Miracle Giants Doumu-kun - 01 [ARR].srt
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Additional Info | 1 00:00:00,440 --> 00:00:10,592 Ripped by ARR / / Edited by... / Sponsored by CouchSloth, Electro Potato, Amir Jan 2 00:00:00,440 --> 00:00:10,592 {\a6}If you love this sub, plz pay for more: https://boosty.to/arrippers https://www.donationalerts.com/r/arrs https://www.patreon.com/AnonymousRippers 3 00:00:00,500 --> 00:00:05,900 I HATE GIANTS! 4 00:00:13,500 --> 00:00:16,099 Hey, hey, you can't catch me, Egawa. 5 00:00:16,419 --> 00:00:18,019 Wait, Domu! 6 00:00:23,059 --> 00:00:26,019 Come on! Come on! We have fresh fish! 7 00:00:26,219 --> 00:00:30,500 Oh! Domu! I wonder what kind of prank you just pulled?.. 8 00:00:31,500 --> 00:00:33,500 Coach Egawa! It can't be... 9 00:00:33,899 --> 00:00:34,700 It's Egawa! 10 00:00:34,820 --> 00:00:36,820 It's Coach Egawa. 11 00:00:36,859 --> 00:00:37,700 stand aside! 12 00:00:38,899 --> 00:00:40,340 Are you Coach Egawa? 13 00:00:40,340 --> 00:00:41,100 Yes, that's it! 14 00:00:41,100 --> 00:00:42,500 Prove it! 15 00:00:44,500 --> 00:00:47,500 you're fucking real! 16 00:00:48,219 --> 00:00:48,820 Wait, Domu! 17 00:00:49,899 --> 00:00:52,420 But why is he chasing Domu? 18 00:00:52,500 --> 00:00:57,219 He must have done some mischief... motherfucker! 19 00:00:57,219 --> 00:00:58,420 Take it! 20 00:01:03,020 --> 00:01:03,920 Domu... 21 00:01:10,500 --> 00:01:11,819 what's up? 22 00:01:12,019 --> 00:01:14,500 Coach Egawa is running after Domu! 23 00:01:15,219 --> 00:01:16,299 What do you say?! 24 00:01:16,620 --> 00:01:18,420 Listen, I'd like minced meat. 25 00:01:18,579 --> 00:01:19,700 Take what you want! 26 00:01:20,099 --> 00:01:23,500 We have a daikon! Fresh and cheap! 27 00:01:23,700 --> 00:01:24,599 Huh? 28 00:01:29,900 --> 00:01:32,420 what's up, Kofta? Is there a fire? 29 00:01:32,500 --> 00:01:35,420 The Egawa chase Dome! 30 00:01:35,500 --> 00:01:39,420 Maybe he's done something wrong! 31 00:01:39,420 --> 00:01:42,420 Domu! Apologize to Egawa! 32 00:01:42,500 --> 00:01:44,099 It's Egawa! let's see 33 00:01:46,180 --> 00:01:47,499 Leave me! Fuck! 34 00:01:47,700 --> 00:01:51,420 Hey! Capture him! 35 00:01:51,500 --> 00:01:53,500 Why is there such a scandal? 36 00:01:53,620 --> 00:01:54,620 Stop! 37 00:01:55,500 --> 00:01:59,219 Hey! Nakahata, Hara, Arita, Kuro! 38 00:01:59,700 --> 00:02:01,019 where do you think you are going? 39 00:02:01,019 --> 00:02:04,420 did you steal something? 40 00:02:04,500 --> 00:02:06,420 I'm not a thief! 41 00:02:06,500 --> 00:02:07,500 How do we know? 42 00:02:07,620 --> 00:02:09,500 Hahahaha... 43 00:02:10,020 --> 00:02:11,500 What an energetic boy 44 00:02:12,300 --> 00:02:14,500 Stop laughing or you'll lose! 45 00:02:14,699 --> 00:02:18,500 Domu, be polite, you have to be careful what you say! 46 00:02:18,819 --> 00:02:21,300 He would be good pitcher at baseball. 47 00:02:21,500 --> 00:02:23,500 That's why was trying to get him to join the team. 48 00:02:24,500 --> 00:02:26,500 who? This child? 49 00:02:27,300 --> 00:02:29,699 Surely this must be a joke, Coach Egawa… 50 00:02:29,900 --> 00:02:33,020 No, believe it or not, he's going to be the team's pitcher. 51 00:02:33,500 --> 00:02:35,500 It will be if I want it... 52 00:02:36,419 --> 00:02:38,419 Boo! I hate the Giants! 53 00:02:50,099 --> 00:02:54,860 Here, ma'am, is a meat and cheese sandwich. 54 00:02:55,819 --> 00:02:56,620 Have a nice day. 55 00:02:57,219 --> 00:02:58,580 Thank you very much, madam. 56 00:02:59,300 --> 00:03:00,500 Mom, I'm hungry! 57 00:03:00,900 --> 00:03:02,659 where's the food? 58 00:03:02,819 --> 00:03:05,699 not now, we still have to serve customers! 59 00:03:06,020 --> 00:03:07,419 But if there aren't any! 60 00:03:07,500 --> 00:03:08,500 How can you know? 61 00:03:08,500 --> 00:03:11,020 Dome is right, that's enough for today. 62 00:03:12,020 --> 00:03:13,300 Do you see? 63 00:03:15,500 --> 00:03:17,500 Delicious food! 64 00:03:19,500 --> 00:03:21,500 Domu! Chew well, please! 65 00:03:21,620 --> 00:03:22,780 Stop lecturing me! 66 00:03:23,580 --> 00:03:28,500 By the way... One of my friends told me that Domu had a fight with Coach Egava... 67 00:03:28,500 --> 00:03:33,419 and that he has told him that he hates the Giants. 68 00:03:33,620 --> 00:03:35,500 I fucking hate these fuckers! 69 00:03:37,300 --> 00:03:38,020 listen, mom... 70 00:03:38,500 --> 00:03:39,500 What, Akane? 71 00:03:39,620 --> 00:03:43,020 Egawa knew our father, didn't he? 72 00:03:44,500 --> 00:03:47,819 yes, not only because they worked together before joining the team... 73 00:03:47,860 --> 00:03:49,620 but because they were good friends. 74 00:03:49,699 --> 00:03:53,500 But I still don't know why Dome hates the Giants! 75 00:03:54,300 --> 00:03:55,500 Shut up! 76 00:03:55,699 --> 00:03:58,620 You shouldn't talk while eating! 77 00:03:58,699 --> 00:04:00,419 I'm not eating! 78 00:04:00,500 --> 00:04:01,620 Akane, enough. 79 00:04:01,699 --> 00:04:03,419 She scolded you! 80 00:04:03,500 --> 00:04:04,699 Ah! hmm... 81 00:04:05,500 --> 00:04:08,699 You should behave at the table too! 82 00:04:26,500 --> 00:04:27,500 Dome, it's time to sleep! 83 00:04:27,819 --> 00:04:28,819 OK! I'm going now! 84 00:04:33,500 --> 00:04:34,259 Doumu! 85 00:04:34,300 --> 00:04:35,500 I heard! 86 00:04:58,500 --> 00:05:00,420 Is he still awake!? 87 00:05:05,500 --> 00:05:08,500 The new player, Shinjoh, throws the third ball... 88 00:05:08,579 --> 00:05:10,420 It's a direct ball! 89 00:05:10,500 --> 00:05:12,420 The batsman didn't give it to him! 90 00:05:12,500 --> 00:05:17,500 Shinjou ended the previous round with an unchanged three-ball victory! 91 00:05:17,699 --> 00:05:22,699 The launch trajectory has been wonderful! 92 00:05:22,819 --> 00:05:25,899 Shinjoh, the new player, is very skilled with throws, 93 00:05:26,500 --> 00:05:32,019 He is really a good player, no batsman has been able to hit any of his pitches! 94 00:05:32,420 --> 00:05:36,819 But he doesn't stop moving his arms. Is he tired? 95 00:05:37,220 --> 00:05:39,699 Shinjoh threw a lot of balls today, 96 00:05:39,819 --> 00:05:42,500 Maybe his back hurts... 97 00:05:42,699 --> 00:05:45,500 Shinjoh's status is important to the Giants, 98 00:05:45,699 --> 00:05:48,699 because of their need to win after a string of losses. 99 00:05:51,620 --> 00:05:56,620 And now, may continue, Shinjo strong throws up the ninth round. 100 00:05:56,899 --> 00:05:59,500 Although he still waving his arm 101 00:05:59,699 --> 00:06:02,300 Seems his shoulder make to him the pain. 102 00:06:02,500 --> 00:06:06,500 It will be difficult for him to win if he only devotes himself to throwing the balls 103 00:06:06,899 --> 00:06:12,620 But certainly, it will try to win by 81 shots during the nine rounds? 104 00:06:13,500 --> 00:06:16,500 And I do not think that the manager of team, would deny him achieve that 105 00:06:16,620 --> 00:06:19,500 He will try to raise the morale of the team. 106 00:06:19,699 --> 00:06:22,199 This will improve Shinjoh's magnificent stats. 107 00:06:22,250 --> 00:06:22,800 Father... 108 00:06:27,819 --> 00:06:29,019 Strike! 109 00:06:31,819 --> 00:06:38,100 Two of the batters are failed and the third on the road, it's still to him just one throw. 110 00:06:38,220 --> 00:06:43,300 Oh my! He wins by three throws, with each batter in each round? 111 00:06:43,420 --> 00:06:46,500 This means 9 throws in every one round. 112 00:06:46,819 --> 00:06:53,180 Will Shinjoh break the statistics of this sport? 113 00:06:53,259 --> 00:06:56,500 Will player Sobhi have an ace up his sleeve to pay him back? 114 00:06:56,620 --> 00:06:59,500 Can Shinjoh overcome on his shoulder? 115 00:06:59,699 --> 00:07:02,300 Shinjoh threw curved ball or perhaps forklift ball. 116 00:07:02,500 --> 00:07:05,019 No! he articulated a great ball ! 117 00:07:06,500 --> 00:07:08,100 Good ball. 118 00:07:11,899 --> 00:07:13,699 Batsman out! 119 00:07:19,420 --> 00:07:25,500 Yes! He has succeeded! A fantastic match that has managed to forget the last defeats! 120 00:07:26,620 --> 00:07:27,219 Huh...? 121 00:07:27,220 --> 00:07:39,339 the team lift Shinjo Yumeto, who defeat all batters by 81 throws. 122 00:07:32,740 --> 00:07:35,339 This result not recorded by anyone before! 123 00:07:41,340 --> 00:07:45,139 Damn, really nice throws, and the result was not recorded by anyone before? 124 00:07:47,900 --> 00:07:51,019 My.father was really dumb! Dumb! 125 00:07:53,240 --> 00:08:00,000 {\a6}Learn What Most People Do Not Know: http://hylozoik.se/english/english.htm http://laurency.com 126 00:07:53,300 --> 00:07:56,019 It hurts! Dumb! 127 00:08:01,420 --> 00:08:02,219 Saito Akiko! 128 00:08:02,220 --> 00:08:03,139 Yes! 129 00:08:04,020 --> 00:08:05,019 And the next one is.. 130 00:08:05,420 --> 00:08:06,819 Shinjo Domu-kun. 131 00:08:07,020 --> 00:08:08,139 Here ! 132 00:08:13,740 --> 00:08:15,139 This is terrible! 133 00:08:15,420 --> 00:08:17,139 How to face my mother? 134 00:08:17,420 --> 00:08:19,419 It's always the same results! 135 00:08:20,260 --> 00:08:23,539 Let's laugh on him ! 136 00:08:25,820 --> 00:08:28,019 Wow, the holiday started! 137 00:08:28,820 --> 00:08:30,019 Domu! 138 00:08:30,540 --> 00:08:31,219 What's up, Kaori? 139 00:08:31,500 --> 00:08:35,939 We will go to the amusement park in the afternoon, do you want to come with us? 140 00:08:36,020 --> 00:08:37,339 Amusement park? 141 00:08:37,620 --> 00:08:38,619 Domu! 142 00:08:39,940 --> 00:08:41,139 Come to play the baseball 143 00:08:41,420 --> 00:08:42,419 Huh? 144 00:08:42,580 --> 00:08:44,019 I do not want to play. 145 00:08:44,140 --> 00:08:46,900 This is strange, you have played with us before! 146 00:08:46,900 --> 00:08:51,019 Going to the park is better than playing with us, as I think! 147 00:08:51,420 --> 00:08:52,819 That's wrong! 148 00:08:53,940 --> 00:08:55,019 Watch out! 149 00:09:01,020 --> 00:09:03,539 I came for you, Domu. 150 00:09:04,660 --> 00:09:06,019 You fucked me up! 151 00:09:34,980 --> 00:09:37,299 Remember your promise, to hear my story! 152 00:09:37,380 --> 00:09:39,099 In short, please ! 153 00:09:39,340 --> 00:09:41,019 Uh, this is a truly wonderful! 154 00:09:41,340 --> 00:09:43,539 Thank you for inviting us, sir. 155 00:09:43,940 --> 00:09:45,939 Hey, give politeness, this is the coach. 156 00:09:46,140 --> 00:09:50,459 So, enjoy everyone by all the game's! 157 00:09:50,460 --> 00:09:52,019 Yey, come everyone! 158 00:09:54,380 --> 00:09:57,019 Ah, I did not know that this number will attend.. 159 00:09:57,540 --> 00:09:59,659 Ah, I will make the bill on the club ? 160 00:10:06,220 --> 00:10:07,019 Ah ! 161 00:10:10,540 --> 00:10:12,739 Not the only the Giants team! 162 00:10:12,739 --> 00:10:15,539 Why do you hate the baseball game? 163 00:10:15,820 --> 00:10:20,219 Your father promise that he will make you join to the team, when you was in fifth class. 164 00:10:20,340 --> 00:10:21,819 I do not remember anything! 165 00:10:21,940 --> 00:10:23,019 Domu! 166 00:10:23,340 --> 00:10:25,019 Baseball, Giant team. . 167 00:10:25,540 --> 00:10:27,219 That's cost his life.. 168 00:10:27,420 --> 00:10:28,019 Huh? 169 00:10:31,140 --> 00:10:35,939 And for that I hate this game! And I will not join to Giants team all of my life! 170 00:10:36,020 --> 00:10:36,419 Silence! 171 00:10:36,420 --> 00:10:37,019 Silence! 172 00:10:38,540 --> 00:10:40,139 I do not like this talking 173 00:10:48,340 --> 00:10:52,179 Shinjo did not die because of the Giants team, Domu! 174 00:10:53,020 --> 00:10:54,019 Just died by it! 175 00:10:53,240 --> 00:11:00,000 {\a6}If you're editor, uploader or raw-provider, plz contact us: https://x.com/AnagaminX https://bastyon.com/stalinconspiracy 176 00:10:54,300 --> 00:10:55,299 How? 177 00:10:55,340 --> 00:11:01,019 In order to achieve victory, he threw 81 balls in nine rounds and thus tore his shoulder., 178 00:11:01,140 --> 00:11:02,019 Ah, he got dead . 179 00:11:02,140 --> 00:11:03,099 You are mistaken 180 00:11:03,180 --> 00:11:04,139 I'm not mistaken! 181 00:11:04,220 --> 00:11:09,019 I watched the video, many times .. and convinced... 182 00:11:09,340 --> 00:11:12,979 My father, hid the torn of his shoulder to throw the ball... 183 00:11:13,340 --> 00:11:14,539 So that's it. 184 00:11:23,380 --> 00:11:25,019 See you soon! 185 00:11:25,340 --> 00:11:26,779 Bye! 186 00:11:26,900 --> 00:11:31,219 So, what does it mean to you long time done by your father to train you? 187 00:11:32,020 --> 00:11:39,019 Since you still young, why not try to play again and throw the ball? 188 00:12:18,220 --> 00:12:21,339 You remember it well, right? 189 00:12:21,540 --> 00:12:23,019 I do not never forget it! 190 00:12:23,140 --> 00:12:28,019 Playing with Giants team was a my great dream, when my father was still alive! 191 00:12:29,220 --> 00:12:31,339 I remember that day very well. 192 00:12:36,540 --> 00:12:37,019 Huh ? 193 00:12:40,540 --> 00:12:41,459 Mr. Shinjo! 194 00:12:41,540 --> 00:12:42,219 Welcome, Mr. Egawa. 195 00:12:42,540 --> 00:12:44,459 Are you teaching him articulate throwing? 196 00:12:45,020 --> 00:12:47,019 You'll now will see how he will throw it! 197 00:12:47,340 --> 00:12:48,139 This is ridiculous! 198 00:12:48,340 --> 00:12:55,019 You know you shouldn't teach your kids strong throws until they have strong shoulders! 199 00:12:55,140 --> 00:12:58,019 I teach him the arthropod throw, which is less dangerous. 200 00:12:58,340 --> 00:13:00,019 It's strong throw! 201 00:13:00,140 --> 00:13:03,139 Well, no need to throw a full distance. 202 00:13:03,340 --> 00:13:06,019 No! It's really crazy ! 203 00:13:06,420 --> 00:13:10,539 This is not true, Domu will play in the stadium of the capital very soon. 204 00:13:13,820 --> 00:13:16,219 This is mirage snowball hall. 205 00:13:18,940 --> 00:13:21,019 I remember everything, 206 00:13:21,340 --> 00:13:24,019 After that, you started a secret training, 207 00:13:24,340 --> 00:13:24,859 remember that? 208 00:13:24,860 --> 00:13:26,539 you remember that? 209 00:13:28,620 --> 00:13:32,339 But, why are the network and the fan are here? 210 00:13:37,020 --> 00:13:38,379 This is a strange throws! 211 00:13:38,740 --> 00:13:41,139 But this a kind of articulated throw. 212 00:13:47,420 --> 00:13:52,499 I wonder, Is he trying to throw the ball through that hole which do not open regularly? 213 00:13:54,340 --> 00:13:57,099 It was tough on child in primaryschool.. 214 00:13:57,100 --> 00:13:58,019 It was tough on child in primary school 215 00:13:58,340 --> 00:13:59,539 but you did not give up! 216 00:14:00,020 --> 00:14:02,419 You have affected the admiration of all people 217 00:14:03,340 --> 00:14:04,419 Aaaah! 218 00:14:06,620 --> 00:14:07,139 Dad! 219 00:14:07,220 --> 00:14:08,019 Shinjo! 220 00:14:15,820 --> 00:14:18,619 What's important here is the volatility of your hand! 221 00:14:19,660 --> 00:14:20,299 Good! 222 00:14:20,940 --> 00:14:21,659 Try.. again 223 00:14:21,660 --> 00:14:23,339 Try . . again 224 00:14:26,740 --> 00:14:31,739 . . . And the main stadium was built in 1988. 225 00:14:31,940 --> 00:14:36,019 And your father was rushed to complete the throw of the mirage ball. 226 00:14:36,420 --> 00:14:41,019 Now, throw the mirage ball like this! 227 00:14:45,020 --> 00:14:45,939 Huh!? 228 00:14:49,020 --> 00:14:50,019 Impossible! 229 00:14:52,020 --> 00:14:54,019 I can not believe what my eyes saw! 230 00:14:53,240 --> 00:15:00,000 {\a6}Ads could be here. Contact us: fb.com/groups/OldschoolAnimeMoviesGames/ https://t.me/arrippers 231 00:14:54,340 --> 00:14:57,339 I understand, for that you called, it the throw of mirage . 232 00:14:59,740 --> 00:15:00,419 Did you see? 233 00:15:00,540 --> 00:15:01,979 Yes my father! 234 00:15:02,020 --> 00:15:03,019 Please let me try! 235 00:15:05,740 --> 00:15:09,739 What is important is how to make the articular throw extend 236 00:15:09,740 --> 00:15:15,339 and make up to that point aiming for it! 237 00:15:16,940 --> 00:15:18,019 I did it! 238 00:15:24,940 --> 00:15:27,139 Wonderful ! .. Wonderful!! 239 00:15:28,340 --> 00:15:29,419 Dad! I... 240 00:15:32,460 --> 00:15:33,459 Ahaa . . Aaa . . . .Aa . . 241 00:15:33,460 --> 00:15:35,819 Ahaa..Aaa . 242 00:15:37,820 --> 00:15:39,019 What!? 243 00:15:40,020 --> 00:15:43,339 Shinjo! SHINJO!!! 244 00:15:43,339 --> 00:15:50,019 Your father did all he could to teach you that throw, however... 245 00:15:53,020 --> 00:15:57,138 Wonderful, I enjoyed a lot with you in the park. 246 00:15:57,420 --> 00:15:58,138 Me too. 247 00:15:58,139 --> 00:16:04,138 Let every thing is clear, I will not join giants team even if you come to our house by yourself. 248 00:16:10,940 --> 00:16:12,019 Need any service? 249 00:16:13,420 --> 00:16:14,019 Welcome. 250 00:16:15,220 --> 00:16:16,219 Welcome to you, sir. 251 00:16:16,820 --> 00:16:18,539 I would like to talk to you, Madam? 252 00:16:18,540 --> 00:16:19,539 Yes. 253 00:16:23,020 --> 00:16:25,019 Ah, You've changed the place of pictures here . . 254 00:16:25,140 --> 00:16:26,139 Yes 255 00:16:26,420 --> 00:16:29,019 It was the picture of your husband with sports attire. 256 00:16:31,020 --> 00:16:33,419 She have altered, is there a problem? 257 00:16:33,540 --> 00:16:35,019 Yes 258 00:16:35,140 --> 00:16:38,139 Must remain a picture of your father with his sports attire! 259 00:16:38,220 --> 00:16:39,539 Not your f... 260 00:16:40,020 --> 00:16:41,339 Mom! 261 00:16:44,740 --> 00:16:48,019 We have put the new picture when my husband died 262 00:16:48,420 --> 00:16:51,019 but I will put it again, this day. 263 00:16:51,340 --> 00:16:52,339 Why? 264 00:16:52,820 --> 00:16:54,819 Why do not you keep quiet and look at this picture? 265 00:16:55,020 --> 00:16:57,819 The picture with sports attire, is more better 266 00:16:58,020 --> 00:17:01,019 I understand your feeling about the game of baseball... 267 00:17:01,220 --> 00:17:05,019 and also to the Giants team, since your father died. 268 00:17:05,220 --> 00:17:08,539 I'll tell you what your father said before he dies. 269 00:17:09,020 --> 00:17:13,939 He wants you to join the Giants team when you become in the 5th-class. 270 00:17:15,020 --> 00:17:19,019 And help us to regain the champioriship. I have promised him to do it. 271 00:17:19,540 --> 00:17:23,939 Well, if my dad was alive I will be happy to join in Giants team. 272 00:17:24,020 --> 00:17:28,699 And for your participation in play, but.. 273 00:17:30,020 --> 00:17:33,019 Where is my father...?! 274 00:17:33,020 --> 00:17:35,819 I want my father alive! 275 00:17:36,820 --> 00:17:38,019 Wait. Domu! 276 00:17:38,220 --> 00:17:41,019 I Will tell you the whole truth! 277 00:17:41,740 --> 00:17:46,019 Your father has left the Giants team because his shoulder was wounded by accident! 278 00:17:46,020 --> 00:17:47,419 Accident? This is a lie! 279 00:17:48,020 --> 00:17:53,219 But this is true! The most serious complications after infection, than shoulder pain! 280 00:17:53,220 --> 00:17:55,019 And died because of that! 281 00:17:55,020 --> 00:17:56,939 I can not believe. . 282 00:17:57,220 --> 00:18:00,019 There's something I'd like to show you. 283 00:18:06,340 --> 00:18:08,019 Giants team's uniform.. 284 00:18:08,540 --> 00:18:13,219 This is prepared by your father to you 285 00:18:13,220 --> 00:18:14,219 Dad? 286 00:18:14,220 --> 00:18:19,019 I have opposed to let child like you to participate in this game 287 00:18:19,220 --> 00:18:21,219 But your father still insisted for it 288 00:18:21,540 --> 00:18:23,939 Do you know why he called you Dome? 289 00:18:24,020 --> 00:18:26,939 Because he wanted to play under the dome of the stadium. 290 00:18:27,020 --> 00:18:30,019 And he knew that you were his son, his hope. 291 00:18:30,220 --> 00:18:35,019 He told me once: I'm sure that Dome achieve my dream 292 00:18:35,020 --> 00:18:41,819 And he will help the Giants team for the championship of the country to achieve it, no matter what happens. 293 00:18:41,980 --> 00:18:43,539 Please, achieve the dream of your father . . 294 00:18:59,220 --> 00:19:01,019 Dad, I got it. 295 00:19:16,540 --> 00:19:19,019 Dad, I will never disappoint your hope! 296 00:19:20,540 --> 00:19:22,139 I will play under the dome of the stadium of the capital.. 297 00:19:22,220 --> 00:19:26,019 and I will make Giants team the strongest team in the country ! 298 00:19:28,420 --> 00:19:29,419 My son . 299 00:19:32,820 --> 00:19:33,539 Well done! 300 00:19:33,540 --> 00:19:34,339 Congratulations 301 00:19:34,540 --> 00:19:36,219 Domu is with a Giants team 302 00:19:36,420 --> 00:19:39,019 We must prepare to go to the stadiums of the capital, 303 00:19:39,020 --> 00:19:45,019 manager, coach and team waiting for your strong mirage throw, 304 00:19:45,220 --> 00:19:47,019 and the player is coming ! 305 00:19:48,220 --> 00:19:49,419 Alright, 306 00:19:49,420 --> 00:19:51,019 I will play from now 307 00:19:51,020 --> 00:19:54,019 And we will show them how my throw is strong! 308 00:19:54,220 --> 00:19:58,019 Come on! Come on, Domu! Come to challenge! 309 00:19:59,020 --> 00:20:01,019 You will see it dad, I'll do it'! 310 00:20:01,020 --> 00:20:04,339 You will see how the mirage throw, that taught me... 311 00:20:04,340 --> 00:20:08,019 will do impact on the playgrounds of the capital! 312 00:20:08,990 --> 00:20:18,460 SSA: Dialogue, Layer: 0, Style: Default, Name: , MarginL: 0, MarginR: 0, MarginV: 0, Effect: In order to continue current projects and to expand our services we need your help. We're grateful for your contributions no matter how small. Thank you. 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