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Additional Info
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Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
Dialogue: 0,0:00:01.06,0:00:04.68,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,, Hey Higashida! So they were doing an anime the other night.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:04.81,0:00:08.06,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,What are you on about all of a sudden? Stop staying up late and go to bed.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:08.89,0:00:10.60,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,Is it just one person who makes those?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:11.02,0:00:15.89,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,I don't know the details, but I think anime is made thanks to the efforts of a lot of people.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:17.10,0:00:20.39,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,Really? Well I put a lot of effort into making my chocolate too.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.81,0:00:23.02,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,Please don't compare anime to your weapons of mass destruction.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.39,0:00:27.60,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,If this was an anime I'd be moving violently and punching and kicking you right now.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:27.64,0:00:28.52,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,Stop it.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:30.14,0:00:32.43,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,But being able to move really is amazing.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:33.72,0:00:34.97,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,Just like this, I can...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.81,0:00:37.06,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,... hit you in the forehead.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.52,0:00:38.39,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,OOOOWW!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:38.93,0:00:41.18,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,Gah! Only cowards launch surprise attacks!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:41.31,0:00:44.47,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,You really do make movements worthy of an anime. {*}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:45.18,0:00:46.89,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,Wait! Were moving!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:46.89,0:00:49.64,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,And on that note, Miyakoshi, you're becoming an anime. {**}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:50.22,0:00:51.02,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,So we'll be moving around?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:51.18,0:00:51.81,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,Yes, we'll be moving around.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:52.27,0:00:53.56,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,Will my chocolate move too?!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:53.56,0:00:55.18,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,Don't make chocolate that moves.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,{transition from comic form to anime form}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:57.72,0:00:59.02,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,Wait! Were moving!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:59.27,0:01:00.93,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,And on that note, Miyakoshi..... {**}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:01.18,0:01:04.89,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,Wow. Higashida! Look at this! We're really moving!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:05.06,0:01:05.68,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,Indeed.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:06.85,0:01:11.68,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,Does that mean that when we become an anime we'll be popping out of here? What's up with that, that's scary!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:17.31,0:01:18.35,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,Miyakoshi.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:18.56,0:01:19.77,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,What's up, Higashida?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:29.56,0:01:30.81,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,What do you want?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:38.27,0:01:39.39,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,I said, what do you want?!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:40.56,0:01:42.02,Default,Higashda,0,0,0,,Miyakoshi, are you an idiot?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:42.52,0:01:42.97,Default,Miyakoshi,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:43.39,0:01:45.47,Default,Higashida,0,0,0,,We're moving right now, aren't we?
Anime DDL+NZB mirror
Current Time: 03/06/2024 08:54

