it
Dialogue: 9,1:18:04.85,1:18:06.68,CH,,0,0,0,,The second time? What's the first?
Dialogue: 9,1:18:06.68,1:18:08.88,CH,,0,0,0,,Remember? The time with the huge fire in "Prucure"
Dialogue: 9,1:18:08.88,1:18:10.66,CH,,0,0,0,,That was all your fault
Dialogue: 9,1:18:11.00,1:18:11.65,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that so?
Dialogue: 9,1:18:11.65,1:18:14.36,CH,,0,0,0,,I fully accept everyone's opinions and criticism on that
Dialogue: 9,1:18:14.36,1:18:16.70,CH,,0,0,0,,But that was really a malicious setup at slandering me
Dialogue: 9,1:18:16.85,1:18:17.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 9,1:18:17.93,1:18:19.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Really
Dialogue: 9,1:18:20.82,1:18:23.23,CH,,0,0,0,,This is just a matter of brightness
Dialogue: 9,1:18:23.68,1:18:25.68,CH,,0,0,0,,Let's clear up the image a bit
Dialogue: 9,1:18:29.12,1:18:31.07,CH,,0,0,0,,It's producer Makura and producer Enjo
Dialogue: 9,1:18:31.31,1:18:33.32,CH,,0,0,0,,Oh, and at that time they were right behind me
Dialogue: 9,1:18:33.32,1:18:35.13,CH,,0,0,0,,What? It was just a picture from the celebration party
Dialogue: 9,1:18:35.35,1:18:37.24,CH,,0,0,0,,Please don't be so disappointed
Dialogue: 9,1:18:37.45,1:18:39.37,CH,,0,0,0,,They say that rumors only lasts for 75 days
Dialogue: 9,1:18:39.37,1:18:42.72,CH,,0,0,0,,It seems like I can only wait for the storm to calm down
Dialogue: 9,1:18:42.72,1:18:45.66,CH,,0,0,0,,Actually, it seems like this storm will follow you for life
Dialogue: 9,1:18:45.66,1:18:47.82,CH,,0,0,0,,I think it is better for you to clear up the misunderstanding
Dialogue: 9,1:18:47.82,1:18:49.02,CH,,0,0,0,,Do you guys believe what I say?
Dialogue: 9,1:18:49.02,1:18:51.00,CH,,0,0,0,,There are lots of people who don't believe you
Dialogue: 9,1:18:51.00,1:18:52.65,CH,,0,0,0,,Even if no one believes in you
Dialogue: 9,1:18:52.65,1:18:54.96,CH,,0,0,0,,But can your appraisal get any worse?
Dialogue: 9,1:18:54.96,1:18:56.99,CH,,0,0,0,,It is true that you got way too over your head
Dialogue: 9,1:19:04.03,1:19:05.31,CH,,0,0,0,,Could it be the server is down?
Dialogue: 9,1:19:06.15,1:19:10.57,CH,,0,0,0,,No, I am talking about the home page for director Yamada is not loading
Dialogue: 9,1:19:10.57,1:19:11.55,CH,,0,0,0,,That's all?
Dialogue: 9,1:19:11.55,1:19:12.24,CH,,0,0,0,,What?
Dialogue: 9,1:19:12.38,1:19:14.55,CH,,0,0,0,,If everything can just calm down, then that will be best
Dialogue: 9,1:19:14.55,1:19:15.32,CH,,0,0,0,,Exactly
Dialogue: 9,1:19:15.32,1:19:17.33,CH,,0,0,0,,If it gets any larger, then SIVA will also be affected
Dialogue: 9,1:19:17.33,1:19:20.74,CH,,0,0,0,,We'll just have to wait and see, afterall we already did everything we could
Dialogue: 9,1:19:20.74,1:19:24.73,CH,,0,0,0,,No matter how sincere you are, what you won't get across, you won't get across
Dialogue: 9,1:19:26.43,1:19:28.79,CH,,0,0,0,,Now if there are just 2 more people for each stager and directing then...
Dialogue: 9,1:19:29.66,1:19:31.63,CH,,0,0,0,,The hero always arrives late
Dialogue: 9,1:19:33.70,1:19:34.75,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, let's go in
Dialogue: 9,1:19:35.44,1:19:36.96,CH,,0,0,0,,So-so I guess
Dialogue: 9,1:19:36.96,1:19:41.31,CH,,0,0,0,,Speaking of which, is this not a copy of my project? A sci-fi story in space
Dialogue: 9,1:19:41.31,1:19:44.04,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, okay, let me first confirm the schedule
Dialogue: 9,1:19:44.04,1:19:45.14,CH,,0,0,0,,Now is also fine
Dialogue: 9,1:19:45.14,1:19:47.34,CH,,0,0,0,,Whay is Dai deciding my schedule?
Dialogue: 9,1:19:47.34,1:19:48.75,CH,,0,0,0,,Because I am responsible for you
Dialogue: 9,1:19:58.35,1:20:00.24,CH,,0,0,0,,Director, how's the progress?
Dialogue: 9,1:20:02.08,1:20:02.79,CH,,0,0,0,,Director?
Dialogue: 9,1:20:17.93,1:20:18.78,CH,,0,0,0,,Where's the storyboard?
Dialogue: 9,1:20:18.78,1:20:19.71,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm free
Dialogue: 9,1:20:19.71,1:20:21.43,CH,,0,0,0,,What are you doing, I'm going to scream
Dialogue: 9,1:20:21.43,1:20:23.26,CH,,0,0,0,,If you can scream, why don't you give it a try?
Dialogue: 9,1:20:30.81,1:20:32.54,CH,,0,0,0,,Ah, Ms. Yano, why?
Dialogue: 9,1:20:32.76,1:20:35.49,CH,,0,0,0,,Thanks to you, things at home have finally settled down
Dialogue: 9,1:20:36.24,1:20:38.83,CH,,0,0,0,,That so? That's good to hear
Dialogue: 9,1:20:38.83,1:20:40.51,CH,,0,0,0,,Thanks for your concern
Dialogue: 9,1:20:40.51,1:20:43.08,CH,,0,0,0,,Awesome, then I will first take my leave
Dialogue: 9,1:20:44.13,1:20:45.75,CH,,0,0,0,,Where are you off to?
Dialogue: 9,1:20:46.49,1:20:49.08,CH,,0,0,0,,A world where there is no storyboard and no anime
Dialogue: 9,1:20:49.08,1:20:52.53,CH,,0,0,0,,If you take away anime from Mr. Kinoshita, then he is just a fried chicken kind of things
Dialogue: 9,1:20:52.53,1:20:53.98,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm not even human?
Dialogue: 9,1:20:53.98,1:20:54.57,CH,,0,0,0,,Go back
Dialogue: 9,1:20:57.10,1:20:58.53,CH,,0,0,0,,Are you serious about this schedule
Dialogue: 9,1:20:58.85,1:20:59.59,CH,,0,0,0,,I am serious
Dialogue: 9,1:20:59.59,1:21:00.86,CH,,0,0,0,,So tight
Dialogue: 9,1:21:02.13,1:21:03.22,CH,,0,0,0,,But first...
Dialogue: 9,1:21:07.25,1:21:07.84,CH,,0,0,0,,Director
Dialogue: 9,1:21:07.84,1:21:09.02,CH,,0,0,0,,I am drawing alright
Dialogue: 9,1:21:09.39,1:21:09.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Look at this
Dialogue: 9,1:21:12.70,1:21:14.26,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that Seira?
Dialogue: 9,1:21:14.26,1:21:16.69,CH,,0,0,0,,No, this is not Seira Kinoshita
Dialogue: 9,1:21:17.16,1:21:20.09,CH,,0,0,0,,Although it's not, if it saw the director like this
Dialogue: 9,1:21:20.09,1:21:21.75,CH,,0,0,0,,What would Seira think?
Dialogue: 9,1:21:23.11,1:21:24.87,CH,,0,0,0,,Seira, I'm sorry
Dialogue: 9,1:21:25.93,1:21:27.30,CH,,0,0,0,,Fried chicken combo!
Dialogue: 9,1:21:29.07,1:21:30.69,CH,,0,0,0,,Montblanc!
Dialogue: 9,1:21:32.97,1:21:36.49,CH,,0,0,0,,For Seira, the fried chicken combo and the montblanc
Dialogue: 9,1:21:36.49,1:21:38.25,CH,,0,0,0,,Quickly finish the storyboard already
Dialogue: 9,1:21:38.48,1:21:41.29,CH,,0,0,0,,But I can't think of anything
Dialogue: 9,1:21:41.29,1:21:43.51,CH,,0,0,0,,I'm completely struck?
Dialogue: 9,1:21:44.00,1:21:46.65,CH,,0,0,0,,Eh, is it struck? Or is it stuck?
Dialogue: 9,1:21:46.65,1:21:48.03,CH,,0,0,0,,No problem
Dialogue: 9,1:21:48.43,1:21:52.18,CH,,0,0,0,,It only starts when things get tough
Dialogue: 9,1:21:52.58,1:21:56.53,CH,,0,0,0,,I know you director, you are someone that can do it if you try
Dialogue: 9,1:21:56.88,1:21:57.60,CH,,0,0,0,,If I try...
Dialogue: 9,1:21:58.26,1:21:59.09,CH,,0,0,0,,Then I can do it?
Dialogue: 9,1:22:01.51,1:22:02.71,CH,,0,0,0,,As expected...
Dialogue: 9,1:22:02.90,1:22:07.47,CH,,0,0,0,,Before the climax, the plan to use SIVA to escape back to the hometown is discovered
Dialogue: 9,1:22:07.47,1:22:10.09,CH,,0,0,0,,Laure and Arte are captured by Captain Kouyou
Dialogue: 9,1:22:10.23,1:22:13.39,CH,,0,0,0,,The situation is hopeless and dire
Dialogue: 9,1:22:13.58,1:22:14.91,CH,,0,0,0,,You coward
Dialogue: 9,1:22:15.35,1:22:18.02,CH,,0,0,0,,There are no miracles in this world, you can only rely on yourself to seize the opportunity
Dialogue: 9,1:22:20.19,1:22:21.11,CH,,0,0,0,,So I need to make my own?
Dialogue: 9,1:22:22.51,1:22:25.67,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes, miracles do not happen by just waiting
Dialogue: 9,1:22:25.99,1:22:27.96,CH,,0,0,0,,Miracles are made, they can be made
Dialogue: 9,1:22:28.65,1:22:32.93,CH,,0,0,0,,You need to rely on your own wisdom, courage, hard work and blood and tears to get it
Dialogue: 9,1:22:35.28,1:22:36.88,CH,,0,0,0,,I am going to leave this place
Dialogue: 9,1:22:37.09,1:22:38.94,CH,,0,0,0,,To have it all end without seeing the outside world
Dialogue: 9,1:22:39.16,1:22:42.39,CH,,0,0,0,,I won't accept that!
Dialogue: 9,1:22:46.66,1:22:47.86,CH,,0,0,0,,Thank you for your efforts
Dialogue: 9,1:22:51.78,1:22:52.96,CH,,0,0,0,,I have used up everything
Dialogue: 9,1:22:53.20,1:22:54.71,CH,,0,0,0,,I have no regrets
Dialogue: 9,1:22:54.71,1:22:55.73,CH,,0,0,0,,What are you saying?
Dialogue: 9,1:22:55.73,1:22:56.48,CH,,0,0,0,,It only begins now
Dialogue: 9,1:22:56.48,1:22:59.44,CH,,0,0,0,,If you think that after completing the storyboard then you can relax, then you are gravely mistaken
Dialogue: 9,1:22:59.44,1:23:00.96,CH,,0,0,0,,No way!
Dialogue: 9,1:23:00.96,1:23:02.25,CH,,0,0,0,,Is directing enough?
Dialogue: 9,1:23:02.25,1:23:04.10,CH,,0,0,0,,Hoenstly, we are still short of 1 more person
Dialogue: 9,1:23:09.20,1:23:12.63,CH,,0,0,0,,Do you think there is someone who is willing to pay for me to fish?
Dialogue: 9,1:23:13.23,1:23:16.04,CH,,0,0,0,,There are people who are willing to pay you after watching the movie
Dialogue: 9,1:23:16.63,1:23:19.51,CH,,0,0,0,,Although I say watch, but I guess it has to be made first
Dialogue: 9,1:23:19.89,1:23:21.61,CH,,0,0,0,,I knew it
Dialogue: 9,1:23:21.61,1:23:22.71,CH,,0,0,0,,Long time no see
Dialogue: 9,1:23:22.96,1:23:23.64,CH,,0,0,0,,How is it back home?
Dialogue: 9,1:23:23.64,1:23:26.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Managing, I am at least able to help Musashino now
Dialogue: 9,1:23:26.62,1:23:27.91,CH,,0,0,0,,That's good then
Dialogue: 9,1:23:28.61,1:23:30.16,CH,,0,0,0,,Then let's get moving
Dialogue: 9,1:23:33.79,1:23:36.10,CH,,0,0,0,,It's around 2 hours and 28 minutes right?
Dialogue: 9,1:23:36.10,1:23:36.91,CH,,0,0,0,,Is it too long?
Dialogue: 9,1:23:37.11,1:23:38.00,CH,,0,0,0,,Too long
Dialogue: 9,1:23:38.00,1:23:40.39,CH,,0,0,0,,It should be fine to cut it down to 120 minutes
Dialogue: 9,1:23:40.73,1:23:43.00,CH,,0,0,0,,That you should ask Mr. Watanabe
Dialogue: 9,1:23:43.00,1:23:45.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Then cut out the scene where the natto is being explained
Dialogue: 9,1:23:45.62,1:23:45.99,CH,,0,0,0,,Indeed
Dialogue: 9,1:23:45.99,1:23:47.99,CH,,0,0,0,,That is an important scene that I was responsible for
Dialogue: 9,1:23:47.99,1:23:50.94,CH,,0,0,0,,If you ask me, caring for the natto
Dialogue: 9,1:23:50.94,1:23:56.30,CH,,0,0,0,,Represents the same significance as the movie's theme, love and the rebirth of life
Dialogue: 9,1:23:56.62,1:23:58.85,CH,,0,0,0,,Significance, hmm... That is important then
Dialogue: 9,1:23:58.85,1:23:59.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Exactly
Dialogue: 9,1:23:59.92,1:24:01.02,CH,,0,0,0,,But it is not required now
Dialogue: 9,1:24:01.02,1:24:01.89,CH,,0,0,0,,It's not required
Dialogue: 9,1:24:01.89,1:24:02.57,CH,,0,0,0,,Not required
Dialogue: 9,1:24:02.57,1:24:03.88,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, I know
Dialogue: 9,1:24:06.12,1:24:07.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Weird saying this, but good shot
Dialogue: 9,1:24:07.96,1:24:10.36,CH,,0,0,0,,"Pigeon tengu" went unexpectedly well
Dialogue: 9,1:24:10.36,1:24:12.63,CH,,0,0,0,,I heard there was 2,2 billion?
Dialogue: 9,1:24:12.63,1:24:14.86,CH,,0,0,0,,It even surpassed "Centre of the world"
Dialogue: 9,1:24:14.86,1:24:16.49,CH,,0,0,0,,How envious
Dialogue: 9,1:24:16.64,1:24:18.97,CH,,0,0,0,,But aren't you guys currently busy with an animation movie?
Dialogue: 9,1:24:19.62,1:24:22.41,CH,,0,0,0,,I think it was called somethings ship SIVA
Dialogue: 9,1:24:22.41,1:24:24.21,CH,,0,0,0,,No, that was already ax...
Dialogue: 9,1:24:24.21,1:24:24.64,CH,,0,0,0,,See
Dialogue: 9,1:24:27.99,1:24:30.28,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Shimoyanagi, we are deeply sorry
Dialogue: 9,1:24:30.62,1:24:32.55,CH,,0,0,0,,We cannot accept more workload
Dialogue: 9,1:24:32.55,1:24:35.07,CH,,0,0,0,,No problem, I generally don't require a lot of sleep
Dialogue: 9,1:24:35.56,1:24:36.92,CH,,0,0,0,,That's not the problem
Dialogue: 9,1:24:37.91,1:24:39.96,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry for putting you in a tough position
Dialogue: 9,1:24:40.45,1:24:42.01,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that SIVA?
Dialogue: 9,1:24:43.40,1:24:44.35,CH,,0,0,0,,But this is already...
Dialogue: 9,1:24:44.35,1:24:46.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Is it the explosion and collapsing scene scene?
Dialogue: 9,1:24:46.51,1:24:48.38,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Okudo should be able to do it
Dialogue: 9,1:24:48.87,1:24:49.73,CH,,0,0,0,,Why?
Dialogue: 9,1:24:50.54,1:24:53.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Because doesn't she like effects and are good at it
Dialogue: 9,1:24:54.47,1:24:56.97,CH,,0,0,0,,If it's the explosion and the scatter then I should be able to do it
Dialogue: 9,1:24:57.32,1:24:58.01,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that true?
Dialogue: 9,1:24:58.27,1:25:01.88,CH,,0,0,0,,I use it often in the recently released After FX
Dialogue: 9,1:25:02.14,1:25:04.94,CH,,0,0,0,,There were quite a lot of changes in the new version, have you already learnt it?
Dialogue: 9,1:25:05.27,1:25:07.27,CH,,0,0,0,,Wow, you are talented
Dialogue: 9,1:25:07.84,1:25:10.08,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, then let's have a discussion about this
Dialogue: 9,1:25:10.38,1:25:11.74,CH,,0,0,0,,Because it's an explosion underwater
Dialogue: 9,1:25:11.74,1:25:13.83,CH,,0,0,0,,So you need to create a sensation with the water and air mixture
Dialogue: 9,1:25:13.83,1:25:16.27,CH,,0,0,0,,Even if you say that, this is also the moment where the story progresses
Dialogue: 9,1:25:16.27,1:25:17.54,CH,,0,0,0,,So the effects should be more splendor
Dialogue: 9,1:25:17.54,1:25:18.94,CH,,0,0,0,,How about scattering some rubble
Dialogue: 9,1:25:18.94,1:25:21.51,CH,,0,0,0,,To give it some depth
Dialogue: 9,1:25:21.51,1:25:22.38,CH,,0,0,0,,All up to you
Dialogue: 9,1:25:28.65,1:25:30.87,CH,,0,0,0,,Hi everyone
Dialogue: 9,1:25:31.40,1:25:35.76,CH,,0,0,0,,Today we have specially invited some ladies good at drawing
Dialogue: 9,1:25:36.38,1:25:37.14,CH,,0,0,0,,Here you go
Dialogue: 9,1:25:45.14,1:25:48.10,CH,,0,0,0,,Hi everyone, I am the lady host of the day
Dialogue: 9,1:25:48.41,1:25:49.14,CH,,0,0,0,,Auntie
Dialogue: 9,1:25:49.96,1:25:50.61,CH,,0,0,0,,What gives?
Dialogue: 9,1:25:51.38,1:25:55.15,CH,,0,0,0,,Today we will be using everyone's drwaing to make an animation
Dialogue: 9,1:25:55.57,1:25:58.08,CH,,0,0,0,,The animation that everyone watches at home
Dialogue: 9,1:25:58.08,1:26:01.25,CH,,0,0,0,,Is actually made up of many drawings put...
Dialogue: 9,1:26:01.25,1:26:02.46,CH,,0,0,0,,Can't understand what you are saying
Dialogue: 9,1:26:02.46,1:26:03.11,CH,,0,0,0,,Boring
Dialogue: 9,1:26:03.11,1:26:04.48,CH,,0,0,0,,Please say something fun instead
Dialogue: 9,1:26:04.48,1:26:06.01,CH,,0,0,0,,Can I go out and play
Dialogue: 9,1:26:06.01,1:26:08.08,CH,,0,0,0,,Aoi, you must attract the attention of the kids
Dialogue: 9,1:26:08.08,1:26:09.54,CH,,0,0,0,,Get to the point within 3 sentences
Dialogue: 9,1:26:11.63,1:26:14.74,CH,,0,0,0,,Today, we will make everyone's picture move
Dialogue: 9,1:26:15.04,1:26:15.65,CH,,0,0,0,,What do you mean?
Dialogue: 9,1:26:15.65,1:26:17.03,CH,,0,800,0,,Really? How do you do it?
Dialogue: 9,1:26:16.79,1:26:19.04,CH,,800,0,0,,Don't be tricked, as if a drawing can move
Dialogue: 9,1:26:19.28,1:26:20.93,CH,,0,0,0,,What is this?
Dialogue: 9,1:26:20.93,1:26:21.91,CH,,0,0,0,,It's a keyframe
Dialogue: 9,1:26:21.91,1:26:23.52,CH,,0,0,0,,It's the basis of an animation
Dialogue: 9,1:26:23.65,1:26:26.03,CH,,0,0,0,,But it's probably still too hard for you guys
Dialogue: 9,1:26:26.03,1:26:27.52,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't joke, I will draw one for you to see
Dialogue: 9,1:26:27.52,1:26:30.96,CH,,0,0,0,,Really? You must start from 1 and connect the dots in sequence
Dialogue: 9,1:26:30.96,1:26:32.54,CH,,0,0,0,,That is very easy
Dialogue: 9,1:26:32.54,1:26:33.30,CH,,0,0,0,,It's child's play
Dialogue: 9,1:26:33.30,1:26:35.20,CH,,0,0,0,,Is that so? It is actually a bit tiring
Dialogue: 9,1:26:35.74,1:26:37.52,CH,,0,0,0,,It's easy, I am very focused
Dialogue: 9,1:26:37.52,1:26:38.41,CH,,0,0,0,,I will also draw
Dialogue: 9,1:26:38.41,1:26:39.15,CH,,0,0,0,,I also want to draw
Dialogue: 9,1:26:39.15,1:26:39.87,CH,,0,0,0,,Me too
Dialogue: 9,1:26:39.87,1:26:40.86,CH,,0,0,0,,Me too
Dialogue: 9,1:26:41.20,1:26:42.45,CH,,0,0,0,,What are you doing?
Dialogue: 9,1:26:42.65,1:26:44.72,CH,,0,0,0,,I am combining everyone's drawing
Dialogue: 9,1:26:44.72,1:26:45.91,CH,,0,0,0,,How do you do that?
Dialogue: 9,1:26:46.08,1:26:49.52,CH,,800,0,0,,I can tell you guys, but you will need help out
Dialogue: 9,1:26:50.73,1:26:51.48,CH,,800,0,0,,Don't want to
Dialogue: 9,1:26:50.09,1:26:51.16,CH,,0,0,0,,It's fine then
Dialogue: 9,1:26:51.58,1:26:55.43,CH,,0,0,0,,Why? Doing it with everyone will be much more fun
Dialogue: 9,1:26:56.07,1:26:59.94,CH,,0,0,0,,If you insist, I guess I can help
Dialogue: 9,1:27:02.26,1:27:04.54,CH,,0,0,0,,Then let's split up the work, you two...
Dialogue: 9,1:27:04.75,1:27:06.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, everyone gather
Dialogue: 9,1:27:06.19,1:27:08.55,CH,,0,0,0,,The animation everyone made is starting
Dialogue: 9,1:27:11.36,1:27:12.09,CH,,0,0,0,,What is this?
Dialogue: 9,1:27:12.09,1:27:13.22,CH,,0,0,0,,It's my drawing
Dialogue: 9,1:27:13.22,1:27:14.86,CH,,0,0,0,,It's not moving
Dialogue: 9,1:27:16.91,1:27:17.51,CH,,0,0,0,,It moved
Dialogue: 9,1:27:17.51,1:27:18.05,CH,,0,0,0,,Cool
Dialogue: 9,1:27:18.39,1:27:19.48,CH,,0,0,0,,That's so cool
Dialogue: 9,1:27:20.40,1:27:21.01,CH,,0,0,0,,What is this?
Dialogue: 9,1:27:27.49,1:27:27.90,CH,,0,0,0,,Eh
Dialogue: 9,1:27:27.90,1:27:28.59,CH,,0,0,0,,No way
Dialogue: 9,1:27:28.59,1:27:30.17,CH,,800,0,0,,Isn't this that...
Dialogue: 9,1:27:29.50,1:27:31.24,CH,,0,800,0,,Quiet, as if it is?
Dialogue: 9,1:27:35.07,1:27:36.99,CH,,0,0,0,,Does everyone recognise me?
Dialogue: 9,1:27:36.99,1:27:39.24,CH,,0,0,0,,Lickety-lick!
Dialogue: 9,1:27:39.44,1:27:42.52,CH,,0,0,0,,Good, I guess I underestimated everyone
Dialogue: 9,1:27:42.52,1:27:44.22,CH,,0,0,0,,Next question
Dialogue: 9,1:27:44.22,1:27:46.23,CH,,0,0,0,,Me's mother has a taste of fish
Dialogue: 9,1:27:46.23,1:27:48.05,CH,,0,0,0,,Me's father is the king of Miso
Dialogue: 9,1:27:48.05,1:27:48.85,CH,,0,0,0,,What about me's little sisters?
Dialogue: 9,1:27:48.85,1:27:50.36,CH,,0,0,0,,Sashimi and riceball
Dialogue: 9,1:27:50.36,1:27:51.25,CH,,0,0,0,,Correct
Dialogue: 9,1:27:51.25,1:27:52.93,CH,,0,0,0,,You guys are the best
Dialogue: 9,1:27:52.93,1:27:55.67,CH,,0,0,0,,Thanks for making me into an animation, let me lickety-lick
Dialogue: 9,1:27:55.67,1:27:58.60,CH,,0,0,0,,Next up, it will only get better, don't underestimate me
Dialogue: 9,1:27:58.60,1:28:00.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Let's start the licekty-lick party
Dialogue: 9,1:28:35.38,1:28:39.30,CH,,0,0,0,,Drawing does not rely on theory but on instinct
Dialogue: 9,1:28:39.89,1:28:41.68,CH,,0,0,0,,Happy, fun
Dialogue: 9,1:28:42.24,1:28:44.23,CH,,0,0,0,,The reason I am doing this
Dialogue: 9,1:28:44.60,1:28:48.40,CH,,0,0,0,,Is also so that I can learn this from the children
Dialogue: 9,1:28:51.34,1:28:53.57,CH,,0,0,0,,It was kinda awesome
Dialogue: 9,1:28:54.61,1:28:55.88,CH,,0,0,0,,I was overwhelmed
Dialogue: 9,1:28:56.14,1:28:57.32,CH,,0,0,0,,I learnt a lesson
Dialogue: 9,1:28:57.57,1:28:59.01,CH,,0,0,0,,I was provided with energy
Dialogue: 9,1:28:59.45,1:29:00.59,CH,,0,0,0,,I was motivated
Dialogue: 9,1:29:12.34,1:29:13.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Okudo
Dialogue: 9,1:29:13.66,1:29:16.31,CH,,0,0,0,,The scene where the pipe bursts and the water splashes out
Dialogue: 9,1:29:16.31,1:29:17.59,CH,,0,0,0,,Can I request you to make it?
Dialogue: 9,1:29:18.35,1:29:22.18,CH,,0,0,0,,Compared to me, it is faster to let Ms Okudo do it, and you're also good at it
Dialogue: 9,1:29:22.94,1:29:23.45,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay
Dialogue: 9,1:29:24.50,1:29:25.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 9,1:29:26.08,1:29:27.34,CH,,0,0,0,,Thank you
Dialogue: 9,1:29:27.71,1:29:29.75,CH,,0,0,0,,Are you visiting Ms. Yasuhara today?
Dialogue: 9,1:29:30.22,1:29:32.11,CH,,0,0,0,,Although it may get dealyed until the evening
Dialogue: 9,1:29:32.27,1:29:33.36,CH,,0,0,0,,But I should be going
Dialogue: 9,1:29:33.52,1:29:35.07,CH,,0,0,0,,Then can you relay something for me
Dialogue: 9,1:29:35.07,1:29:36.31,CH,,0,0,0,,That's fine, please tell me
Dialogue: 9,1:29:36.31,1:29:38.41,CH,,0,0,0,,It's nothing serious
Dialogue: 9,1:29:38.85,1:29:42.32,CH,,0,0,0,,Please tell Ms. Yasuhara that I am looking forward to reviewing the part she is responsible for
Dialogue: 9,1:29:43.35,1:29:44.35,CH,,0,0,0,,Roger
Dialogue: 9,1:29:45.20,1:29:46.45,CH,,0,0,0,,I keep thinking
Dialogue: 9,1:29:47.32,1:29:49.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Why is it that where we go is already set in stone?
Dialogue: 9,1:29:50.33,1:29:52.46,CH,,0,0,0,,Why is there a limit to anything we do?
Dialogue: 9,1:29:53.33,1:29:56.71,CH,,0,0,0,,Why are there dreams that can't come true?
Dialogue: 9,1:29:57.78,1:30:00.37,CH,,0,0,0,,But, no one answers me
Dialogue: 9,1:30:01.02,1:30:03.13,CH,,0,0,0,,During this period, I also slowly began to stop thinking about it
Dialogue: 9,1:30:03.82,1:30:06.06,CH,,0,0,0,,Just wasting my time everyday
Dialogue: 9,1:30:06.60,1:30:08.79,CH,,0,0,0,,Just welcoming the tomorrow that is the same as yesterday
Dialogue: 9,1:30:09.04,1:30:11.26,CH,,0,0,0,,Maybe someday it will quitely end
Dialogue: 9,1:30:13.68,1:30:17.06,CH,,0,0,0,,But, it's Laure and Hedwick who told me
Dialogue: 9,1:30:17.94,1:30:19.07,CH,,0,0,0,,There are no 2 days the same
Dialogue: 9,1:30:19.77,1:30:21.40,CH,,0,0,0,,Tomorrow will be a different day
Dialogue: 9,1:30:22.80,1:30:25.70,CH,,0,0,0,,But... Why is everyone giving up?
Dialogue: 9,1:30:26.57,1:30:27.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Let's go
Dialogue: 9,1:30:28.07,1:30:30.35,CH,,0,0,0,,Even though it is still uncertain if we will succeed
Dialogue: 9,1:30:30.94,1:30:32.55,CH,,0,0,0,,Let's move forward towards our dreams
Dialogue: 9,1:30:33.30,1:30:36.75,CH,,0,0,0,,Even if the future is uncertain and nerve-wrecking, le't move forward
Dialogue: 9,1:30:41.30,1:30:43.25,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry, I am a bit...
Dialogue: 9,1:30:43.25,1:30:44.59,CH,,0,0,0,,No problem, I can understand
Dialogue: 9,1:30:44.59,1:30:45.95,CH,,0,0,0,,It's great, makes me wanna cry
Dialogue: 9,1:30:46.22,1:30:48.86,CH,,0,0,0,,She became a character much more developed than I thought
Dialogue: 9,1:30:49.78,1:30:53.89,CH,,0,0,0,,During the audition, I thought there was this charm to her when she played Arte's negative emotions
Dialogue: 9,1:30:53.89,1:30:55.45,CH,,0,0,0,,I finally thought that we could do it
Dialogue: 9,1:30:55.94,1:30:58.65,CH,,0,0,0,,It is not good to limit yourself to the roles
Dialogue: 9,1:30:58.89,1:31:00.25,CH,,0,0,0,,Exactly
Dialogue: 9,1:31:01.46,1:31:03.43,CH,,0,0,0,,You need to turn off your phone in the recording studio
Dialogue: 9,1:31:03.43,1:31:04.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry, I forgot
Dialogue: 9,1:31:06.21,1:31:07.11,CH,,0,0,0,,Is something wrong?
Dialogue: 9,1:31:07.11,1:31:09.10,CH,,0,0,0,,No, nothing
Dialogue: 9,1:31:09.10,1:31:10.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Let's get started
Dialogue: 9,1:31:10.52,1:31:11.47,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay
Dialogue: 9,1:31:12.80,1:31:14.30,CH,,0,0,0,,Hello
Dialogue: 9,1:31:14.45,1:31:16.90,CH,,0,0,0,,I am sorry for calling you out
Dialogue: 9,1:31:17.28,1:31:18.02,CH,,0,0,0,,And?
Dialogue: 9,1:31:18.16,1:31:20.91,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't be so annoyed, this is very important
Dialogue: 9,1:31:21.57,1:31:24.47,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Katsuragi, you guys are making SIVA right?
Dialogue: 9,1:31:24.69,1:31:28.91,CH,,0,0,0,,That is not only your company's, but also our company's title
Dialogue: 9,1:31:31.17,1:31:33.22,CH,,0,0,0,,You're shameless!
Dialogue: 9,1:31:33.42,1:31:35.98,CH,,0,0,0,,It'll cause trouble for the other guests
Dialogue: 9,1:31:36.62,1:31:37.58,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry
Dialogue: 9,1:31:38.55,1:31:41.75,CH,,0,0,0,,I didn't think I'd get kicked out of GPU
Dialogue: 9,1:31:41.98,1:31:44.64,CH,,0,0,0,,It's because you broke a crystal ware
Dialogue: 9,1:31:44.76,1:31:46.03,CH,,0,0,0,,That was an accident
Dialogue: 9,1:31:46.03,1:31:47.48,CH,,0,0,0,,That is why you were banned from entry
Dialogue: 9,1:31:47.74,1:31:49.64,CH,,0,0,0,,So, what they mean is...
Dialogue: 9,1:31:49.64,1:31:52.46,CH,,0,0,0,,We cannot freely make it nor use the title freely
Dialogue: 9,1:31:52.46,1:31:53.29,CH,,0,0,0,,How can that be
Dialogue: 9,1:31:53.50,1:31:56.20,CH,,0,0,0,,There really is no argument around having the same title
Dialogue: 9,1:31:56.43,1:31:57.35,CH,,0,0,0,,Exaclty
Dialogue: 9,1:31:57.35,1:31:59.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Why is it again that we did not change the title?
Dialogue: 9,1:31:59.29,1:32:01.94,CH,,0,0,0,,It's because SIVA has already been promoted several times
Dialogue: 9,1:32:02.97,1:32:05.26,CH,,0,0,0,,Even though it's small, it still had a trademark logo
Dialogue: 9,1:32:05.51,1:32:07.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Did they have any demands? Just stop with any release?
Dialogue: 9,1:32:08.96,1:32:10.57,CH,,0,0,0,,Do they have that much power?
Dialogue: 9,1:32:10.81,1:32:13.37,CH,,0,0,0,,We are also discussing this with the law department
Dialogue: 9,1:32:13.96,1:32:15.90,CH,,0,0,0,,Although they're obviously looking for trouble
Dialogue: 9,1:32:15.90,1:32:18.87,CH,,0,0,0,,But we can't ignore them and go straight to release
Dialogue: 9,1:32:19.01,1:32:21.75,CH,,0,0,0,,But there's no time for leisure mediation
Dialogue: 9,1:32:21.85,1:32:24.84,CH,,0,0,0,,What's their purpose?  The royalties from the product?
Dialogue: 9,1:32:25.03,1:32:26.79,CH,,0,0,0,,Wanting to become a co-producer to put on their own name
Dialogue: 9,1:32:26.79,1:32:28.74,CH,,0,0,0,,And somehow become the primary contractor during the process?
Dialogue: 9,1:32:28.97,1:32:31.35,CH,,0,0,0,,Taking away all the power and letting Musashino just be a subcontractor
Dialogue: 9,1:32:31.35,1:32:33.83,CH,,0,0,0,,How can that happen? It was them that first backed-out
Dialogue: 9,1:32:33.83,1:32:38.37,CH,,0,0,0,,If they say "It is you guys that one-sidedly discarded us, we did not say we were not doing it"
Dialogue: 9,1:32:38.37,1:32:39.83,CH,,0,0,0,,Then we will be taking the blame
Dialogue: 9,1:32:41.77,1:32:43.78,CH,,0,0,0,,I was carelees
Dialogue: 9,1:32:44.75,1:32:45.92,CH,,0,0,0,,I am really sorry
Dialogue: 9,1:33:59.12,1:34:00.94,CH,,0,0,0,,Stop the production
Dialogue: 9,1:34:03.74,1:34:05.00,CH,,0,0,0,,So it has come to this
Dialogue: 9,1:34:05.00,1:34:07.27,CH,,0,0,0,,Can they even make anything decent?
Dialogue: 9,1:34:07.27,1:34:08.10,CH,,0,0,0,,I guess you're right
Dialogue: 9,1:34:08.10,1:34:09.54,CH,,0,0,0,,Afterall, they are Musashino
Dialogue: 9,1:34:09.54,1:34:10.24,CH,,0,0,0,,They're Musashino alright
Dialogue: 9,1:34:10.24,1:34:11.30,CH,,0,0,0,,They're just Musashino
Dialogue: 9,1:34:11.30,1:34:13.14,CH,,0,0,0,,I am glad I didn't accept a job from there
Dialogue: 9,1:34:13.14,1:34:15.65,CH,,0,0,0,,I knew from the start, afterall, it's Musashino
Dialogue: 9,1:34:23.21,1:34:25.54,CH,,0,0,0,,It's over
Dialogue: 9,1:34:25.70,1:34:26.60,CH,,0,0,0,,Get ready
Dialogue: 9,1:34:28.06,1:34:29.65,CH,,0,0,0,,Don' take it too far
Dialogue: 9,1:34:29.78,1:34:32.41,CH,,0,0,0,,Why must I be reminded of those depressing things
Dialogue: 9,1:34:32.41,1:34:35.16,CH,,0,0,0,,It's not over yet, in fact, it has just begun
Dialogue: 9,1:34:35.16,1:34:37.65,CH,,0,0,0,,Cheer up, you are the producer right?
Dialogue: 9,1:34:38.23,1:34:39.39,CH,,0,0,0,,Producer?
Dialogue: 9,1:34:39.67,1:34:43.10,CH,,0,0,0,,Exactly, what's the most important thing to a producer?
Dialogue: 9,1:34:44.42,1:34:48.19,CH,,0,0,0,,I am asking what is the thing you should care most about?
Dialogue: 9,1:34:48.31,1:34:50.13,CH,,0,0,0,,Think about it carefully, producer
Dialogue: 9,1:34:50.13,1:34:51.01,CH,,0,0,0,,Think about it
Dialogue: 9,1:34:51.85,1:34:52.84,CH,,0,0,0,,The product?
Dialogue: 9,1:34:52.84,1:34:53.69,CH,,0,0,0,,Only that?
Dialogue: 9,1:34:54.08,1:34:55.18,CH,,0,0,0,,The staff...
Dialogue: 9,1:34:55.18,1:34:55.80,CH,,0,0,0,,And?
Dialogue: 9,1:34:56.68,1:34:58.51,CH,,0,0,0,,Budget, time
Dialogue: 9,1:34:59.52,1:35:00.41,CH,,0,0,0,,And quality
Dialogue: 9,1:35:00.41,1:35:01.05,CH,,0,0,0,,Correct
Dialogue: 9,1:35:01.05,1:35:01.83,CH,,0,0,0,,And
Dialogue: 9,1:35:02.69,1:35:06.17,CH,,0,0,0,,The most important thing for a producer
Dialogue: 9,1:35:06.37,1:35:08.55,CH,,0,0,0,,It's to complete a product
Dialogue: 9,1:35:09.27,1:35:12.44,CH,,0,0,0,,And let the audience see the product
Dialogue: 9,1:35:27.43,1:35:28.93,CH,,0,0,0,,Do you plan on going out like that?
Dialogue: 9,1:35:30.20,1:35:31.09,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Okitsu
Dialogue: 9,1:35:34.81,1:35:37.05,CH,,0,0,0,,Please put on the one that was going to be used for "Time Mus"
Dialogue: 9,1:35:50.23,1:35:51.37,CH,,0,0,0,,Aren't you treating me too coldly
Dialogue: 9,1:35:51.83,1:35:54.09,CH,,0,0,0,,The vow we exchaged when drinking at Ogikubo
Dialogue: 9,1:35:55.41,1:35:56.60,CH,,0,0,0,,Have you already forgotten?
Dialogue: 9,1:35:57.34,1:36:00.08,CH,,0,0,0,,Thanks a lot, I will definitely repay you
Dialogue: 9,1:36:00.84,1:36:02.64,CH,,0,0,0,,Then pay with SIVA
Dialogue: 9,1:36:21.52,1:36:23.63,CH,,0,0,0,,Wait, please can both of you return
Dialogue: 9,1:36:23.79,1:36:25.75,CH,,0,0,0,,Umm, please wait a sec
Dialogue: 9,1:36:26.26,1:36:28.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Hey, hey, hey, where do you think this is?
Dialogue: 9,1:36:29.38,1:36:33.45,CH,,0,0,0,,This is the main office of the famous GPU
Dialogue: 9,1:36:35.88,1:36:36.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Go
Dialogue: 9,1:36:37.77,1:36:40.39,CH,,0,0,0,,We'll be using the transmission tonight
Dialogue: 9,1:36:42.56,1:36:45.18,CH,,0,0,0,,Colour outsource, colour outsource
Dialogue: 9,1:36:45.89,1:36:47.79,CH,,0,0,0,,Just skip the keyframe director
Dialogue: 9,1:36:49.04,1:36:51.37,CH,,0,0,0,,Bastard, surround them
Dialogue: 9,1:37:05.95,1:37:07.82,CH,,0,0,0,,The director is missing
Dialogue: 9,1:37:58.87,1:38:00.77,CH,,0,0,0,,No~
Dialogue: 9,1:38:01.54,1:38:02.20,CH,,0,0,0,,Wait
Dialogue: 9,1:38:10.71,1:38:13.37,CH,,0,0,0,,You guys want to breach the contract? That's no good
Dialogue: 9,1:38:13.60,1:38:15.85,CH,,0,0,0,,But this contract has yet to be signed, right?
Dialogue: 9,1:38:16.09,1:38:18.24,CH,,0,0,0,,Then that means that the agreement has yet to be established
Dialogue: 9,1:38:19.11,1:38:20.99,CH,,0,0,0,,I can't believe you are saying that
Dialogue: 9,1:38:21.31,1:38:25.88,CH,,0,0,0,,Both companies have already come to an agreement, that is why this contract exists
Dialogue: 9,1:38:26.10,1:38:28.42,CH,,0,0,0,,If you are saying that the contract is ineffective because the contract has yet to be signed
Dialogue: 9,1:38:28.42,1:38:31.72,CH,,0,0,0,,From a business perspective, that cannot be good
Dialogue: 9,1:38:32.03,1:38:34.45,CH,,0,0,0,,Also, going as far as publicly announcing the making of the production
Dialogue: 9,1:38:34.45,1:38:36.28,CH,,0,0,0,,As well as creating an official website
Dialogue: 9,1:38:36.43,1:38:38.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Then coming back and saying, because the contract has not been signed
Dialogue: 9,1:38:38.33,1:38:41.13,CH,,0,0,0,,Therefore we don't have any rights to anything?
Dialogue: 9,1:38:42.02,1:38:45.06,CH,,0,0,0,,Isn't that a bit too coneceited
Dialogue: 9,1:38:46.22,1:38:48.90,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry for making both of you come out here
Dialogue: 9,1:38:48.90,1:38:49.55,CH,,0,0,0,,But please return...
Dialogue: 9,1:38:49.55,1:38:51.03,CH,,0,0,0,,If we are speaking of responsibilities
Dialogue: 9,1:38:52.19,1:38:54.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Your company also has some responsibilities as well
Dialogue: 9,1:38:55.74,1:38:57.74,CH,,0,0,0,,Between humams, we should treat each other with sincerity
Dialogue: 9,1:38:58.25,1:39:00.60,CH,,0,0,0,,The makers requests the production studios to make somethings
Dialogue: 9,1:39:00.88,1:39:02.66,CH,,0,0,0,,The production studios respond by making the product
Dialogue: 9,1:39:03.04,1:39:04.25,CH,,0,0,0,,What sincerity?
Dialogue: 9,1:39:04.25,1:39:05.90,CH,,0,0,0,,It's to make the product
Dialogue: 9,1:39:05.90,1:39:07.94,CH,,0,0,0,,And that is what we made
Dialogue: 9,1:39:07.94,1:39:11.94,CH,,0,0,0,,I heard, the director just drew 4 pages of a draft for the storyboard
Dialogue: 9,1:39:11.94,1:39:12.60,CH,,0,0,0,,There, see
Dialogue: 9,1:39:12.60,1:39:16.37,CH,,0,0,0,,But since it has been announced publicly, then there should be a deadline
Dialogue: 9,1:39:17.41,1:39:21.31,CH,,0,0,0,,Thing is with a schedule, it is made with extensions in mind
Dialogue: 9,1:39:22.29,1:39:23.28,CH,,0,0,0,,Violence is...
Dialogue: 9,1:39:28.97,1:39:31.77,CH,,0,0,0,,According to the minute taken at the meeting held in 20 January 2017
Dialogue: 9,1:39:31.95,1:39:35.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Our company, Western Entertainment
Dialogue: 9,1:39:35.44,1:39:39.83,CH,,0,0,0,,Have already been formally requested by your company, GPU
Dialogue: 9,1:39:39.83,1:39:41.47,CH,,0,0,0,,To continue with the production tasks that are specified in the schedule but are missing from the contract
Dialogue: 9,1:39:41.84,1:39:43.04,CH,,0,0,0,,And it also writes
Dialogue: 9,1:39:43.19,1:39:47.66,CH,,0,0,0,,It must guarantee that the storyboard be completed by the end of February 2019
Dialogue: 9,1:39:48.10,1:39:51.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Also, according to this contract's section 12 of page 1
Dialogue: 9,1:39:51.33,1:39:53.83,CH,,0,0,0,,The first party, GPU Co. Ltd. or
Dialogue: 9,1:39:53.83,1:39:56.85,CH,,0,0,0,,the second party, Western Entertainment Co. Ltd.
Dialogue: 9,1:39:56.85,1:40:01.11,CH,,0,0,0,,If either parties violates this contract or any agreements arising from this contract
Dialogue: 9,1:40:01.11,1:40:05.99,CH,,0,0,0,,The contrary party will set a due date and urge the violating party to make any corrections before said due date
Dialogue: 9,1:40:06.15,1:40:08.83,CH,,0,0,0,,If the contract remains breached by the due date
Dialogue: 9,1:40:08.83,1:40:11.02,CH,,0,0,0,,Then this contract may be terminated
Dialogue: 9,1:40:11.30,1:40:12.56,CH,,0,0,0,,In addition, in page 2
Dialogue: 9,1:40:12.56,1:40:19.71,CH,,0,0,0,,If Party B determines that Party A, due to its own responsibilities, is unable to manage its own business or management maladjustment
Dialogue: 9,1:40:19.71,1:40:24.01,CH,,0,0,0,,Then Party B may immediately contact Party A to terminate the contract
Dialogue: 9,1:40:24.45,1:40:27.18,CH,,0,0,0,,Is there a time schedule written in there?
Dialogue: 9,1:40:27.33,1:40:30.53,CH,,0,0,0,,Wasn't the agreement that everything will be made 1 year before the release date?
Dialogue: 9,1:40:30.53,1:40:32.67,CH,,0,0,0,,Please wait 1 more month
Dialogue: 9,1:40:33.00,1:40:36.51,CH,,0,0,0,,After waiting so long, a month or 2 makes no difference
Dialogue: 9,1:40:36.70,1:40:38.41,CH,,0,0,0,,There is a difference
Dialogue: 9,1:40:38.41,1:40:43.23,CH_UP,,0,0,0,,But, depending on the revised budget, there may just be a plan
Dialogue: 9,1:40:41.38,1:40:42.29,CH,,0,0,0,,That is...
Dialogue: 9,1:40:44.39,1:40:48.61,CH,,0,0,0,,This is a recording that was taken from the recording pen belonging to Mr. Katsuragi from our company
Dialogue: 9,1:40:48.61,1:40:50.67,CH,,0,0,0,,That is wiretapping, it's ineffective
Dialogue: 9,1:40:50.67,1:40:52.67,CH,,0,0,0,,Then argue with that point all you want
Dialogue: 9,1:40:53.56,1:40:54.48,CH,,0,0,0,,We will see you in court
Dialogue: 9,1:40:54.48,1:40:54.91,CH,,0,0,0,,Cour…
Dialogue: 9,1:40:59.73,1:41:02.71,CH,,0,0,0,,Is there any problems with any of the above?
Dialogue: 9,1:41:06.79,1:41:08.43,CH,,0,0,0,,No problem right?
Dialogue: 9,1:41:54.96,1:41:56.39,CH_UP,,0,0,0,,Director, how is it?
Dialogue: 9,1:41:58.65,1:42:00.99,CH_UP,,0,0,0,,Yes, I don't see a problem
Dialogue: 9,1:42:01.29,1:42:03.33,CH_UP,,0,0,0,,Is there anything you are curious about?
Dialogue: 9,1:42:05.04,1:42:08.50,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, then "Aerial assault landing ship SIVA"
Dialogue: 9,1:42:08.65,1:42:10.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Dubbing ends now
Dialogue: 9,1:42:10.32,1:42:11.27,CH,,0,0,0,,Good work everyone
Dialogue: 9,1:42:11.59,1:42:13.20,CH,,0,0,0,,Good work
Dialogue: 9,1:42:14.39,1:42:16.49,CH,,0,0,0,,I thought it would have taken longer
Dialogue: 9,1:42:16.49,1:42:18.45,CH,,0,0,0,,It was an hour faster than the expected time
Dialogue: 9,1:42:18.45,1:42:20.42,CH,,0,0,0,,Everyone was outstanding
Dialogue: 9,1:42:20.42,1:42:21.22,CH,,0,0,0,,Good work
Dialogue: 9,1:42:21.22,1:42:25.25,CH,,0,0,0,,For me personally, I have hoped that the climax would have been a minute longer
Dialogue: 9,1:42:26.34,1:42:28.11,CH,,0,0,0,,It's kinda anticlimatic
Dialogue: 9,1:42:28.41,1:42:30.14,CH,,0,0,0,,No no no, what are you saying?
Dialogue: 9,1:42:30.14,1:42:31.22,CH,,0,0,0,,We did alright
Dialogue: 9,1:42:31.22,1:42:32.90,CH,,0,0,0,,It's already a miracle to make it this far
Dialogue: 9,1:42:32.90,1:42:35.26,CH,,0,0,0,,Everything is okay
Dialogue: 9,1:42:35.26,1:42:36.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Then I am leaving first
Dialogue: 9,1:42:36.48,1:42:37.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Good job
Dialogue: 9,1:42:37.33,1:42:38.43,CH,,0,0,0,,Good job
Dialogue: 9,1:42:38.65,1:42:39.85,CH,,0,0,0,,Then I am leaving as well
Dialogue: 9,1:42:41.02,1:42:43.71,CH,,0,0,0,,Why doesn't anyone each a lunchbox before leaving?
Dialogue: 9,1:42:43.71,1:42:47.34,CH,,0,0,0,,They heard that it is not required to return to the office anymore today so they are going out to celebrate a bit
Dialogue: 9,1:42:47.48,1:42:49.45,CH,,0,0,0,,It is a rare occasion to have eel
Dialogue: 9,1:42:49.70,1:42:54.18,CH,,0,0,0,,They used to make a fuss everyday about eating eel when we went to Hamamatsu to get some scenic pictures
Dialogue: 9,1:43:28.54,1:43:29.26,CH,,0,0,0,,Umm, that is
Dialogue: 9,1:43:30.17,1:43:31.95,CH,,0,0,0,,I rather feel like eating curry now
Dialogue: 9,1:43:31.95,1:43:35.23,CH,,0,0,0,,Just like before where the president used to make curry for us
Dialogue: 9,1:43:35.41,1:43:36.66,CH,,0,0,0,,It was delicious
Dialogue: 9,1:43:36.66,1:43:37.78,CH,,0,0,0,,It was delicious
Dialogue: 9,1:43:37.78,1:43:40.21,CH,,0,0,0,,Ms. Miyamori can you give it a taste
Dialogue: 9,1:43:42.52,1:43:43.56,CH,,0,0,0,,How is it?
Dialogue: 9,1:43:44.83,1:43:45.58,CH,,0,0,0,,It's good
Dialogue: 9,1:43:45.89,1:43:46.55,CH,,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 9,1:43:47.42,1:43:48.67,CH,,0,0,0,,What happened?
Dialogue: 9,1:43:49.25,1:43:52.02,CH,,0,0,0,,I feel like, it's not really this taste
Dialogue: 9,1:43:52.99,1:43:56.16,CH,,0,0,0,,Are you referring to the curry or to SIVA
Dialogue: 9,1:43:59.07,1:44:01.68,CH,,0,0,0,,I guess to both, but...
Dialogue: 9,1:44:01.68,1:44:04.43,CH,,0,0,0,,Director, after watching today's SIVA, you were unsatisfied right?
Dialogue: 9,1:44:04.43,1:44:05.69,CH,,0,0,0,,No, that is...
Dialogue: 9,1:44:05.95,1:44:08.50,CH,,0,0,0,,Although I feel a bit unsatisfied or unpraiseworthy
Dialogue: 9,1:44:08.50,1:44:09.60,CH,,0,0,0,,But overall...
Dialogue: 9,1:44:09.60,1:44:11.58,CH,,0,0,0,,They why did you not say that
Dialogue: 9,1:44:14.34,1:44:16.21,CH,,0,0,0,,Why did you say nothing
Dialogue: 9,1:44:23.90,1:44:25.69,CH,,0,0,0,,Good work everyone
Dialogue: 9,1:44:26.63,1:44:29.48,CH,,0,0,0,,Everyone was working so hard on such a tight schedule
Dialogue: 9,1:44:29.65,1:44:31.59,CH,,0,0,0,,And managed to finish it before the dubbing
Dialogue: 9,1:44:31.89,1:44:33.31,CH,,0,0,0,,I really appreciate everyone's work
Dialogue: 9,1:44:33.31,1:44:34.27,CH,,0,0,0,,Appreciate
Dialogue: 9,1:44:34.68,1:44:37.98,CH,,0,0,0,,Everyone, please allow me to share my thoughts
Dialogue: 9,1:44:38.55,1:44:42.26,CH,,0,0,0,,I think that with what SIVA currently is, I think it is a complete story on its own
Dialogue: 9,1:44:42.80,1:44:45.12,CH,,0,0,0,,From the beginning to the middle sections, the pacing was very well done
Dialogue: 9,1:44:45.12,1:44:46.47,CH,,0,0,0,,It was very exciting
Dialogue: 9,1:44:46.92,1:44:49.97,CH,,0,0,0,,But the ending felt a bit too quick paced
Dialogue: 9,1:44:50.17,1:44:54.06,CH,,0,0,0,,The unfolding of the events were too rapid and the original atmosphere all felt weaker
Dialogue: 9,1:44:54.30,1:44:57.89,CH,,0,0,0,,Maybe I am the only one feeling this
Dialogue: 9,1:44:58.49,1:44:59.83,CH,,0,0,0,,What are your thought everyone?
Dialogue: 9,1:45:00.23,1:45:01.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Can you guys tell me?
Dialogue: 9,1:45:03.38,1:45:05.00,CH,,0,0,0,,Is just providing an opinion fine?
Dialogue: 9,1:45:05.39,1:45:07.07,CH,,0,0,0,,From my own objective opinion?
Dialogue: 9,1:45:07.23,1:45:07.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes
Dialogue: 9,1:45:08.06,1:45:10.15,CH,,0,0,0,,Should I be gentle? Or should I be harsh?
Dialogue: 9,1:45:10.55,1:45:11.33,CH,,0,0,0,,Any
Dialogue: 9,1:45:11.52,1:45:13.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Then you want it harsh
Dialogue: 9,1:45:15.59,1:45:18.08,CH,,0,0,0,,I share your thoughts that there is something missing in the climax
Dialogue: 9,1:45:18.41,1:45:20.98,CH,,0,0,0,,I feel that the ending got overwhelmed by the music
Dialogue: 9,1:45:20.98,1:45:23.86,CH,,0,0,0,,It was like it only just started but it ended
Dialogue: 9,1:45:23.86,1:45:27.14,CH,,0,0,0,,I think that it is not bad but just missing something
Dialogue: 9,1:45:27.14,1:45:27.97,CH,,0,0,0,,What is missing?
Dialogue: 9,1:45:27.97,1:45:28.91,CH,,0,0,0,,Maybe somehing shocking
Dialogue: 9,1:45:28.91,1:45:29.63,CH,,0,0,0,,Maybe something atmospheric
Dialogue: 9,1:45:29.78,1:45:31.23,CH,,0,0,0,,I know
Dialogue: 9,1:45:31.23,1:45:33.33,CH,,0,0,0,,But it is what it is
Dialogue: 9,1:45:33.33,1:45:34.22,CH,,0,0,0,,I know
Dialogue: 9,1:45:34.66,1:45:36.05,CH,,0,0,0,,Regarding that
Dialogue: 9,1:45:36.98,1:45:38.46,CH,,0,0,0,,It is kinda late
Dialogue: 9,1:45:38.46,1:45:39.78,CH,,0,0,0,,Even if it is kinda late
Dialogue: 9,1:45:40.03,1:45:41.34,CH,,0,0,0,,This will eventually become a product
Dialogue: 9,1:45:41.34,1:45:43.74,CH,,0,0,0,,It is the final product that will be handed over to the theatres
Dialogue: 9,1:45:44.38,1:45:47.11,CH,,0,0,0,,But can we accept that
Dialogue: 9,1:45:47.95,1:45:50.07,CH,,0,0,0,,Get to the point, what are you trying to say?
Dialogue: 9,1:45:50.25,1:45:52.35,CH,,0,0,0,,I want to remake the final scene
Dialogue: 9,1:45:53.62,1:45:55.44,CH,,0,0,0,,Wa-wa-wait a second, Ms. Miyamori
Dialogue: 9,1:45:55.63,1:45:57.02,CH,,0,0,0,,I was a bit too hot-headed then
Dialogue: 9,1:45:57.02,1:45:59.75,CH,,0,0,0,,Which resulted in me saying things like "Let's remake it"
Dialogue: 9,1:46:00.35,1:46:01.63,CH,,0,0,0,,It's fine, just pretend I did not say anything
Dialogue: 9,1:46:01.76,1:46:04.09,CH,,0,0,0,,Sorry, it's fine, I am already satisfied
Dialogue: 9,1:46:04.09,1:46:05.61,CH,,0,0,0,,Are you satisfied?
Dialogue: 9,1:46:06.08,1:46:06.97,CH,,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 9,1:46:16.81,1:46:18.38,CH,,0,0,0,,Towards our tomorrow
Dialogue: 9,1:46:18.58,1:46:19.64,CH,,0,0,0,,Yosoro!
Dialogue: 9,1:46:34.36,1:46:37.25,CH,,0,0,0,,There is definitely some problems with the plot
Dialogue: 9,1:46:37.25,1:46:40.37,CH,,0,0,0,,There is definitely a lack of catharsis
Dialogue: 9,1:46:40.37,1:46:42.40,CH,,0,0,0,,Actually, no, there is only 3 weeks until release
Dialogue: 9,1:46:42.55,1:46:44.05,CH,,0,0,0,,How can it be remade
Dialogue: 9,1:46:44.72,1:46:46.22,CH,,0,0,0,,Alright everyone
Dialogue: 9,1:46:46.52,1:46:47.61,CH,,0,0,0,,I am already satisfied
Dialogue: 9,1:46:47.61,1:46:49.18,CH,,0,0,0,,We are not discussing now if the director is satisfied or not
Dialogue: 9,1:46:49.18,1:46:51.93,CH,,0,0,0,,But if the audience will be satisfied
Dialogue: 9,1:46:51.93,1:46:54.82,CH,,0,0,0,,I am tired of unfinished products
Dialogue: 9,1:46:55.29,1:46:57.55,CH,,0,0,0,,If it ends up being the same as "Time Mus"...
Dialogue: 9,1:46:58.38,1:47:02.00,CH,,0,0,0,,There are things that even momentum and guts cannot solve
Dialogue: 9,1:47:02.67,1:47:03.40,CH,,0,0,0,,I understand
Dialogue: 9,1:47:06.64,1:47:08.22,CH,,0,0,0,,As long as you understand
Dialogue: 9,1:47:08.62,1:47:10.17,CH,,0,0,0,,Then director, make the decision
Dialogue: 9,1:47:10.17,1:47:11.08,CH,,0,0,0,,Why me?
Dialogue: 9,1:47:11.08,1:47:12.43,CH,,0,0,0,,You're the director
Dialogue: 9,1:47:12.67,1:47:13.73,CH,,0,0,0,,Make your decision
Dialogue: 9,1:47:13.73,1:47:14.95,CH,,0,0,0,,And we will listen to you
Dialogue: 9,1:47:14.95,1:47:17.65,CH,,0,0,0,,Watanabe president is supposed to handle these kind of things
Dialogue: 9,1:47:17.65,1:47:18.80,CH,,0,0,0,,Then the producr should decide
Dialogue: 9,1:47:18.80,1:47:20.80,CH,,0,0,0,,Kinoshita director, I'm counting on you
Dialogue: 9,1:47:21.21,1:47:24.44,CH,,0,0,0,,For SIVA and the audiences coming to watch SIVA
Dialogue: 9,1:47:25.16,1:47:29.78,CH,,0,0,0,,Honestly, when watching the dubbing I already felt that something was amiss
Dialogue: 9,1:47:30.46,1:47:34.44,CH,,0,0,0,,But when I started to think about it, it might have just been me
Dialogue: 9,1:47:34.44,1:47:38.96,CH,,0,0,0,,Just thinking about it was a pain, it was like hell
Dialogue: 9,1:47:39.69,1:47:43.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Concerned about whether it is alright to tell everyone who just finished to continue on working
Dialogue: 9,1:47:44.14,1:47:46.11,CH,,0,0,0,,If at the end, the final product is something not what I quite imagined
Dialogue: 9,1:47:46.26,1:47:48.44,CH,,0,0,0,,But some half-assed work, then
Dialogue: 9,1:47:48.53,1:47:50.79,CH,,0,0,0,,I'd rather not redo it
Dialogue: 9,1:47:52.66,1:47:55.00,CH,,0,0,0,,What are you saying? It pisses me off
Dialogue: 9,1:47:56.10,1:47:58.50,CH,,0,0,0,,If that's what you are gonna say, then bring the storyboard over here, director
Dialogue: 9,1:47:58.95,1:48:01.73,CH,,0,0,0,,I will definitely make something better than what you can imagine
Dialogue: 9,1:48:02.87,1:48:04.69,CH,,0,0,0,,Mr. Endo, you're so cool
Dialogue: 9,1:48:04.69,1:48:05.42,CH,,0,0,0,,You're noisy
Dialogue: 9,1:48:06.00,1:48:07.63,CH,,0,0,0,,Please, just a bit more
Dialogue: 9,1:48:08.17,1:48:10.23,CH,,0,0,0,,I hope everyone can assist me
Dialogue: 9,1:48:11.04,1:48:11.57,CH,,0,0,0,,Please
Dialogue: 9,1:48:12.08,1:48:15.52,CH,,0,0,0,,Director, this is not the time to be pleading
Dialogue: 9,1:48:15.99,1:48:17.00,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't have a problem
Dialogue: 9,1:48:17.00,1:48:18.24,CH,,0,0,0,,Pay me back 2 folds later
Dialogue: 9,1:48:18.24,1:48:20.49,CH,,0,0,0,,I was planning to go get my hair cut
Dialogue: 9,1:48:20.49,1:48:22.60,CH,,0,0,0,,If that's the case, then I will accompany you till the end
Dialogue: 9,1:48:25.16,1:48:28.02,CH,,0,0,0,,Struggle till your death, Yosoro!
Dialogue: 9,1:48:28.02,1:48:29.42,CH,,0,0,0,,Yosoro!
Dialogue: 9,1:48:34.03,1:48:34.64,CH,,800,0,0,,SIVA
Dialogue: 9,1:48:34.97,1:48:36.72,CH,,0,0,0,,What is this story about
Dialogue: 9,1:48:37.11,1:48:39.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Angry people, lazy people
Dialogue: 9,1:48:40.14,1:48:43.20,CH,,0,0,0,,Laid-back people, crybabies, all coming together
Dialogue: 9,1:48:43.46,1:48:45.09,CH,,0,0,0,,Moving towards a new world
Dialogue: 9,1:48:45.64,1:48:47.53,CH,,0,0,0,,Continuously struggle towards their final gols
Dialogue: 9,1:48:48.33,1:48:49.52,CH,,0,0,0,,Struggling
Dialogue: 9,1:48:50.04,1:48:50.94,CH,,0,0,0,,Struggling
Dialogue: 9,1:48:52.33,1:48:55.10,CH,,0,0,0,,Musashino has poured everything into this
Dialogue: 9,1:49:00.91,1:49:03.19,CH,,0,0,0,,Do you really have the time to be here today?
Dialogue: 9,1:49:03.19,1:49:04.52,CH,,0,0,0,,It is the premiere
Dialogue: 9,1:49:04.97,1:49:07.58,CH,,0,0,0,,Today's guest greet meeting will be Laure and Hedwick
Dialogue: 9,1:49:07.73,1:49:09.14,CH,,0,0,0,,Mine is next week
Dialogue: 9,1:49:09.14,1:49:12.38,CH,,0,0,0,,I am sure Zuka will be on the web news
Dialogue: 9,1:49:12.38,1:49:13.26,CH,,0,0,0,,I will check it out
Dialogue: 9,1:49:14.75,1:49:15.97,CH,,0,0,0,,Did everyone bring it?
Dialogue: 9,1:49:18.96,1:49:19.45,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes
Dialogue: 9,1:49:20.53,1:49:21.98,CH,,0,0,0,,Don-don-doughnuts
Dialogue: 9,1:49:21.98,1:49:23.58,CH,,0,0,0,,Let's go with a loud "Don"
Dialogue: 9,1:49:48.02,1:49:49.01,CH,,0,0,0,,We are being breached
Dialogue: 9,1:49:49.01,1:49:49.72,CH,,0,0,0,,I know
Dialogue: 9,1:49:50.03,1:49:53.95,CH,,0,0,0,,Damn that Kouyou, he will definitely not let a single ungerground civilian escape
Dialogue: 9,1:49:53.95,1:49:55.53,CH,,0,0,0,,SIVA is done for
Dialogue: 9,1:49:55.53,1:49:58.34,CH,,0,0,0,,Hedwick, what do we do? Do we give up?
Dialogue: 9,1:49:58.34,1:49:59.36,CH,,0,0,0,,What foolishness are you saying
Dialogue: 9,1:49:59.58,1:50:00.67,CH,,0,0,0,,Tomato, get ready to escape
Dialogue: 9,1:50:00.67,1:50:01.24,CH,,0,0,0,,Yes
Dialogue: 9,1:50:01.24,1:50:04.57,CH,,0,0,0,,But we are still too far from the lifeboat, they will definitely catch up
Dialogue: 9,1:50:04.87,1:50:05.58,CH,,0,0,0,,I know
Dialogue: 9,1:50:06.18,1:50:07.71,CH,,0,0,0,,Laure, let's go
Dialogue: 9,1:50:09.02,1:50:11.77,CH,,0,0,0,,Of course, let's fight to our heart's content
Dialogue: 9,1:50:11.88,1:50:12.61,CH,,0,0,0,,What joke is this?
Dialogue: 9,1:50:13.01,1:50:14.82,CH,,0,0,0,,Count me in
Dialogue: 9,1:50:14.82,1:50:16.42,CH,,0,0,0,,Am I an outsider to you all?
Dialogue: 9,1:50:16.77,1:50:18.00,CH,,0,0,0,,I am also going
Dialogue: 9,1:50:18.00,1:50:20.07,CH,,0,0,0,,So am I, how could I miss a moment like this?
Dialogue: 9,1:50:20.07,1:50:22.48,CH,,0,0,0,,Pegasus, towards the lifeboat ASAP
Dialogue: 9,1:50:22.69,1:50:24.20,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay, I'm on it
Dialogue: 9,1:50:24.20,1:50:26.16,CH,,0,0,0,,You guys are a horse-driver
Dialogue: 9,1:50:26.16,1:50:28.59,CH,,0,0,0,,Not a horse, but a pegasus
Dialogue: 9,1:50:28.92,1:50:31.12,CH,,0,0,0,,Arte, take care of the brats for me
Dialogue: 9,1:50:31.41,1:50:34.17,CH,,0,0,0,,Seize the fortune and head towards your hometown
Dialogue: 9,1:50:35.64,1:50:37.83,CH,,0,0,0,,I know, I will seize this opportunity
Dialogue: 9,1:50:38.13,1:50:39.72,CH,,0,0,0,,Afterall, there is no miracle in this world
Dialogue: 9,1:50:41.62,1:50:43.41,CH,,0,0,0,,Forward, do not turn back
Dialogue: 9,1:50:43.41,1:50:44.42,CH,,0,0,0,,Forward, forward
Dialogue: 9,1:50:47.54,1:50:49.43,CH,,0,0,0,,Towards our tomorrow
Dialogue: 9,1:50:49.43,1:50:50.55,CH,,0,0,0,,Yosoro
Dialogue: 9,1:51:12.32,1:51:13.06,CH,,0,0,0,,Kouyou
Dialogue: 9,1:51:13.06,1:51:14.62,CH,,0,0,0,,Call me Captain Kouyou
Dialogue: 9,1:51:14.72,1:51:16.18,CH,,0,0,0,,You underground civilians
Dialogue: 9,1:51:16.18,1:51:19.59,CH,,0,0,0,,No matter how much you people struggle, the world will not change
Dialogue: 9,1:51:19.59,1:51:20.66,CH,,0,0,0,,Stop your useless struggles
Dialogue: 9,1:51:20.66,1:51:21.51,CH,,0,0,0,,As if we'd stop
Dialogue: 9,1:51:53.85,1:51:54.70,CH,,0,0,0,,Arte and them...
Dialogue: 9,1:51:54.70,1:51:55.96,CH,,0,0,0,,We can handle this here
Dialogue: 9,1:51:55.96,1:51:56.83,CH,,800,0,0,,Leave this to me
Dialogue: 9,1:51:56.47,1:51:57.30,CH,,0,800,0,,Quickly
Dialogue: 9,1:52:00.19,1:52:00.78,CH,,0,0,0,,We're using it
Dialogue: 9,1:52:00.78,1:52:01.59,CH,,0,0,0,,Of course
Dialogue: 9,1:52:13.47,1:52:14.64,CH,,0,0,0,,I still have not seen
Dialogue: 9,1:52:14.90,1:52:17.48,CH,,0,0,0,,how our hometown is like
Dialogue: 9,1:52:17.80,1:52:20.34,CH,,0,0,0,,It is a planet where there is a lot of delicious food there
Dialogue: 9,1:52:20.44,1:52:21.61,CH,,0,0,0,,The skies are beatiful
Dialogue: 9,1:52:21.88,1:52:23.52,CH,,0,0,0,,There is no conflict
Dialogue: 9,1:52:23.75,1:52:26.01,CH,,0,0,0,,and everyone always carries a smile on their faces
Dialogue: 9,1:52:29.22,1:52:31.17,CH,,0,0,0,,No worries, there won't be a problem
Dialogue: 9,1:52:31.64,1:52:32.63,CH,,0,0,0,,Still 1km
Dialogue: 9,1:52:32.85,1:52:33.57,CH,,0,0,0,,Hang on
Dialogue: 9,1:53:00.28,1:53:01.34,CH,,0,0,0,,Quickly, spread your wings
Dialogue: 9,1:53:01.34,1:53:02.55,CH,,0,0,0,,Okay
Dialogue: 9,1:53:12.31,1:53:14.35,CH,,0,0,0,,Do not let them escape
Dialogue: 9,1:53:17.25,1:53:19.01,CH,,0,0,0,,Kouyou!
Dialogue: 9,1:53:44.51,1:53:46.08,CH,,0,0,0,,I will settle this in the next shot
Dialogue: 9,1:54:03.16,1:54:04.04,CH,,0,0,0,,We succeeded
Dialogue: 9,1:54:05.15,1:54:06.47,CH,,0,0,0,,Serves you right
Dialogue: 9,1:54:06.64,1:54:07.87,CH,,0,0,0,,What do we do next?
Dialogue: 9,1:54:08.07,1:54:09.32,CH,,0,0,0,,It's obvious
Dialogue: 9,1:54:11.09,1:54:14.35,CH,,0,0,0,,We will forcefully breakthrough and grab one of their ship to escape in
Dialogue: 9,1:54:14.35,1:54:15.31,CH,,0,0,0,,Exactly
Dialogue: 9,1:54:30.22,1:54:32.41,CH,,0,0,0,,It's Laure and Hedwick that taught me
Dialogue: 9,1:54:33.26,1:54:34.39,CH,,0,0,0,,There are no 2 days the same
Dialogue: 9,1:54:34.85,1:54:36.69,CH,,0,0,0,,Tomorrow will definitely be different
Dialogue: 9,1:54:37.59,1:54:39.98,CH,,0,0,0,,But.. Why is everyone giving up?
Dialogue: 9,1:54:41.25,1:54:41.78,CH,,0,0,0,,Let's go
Dialogue: 9,1:54:42.39,1:54:44.73,CH,,0,0,0,,Even though it is still uncertain if we will succeed
Dialogue: 9,1:54:45.28,1:54:46.88,CH,,0,0,0,,Let's move forward towards our dreams
Dialogue: 9,1:54:47.73,1:54:50.89,CH,,0,0,0,,Even if the future is uncertain and nerve-wrecking, le't move forward
Dialogue: 9,1:54:51.72,1:54:54.41,CH,,0,0,0,,Towards our tomorrow
Dialogue: 9,1:54:55.26,1:54:56.06,CH,,0,0,0,,Yosoro
Dialogue: 9,1:59:05.83,1:59:06.96,CH,,0,0,0,,Do you think it got through?
Dialogue: 9,1:59:07.29,1:59:08.18,CH,,0,0,0,,What?
Dialogue: 9,1:59:08.48,1:59:10.21,CH,,0,0,0,,What we wanted to communicate
Dialogue: 9,1:59:10.48,1:59:11.94,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't know
Dialogue: 9,1:59:11.94,1:59:13.14,CH,,0,0,0,,Don't you know?
Dialogue: 9,1:59:14.02,1:59:16.44,CH,,0,0,0,,We did put in our all
Dialogue: 9,1:59:18.53,1:59:21.78,CH,,0,0,0,,When today ends, tomorrow begins
Dialogue: 9,1:59:21.94,1:59:22.70,CH,,0,0,0,,It definitely will
Dialogue: 9,1:59:23.13,1:59:24.51,CH,,0,0,0,,What kind of tomorrow will it be?
Dialogue: 9,1:59:24.74,1:59:26.77,CH,,0,0,0,,Will it be better than today? Will it be a good day?
Dialogue: 9,1:59:26.90,1:59:29.13,CH,,0,0,0,,Will it be a completely different day?
Dialogue: 9,1:59:29.28,1:59:30.53,CH,,0,0,0,,I don't know
Dialogue: 9,1:59:30.64,1:59:33.97,CH,,0,0,0,,But there will definitely be a change if we continue to put up a struggle
Dialogue: 9,1:59:34.41,1:59:37.69,CH,,0,0,0,,As long as you're alive, it will always be a "battle with thyslef" ending
Dialogue: 9,1:59:37.88,1:59:40.51,CH,,0,0,0,,"Our battle has just begun", right?
Dialogue: 9,1:59:40.73,1:59:42.15,CH,,0,0,0,,What a way to simplify things
Dialogue: 9,1:59:42.15,1:59:43.05,CH,,0,0,0,,I cannot stomach it
Dialogue: 9,1:59:43.68,1:59:45.36,CH,,0,0,0,,But it is alright in its own way
Dialogue: 9,1:59:46.86,1:59:48.22,CH,,0,0,0,,Not too bad
Dialogue: 9,1:59:51.90,1:59:52.92,CH,,0,0,0,,Morning
Dialogue: 9,1:59:53.64,1:59:55.16,CH,,0,0,0,,Let's begin the morning meeting
Dialogue: 9,1:59:57.30,1:59:59.17,CH,,0,0,0,,Please outline today's work
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